Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Plot to Assassinate President Trump

      The articles published in this blog have always been based on facts, common sense, and intuitive reasoning.  Today's blog is a little more speculative, but is certainly possible that this could have happened.  For now there is no evidence to say that it hasn't. A number of world leaders and close relatives or associates have come down with the virus, so in an age of metal detectors, facial recognition software, enhanced surveillance, and even explosive sniffing dogs, a virus like Covid-19 could be an  ideal agent for assassination.
      We all know that the Covid-19 virus originated in Wuhan province in Communist China, but little else is known about its origin, as China is a communist dictatorship and tells the world whatever it wants to and not necessarily the truth.  The virus was probably developed in a clandestine  biologic warfare lab.  Though biological warfare has been condemned by the UN, many countries maintain a lab anyway, mostly to develop treatments and antidotes  to combat possible biological warfare agents, if attacked  by another country or by terrorists.  The knowledge of this virus's existence  was said to be as early as November, 2019,  but I believe that it was developed much earlier and its effects studied on some of the vast number of political prisoners held incommunicado.  History tells us that the Chinese, due to their huge population, have been used as laboratory rats in the past.  The Japanese tested  deadly agents on whole villages of Chineses from 1935-1945. Most experts believe that the number of infected and dead individuals that the Chinese reported is very inaccurate and could be much much higher.  I think it could range in the hundreds of thousands. From human testing, the Chinese learned that the virus attacked the respiratory system and wasn't particular effective or damaging to younger individuals with healthy immune systems, whereas it was deadly for the elderly, especially those with other illnesses.  Those infected with the virus, but showed no symptoms are still carriers and shedders of the virus and are able to infect others. Based on this, a plot was hatched to assassinate President Trump. In fact this was thought be the perfect assassination plot as the assassin and the origin of the assassin may never have been known.  This would be more secretive  than the plutonium poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko by the Russians as the source and nature of the plot were eventually uncovered.  (The Chinese leadership hate President Trump, as he has not only forced them into fair trade deals, but has improved the American economy so much that it may be decades or take forever for the Chinese to catch up. The Chinese would support any of the Democrat candidates as all would damage the American economy and be easier to deal with in regard to trade agreements.)
      On December 18, 2019 a Chinese woman, Lu Jing, was arrested at Mar a Lago for trespassing and not following police orders to leave a restricted area.  She was eventually sentenced to 6 month in prison. This woman may have been infected with Covid-19, but was essentially asymptomatic and shedding virus. The plot was to have her infect staff and even Secret Service agents as the President would be spending Christmas time at his Mar a Lago Resort.  Most of them are young and  would show few if any symptoms.  With the flu going around little would be though of anything different, as no one in the US had ever heard of the Wuhan virus. One of the people she infected, but asymptomatic, may come into direct contact with the President and then pass the virus on to him.  At age 73, he is in the age range that is most susceptible to death or crippling pulmonary illness from Covid-19.    It became obvious that this plot was failing,  and then a  Chinese doctor announced the existence of Covid-19 on December 31, 2019.  He was later arrested and then died.  Though the cat was out of the bag, so to speak, the Chinese tried to cover up the nature of the virus claiming it was from eating raw animal flesh, popular in Wuhan, and was not transmittable by human to human contact.  That story was quickly debunked.
       Chinese have traveled worldwide and travelers from all over the world have visited China, so the President has come in contact with some who have later tested positive, but thankfully he has tested negative and will now be actively protected as I am certain that officials and staff are routinely tested.  It might be interesting to see if Lu Jing tests positive for antibodies to Covid-19 before she is released and returns to China, proving she at one time was infected with the virus and lending even more credence to this story. (For security reason, even if she was or will be tested, the result will never be reported as if positive, may be too embarrassing to China and destroy whatever deals the President is working on.
      Now the Chinese have been forced into plan B, to destroy or cripple the economies of America and Europe.  President Trump has made all the right moves to counter this new Chinese strategy with travel bans and voluntary quarantines. and is now even more likely to be reelected. Although economies will suffer, American and western ingenuity have rapidly developed treatments and cures.  But most striking is that in the long run China will be the one most hurt. Both America and Europe have begun to denounce the leftist policy of globalism and will no longer want to rely on China for pharmaceuticals and medical supplies.  Manufacturing will be brought back to America and Europe in order to eliminate the threat of China withholding supplies and medication. The assassination plot that seemed like a sure winner, has become a horrible loser for China instead.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting theory doc. I wouldn't put anything past the Chicoms.
