Saturday, November 1, 2014

Cavuto interviews Jack Welch and related stuff,

      Saturday morning, will most of you were in bed sleeping off your Halloween revelry from the previous,  I watched Neil Cavuto interview Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, when it was a vibrant successful company and great to share holders.  During his 20 year tenure as CEO, Welch increase the value of GE 4000%.  Now it is run by Jeffery Immelt., an Obama supporter, and appointee to Obama's economic council in February of 2009.   Two years later, he was made its chairman.  Shortly after that, GE cut its dividend by 2/3.  GE stock is widely held and in the portfolios of many retirees and numerous IRAs and pension plans.  The stock price plummeted as investors left in droves seeking a better return. GE has slowly increased its dividend, but it still is only 2/3 of hat it was before the cut.  Immelt has done a poor job of running the company, but retains his position with the board by bribing them with lavish perks.  Under Welch  GE and its stock holders prospered, but the stock price never recovered from its all time highs after Immelt replaced Welch in 2000.
      Welch is a Republican and makes no bones about it.  He has been and still is very critical of the The Obama regime. He was highly critical of Hillary Clinton's  recentt statement that  echoed Obama's and was extremely critical of business, capitalism, and business's ability to create jobs. Both Obama and Clinton never built anything in their lives or created one single job outside of government.  The "world's smartest lady," (Obama is the world's smartest man) wanted to get a job in Washington, DC after graduating from law school,  but couldn't pass the DC bar exam so she went to Arkansas.  It wasn't until Bill became Arkansas Attorney General that Hilly got a job with the Rose LawFirm and did become a partner until he became governor.  Therefore she knows all about cronyism.  Hillycare was a disaster and failed to pass congress.  (You don't write a massive law concerning healthcare without consulting doctors.  Should our next Supreme Court Justice be a doctor, dentist, or architect?)  After carpetbagging her way to New York and becoming its Senator, she was unable to create any important legislation.  He major accomplishments were getting bills passed for the naming of post office and government building in New York. Her resume' is even thinner than Obama's. (Our "indian princess" Elizabeth Warren's is even thinner.) Maybe one or both will win the Nobel Prize to add some substance to the CVs before 2016.
      Having grown a business and created thousands of jobs, Welch is well aware of what it takes to create a positive environment for business growth and job creation.  He probably would have done the exact opposite of the Obama regime when dealing with the recession of 2008.  I personally attribute the length of the recession to Obama and Billy C. and not Bush.  In fact as I have explained in previous blogs that Buyscks-Roberson vs Citibank of Chicago (http:/The initial judicial opinion certifying the group may be found at: / in 1994 may be the root cause of the housing bubble.  Obama billed 123 hours as his work contribution to this case that was eventually settled.  In addition Obama trained ACORN and SEIU professional agitators who picketed homes of Citibank executives and the bank itself. Billy's AG Janet Reno, another corrupt US Attorney General, threatened government prosecution for those lending institutions that wouldn't make loans to those that weren't qualified.
      Probably the best statement that Welsh made is that liberal democrats to not understand or support business and sound economic policy.  They support cronyism.  In the 90's, Barak, Moochelle, and Valerie Jarrett continued to gives high paying and sometimes meaningless jobs to each other.  Now the Obama administration is filled with Obama's political operatives who know little about what their job title requires.
    Lastly, Cavuto asked Welsh about some potential Republican presidential candidates for 2016.
On Romney, Welsh doesn't think he has the enthusiasm or support as less Republicans voted for him than John McCain.  On Jeb Bush, good man, but may not excite conservatives. On Rand Paul, has an enthusiastic following, but may not be able to attract the more moderate republican and independents.  He likes Ted Cruz.  He says Cruz is enthusiastic, very bright, and can make a convincing argument in a debate and Cruz seems a little more moderate on social issue.
      That's it. A short and sweet blog today.  It was supposed to be about the interview of Jack Welsh, but I got excited and added some stuff you ought to know.  Remember leftists like Hilly, Obama, and Warren, rely on the media's shameless effort at keeping the American public uninformed, so it is my duty to educate you with the facts that they refuse to print.

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