Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Post election letter to President Obama

Dear Mr. President,
      Now that the 2014 midterm elections are over, I would like to remind you in your own words, "elections have consequence".  The 2010 mid term elections made Nancy Pelosi irrelevant and now the 2014 elections have added Harry Reid and the rest of the Democrat Party.  You are now becoming irrelevant but you can change that.  It is obvious that your misguided policies have destroyed the Democrat Party but it will certainly that recover, but only after you are gone.  In 2008, most of those who voted for you, were enticed by your vague message of "hope and change"  Little did they know that "hope and change"  would lead to despair and misery.  A wise man would have known that every attempt at socialism and communism has failed miserably.  Roosevelt's New Deal was a total failure to get America out of the depression.  It wasn't until he changed course and realized that America's sputtering private sector could be brought back to life by being the arsenal of democracy in World War II.  Historians are just starting to understand this fact, as mostly being liberal, they wanted to believe that the New Deal was the solution.
      In 1994, the country realized that it had strayed too far to the left under Clinton and a Republican majority, the first since the %0's claimed the House of Representatives.  Clinton quickly realized that if he wanted to get something done that would benefit the country, he needed to work with Republicans and wound up with a fairly successful Presidency, compared with Jimmy Carter the last Democrat President to preceded him twelve years earlier.
      So far your presidency has been an utter failure.  The only significant piece of legislation that has been enacted is Obamacare and at every step of the way it has failed.  It was ill conceived legislation designed more to burden the middle class then establish  improve quality and access to healthcare.  The few positive things that it accomplished could have been established by placing people, who could not afford or obtain health insurance due to preexisting conditions, into a means tested Medicaid program.  Other refinements to the system could also have benefited everyone.  This would have cost a few additional billion dollars, not the 2-4 trillion.  Dodd-Frank has also failed making it difficult to obtain loans even though interest rates are low. Small business loans are necessary to grow and expand the economy. You have over regulated and taxed our economy into stagnation. Get on the winning team for a change, lower taxes, lift burdensome regulation, encourage our oil, gas and coal energy industry.  Shipping gas (LNG) and oil overseas would eliminate the trade deficit, allow for a budget surplus and pay down the national debt.
      Finally, give up your tired diatribe on climate change.  Human based climate change and/or human based global warming doesn't exist. The eruption of the volcano in Iceland wiped out all the CO2 emission savings in the world over the past 5 years in just 4 days and our climate is still cooling not getting warmer. Climate change politics are just another way to attack capitalism and our economy.  Wise Americans are on to you.
      Starting in January the Republicans are going to send you one bill after another that will restore a boomimg economy and created jobs.  You can either put your two cents in while the bills are being formulated or use your pen and veto them.  With a veto who becomes the party of "no" and irrelevant?  So far your presidency has been the most corrupt with one scandal after another and the least achieving in my lifetime.  If you don't change course you will go down as the worst president in American history.  Alcatraz would then be the perfect site for the Obama presidential library. Take my advice, I have my eye on you.


Howard N. Robinson, MD
Aventura, Florida

      Do I think that he will heed this advice? no, he believes in the failed political philosophies of his mentors, Frank Davis, Saul Alinsky, Edward Said, Bill Ayers, Alice Palmer, Karl Marks, Lenin, and Barak Obama Sr..  Damn, we still have two more years of this joker.

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