Though the Mueller investigation is over and found that there was nothing that could tie President Trump and his campaign to colluding with the Russian government nor a reason to recommend indictment for obstruction of justice, the Democrats continue to beat a dead horse, hoping this will carry on for at least another 16 months to the 2020 elections. As usual, this will backfire on them as their agenda seems to primarily be hurting the American people by not passing and contributing to any beneficial legislation. My own analysis of the investigation is that it was begun to obscure the Democrats own collusion with Russia. This is a tactic often used by the Democrats
The Democrats are pulverizing a dead horse |
The Democrat collusion actually began while HRC was Secretary State and allowed the Uranium One deal to go through giving Putin and Russia 20% control of our uranium through a wholly owned Canadian subsidiary of the Russian state owned nuclear company Rosatom. The Clintons claimed it was just a coincidence that Bill was given a $500K speaking fee to address a group in Moscow and that Russian oligarchs, all of whom made up the BOD of Rosatom, out of the goodness of their heart, gave $145 million to the crooked Clinton Foundation. In addition HRC and the DNC paid Christopher Steele for a Russian generated dossier claiming all sorts of allegations about Trump in Russia, saying that Putin could use these to bribe and extort President Trump to do his bidding. This of course begs the question that no one has asked or answered.
If Putin was able to bribe HRC and then allow the salacious Steele dossier to be given to the DNC and HRC via Fusion GPS, a Democrat research resource, and through Marc Elias, an attorney of the Perkins Coie Law Firm, with HRC being a known quantity that would do anything, if the bribe was large enough, why would they want to help Trump, an unknown quantity, win? It just doesn't make sense. Although Mueller found Russian interference in the 2016 election process, it had nothing to do with President Trump. A number of people were indicted, including Russians, none of whom will ever be extradited to the United States for trial, and Gen. Michael Flynn for lying about Turkish representation and George Papadopolus, who was set up by a Russian agent from Malta with the slimmest of a case. The Russians also paid APCO Worldwide, a lobbying firm, $3 million to lobby CFIUS (
Committee for
Investment in the
States) on its behalf to approve the Uranium One deal. Is it another coincidence that Mueller happened to be head of the FBI at the time and was charged by DOJ attorney Rod Rosenstein to look into the deal? An FBI informant William Campbell, testified before Congress that the Russians wanted to bribe HRC and had tapes to prove it, but then I guess $145.5 million isn't much of a bribe. (Recall that Bill allowed his pal Bernie Schwartz, CEO of Lorel Aerospace, to sell missile guidance technology to the Red Chineses Army in 1996 for only $20 million in illegal campaign contributions.) In addition the Obama administration were well aware of Russia's attempts to interfere with our elections well before 2016, but did nothing to inform candidate Trump and his team. Could this be part of a set up? Then when the DNC was hacked, they blamed it on the Russians and Trump, when everyone knows that a disillusioned Seth Rich downloaded the files onto a thumb drive, sent them to Wikileaks, and was then murdered as a result. The FBI never examined the Democrat server, but instead relied on the DNC's tech support company Crowd Strike. Everyone knows that the FBI has the best equipment to check for hacking.
When Mueller recently testified before Congressional committees on July 24, it was obvious that he served mainly as a figurehead as he sat in on few if any interviews and probably allowed defamed attorney Andrew Weissmann to pick an investigative team nearly all of whom contributed to the Clinton campaign, including Jeannie Rhee who represented the Clinton Foundation. In fact Mueller showed up at the Congressional hearings with Aaron Zebley, an attorney who represented Justin Cooper, the IT aide who set up and maintained the illegal Clinton server. (You just can't make this up.) Weissmann may have even made most of the decisions. Mueller shocked us with how little he knew about his team and said that he never heard of Fusion GPS, the research company that obtained the Steele dossier that served as the basis for all of this hogwash and the fraudulently obtained FISA warrants on Carter Page in the first place. He failed to answer many questions and didn't always know what was in his report.
The Mueller report down in flames |
Has Mueller switched parties? |
Has he gone deaf, dumb and blind? |
Knowing before hand that there was really no there there, why did so many put their careers in jeopardy and even risk treason? There were several reason. First and foremost HRC and her cronies including Obama, who had much to risk if HRC didn't get elected, feared a Trump presidency. As an outsider, he might uncover and wish to investigate and prosecute all of their corruption. Higher ups in the FBI and NSA also hoped to get jobs, if they helped Clinton, especially Comey. The corruption was so deep within the DOJ, that it was now learned that they never intended to prosecute HRC. Comey wrote his July speech, even before she had been interrogated. Unheard of immunity deals were given to HRC's aides, Cheryl Mills and Helen Samuelson, who were allow to lie and destroy important government property in violation of the Espionage Act and should have negated any immunity deal. Once Trump won, there was no going back. Reports are soon due from Horwitz the Inspector General of the DOJ and Durham looking into malfeasance by the Obama adminstration as to the origin of the investigation including the dossier and FISA warrants. A lot of people including Obama, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Samantha Power, Comey, Lynch, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Brennan and Clapper could be indicted on many charges up to and including treason.
Of course, the final reason for beating the dead horse even after the report and testimony, was that Democrats and HRC supporters wanted this to serve as a diversion from HRC's and Obama's crimes and corruption. That is the main reason why the Democrats won't accept the obvious continuing to lie and harass the President, hoping for a win in 2020 that would make all of this go away. Unfortunately the Democrats have brought out a circus of candidates, much like the little car that enters the center ring and unloads several dozen clowns. If the Republicans can reverse the House and build in the Senate, it will be great for the American people.
No milk from a dead cow. |
only a few of the clowns |
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