Sunday, November 3, 2013

My View on Obamacare Updated

      I'm sure you all have been anxiously waiting for what I have to say about Obamacare, especially with all the problems it has been having.  Wanting to get my research straight, I have taken my time and hopefully my analysis will not disappoint, but every time I get ready to publish this blog something new has comes up, causing me to review and revise to be up to date and on the cutting edge.
      The serious problems with the Obamacare web site are actually a diversion from what the real problems are with this destructive program.  As you all know this web site was rolled out without being throughly tested.  It is a product of a no bid contract given to a company, CGI Federal, an American subsidiary of CGI, a Canadian company, whose fulfillment of government contracts has been less than stellar.  How this company was chosen is a mystery to most, but it is of some interest that a buddy of Moochelle's was brought into the company and given the lofty title of Senior Vice President.  The woman, Toni Townes-Whitley, goes back to Moochelle's Princeton days and belonged to the same Marxist on campus organizations, Third World Center and Organization of Black Unity.  She also belongs to the Association of Black Princeton Alumni as does Moochelle.  Her previous work experience consisted of a stint with the Peace Corp in Gabon, followed by a six year hiatus to raise a family.  She rejoined the work force in 1998 and worked at Unisys until she moved on to CGI in 2010, that incidentally coincides with the time CGI's contract was awarded.  Coincidence, you decide.  The cost to you for this atrocity was over $600 million and climbing.  It took Facebook 5 years to spend that much on its web site development.  Obviously we have not gotten our money's worth.  Its cost and  failure are a typical example of any company that the regime has supported in its unethical policy of crony capitalism.  Look at all of the so called green energy bankruptcies the regime has supported.
      Even in the few instances where the web site has worked, it has ultimately been a failure.  Only six people were able to enroll the first day.  It got better, by day two, 245 had enrolled.  At that rate it would take only 160 years to get the 17 million enrollee the regime says it needs.  In order to satisfy the huge subsidies that the government is providing the poor and chronically ill, it has to overcharge young healthy people to succeed, but the only people signing up are for Medicaid, subsidies, or chronically ill with huge medical expenses.  Well before the sign up date of October 1, the funding for those with preexisting conditions has been depleted.  The young and healthy are deciding to pay the fine, or is it a tax, instead.  I wonder if a nonparticipating insurance company could legally  offer a plan outside Obamacare.  The poor, drug addicted, lazy, and chronically ill will now get health insurance, while the young working middle class will loose theirs or pay for someone else's.  This is a destroyer of the middle class and it was designed with that in mind.  Marx realized that a strong middle class is a product of capitalism and must be eliminated in order for communism to have a chance.  The group most effected by all of Obama's devastating policies is the middle class.
      As we have learned throughout out his reign, Obama is a pathologic liar, even better than Bill Clinton (Hillary is a terrible liar).  It turns out the major selling point for Obamacare, "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, if you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan", was a total lie.  Obama was well aware that millions of American would loose their doctors and health insurance plans before he began pitching the Affordable Care Act three years ago, but realized that that it would  be an even more difficult sell, if the truth were known.  He has persisted in telling this lie in order to get elected in 2012 and then to avoid support for what the Republicans were trying to accomplish with the recent budget and debt limit battles.  As more and more of what's in it comes to light, it will continue to become less and less popular for all of except those on Medicaid or with heavily subsidized plans.  Insurance companies are dropping those with individual policies in droves.  It is estimated that at least 17 million will loose the coverage that Obama promised they could keep by January 1, 2014 and 93 million more when the small business exemption ends.  The explanation why this would happen was also somewhat obscured by the 2700 pages of the bill.  As hypocrite Nancy Pelosi said, "you have to pass it in order to find out what's in it out what's in it"(in medical circles this  describes Obamacare very accurately for this is also the definition of a stool sample). There is an insurance coverage mandate that every health insurance policy under the ACA must follow.  Things like substance abuse rehabilitation,  prenatal and pregnancy,  and a number of other conditions and situations must be included in every plan.  Do you think a healthy, non drug user, 60 year old man or woman is excited to learn that their new plan under Obamacare covers pregnancy and drug rehab or that any woman is covered for prostate and testicular cancer.  This is because all policy holders have been mandated to be placed in a single pool with a one size fits all health care plan.  Prior to Obamacare, most insurance plans had policies that subscribers could pick and choose from the plan that best fitted their needs.  Obama has again lied and called these substandard plans, when, in fact, the basic Obamacare plan is the one that is substandard.  In reality, the health insurance plans are the most regulated at the state level.  If a plan was substandard, it would never have been approved at the state level.  That most people liked their plans is irrelevant to Obama. Insurance companies use precise actuarial data to determine rates and this is best done by establishing a variety of risk pools in order to give people the best rate that fits their potential for healthcare needs.  For example, age, sex, smoking habits, and preexisting conditions are only a few some of  many factors. All of these factors have been thrown out the window, in order to get healthy people to pay for Obamacare.  Of course, whenever government tries to intervene, personal freedom is thrown out the window. Most plans on Obamacare have huge premium and deductible increases.  The people who have been lucky enough to have found plans costing only a little more than what they had paid before, have learned that these plans have massive deductibles, as much as $25.000.  As I have posted in early blogs the ACA is not really a health care plan, but a wealth redistribution plan, so terrible that the people who chose it for you, namely Obama and the Democratic  majority in Congress, refuse to be a part of it themselves.  That says everything  I need to know about Obamacare.
      On more thing that has not even been mentioned lately is the tax on so called "Cadillac plans", as much as 40%, that will kick in a few years.  The "Cadillac" plan threshold is $10,000 per individual.  I can tell you that even before Obamacare, a policy for a 60 year old with a reasonable deductible is over the threshold that represents a monthly payment of $833.  This is one of the reasons why the Labor Unions are so upset and why they were granted an exemption, because for many union retirees, the usual plan is worth more than $10,000.  Look for Obama to eventually grant a permanent exemption for the unions' "Cadillac" plans after the 2014 congressional elections.  By the way, all of these exemptions and exceptions are against the law and Obama is in violation of the Constitution.  Does this constitute treason?
      With the web site down, Obama has urged people to sign up over the phone, mail in paper forms, or deal with navigators, who just happen to be current and former ACORN workers.  Unfortunately once the information is obtained, it needs to be entered into the same web site that is down.  Only about 4000 people nation wide have been able to sign up this way since October 1 and as usual, they are mostly Medicaid and chronically ill enrollees.
      I am also sure that you have happy to know that the information hub for the volumes of personal data, is also down and its security from hackers and others has come into question.  Besides your personal health information, your social security number, and income information  are at risk.  How comfortable would you feel giving all of your personal information to an ACORN navigator, especially one who registered Mickey Mouse to vote.  As expected navigators with criminal records have turned up as well as an illegal alien from Peru.  Does this seem like the regime is desperate?  Millions have been given to various groups to provide navigators, none of whom have had background screening, though some states are passing legislation requiring it.  Two organizations with ACORN ties have been given contracts.  Southern United Neighbors and Structured Employment Econopmic Devopmant Corp (SEEDC have been given $1.78 million.  Navigators are being paid $58 for every enrollee they sign up.  I guess Mickey Mouse and the Dallas Cowboys will all be enrolled.  United Labor Union Council Local 100, organized  by ACORN and SEIU founder Wade Rathke, is also supplying navigators for a hefty fee.   I'm sure you are also happy that Sarah Ingram, Jeanne Labrow, and Ellen Moritz, key figures in the IRS scandal involving conservative non profits, are now running the IRS end of Obamacare.  They have gotten nice raises and promotions for remaining tight lipped about the scandal.  These people made hundreds of trips to the White House, allegedly related to Obamacare, and yet Obama says he knew nothing about the IRS scandal.  Do you think that the buck stops at the door to the Oval Office?  Do you think that the "death committee" decision to provide you with expensive life saving treatment may depend on your political persuasion and where you have made political contributions?
      As usual, no one in the regime ever claims responsibility for any scandal or bad news affecting the regime and the Obama claims he was only informed after the fact and reading it in the news.  If you believe this, he seems to know more about his tee time than what is going on within the regime.  This means that Iranian born Valerie Jarret, David Axelrod, and maybe even George Soros are running the country.
      For months HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was too busy to testify to congressional committees about Obamacare,  but not too busy to  appear on Leno, John Stewart and the weekend talk shows.  When she finally testified last week, she failed to give real answers to most of the critical questions asked of her.  Most telling was her refusal to answer yes or no to the question, if you are legally able to apply for an Obamacare health plan, would you?  With many Republicans and even a few Democrats calling for her to step down, she has made the outrageous statement, that only those for whom she doesn't work  want her fired.  Well, it may be news to her, but she doesn't work for Barak Obama, she works for you and me, as our taxes pay her bloated and undeserved salary.  Those in Washington, in all branches of government, both elected and appointed, have forgotten their original mission, that regardless of political party or ideological persuasion, they work for all of the citizens of the United States.  All of the vendors responsible for the web site must have taken a lesson from Obama saying they were blameless and not responsible for what has gone wrong.  The regime never takes responsibility, at first clumsily trying  to blame Republicans.  Maybe a video was responsible or the janitor that sweeps the floors at HHS, or just blame Bush.  As Ms. Sebelius' (and Barak Obama's) employer, I would fire her for incompetence and Obama for lies for political advantage.
      As I have mentioned in previous blogs, Obamacare is not really about healthcare, but about wealth redistribution, and with that in mind it is not only doomed, but also designed, to fail so that Obama can "rescue" us with a government controlled single payor system.  If you think Obamacare is bad for your health,just wait for a single payor system.  Doctors are retiring or electing not to be part of Obamacare.  Finding a primary care physician will be more difficult and even more difficult to obtain specialty care.  Long waits not only in the doctor's office. but for definitive care will be the rule. A single payor system will only speed this up. Medical Schools will no longer get applications from the brightest and the best and so the long term quality of healthcare will be diminished. Isn't it wonderful that in a few short years, Obama has destroyed the best healthcare system in the world?  Like everything that Obama sets his mind to, Obamacare has turned into a "stool sample".
      The Republicans made a terrible blunder trying to make such a long and fruitless battle recently against the funding of Obamacare.  The way it is going, it will collapses under its own weight and Obamacare can be repealed if the scandal continues and the people vote out the scoundrels who passed this "obamanation" in the first place.
      Thank you for reading my blog.  Please comment and feel free to pass this sitter along to others.  A few people have criticized a recent blog about the recent replacement and retirement of our military leadership.  Other web sites are reporting the same, agreeing that this is due to disagreement with the regime and has demoralized the military.

1 comment:

  1. You've done it again Doc. A great read loaded with pertinent and necessary information. Even though it gave me a tummy ache. To go with my headache.
    Which I've had ever since Obama was elected.
    Nevertheless, keep 'em coming.
