Friday, August 9, 2019

Michelle Obama Should be the Nominee

      I don't usually agree with Michael Moore about anything, but I have to agree with his most recent out burst, that Michelle Obama should be the Democrat nominee for President of the United States.  After painfully watching two pair of debates, it is hard to find a single candidate that stands out among the two dozen or so that claim to be running.  The main policy that almost all have in common is free stuff, that of course is not really free.  The only difference seems to be who wants to give away more and destroy America.  Now I know that for the primaries and caucuses, candidates have to impress their base, but it seems that it might be difficult for any of them to be able to back track for the presidential election after sticking their necks out so far.  It is also notable how far left the Democrat Party base has come. I think we can thank George Soros and his money for that.
      Currently the leader seems to be former Obama Vice President, Joe Biden, who is one of the oldest and whitest candidates beside Bernie Sanders, who is a little bit older and maybe even whiter.  That the color of their skin.  Bernie is otherwise very very red. Biden has tried to freshen up his appearance with a recent facelift.  The hair plugs have been there for a while. Biden is a life long politician and never ever had a job outside of government and politics. Despite his lengthy political career, he has generally been on the wrong side of almost every issue. His career goes back so far that he can recall working with southern Democrat senators, all of whom were racists.  As the polling leader,  as expected, he has taken the most criticism from other candidates during the debates and this even includes attacking the Obama regime, something that many loyal Democrats could consider heresy.  Biden has always been a master of the gaff and he continues to make them with regularity. He also seems to pause in the middle of a sentence as if he doesn't remember what he wants to say.
      At this point, Biden's chief rival, as far as polling goes, is Bernie Sanders, at 77 the oldest man in the race.  Bernie claims to be a Democrat Socialist and wants free medical care, free education, and just about free everything else plus open borders. His medical care for all naturally includes illegal aliens who he thinks should also get social security.  He also wants criminals in prison to vote.  Imagine a small town located in the same voting district as a large prison and after the votes are tallied, they find that prisoners are the new mayor,  city council, sheriff,  maybe even representative to the state house and one prisoner has gotten more write in votes than any of the candidates on the ballot. (Actually we have a lot of criminals in those offices now.  They are just not in prison yet.)  He has no realistic way of paying for all of his largess, but who cares.  His mantra of tax the rich and corporations isn't going to work, even at 100% tax rate.  Bernie seems to come off as an angry old man, howling at the moon.
      The next level of hopefuls, who are ready to replace Joe or Bernie,  have all been the flavor of the month or day depending on how the MSM wants to support them, only to drop back in the polls after their names, faces, and political agendas have become more well known. They have at least got some colorful nicknames, like Pocahontas, Spartacus, Beto, Mayor Pete (his last name is a tongue twister), and the woman who moaned her way up the ladder.  There is even Sister Moonbeam running as well.  Her mantra is love will solve everything. With more and more states legalizing marijuana, she has a kind of sixties vibe of "turn on, tune in and drop out." Sadly she seems to make the most sense at times.  All believe that apocalyptic anthropogenic global warming is real and that unless we destroy our economy and go back to living as cave men, we are doomed.  There is even a third tier of candidates.  One, a tech entrepreneur wants to give every American $1000 a month whether they work or not, and another, a former Obama cabinet officer,  has a more modest proposal of only $500 per month.  Turn on the printing presses, if either gets elected. Heck turn on the printing presses, if any of them get elected. We would then see the return of the $1,000 and $10,000 bills.  You might need one just to buy groceries.  (It would then be very appropriate for Barack Hussien Obama to replace Woodrow Wilson on the $10,000 bill.) Finally, there is even a fourth tier of candidates, those polling less than 1%. whose careers are washed up, unless they get something out of running for office, like a job on CNN.  I can't remember their names or specific agendas except for one who is the worst mayor in the country, the mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio, who seems to be more for helping illegal aliens in NYC rather than American citizens.
      Why would Michelle Obama want to join this motley crew of candidates?  She doesn't, she doesn't need to, and she won't.  Instead she will continue running her shadow campaign,  making appearance and speeches everywhere, including magazine covers and establishing an agenda similar, but just to the left of her husband's.  As the results of the primaries and caucuses come in, she will hope that no one candidate gets a majority of delegate votes and that enough candidates have the resolve, the money, and resources to stay in the race.  This means a brokered convention and she, of course, will be prominently waiting in the wings as a compromise nominee.  She will undoubtedly be on the convention program to make a speech before the voting takes place. And of all people, the Democrats at the convention will think she has the best chance of pulling off a miracle by defeating Donald Trump.  She fulfills almost all the necessary categories for Democrats.  She's not old, not white, a socialist, a woman (some think she is a transgender and that wouldn't hurt her in the Democrat crowd), and although some of Barack's legacy is starting to tarnish. he is still the most beloved president by Democrats ever, even more than FDR and JFK who are barely memories to the current crop of Democrats. The question then becomes who would she pick as her VP?  My guess is Tulsi Gabbard, who also fills in many of the necessary slots the Democrats prefer. She's mixed race, young, a woman, and not a Christian, but a practicing Hindu (Muslim would be better). HRC is also hoping for the same course to be the nominee, but she is through as she no longer has the physical or mental fitness for the ruff and tumble primaries and general election campaign, so all but the most hardened Democrat criminals know she's done (stick a pitch fork in her).

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