Dear Losers,
The results of the 2014 midterm elections demonstrated that your little six year experiment has been a total failure. The American public has come to realize that Barak Obama is not very wise, has a terrible vision for America, a disastrous failed foreign policy, and certainly not a leader. During the 2008 presidental primaries and campaigns you disgracefully hid the truth about this man from the public. Why didn't we hear about his ties to Bill Ayers, Alice Palmer, Saul Alinsky and other assorted socialists, communists, and radicals. Why did the LA Times withhold a video tape of Obama speaking at a dinner for retiring disgraced Professor of Mideast Studies at Columbia University Edward Said and new head Rashid Khalidi? Why didn't the media call for the release of his college and law school transcripts. After all Obama claimed he was to have the most transparent presidency, yeah right. This guy couldn't even be transparent with his life story. His two autobiographies were a joke ( actually written by others). How can someone who has accomplished so little have even one autobiography? Their only purpose was to serve as propaganda for an individual with no major life accomplishments. Graduating from high school, college, and law school isn't very unusual. My two sons have accomplished that and have gone on to successful careers. So have many of their friends and I am certain that they made better grades. Sarah Pallin gets nominated to the 2008 Republican ticket with John McCain and within 48 hours, we know all about her, her husband, and her children. Joe the plumber questions Obamas socialist policy of "spread the wealth around" and we know all about him in a day. Obama is running for president and the media is hiding his past rather than reporting it. It may be a good thing for the country to have a black president. I agree, but certainly not this one. Consider Herman Cain, with dozens of accomplishments in the private sector, Benjamin Carson MD, a renown pediatric neurosurgeon, or even Condoleezza Rice.
The purpose of the main stream media is to report the facts, not withhold them, because of personal political leanings. The behavior of the main stream media has been obscene. It is as if a fax machine in each media office receives talking points daily from the White House and then reported as fact without investigation and verification. Though there have been numerous scandals during the first six years of this regime, they have been all but ignored by the mainstream media. Where was the outrage with "Fast and Furious, " in which an American border agent was killed by a weapon that the regime allowed sold to the Mexican Drug Cartels? Where is the outrage with the IRS scandal? Where is the outrage over the stalled investigation? This is a serious crime, ladies and gentlemen, and the mainstream media should have been calling for a full investigation and prison time instead of barely noting that this even existed. Is it a coincidence that 7 computers belonging to the seven people involved with the scandal crashed at exactly the same. It is required by law that all government emails and documents need to be saved and backed up but apparently these were not. No media out cry here. Where is the outrage over Benghazi, when Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were murdered and mutilated? It barely got a blip but the regime's lie that it was the result of an obscure video heavily supported by the media. I find it ironic that during the 2008 democrat primary season one of the areas contended was who would be available with the 3AM emergency call. The real answer is neither Obama or Hillary would be available. While the disaster in Benghazi was in progress, Obama was going to sleep, after all he had a fund raiser in Las Vegas the next morning and Hillary Clinton, his inept Secretary of State, was probably asleep. I guess to the mainstream media "what difference does it make."
If it weren't for Glen Beck, we never would have known that Obama Green Commissar appointee Van Jones was an admitted communist and in favor of violent revolution to overthrow our government. Before anyone is appointed a thorough FBI background check is performed. Therefore Obama was fully aware he was reporting a communist that advocated the violent overthrow of the government. He appointed Jones without Congressional review or approval. If Glen Beck could figure out this guy's background couldn't the mainstream media. That Jones was fired immediately, meant that Obama was aware of his violent background, but again tried to put one over on the American people.
The mainstream media has protected this President from one scandal or piece of bad news after another, mostly by failing to report whats happening or only reporting the White House explanation. The new scandal over Obamacare with Jonathan Gruber calling Americans stupid, citing the regime's lack of transparency, and Obama being fully aware of all this, have been nearly ignored except by Fox News. This regime has been the least transparent, the most political, anti economy, and even anti American ever. Nearly every scandal and their attempted coverups makes Watergate look like child.'s play and could only continue to happen because of the duplicity of the mainstream media. Where are and Woodward and Bernstein when we really need them.
The job of the mainstream media is to report all the facts, even the ones that it finds inconvenient to its editorial board. The editorial page or an opinion page is the place for just that, not the news. One day someone will write a book on the harm that Obama has caused. His regime has fortunately been the least successful. He has only gotten things done by bucking public opinion and going over the head of the people's representatives in Congress. None of this harm could have occurred without the help of the mainstream media.
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