Thursday, March 5, 2020

Joe Biden, From Dead Duck to Leader of the Flock.

      This past week is one of the most amazing in Democrat  Party political history.  After the Nevada caucuses, Joe Biden literally looked like a dead duck.  He was almost out of money and had not distinguished himself at any of the debates and continued to be a gaff machine unabated.  He looked confused, and at times didn't know where he was, what day it was, or even what office he was seeking. During the debates, the opposition had more or less left him alone, letting him fail on his own, and for the Nevada debate attacked Mini Mike and left Sleepy Joe alone due to his early miserable performances. Six days later he has become the phoenix rising from the ashes of what had looked like another failed presidential campaign to become the leading contender for the Democrat nomination for President in the 2020 election cycle.  He never even garnered a delegate in his past attempts and it looked like this time it was not going much better.  Despite his poor showing, it looks like the "anyone but Bernie" movement that I wrote about in my last blog has even become more successful and at a faster pace, than even I predicted.  With only Sleepy Joe and Bernie still in the race (Tulsi  Gabbard hasn't completely thrown in the towel, but has gotten just one delegates so far),  the chance of a contested convention becomes less and less. Why and how did this happen?
      Behind the scene, the elites of the Democrat Party, those who furnish the money or direct where it is to be spent, panicked after reading my blog and swung into action.  They could not afford Bernie Sanders  becoming their nominee, after all he is not really a member of the Democrat Party and most Americans are not socialists. They rightly feared that the under ticket could suffer so badly, that it may take a half a dozen election cycles to recover.  If the Republicans can control the Senate to 2024, at least one and possibly three supreme court justice positions will open up, giving conservatives a 6-3 or 7-2 advantage that could last well past 2030, even to 2040. It would also mean even more conservative judges to the lower courts, which would hurt the Democrat strategy of divert and delay the "Trump Train."  Though the House could turn to the Republicans, it comes up every 2 years and often changes in the years between the presidential election.  The Senate is key, and nominee Biden may be scarified so that money can be diverted to Senate campaigns.  That has become the primary goal for the Democrats, to turn the Senate.  They convinced James Clyburn, one of the most important Democrats in South Carolina to endorse him and that seemed to give him an overwhelming victory as South Carolina's has a majority of Black voters.
      Still their plan could backfire badly.  Sanders supporters will be angry, even if Sleepy Joe gets to 1991 delegates and Bernie doesn't.  Sanders money will not dry up anytime soon.  With Soros and a bevy of foreign backers making under the radar small donations, it is likely that he won't run out of money anytime soon. The Democrats may have to find a VP candidate that will appease Bernie's bunch, though the elites have already promised to consider "Mayor Pete," and Amy Klobuchar.  Both fit into the identity politics agenda of the Democrat Party.  Elizabeth Warren has been promised significant financial backing to defend her Massachusetts Senate seat as she may be considered vulnerable by Republicans, having come in third in the Massachusetts Presidential Primary.
      With only two candidates left, I would look for the Democrat Party  to limit debates for now, fearing an angry Bernie Sanders might ravage Sleepy Joe, as Bernie's delivery is much more passionate and his brain seems to work faster.  Both agenda suck, though Bernie's is very far left (are we sure what Joe's is).  The corona virus could be used as an excuse claiming the DP wants to limit crowds.  It would also give Biden, who appears worn out, a break and it could accuse Trump with his huge rallies of ignoring the threat of viral exposure for political reasons.  If Biden does well next week, the Party may even get Obama to back him before the convention, especially when it becomes more apparent that Biden may win outright.  Michelle will have to wait until 2024, when the race is even more wide open. As part of his campaign spiel, Joe certainly defends and stands side by side with Obama out of loyalty and necessity.
      If Bill Clinton was the "come back kid" in 1992,  Biden must be the "leader of the flock" in 2020.
He may turn out to be the last dead duck left standing.

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