First I'd like to wish all of you a happy New Year. Putting up with Obama in 2013 was bad, but at least people are starting realize what a traitor and monster he is. I know its been awhile since I last posted a blog and there is so much going on, but that is exactly the reason why I have not posted. Events are changing so fast that by the time I could write something up, a slew of new info has become available. This blog will cover a number of topics that need to be updated.
Obviously, the thing that concerns us the most is Obamacare. There, I said it and so I guess I'm a racist just like Obama, who seemed to have at one time liked the term. I suppose Moochelle is a racist too, as she recently used the term in an ad telling people to discuss it while their family is having Christmas dinner. I know this is exactly what people want to talk about while trying to enjoy family and friends on what should be a joyous holiday. As I have stated in previous blogs, it was a political necessity that Obamacare did not really kick in until after the 2012 election year, because Obama would never have been reelected on what I knew then and what the general public knows now. The 2700 pages of crap called the Afforable Care Act was really a "document dump". It was too long to read before passage and as witch Nancy has said "you have to pass the bill to find out what's in it." As we are discovering this horror story written by Zeke Emmanuel and the commies at the Center for American Progress is a road map for the destruction of America, especially the American middle-class. Of course Obama lied. He lies about everything except wanting to fundamentally change America. He just never said publicly what he wanted to change America to. Privately those who have followed this leftist America hater, knew all along he wanted to change America from a thriving capitalist economy, to a failed socialist or communist one. The good news is there are some cracks in his plan starting to appear. The failed web site was a good start, but some States, notably South Carolina and Georgia have rejected Obamacare all together using the rights granted states in the 10th Amendment. Obamacare may not be available in those states, though look for Eric Holder to file a law suit and request an injunction that will find its way to the Supreme Court. If the court refused to allow an injunction stopping South Carolina and Georgia, I look for more states to follow. Meanwhile Obamacare slowly and nefariously creeps on. With the midterm elections scheduled for November of 2014, Obama has moved the date when the employer mandate is supposed to kick in from October 15, 2014 to November 15, 2014 conveniently after the elections. Do you think by then it will really matter? Seventy to one hundred million Americans, mostly middle class, are going to loose their health care coverage. Still some Democrats support this "obamanation." I hope the Dummy Wasserman-Schultz and Nancy Pelosi try to run on this. With all the changes that Obama has made, Republicans ought to ask the courts to either declare this law null and void, or force Obama to implement the law the way it is written without all the exceptions granted to pals and friends and the delays in implementation for political purposes. Constitutionally, on Congress can change the law.
Only 1.1 million Americans have signed up for Obamacare on, 1/3 of the expected 3.3 million. Of those who have signed up, many questions remain, and the regimes has not been forth coming with the answers. How many have paid? How many are getting subsidies? How many are healthy young people? I suspect Obama is hiding the fact that most of those that have signed up are those with preexisting conditions or those with a very significant subsidy. He likes to tout how many have health insurance for the first time, but unfortunately more have lost it than have obtained it. Few healthy young adults have signed up. Being a wealth redistribution program, not a healthcare program, Obamacare needs healthy young adults to sign up and pay exorbitant rates in order to fund Obamacare and in reality confiscates hard earned money. Confiscation of wealth and assets is the most important weapon in the communist and socialist armamentarium. A healthy 28 year old man, if he is stupid enough to throw his money away, should be elated that his one size fits all insurance policy includes pediatric dental care, prenatal and pregnancy care, and free female exams. Likewise a healthy adult female is excited to have testicular cancer and prostatitis as covered entities. In reality Obamacare is not insurance. Insurance companies base their rates on actuary determined statistics of events that are possible, not those that aren't. Not being able to base a rate on preexisting conditions, further skews what will be paid and ruins what should be actuary sound rates.
Your humble blogger has also been directly affected by Obamacare. The "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" lie covers even Medicare recipients (I know its hard to believe that i'm old enough to be on Medicare). My doctor has decided, rather than face the onslaught of radical changes to the practice of Medicine, he retired from his busy practice. Just to let you know, I closed my own private practice of both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery shortly after the passage of the ACA and now work as an independent contractor, performing only cosmetic surgery and no longer using my experience and skill in reconstructive surgery.
First lady Moochelle continues to inch her way toward a run at the 2016 Democrat Presidential Primary. She has expanded the issues for which she is"concerned", making her an "expert" on a number of topics. Though her resume is even thinner than her husband's, thin resumes seem not to matter to Democrats and low information voters. After all Hillary Clinton's resume of actual accomplishments was almost as thin as Obama's and still is. She got her job with the Rose Law Firm because her husband was attorney general and later governor of Arkansas. Her experience as first lady was terrible as she was involved in a number of scandals with her husband regime, failure of Hillarycare, and her characterization by the media as a victim due to Bill's cheating. As a carpet bagging New York senator, her only accomplishments were the naming of six or seven New York post offices, and as a totally inexperienced diploma and Secretary of State, her term was one of the worst in decades with the Benghazi debacle, the failure to stop Iran from moving toward a nuclear weapon, and support for Syria and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Liar Elizabeth Warren, now recently elected Massachusetts US Senator, is also being considered as a presidential candidate. She claimed to be an American Indian in order to get affirmative action consideration. She has no resume at all.
As you know we have Obama phones, Obamacare, and Obama EBT cards, so look for Obama gas cards in the near future, alleging that the poor need to drive their if they have a job. (I can't wait to see the video on the news of an elated welfare cheat saying, "Obama put gas in my Escalade.") Remember the number of those who work for a living is becoming smaller than the number of those who vote for a living. Moochelle will run on her husband's give aways and offer even more. Speaking of the 2016 presidential election, very early polling shows that Chris Christy of New Jersey is the only one among a handful of Republican hopefuls that beats Hillary Clinton. As a result, the biased main stream media have started putting out negative stories about him. Once the Republican darling of the main stream media, like McCain in 2008, he will become their villain. Speaking of EBT cards, Florida passed a law signed by Governor Rick Scott to require welfare recipients to submit to drug testing. In many cities, EBT cards are sold by recipients to small grocery stores for $.50 on the $1.00. A drug dealer conveniently waits outside to make a sale. Drug testing welfare recipients and denying benefits to those who test positive, would go a long way in saving taxpayers money wasted on welfare fraud. Unfortunately Judge Mary Scriven has invalidated the law saying that it violates Amendment IV of the Constitution. Governor Scott plans to appeal. Look for this one to go to the supreme court. American are free to travel, so why aren't searches art airports Amendment IV violations
Another thing that concerns me, and should concern you, if you have children or grandchildren, is what is happening to our educational system. At the primary school level, libs have tried to introduce the "core curriculum" educational resource. We have learned that this is little more than left wing anti American propaganda. It and its related text books ought to be barred from our schools. Teachers who are anti religion also ought to be fired. Isn't it troubling that they are against Christians and Jews, but not Muslims. Get off your behinds and run for school board if you care about how your children are being educated. Look at the text books your children bring home or have on their laptops and complain if what you find is inappropriate. At the college level, there is even more concern, not only because of liberal and radical leftist professors, but with the cost of education. Why has education become so expensive? The ever increasing cost of college and graduate school can be directly attributed the student loan program, now totally controlled by the regime under Obama. By making guaranteed loans available to just about anyone, colleges have no incentives to control costs. Everyone from professors to janitors are being paid much more, much more than they deserve. Since well paying jobs have not been forth coming under Obama, the default rate is increasing rapidly and may be the next bubble that bursts. Hope and pray that your children and grandchildren will not need loans. Knowing how Obama politicizes everything, as with healthcare, political affiliation may mean more than need in obtaining a student loan.
The piece of toilet paper, better known as the New York Times, Has unsuccessfully tried to whitewash the Benghazi scandal in order to protect potential presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who was directly responsible for what happened, allowing four Americans including Ambassador Chris Stevens to be murdered by radical Islamists affiliated with Al Qaida. They tried to blame the stupid movie that no one ever saw. The Times story seems to contradict all the evidence that has been compiled, even that which has been difficult to obtain as the regime has made eye witnesses sign non disclosure agreements in order to protect itself. Bottom line, Clinton failed to increase security before the attack, despite evidence of an impending attack, failed to send help and made available help stand down, covered up the reason for the attack and who was responsible. On the night of the attack, Clinton and Obama were more concerned with political issues and getting a good night's sleep.
Obama continues to attempt to usurp Amendment II rights. He wants states to send the government lists of registered gun owners, as if this is going to end gun violence. Washington, DC has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, requiring long guns and hand guns to be registered. Yet it has one of the highest murder rates. Criminals don't register guns. So why register them? If and when Obama declares martial law, he will know where to find them. Only the criminals will have guns. Imagine this scenario, a riot occurs in one of our large cities, with looting, burning, and shooting of innocent civilians and first responders. The government comes in a seizes weapons from innocent civilians using this an excuse. Now innocent civilians will be unable to protect themselves from the rioters. Why seize weapons from innocent civilians? The most obvious reason is for a government seizure by the Obama regime. The Amendment II was given its high status in order to allow citizens to protect themselves from the government.
My last item is one of those "you just can't make this stuff up". The California Supreme Court has ruled that and illegal alien, Sergio Garcia, who managed to obtain a law degree can be licensed in California, despite a Federal Law banning illegal aliens from obtaining professional government licenses. This has some interesting and ironic consequences. In Florida as in most states, an applicant to the Bar, is required to submit personal information in regard to any criminal background and admission to the Bar can be denied on that basis. The California Supreme Court has determined that being in America illegally and violating immigration laws is a felony that they choose to ignore. Illegal aliens who are by definition criminals now have more rights than felons who are American citizens.
Thank you for reading my blog. Please pass it along to all of your friends. Comments always are welcome. I hope that 2014 will be a great year for all of you.
Hey Doc:
ReplyDeleteAnother insightful and well written blog.
Keep 'em coming.
And Happy New Year to you too.