Saturday, December 23, 2023

What Did Obama know and When Did He Know it

               " Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer"  Sun Tzu The Art of War 

    Those of you who follow my blog, know that I occasionally make a prediction that seems a little strange, but eventually comes true. My biggest prediction, that has not come to pass, is that I had predicted that there would be a contested 2020 Democrat Convention and Michelle Obama would be the presidential candidate. Obviously that didn't happen. This article is about Obama's awareness of the crimes of both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, mostly during, but also after his regime concluded and how he was able to use him to secretly continue his anti America policies without outwardly seeming responsible.

     In 2008, it was a surprise to some that Obama selected Joe Biden to run as his VP.  Biden was well known as a braggadocios liar and one of the least intelligent members of the US Senate.  His seconds long run for the Democrat nomination in 2008 allowed him to raise money and pay wife Jill $2 million as a campaign consultant. It was also surprising, since Biden was mentored by racist Senators James Eastland of Mississippi and Robert Byrd of West Virginia.  The claim was that Biden was selected for his foreign policy acumen was a joke, as Biden was usually wrong when it came to foreign policy.  Biden was actually selected as impeachment insurance as well as a concession to the few moderate Democrats that still existed.  Clinton was selected as Secretary of State to prevent her from running against him in 2012.  He could also keep an eye on her, if she did.  

    Obama had the perfect spy, Susan Rice.  At first as UN ambassador, Rice had access to leadership from every foreign country and served as eyes and ears on Clinton.  During Obama's second term Rice was posted to the NSA, that gave her access to thousands of FISA warrants that "coincidently"involved Biden or Clinton beside Republicans. The US Uranium deal that netted a million dollars to Bill and $145 million to the Clinton Foundation certainly raised eyebrows.  We all know now that Hillary broke the law and had a secret unprotected server, deleted thousands of incriminating emails, removed SIM cards, Bleach Bit hard drives, and destroyed cell phones.  Obama already had most if not all of the data so it didn't matter.  He then knew that when elected he could control Hillary Clinton by threatening the release of this information. He was certain that she would beat  Donald Trump, who he considered an amateur politician at best. Even though her criminal activity leaked out during the 2016 campaign, Obama used James Comey to save her,  by making the outrageous decision that her conduct did not raise to the level of criminality,  though it should have been the AG's responsibility. Finally, he buried Weiner's computer data until after the election. Because she was aware he saved her campaign, he could control Hillary and was certain she would get elected. As for Biden, his foreign dealing as well as those of his brother and son were followed closely. Even if they were not, Biden's bragging about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired left him vulnerable to control.  Biden was more interested in money and power rather than any policy.  In addition, exposing his VP would not look very good for the Democrat Party, Obama chose to ignore Ukraine, as the Obama-Biden foreign policy only had one victory, the killing of Osama Bin Ladin. (Biden was against this.)

    With Trump's unexpected victory, Obama knew that Clinton was through as a presidential candidate for 2020 and he had to go elsewhere, if he were to continue his antiAmerica policy. The first two primaries went very badly for Biden,  He came in in forth in Iowa and third in New Hampshire with Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg a head of him.  Obama did not like or trust Sanders and felt he was too radical for America and Buttigieg was inexperienced being a small town mayor and openly gay, so he went to his former VP who wanted the job, could be disguised as a moderate, and most importantly be controlled by Obama. Kamala Harris was selected as Biden's VP candidate to secure the black and female vote and also serve as Biden's impeachment insurance.

     I was shocked when Obama ally James Clyburn supported racist Biden in the South Carolina primary that catapulted him to victory for the Democrat nomination. Using Covid-19 as an excuse, Biden was anchored to his basement, so he would not campaign and make his usual lies, gaffes, and memory losses, only edited videos.  Trump had survived all the lies and two ridiculous impeachments, but could not survive the illegal mail-in ballot fraud.  Now Obama was free to run the government and use Susan Rice, who was appointed to as Domestic Advisor, a position that did not require Senate confirmation.  Obama then had Biden nominate the worst set of cabinet members in history only using race, sex, and a neo Marxist background to be selected.  Some were left over from the Obama regime and others had long history of Marxist advocacy. All checked boxes. except competency.  Best of all, Obama could not be blamed for the destruction of American Democracy, as he was comfortably  situated at his compound on Martha's Vineyard.

     Now Obama has a real problem. Despite massive attempt to prevent Trump from running for President, he has gotten stronger and stronger for every obstacle that Biden-Obama has flung at him.  Worst of all, Biden continues to deteriorate mentally and physically, and as a result even his fellow Democrats consider him "too old" to run.  His approval has dropped to an all time low  of 33% as all of his policies have failed for Americans. The criminal activity of his family of which he was involved has hurt him as well.  Now Obama advisor, David Axelrod, has called for a replacement as the nominee.  Kamala Harris, who normally would be first in line has worse polling that Biden and has proven to be totally inept. Her only accomplishments as Democrat VP is breaking ties in the Senate.  Ignoring her might anger black women, the most reliable Democrat Party voting group, who might stay home.  So who might be next in line for the nomination.  Neo Marxist Gavin Newsom seems eager to run and is certainly a younger and more dynamic personality that Biden. Unfortunately he has run California into the ground and has indefensible record.  Michelle Obama becomes the dark horse again. 


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