Sunday, March 22, 2020

Covid-19: The Plot Thickens.

      If you read my last blog about the Chinese virus, Covid-19, you would know that I don't think it came from eating raw bat meat, but instead was developed in a clandestine Chinese biowarfare lab and tested on long term prisoners that no one would miss.  The nature of the virus, who it killed and who had little if any effects were carefully mapped out months ago.  The Chinese learned that the elderly were most at risk for death and/or serious pulmonary consequences and that young healthy people, even Chinese prisoners fared well.  They also learned that it was spread through human interaction, especially by the virus being expelled by coughing or sneezing or in some instance by touch.  A Chinese doctor made the world aware of the existence of this virus December 31, 2019 and was promptly arrested and apparently murdered.  In addition, Taiwanese doctors, though contacts with colleagues on the mainland, had already been claiming the presence of a virus that was killing people and infecting healthcare providers who treated them, a clear indication the the virus was spread from human to human contact.  Director General Tedros of WHO dismissed the claims and praised China for its transparency.  (President Trump has been accused of distancing America from WHO, but how can one trust Tedros,  a non physician, who appointed Bobby Mugabe as a WHO goodwill ambassador and who has trusted and praised Chinese transparency when it really didn't exist.)  The Chinese did not want President Trump reelected.  He has placed economic sanctions against their economy and wants them to adhere to fair trade practice.  The want anyone of the Democrat challengers to replace him, especially Joe Biden.
      Realizing that the world could soon be aware of Covid-19, the next part of the plan was to unleash the virus on their own people in Wuhan during a pot luck festival celebrating the Chinese New Year.  This would protect the claim of its spread by eating raw bat meat, a delicacy served during this festival.  They could then use and report the data derived from this event rather than all of the data obtained from prisoners and others who had become infected.  It wasn't until a team of epidemiologists arrived in China and studied the virus that the human to human spread was confirmed.  Meanwhile the Chinese had produced thousands of weapons, asymptomatic carriers, to unleash upon the world.  The Chinese economy has been suffering with the sanctions placed on it by President Trump.  This would be China's answer to weaken American and European economies to allow China to catch up and even overtake them. Italy for example uses Chinese from Wuhan to work in its garment industry and there are direct flights between Milan and Wuhan.  In addition, the Communist Party mayor of Florence had a "hug a Chinese" day as he thought Italy'shalting flights from China Xenophobic. That easily explains the severity of  penetration in Italy. The paucity of adequate facilities to treat a pandemic became apparent as well as infection spread rapidly and the death rate soared into the tens of thousands.
      President Trump acted quickly and responsibly stopping travel between China and America, though he was called xenophobic and racist by Quid Pro Quo Joe, whose son got a $1.3 billion deal from China, and those haters that could never give him credit for anything he accomplished. He also instituted measures to check international travelers entering America at various airports.  Allowing only Americans to return quickly eliminated any onslaught of infected Chinese and immediately isolating anyone that was sick helped as well.  Later the President ended nearly all international travel to allow the virus to burn itself out so to speak.  Despite complaints by Trump haters that there weren't enough tests, the fact is that testing capabilities increased rapidly for a virus whose existence was unknown to us until January, 2020 and that up until late January was said to not spread by human to human contact by the Chinese and WHO and first case not reported in America until February.  The real problem is that there may not be enough ventilators or critical care hospital beds.  I won't go into how Obamacare caused many hospitals to close.
      Then the Chinese made a big mistake, that will affect their economy in the long run. Not only did they accuse the American military as being the source of this virus, but then threatened to withhold much needed supplies.  As usual, American industry was up to the challenge, and after realizing that we are too dependent on a supply chain from China, went to work to supply what is needed.  Our automobile industry offered to manufacture ventilators at it plants, just as it did producing bombers during WW2 and fracking solved the problem of dependence on the Middle East for oil. The  Army offered to supply field hospitals if needed and the Navy moved hospital ships in place on each coast, if an over flow pf sick patients arose.
      If the current set of Chinese data are to be believed (I'm still skeptical) the curve seems to go up for about a month and go down to almost nothing after another month.  When closing non essential  businesses and having people voluntarily semi quarantine themselves and with so called social distancing, the hope is that we may achieve the same or faster resolution and get back to work.  Though President Trump and Congress have approve two massive aid programs and a third is being debated at this moment, that could cost trillions of dollars, hopefully all of the expense that is anticipated will not be necessary. I will try to keep you informed.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Plot to Assassinate President Trump

      The articles published in this blog have always been based on facts, common sense, and intuitive reasoning.  Today's blog is a little more speculative, but is certainly possible that this could have happened.  For now there is no evidence to say that it hasn't. A number of world leaders and close relatives or associates have come down with the virus, so in an age of metal detectors, facial recognition software, enhanced surveillance, and even explosive sniffing dogs, a virus like Covid-19 could be an  ideal agent for assassination.
      We all know that the Covid-19 virus originated in Wuhan province in Communist China, but little else is known about its origin, as China is a communist dictatorship and tells the world whatever it wants to and not necessarily the truth.  The virus was probably developed in a clandestine  biologic warfare lab.  Though biological warfare has been condemned by the UN, many countries maintain a lab anyway, mostly to develop treatments and antidotes  to combat possible biological warfare agents, if attacked  by another country or by terrorists.  The knowledge of this virus's existence  was said to be as early as November, 2019,  but I believe that it was developed much earlier and its effects studied on some of the vast number of political prisoners held incommunicado.  History tells us that the Chinese, due to their huge population, have been used as laboratory rats in the past.  The Japanese tested  deadly agents on whole villages of Chineses from 1935-1945. Most experts believe that the number of infected and dead individuals that the Chinese reported is very inaccurate and could be much much higher.  I think it could range in the hundreds of thousands. From human testing, the Chinese learned that the virus attacked the respiratory system and wasn't particular effective or damaging to younger individuals with healthy immune systems, whereas it was deadly for the elderly, especially those with other illnesses.  Those infected with the virus, but showed no symptoms are still carriers and shedders of the virus and are able to infect others. Based on this, a plot was hatched to assassinate President Trump. In fact this was thought be the perfect assassination plot as the assassin and the origin of the assassin may never have been known.  This would be more secretive  than the plutonium poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko by the Russians as the source and nature of the plot were eventually uncovered.  (The Chinese leadership hate President Trump, as he has not only forced them into fair trade deals, but has improved the American economy so much that it may be decades or take forever for the Chinese to catch up. The Chinese would support any of the Democrat candidates as all would damage the American economy and be easier to deal with in regard to trade agreements.)
      On December 18, 2019 a Chinese woman, Lu Jing, was arrested at Mar a Lago for trespassing and not following police orders to leave a restricted area.  She was eventually sentenced to 6 month in prison. This woman may have been infected with Covid-19, but was essentially asymptomatic and shedding virus. The plot was to have her infect staff and even Secret Service agents as the President would be spending Christmas time at his Mar a Lago Resort.  Most of them are young and  would show few if any symptoms.  With the flu going around little would be though of anything different, as no one in the US had ever heard of the Wuhan virus. One of the people she infected, but asymptomatic, may come into direct contact with the President and then pass the virus on to him.  At age 73, he is in the age range that is most susceptible to death or crippling pulmonary illness from Covid-19.    It became obvious that this plot was failing,  and then a  Chinese doctor announced the existence of Covid-19 on December 31, 2019.  He was later arrested and then died.  Though the cat was out of the bag, so to speak, the Chinese tried to cover up the nature of the virus claiming it was from eating raw animal flesh, popular in Wuhan, and was not transmittable by human to human contact.  That story was quickly debunked.
       Chinese have traveled worldwide and travelers from all over the world have visited China, so the President has come in contact with some who have later tested positive, but thankfully he has tested negative and will now be actively protected as I am certain that officials and staff are routinely tested.  It might be interesting to see if Lu Jing tests positive for antibodies to Covid-19 before she is released and returns to China, proving she at one time was infected with the virus and lending even more credence to this story. (For security reason, even if she was or will be tested, the result will never be reported as if positive, may be too embarrassing to China and destroy whatever deals the President is working on.
      Now the Chinese have been forced into plan B, to destroy or cripple the economies of America and Europe.  President Trump has made all the right moves to counter this new Chinese strategy with travel bans and voluntary quarantines. and is now even more likely to be reelected. Although economies will suffer, American and western ingenuity have rapidly developed treatments and cures.  But most striking is that in the long run China will be the one most hurt. Both America and Europe have begun to denounce the leftist policy of globalism and will no longer want to rely on China for pharmaceuticals and medical supplies.  Manufacturing will be brought back to America and Europe in order to eliminate the threat of China withholding supplies and medication. The assassination plot that seemed like a sure winner, has become a horrible loser for China instead.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Joe Biden, From Dead Duck to Leader of the Flock.

      This past week is one of the most amazing in Democrat  Party political history.  After the Nevada caucuses, Joe Biden literally looked like a dead duck.  He was almost out of money and had not distinguished himself at any of the debates and continued to be a gaff machine unabated.  He looked confused, and at times didn't know where he was, what day it was, or even what office he was seeking. During the debates, the opposition had more or less left him alone, letting him fail on his own, and for the Nevada debate attacked Mini Mike and left Sleepy Joe alone due to his early miserable performances. Six days later he has become the phoenix rising from the ashes of what had looked like another failed presidential campaign to become the leading contender for the Democrat nomination for President in the 2020 election cycle.  He never even garnered a delegate in his past attempts and it looked like this time it was not going much better.  Despite his poor showing, it looks like the "anyone but Bernie" movement that I wrote about in my last blog has even become more successful and at a faster pace, than even I predicted.  With only Sleepy Joe and Bernie still in the race (Tulsi  Gabbard hasn't completely thrown in the towel, but has gotten just one delegates so far),  the chance of a contested convention becomes less and less. Why and how did this happen?
      Behind the scene, the elites of the Democrat Party, those who furnish the money or direct where it is to be spent, panicked after reading my blog and swung into action.  They could not afford Bernie Sanders  becoming their nominee, after all he is not really a member of the Democrat Party and most Americans are not socialists. They rightly feared that the under ticket could suffer so badly, that it may take a half a dozen election cycles to recover.  If the Republicans can control the Senate to 2024, at least one and possibly three supreme court justice positions will open up, giving conservatives a 6-3 or 7-2 advantage that could last well past 2030, even to 2040. It would also mean even more conservative judges to the lower courts, which would hurt the Democrat strategy of divert and delay the "Trump Train."  Though the House could turn to the Republicans, it comes up every 2 years and often changes in the years between the presidential election.  The Senate is key, and nominee Biden may be scarified so that money can be diverted to Senate campaigns.  That has become the primary goal for the Democrats, to turn the Senate.  They convinced James Clyburn, one of the most important Democrats in South Carolina to endorse him and that seemed to give him an overwhelming victory as South Carolina's has a majority of Black voters.
      Still their plan could backfire badly.  Sanders supporters will be angry, even if Sleepy Joe gets to 1991 delegates and Bernie doesn't.  Sanders money will not dry up anytime soon.  With Soros and a bevy of foreign backers making under the radar small donations, it is likely that he won't run out of money anytime soon. The Democrats may have to find a VP candidate that will appease Bernie's bunch, though the elites have already promised to consider "Mayor Pete," and Amy Klobuchar.  Both fit into the identity politics agenda of the Democrat Party.  Elizabeth Warren has been promised significant financial backing to defend her Massachusetts Senate seat as she may be considered vulnerable by Republicans, having come in third in the Massachusetts Presidential Primary.
      With only two candidates left, I would look for the Democrat Party  to limit debates for now, fearing an angry Bernie Sanders might ravage Sleepy Joe, as Bernie's delivery is much more passionate and his brain seems to work faster.  Both agenda suck, though Bernie's is very far left (are we sure what Joe's is).  The corona virus could be used as an excuse claiming the DP wants to limit crowds.  It would also give Biden, who appears worn out, a break and it could accuse Trump with his huge rallies of ignoring the threat of viral exposure for political reasons.  If Biden does well next week, the Party may even get Obama to back him before the convention, especially when it becomes more apparent that Biden may win outright.  Michelle will have to wait until 2024, when the race is even more wide open. As part of his campaign spiel, Joe certainly defends and stands side by side with Obama out of loyalty and necessity.
      If Bill Clinton was the "come back kid" in 1992,  Biden must be the "leader of the flock" in 2020.
He may turn out to be the last dead duck left standing.