Thursday, June 22, 2017

Obama, America's Biggest Drug Dealer and a Few comments on Russia.

      Drug related deaths are up all across the United States and in some areas at record proportions and are the leading cause of death in white males between the ages of 25 and 34. Opioids are the main offenders causing about 50% of  overdose deaths with cocaine, crack, and meth related drugs contributing about 25%.  The rest are other drugs including methadone and marijuana products. Although heroin is the main offender, fentanyl, a synthetic and far more powerful drug, is rapidly moving up.  Some fentanyl is manufactured in Mexico, but with better border control China has become the main source.  Both product, chemicals to make product, and pill presses are turning up all over America with China as the point of origin.
      I wonder what Obama was thinking by commuting the sentences of 1625 drug dealers since 2014. He says that he believes that drug dealing is a non violent crime and that black men are given sentences that are too long and don't fit the crime.  As usual he is wrong and instead of solving the problem he becomes part of it.  Many of the drug dealers he released were both repeat offenders and guilty of gun crimes as well.  Obama thinks its okay for drug dealers to have guns, but not the rest of us law abiding citizens.
      In Obama's adopted home town of Chicago there is a huge gun related murder rate and much of the crime and murders are drug related.  Turf battle are common among gangs who vow for a street corner that might be lucrative.  Black on black crime is out of control and no one seems to care.  Crimes related to drugs are also on the rise as addicts commit crimes in order to obtain cash for drugs or hold up drug dealers for cash and drugs. So much as a non violent crime.The drug related death rate, both homicides and overdoses will continue to rise with 1625 violent drug dealers back on the streets.  Obama seemed more interested in busting criminals out of jail rather than putting them in. Maybe he expects them to be granted their right to vote again.  Scumbag and Clinton ally Terry McAuliff, governor of Virginia, tried to unsuccessfully restore voting rights to 200,00 Virginia felons who had served their sentences knowing they would all vote Democrat.  Maybe Obama feels the same way about drug dealers.  Every vote counts.

      The recent Senate hearing have cleared President Trump of any collusion with the Russians, as if there was a smidgen of evidence that it existed.  Collusion implies that President Trump or someone on his team asked the Russians to help candidate Trump win the election. Hillary blames Macedonia (see recent blog on Macedonia). What is more likely is that Macedonia tried to get even with HRC and Obama, who colluded with George Soros and the country's left to affect elections to replace the conservative elected government. If Podesta, Debbie, Donna Brazile, and HRC had not broken the law or behaved unethically, there would have been nothing to report.  To this, HRC and the Democrats continue to blame the messenger rather than the message. I have discussed Macedonia in a recent blog and suggest that Congress look into Obama's attempt to affect elections in other countries.  Israel also comes to mind. The Democrats have nothing to run on and are trying to prolong this nonsense as the main issue for the 2018 mid term elections.
      Democrats have suggested the AG Jeff Sessions resign.  Sessions has behaved admirably and probably done more to eliminate any appearance of conflict of interest.  His so called meeting with Russian Ambassador Sergi Kislov were incidental and in a crowded room where they may have done little more than shook hands.  The questioning of Sessions by the Democrats was shameful and they all have very short memories as Obama's first AG Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress and failed to turn over documents subpoenaed by Congress even when a federal judge ruled they had to do so. Now we have learned that AG Loretta Lynch, Obama's second AG, told then FBI chief Comey to mollify his remarks and call the Clinton criminal investigation a "matter." That combined with an attempted clandestine meeting on an airport tarmac in Arizona certainly bears looking into especially since HRC's actions with her server, top secret information, and pay for play with the Clinton Foundation have never been punished and are screaming of privileged treatment.
     In my opinion President Trump should never have allowed a special counsel.  I think he was set up by Comey and the Democrats.  Only if HRC, Bill, Chelsea, Comey, and Loretta Lynch are also investigated and charged will this have any validity.


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Diversity and Division: the Left and Vctimization

       Most people, both Democrats and Republicans, thought that Barack Obama  would be a voice of unity for the country, as the first African-American president in our history.  Instead, he created the most divisive period in the last fifty years.  The first thing to consider is that Obama has little in common with the average African-American besides the color of his skin and that he was abandoned by his parents and raised by his grandparents.  He had almost no contact with any African-Americans during his formative years.  He was raised during his early life in Djakarta, Indonesia and when back in Hawaii, educated at an exclusive private School in Honolulu.  Even at Occidental College and Columbia University his friends and roommates were Pakistani.  He did have one very important  African-American in his life,  Frank Davis, who mentored him as a teenager.  Davis, of course, was an admitted member of the Communist Party of America.  Davis spent much of his active life as a communist in Chicago and is the reason why Obama wound up there after graduating from Columbia and why he was quickly accepted by and became a member of the far left elite on the Southside.  Most importantly, he has been the one that shaped Obama's hatred toward America and why he cryptically sought "fundamental change".  The former first lady is no better.  Ironically, her poorly written senior thesis at Princeton criticizes African-American  Princeton graduates who then go on to a career in law, medicine, or business and leave the African-American community.  Hmm Michelle, I guess you have become that of what you were critical. Realistically, why would anyone want to remain in a poverty stricken inner city with its inadequate housing and education, and high crime rate?
      No group had more hope or a need for an improvement in their lives than African-Americans.  Instead Obama selected far left ideology rather than improving the lives of African-Americans.  Unemployment soared during his regime with young African-Americans males leading the group of the unemployed.  They became mere pawns in his agenda to destroy capitalism using welfare as one of the pillars of his plan.  Most African-Americans would have rather had jobs than EBT cards. He calculated that most African Americans would continue to support him no matter what he did, even if he hurt them economically.  By blaming his predecessor and with the help of a complicit mainstream media, he managed to divert ill will from his regime to the previous administration, trying to elicit sympathy for what he tried to convince his supporters was a terrible situation.  Little did they know that his ultimate goal was the destruction of capitalism, the middle class, and the American economy. They were mere fodder for his far left vision.
      Publicly we ought to celebrate  that which unifies us, namely we are all Americans with the same rights and privileges.  Privately we are free to practice the things that do make us different like religion or family national origin and customs and even sexuality, but unity represents a huge threat to the left. The Democrats and progressives would rather separate Americans into different groups under the guise of diversity.  The emphasis on diversity is key,  as it becomes  the sedge way to victimization,  Everyone is a victim, African Americans, women, gays, lesbians, transgenders, and Muslims except for one group, white men. White men represent the privileged class and are the oppressors and the root cause of evil.  No where is this perverted philosophy more prevalent than on our college campuses.  Safe spaces, abolishment of free speech, and so called micro aggressions are the most obvious examples. That some white men have succeeded because of hard work and determination doesn't count, its white privilege that's responsible.  Blame an outside source for your personal short comings.  Communist Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, and N.Korea blame America, the Palestinians blame Israel, and two bit African dictators blame their neighbors or rival tribes.  This diverts attention from their inadequacies and failures and transfers it to a perceived enemy.  Obama used this same strategy to explain why America failed under his regime, when in fact it was his efforts to purposely make America fail.
     The worst place to practice diversity would be our educational system, but due to the failings of school boards and teachers' unions, this is not the case.   Despite controlling most our major cities for more than fifty years, not only have the Democrats and liberals not ended or at least diminished poverty, they have failed to adequately educate inner city youths.  One simple and very valid explanation is that the elected leadership supports the teachers' unions and not the students.  The main function of the teachers' unions, sadly, is to keep bad teachers employed.  In some cities, bad teachers are not allowed to teach, but gather in offices or warehouses, where they sit all day playing on their laptops, still collecting a salary and benefits.  Firing all these worthless teachers would allow funds to be redirected to their original purpose,  to actually teaching students with new a better teachers.  In addition, time is wasted on lessons that reinforce the philosophy of victimization.  Affirmative action has become the solution for liberals to the unsatisfactory education that they have provided.  It is also what stands behind the "free" college education movement. Neither affirmative action nor free college make up for a poor primary education. Instead, they represent a racial stereotype, implying that African-American students, just don't learn as well as others.  College level Black Studies courses favor diversity and victimization, emphasizing slavery and racial discrimination but neglect many positive contributions of African-Americans to our early history.  So its only right that the oppressor, the white man, sufferers.  What is a unintended consequence is that the African-American student who doesn't need affirmative action is inappropriately stigmatized.  Currently, colleges and universities have contributed to this, providing "safe spaces" for black students only and now even Harvard had a separate graduation for black students.  Let me make it perfectly clear, affirmative action does not make up for providing an inadequate grade school education.  It promotes victimization and diversity and that is what allows liberal politicians including African American politicians, who have sold out their constituents, to stay in power.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Macedonia: WTF

      Last week loser presidential candidate HRC continued her blame and victim tour and added Macedonia to the list of her tormentors.  I'm certain that few of you know much about Macedonia or even where it is located.  Macedonia is a Balkan country located just north of Greece and bounded by Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, and Bulgaria. It is small and has a population of about 2 million.    It came into existence with the breakup of Yugoslavia.  Guess what. The left hates Macedonia.  Not only does it have a conservative (for Europe) government, but it also pro life, pro Israel and when Syrian refugees began illegally crossing its borders, it built a fence (it was too poor to build a wall) to keep them out.  It also has the lowest tax rate in Europe in the form of a flat tax.
     Now for the good part.  Naturally being conservative, caused Macedonia to raise the ire of Obama and his then Secretary of State HRC. What does the left do when it looses an election?  Standard practice is to try to bring down the winner.  With the aid of George Soros's Open Society Foundation, US taxpayers are unknowingly funding protests both violent and non violent to overthrow the elected government.  Documents secured by Judicial Watch via FOIA requests this February have shown that Obama, Clinton, US Dept. of State, Ambassador Jess Baily, and the USAID are working with George Soros to fund the opposition protests.  These protestors are even called Soros's Army and have violently stormed and disrupted parliament because of anger over election results (sound familiar).  They have also printed and distributed copies of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. Ambassador Baily personally worked with Soros's Open Society Foundation to send millions to subversives. USAID is scheduled to send another $9.5 million through 2021.
     According to Hillary we can now add hackers in Macedonia to hackers in Russia for her election failure. I think we need to investigate, to see if Hillary is correct. So lets investigate Hillary, Obama, Daily, USAID, and State Department in relation to Macedonia.  I think we are more than likely to find that Hillary and Obama illegally used taxpayer dollars along with Soros's Open Society Foundation in an attempt to overthrow a duly elected conservative government.  This is just another in a long string of treasonous acts by Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Trump Saves America

      On June 1, 2017 President Donald Trump saved America for the second time (the first was when he was elected).  He backed out of what has to be the worst deal every made.  There was not one positive aspect to the Paris Accord for the United States and in fact I would submit that the Obama Regime is guilty of treason for negotiating an accord that is designed to destroy America.  The anti America left claims it will cost America jobs. Huh.  Nothing will stop America from developing renewable energy technology, and when it becomes economically feasible, it will begin to replace other types of energy generation.  There is absolutely no reason for American tax payers to subsidize the alternative energy industry.  Tesla is a great example.  Elon Musk has designed and manufactured a wonderful automobile (only a few have caught on fire), but I don't own one, yet I have subsidized every one built.  He also owns a solar panel company that is failing due to a poor business model that switches the subsidy from the client who uses the system to his company.  Why would anyone want to do that when they could get the subsidy themselves.  As an elitist Musk, like Al Gore, HRC, Barack and Michelle Obama, flies around on his own private jet and uses convoys of gas guzzling limos, but complains about the carbon foot print of the average Americans.
       According to the horrible deal, reduction in emissions by the United States would be greater than any other country, even though they are low already.  Countries like India and China with the most polluted cities in the world could continue polluting well into the future.  In fact they are allowed to increase their emissions.  A draconian part has the United States and West paying third world countries $100 billion to adopt renewable energy.  How's that going to work, giving the corrupt leaders of Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Angola, Equitorial Guinea,  or Sudan hundreds of millions of dollars?  Europe is destroying itself over renewable energy.  German spent $800 billion on solar and now gets a whopping 0.3 percent of its energy from renewable sources.  Spain spent a bundle on solar energy and lost two jobs for every one created and now has an unemployment rate approaching 20%.
      For a monster like Obama, Paris was perfect.  It responded to a problem that doesn't exist.  It cost America a lot of money, basically throwing it away, and helped our economic competitors.  It stifles our opportunity to reduce dependence at a time when massive amounts of energy sources are coming on line in America.  Instead it wants hard working American to pay a lot more for energy like Europeans.  Because of the failure of renewable energy in Germany, electric  bills are 3 times as high and at least twice as high everywhere else.  Of course, the poor will either pay nothing or get some sort of subsidy, so it amounts to the redistribution of wealth. This is why the left supports it.  It has been said that "green is the new red."
      You all know that I have proven time and time again that the global warming hoax was begun in the 1950 by a Nazi who hated America and capitalism.  It found its way to the UN as a means to weaken America and eventually to Al Gore, who got rich off of it, and finally to Barack Obama who saw it as a means to rain economic hell on America. I suggest you read the paper by the most renown sea level scientist in the world.