If you read my last blog about the Chinese virus, Covid-19, you would know that I don't think it came from eating raw bat meat, but instead was developed in a clandestine Chinese biowarfare lab and tested on long term prisoners that no one would miss. The nature of the virus, who it killed and who had little if any effects were carefully mapped out months ago. The Chinese learned that the elderly were most at risk for death and/or serious pulmonary consequences and that young healthy people, even Chinese prisoners fared well. They also learned that it was spread through human interaction, especially by the virus being expelled by coughing or sneezing or in some instance by touch. A Chinese doctor made the world aware of the existence of this virus December 31, 2019 and was promptly arrested and apparently murdered. In addition, Taiwanese doctors, though contacts with colleagues on the mainland, had already been claiming the presence of a virus that was killing people and infecting healthcare providers who treated them, a clear indication the the virus was spread from human to human contact. Director General Tedros of WHO dismissed the claims and praised China for its transparency. (President Trump has been accused of distancing America from WHO, but how can one trust Tedros, a non physician, who appointed Bobby Mugabe as a WHO goodwill ambassador and who has trusted and praised Chinese transparency when it really didn't exist.) The Chinese did not want President Trump reelected. He has placed economic sanctions against their economy and wants them to adhere to fair trade practice. The want anyone of the Democrat challengers to replace him, especially Joe Biden.
Realizing that the world could soon be aware of Covid-19, the next part of the plan was to unleash the virus on their own people in Wuhan during a pot luck festival celebrating the Chinese New Year. This would protect the claim of its spread by eating raw bat meat, a delicacy served during this festival. They could then use and report the data derived from this event rather than all of the data obtained from prisoners and others who had become infected. It wasn't until a team of epidemiologists arrived in China and studied the virus that the human to human spread was confirmed. Meanwhile the Chinese had produced thousands of weapons, asymptomatic carriers, to unleash upon the world. The Chinese economy has been suffering with the sanctions placed on it by President Trump. This would be China's answer to weaken American and European economies to allow China to catch up and even overtake them. Italy for example uses Chinese from Wuhan to work in its garment industry and there are direct flights between Milan and Wuhan. In addition, the Communist Party mayor of Florence had a "hug a Chinese" day as he thought Italy'shalting flights from China Xenophobic. That easily explains the severity of penetration in Italy. The paucity of adequate facilities to treat a pandemic became apparent as well as infection spread rapidly and the death rate soared into the tens of thousands.
President Trump acted quickly and responsibly stopping travel between China and America, though he was called xenophobic and racist by Quid Pro Quo Joe, whose son got a $1.3 billion deal from China, and those haters that could never give him credit for anything he accomplished. He also instituted measures to check international travelers entering America at various airports. Allowing only Americans to return quickly eliminated any onslaught of infected Chinese and immediately isolating anyone that was sick helped as well. Later the President ended nearly all international travel to allow the virus to burn itself out so to speak. Despite complaints by Trump haters that there weren't enough tests, the fact is that testing capabilities increased rapidly for a virus whose existence was unknown to us until January, 2020 and that up until late January was said to not spread by human to human contact by the Chinese and WHO and first case not reported in America until February. The real problem is that there may not be enough ventilators or critical care hospital beds. I won't go into how Obamacare caused many hospitals to close.
Then the Chinese made a big mistake, that will affect their economy in the long run. Not only did they accuse the American military as being the source of this virus, but then threatened to withhold much needed supplies. As usual, American industry was up to the challenge, and after realizing that we are too dependent on a supply chain from China, went to work to supply what is needed. Our automobile industry offered to manufacture ventilators at it plants, just as it did producing bombers during WW2 and fracking solved the problem of dependence on the Middle East for oil. The Army offered to supply field hospitals if needed and the Navy moved hospital ships in place on each coast, if an over flow pf sick patients arose.
If the current set of Chinese data are to be believed (I'm still skeptical) the curve seems to go up for about a month and go down to almost nothing after another month. When closing non essential businesses and having people voluntarily semi quarantine themselves and with so called social distancing, the hope is that we may achieve the same or faster resolution and get back to work. Though President Trump and Congress have approve two massive aid programs and a third is being debated at this moment, that could cost trillions of dollars, hopefully all of the expense that is anticipated will not be necessary. I will try to keep you informed.
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