Saturday, December 23, 2023

Two Failed Presidencies (Part 3)

      It is obvious why both Obama and Biden failed the American people, their anti America policies. The worst of which was the "green" agenda.  Obama got us into the Paris Climate Accord, a Marxist sheep in wolf's clothing agenda that used a lie started by a genuine WW2 Nazi who hated America and capitalism. Non renewables, that America has in abundance, enhance our economy and not taking advantages and attacking their use is responsible for inflation and its consequences.  Nearly every aspect of our economy depends on gas, oil, and to a lesser extent coal.  Manufacturing goods and growing food products depend on non renewables that could be relatively cheap in America, since we have some of the largest reserves in the world.  Leftists have always tried to bury our economy using lies about gas and oil.  For a time, a lie about oil called "peak oil" was touted to the point that even oil producers actually believed it.  "Peak oil" was the belief that essentially all of the oil reserves in the world had been discovered and so we needed to find its replacement. Using new technology, fracking was developed and that encouraged new exploration and the uncovering of centuries of new oil reserves.  The left couldn't stand for that, as oil is what drives the most successful economy in the world and capitalism.  So called global warming was located in a fictional novel by an Austrian Nazi, published in 1956.  The entire book, Dance with the Devil, attacks America and capitalism, as the author hated them for defeating and causing the suicide of his beloved Hitler.  Ironically, it is the Marxists and not the neo Nazis that picked up on this. 

      If you follow my blog, you know that i have discussed the various aspects of the demented and destructive policy many times, since I began publishing my blog a dozen years ago.  The Paris Climate Accord was primarily invented to attack America and our economy.  It necessarily avoids attacking the economy of OPEC nations, Russia, China, and Iran. It requires America to not only lower its use of oil, gas, and coal, but diminish production, certainly not decrease it.  Both Obama and Biden have done their best to meet this requirement.  When you add the harm that "green" policies have had not only to our economy, but our security, you will understand the harm that Obama and Biden have done.  Compare this to the Trump era.  The economy grew and unemployment diminished under Trump policies that not only withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord, but resumed the development of pipelines and drilling.  America became energy independent and actually sold oil abroad, reducing our trade deficit.  Another important factor about oil is how much it costs to get it out of the ground and or ocean.  Saudi Arabia has the cheapest costs, but America is second and the costs came down as fracking technology improved.  Finally, oil quality is important as well, such as "dirty" oil from Venezuela or Canada, costs more to refine than clean oil such as light sweet crude from Texas to refine. Since oil prices are in dollars and based on supply and demand, oil sales by American companies were very profitable. Limiting access and delivery only hurts America like shutting down the construction of he XL Pipeline, or denying access to oil leases in Alaska and other government lands.  

      The alternatives to oil, gas, and coal are expensive and in some ways more destructive to the environment. Carbon dioxide is not a harmful gas. Obama, Biden, and so called environmentalists must have skipped forth grade the day it was taught that plants use carbon dioxide to make oxygen and without it in or atmosphere there would be no life. CO2 only represents a tiny aspect of our atmosphere.  it is solar activity that controls our climate.  

      The Trump years represented an improvement in our economy and returned the American dream to everyone who wanted to work.  Biden under the control of Obama stole the dream and forced Americans to get by paycheck to paycheck as the cost of fuel, rent, and food soared.  Biden called this devastating economic policy "Bidenomics" and tried to convince us that it was improving our lives.  Americans aren't that stupid.

      Though I don't usually believe in conspiracy theories, here is one that could be true. Obama was not stupid and realized that he needed someone to destroy America.  He got his good friend James Clyburn to back Biden's presidential campaign that had been failing in the first three primaries, and Biden won South Carolina.  With the Main stream media on his side, Obama managed to convince them to support Biden.  Why did he want Biden?  Obama was fully aware of Biden's and his families corruption.  The FBI reported on it regularly to him.  Rather than expose Biden and end his career, he was able to extort Biden, who badly wanted his corrupt career to continue, and force him to push Obama's anti America policies.  He was to hire Susan Rice as an advisor that would not require  congressional approval, so she could serve as a liaison. Biden then did anything Obama wanted him to do.  The worst of which were to attack oil, rejoin the Paris Climate Accord and nominate a whole group of cabinet level appointees most of who were either anti America themselves or just plain incompetent.  Merrick Garland and, Janet Yellen, Alajandro Mayorkas, Jennifer Granholm, Julie Su, and Deb Haaland,  are the former, and the later including vice president Kamala Harris and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who are incompetent and chosen for their ability to check off boxes to give Obama-Biden a second term. His judicial nominees are the worst ever.  Some nominated for appeals court, can't answer basic Constitutional questions or define basic legal terms, all of which a first year law student could answer.  His supreme court nominees was unable to define a "woman".  His latest nominee to a Washington State circuit could not define the difference of a "stay" or "injunction".  Did she really graduate from law school?

      Lastly, both Obama and Biden were very timid in dealing with our enemies.  Whereas Trump would send a powerful message, Obama and Biden were slow to act and only showed weak support.  When Putin seized Crimea, Obama sent blankets and then when Putin attacked the rest of Ukraine, Biden did send arms, but very slowly and never enough to get the job done, even though Ukraine showed its ability and desire to fight the Russians.  Now during the Israel-Hamas War Biden has tried to slow Israel down and all but demand a cease fire. Iran surrogates in the Middle East, Syria, Hezbollah, and the Houtie Rebels have attacked our assets in the area over a hundred times yet Biden is afraid to react significantly fearing a war with Iran. Iran isn't stupid like Biden.  likewise Biden's weakness may force China to invade Taiwan in 2024, if it becomes evident that Trump will win the election.  In that regard, China will help Biden all it can to get elected so it doesn't have to worry.  Biden will abandon Taiwan, just ache abandoned Afghanistan.  

     In conclusion, Biden and Obama had no real foreign policy that favored American interests, but instead allowed American dominance worldwide to be replaced by China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea, all of whom feared Trump.  They have all but abandoned our military, imposing a "woke" policy, that discourages new enlistments and reenlistments. and has hurt morale.  The twelve years of Obama-Biden have ruined America and their horrible policies must be ended.


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