Thursday, November 7, 2013

Obamacare Update

      Things have been happening so quickly, that I think it is necessary to add to my most recent blog.
I'm sure you are all aware that Obama knowing lied to America about keeping doctors and health plans. The political aides in the White House convinced him to ignore the policy aides who told him that these claims were not true. He must lie to win elections for Democrats and his own election in 2012.   Now he claims that he really didn't say it. Please, Mr. Obama please stop lying to us even though you are so good at it.  This lie just doesn't cut it.   Even the feigned apology doesn't work, as there is little he can do help the people he lied to short of delaying the individual mandate, until congress can act to amend all the problems and unintended and intended consequences.  As I've said before the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) really isn't affordable, and doesn't care about Americans, but it is certainly an act.  All that Obama and the Democrats have claimed is just an act.  This feigned apology is just an act.  He will do nothing for individual Americans.  
        He called his health care plans superior and the previous plans that people liked bad plans.  I guess every man wants  prenatal and maternity care benefits on their health insurance policy.  The latest baloney that Obama and his tool Debbie Wasserman-Schultz are lying that it is the insurance company's fault.  They could have had those policies grandfathered in.  This of course is another blatant lie.  Previous policies could only be grandfathered, if they contained all the benefits that are part of Obamacare.  For example, I don't think any policy included prenatal and maternity benefits for a 60 year old man or woman.   Most people choose policies that offer benefits that fit their needs, not the cookie cutter one size fits all of Obamacare.
       When people go on other web sites, as is still not functioning, to get an idea about what their costs will be, the web sites are low balling the public.  An adult male age 27 to 50 will be given the cost for a 27 year old that will be far less than a 49 year old.  The same thing applies for those over 50.  They are given a quote for a 50 year old.  The increased cost is only one aspect, the huge associated deductibles sometimes as much as $25,000 increases what heath care cost will be.
       Unions and big business, major campaign contributors, have been given waivers and those waivers especially for the unions will continue even past 2018, when the "cadillac" tax of  40% on a policy over $10,000 kicks in.  An annual policy costing $10,000 or more is not unrealistic for the average 60 year old individual or union retiree.
       On Wednesday HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius testified that some convicted felons may have been hired as navigators.  When you hire ACORN and SEIU trash, what do you expect.  Why would anyone want to give their financial information to a convicted felon?  In Delaware navigators have helped 4 people sign up for Obamacare in October at a cost of $350,000.  That means it cost over $85,000 per enrollee.
       The navigators are also doing something that is illegal, but encouraged by Obama and the Democrat Party.  They are recruiting and registering people that they deal with as Democrat voters.  Since they have been hired as navigators by the government they have to appear politically neutral in their government job.  Fat chance of that with ACORN and the SEIU.  Since they get $58 per enrollee, I wonder how many dead people will sign up for benefits, after all Social Security pays almost $2 billion in benefits to dead people (not the $250 death benefit)
      One of the issues that Obama used to sell Obamacare was "fairness".  Is it fair that millions of hard working American should loose their insurance so that a bunch of drug users, welfare recipients, and those who are just plain lazy and don't work get health insurance?  A plan for the working poor and those with pre existing conditions could have been worked out and  cost a tiny fraction of the more than $2 trillion Obamacare is expected to cost,
      We have also learned that many doctors have either opted out, been excluded from plans, or retiring early,  limiting patient choice of primary care physicians and specialists.   Hospitals are also not accepting Obamacare care patients.  The Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland Ohio will only accept Ohio residents with Mutual of Ohio Health insurance.  The reason is that reimbursement from Obamacare patients will be a losing proposition just as it may be for doctors.
      Finally, Ive saved the worst for last, military families will have to pay more for their benefits.  Families most deserving of health insurance are going to be limited.
      This week sixteen Democrat senators went to visit Obama with a closed door session.  Fifteen of the senators are up for reelection and the sixteenth was the senator in charge of the Democrat senate reelection campaign.  They were complaining that Obamacare is ruining their reelection chances.  Some have advocated delaying the tax, delaying the mandate, and extending the enrollment period, but none for repealing it or  modifying it, but even so Obama was not very sympathetic.  Let's hope that all fifteen senators loose to a Republican so that there are majorities in both houses, maybe enough to repeal Obamacare, or at least derail his destructive plan for America.
       Obamacare is a critical part of Obama's dream from his socialist father.  Destroy capitalism and the economy.  Bring America to its knees.  Wipe out the middle class.  Destroy the best health care system in the world.  The only lie he didn't tell is that he wants to fundamentally change America.
      Thank you for following my blog.  Comments are welcome.  Please pass it on to you friends, conservative, moderate, and liberal.

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