Jamal Khashoggi walked into a Saudi embassy in Turkey and never left in one piece. Though he was a Saudi citizen, he had attained permanent residency in the USA and worked as an opinion writer on the Mideast as a staff member of the Washington Post. Certainly killing someone is a terrible crime, but the MSM has played this up as if it were the crime of the century and have targeted Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia as the one who ordered it. Both the MSM and many members of Congress on both sides of the aisle have demanded harsh treatment of Saudi Arabia and that MBS step down. The Saudi version is that Khashoggi was the victim of a rogue group of Saudi intelligence agents during an interrogation gone bad. All have been arrested back in Riyadh, though Khashoggi's body or its parts have not been located as yet. Khashoggi had been a critic of the Saudi regime and a supporter of the jihadist Muslim Brotherhood. Why he had to be killed is a mystery. More facts and fiction will be forth coming. Daniel Pearl, a real journalist of US and Israeli citizenship, was captured and beheaded in Pakistan in 2002 during the Afghan War. The MSM barely gave it any mention.
Now let's go back to September 11, 2012, when there were murders at a US consulate. US Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, and three American security agents were murdered during a well planned attack by Libyan terrorists related to Al Qada. Stevens body was mutilated and dragged through the streets on Benghazi. The corrupt Obama regime quickly put out a totally fictional tale about what happened, because Obama was involved in a very close Presidential election and only weeks before had claimed that Al Qada was on the run. I guess they ran to our consulate in Benghazi. Though they knew from the beginning what had really happened, the Obama gang quickly using a willing liar and national security advisor, Susan Rice, to put out the fairy tale that the attack was a response to an obscure anti Muslim video that no one had seen. For several months until well after the Presidential election, this lie was being told to anyone willing to listen and believe it or not, there are some Kool Ade drinker who believe it to be true. The followup in Congress was a travesty of justice for Stevens and the other three Americans. Hillary Clinton, then Secretary of State, poohooed the incident before Congress as "what difference does it make." Stevens had requested extra security on multiple occasions, because he was well aware of rising islamic terror in Libya, but it was always denied. On placing blame the Republicans tried to get at the truth and Obama and the Democrats blaming the Republicans for sequestration and a lack of funding for security. Documents, requested by Congress were slow in coming, if at all, and when they were they were often heavily redacted. Because they knew the Obama regime was at fault, the MSM quickly lost interest and blamed Republicans for wasting money with the Congressional hearings.
Many questions have never been answered publicly. When did Obama and Hillary Clinton know the who and why of the attack and why did they lie to the American public and create a false story? Evidence seems to indicate that they knew almost immediately and that the terrible lie was shamefully created for political purposes. American assets were available that could have possibly saved lives and why were they told to stand down? This of course was denied by the regime, but a number of military personnel said they were ordered to stand down. The regime ordered surviving consulate personnel not to give interviews. Why? Why was Stevens not given extra security? It wasn't sequestration, maybe it was because the Clinton State Department had lost track of $6 Billion. And finally, what was the real reason Stevens was ordered to Benghazi in the first place? Some say it was an arms deal to recover arms lost in Syria. Stevens did not recover the arms, but he did apparently recover their bullets.
The reaction of the MSM to Benghazi has been deplorable. They acknowledged that it happened and once they realized the corrupt anti America Obama regime was at fault, they decided to move on especially with an election coming up. They seemed to accept Hillary Clinton's explanation that a few Libyans were out for a night on the town and decided to kill some Americans. Fast forward to the 2016 presidential campaign, the MSM ignored asking questions of candidate Hillary Clinton about Benghazi as if it never ever happened.
It seems many people on both sides of the aisle want to severely punish Saudi Arabia, by punishing America and getting rid of MBS. There is a $100 billion arms deal on the line, though I don't think it will be cancelled, but may be delayed. The Russians would certainly be willing to take our place. Many nations murder its citizens, but we are highly selective of who we are critical. In fact, Obama made agreements with two of the worst, Cuba and Iran with little opposition from the MSM. I think the real reason some are calling for harsh punishment is that President Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, has befriended MBS as both an ally against Iran and a possible moderator in a Mideast peace plan between Israel and the Palestinians. The MSM is tired of winning.
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Friday, October 12, 2018
The Democrat Nominee Dark Horse Candidate for 2020 Presidential Election
The 2018 midterms are nearly upon us and it doesn't seem too early to start looking at the potential Democrat candidates to make a run for the Presidency. So far, President Trump has been very successful at improving the economy, decreasing unemployment, getting rid of oppressive regulations and lowering taxes. Internationally, he has renegotiated trade deals and gotten the US out of bad deals and agreements with the idea of negotiating better agreements and is working toward denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and Iran. Whether he will be successful remains to be seen. Even if he is successful, there are still some potential candidates who have begun obvious or weakly disguised messages that they are in the running. The continuing Mueller investigation, the antifa, and other anti Trump organizations want us to think he is vulnerable while for some, 2020 is just a test for 2024 but a last chance for others. Young and old, liberal to ultraliberal, the entire gamut of potential candidates are in the running. I will try to analyze the strong and weak points of each and at the end, list my "dark horse" to get the nomination.
Lets start with some of the obvious. Hillary Clinton just won't go away. Despite the terrible campaign she ran and her dumb book she wrote afterward, she just won't face reality. She is not a very likable person, has no message, in poor health, and would be in her 70s. She and hubby Bill are hitting the road for some sort of tour, I think to criticize President Trump and all of us who voted for him. (I wonder if I could sue her for libel for calling me deplorable.) She certainly has a lot of money to wage a campaign, but I think that she does not have the ability to raise huge amounts of money anymore. Her foreign sources have dried up and even most wealthy Democrat donors in the know see her as a loser. She lost in 2008 to Obama and then again to Trump in 2016. She barely beat out socialist Bernie Sanders with the unethical help from the DNC, CNN, and super delegates. Maybe woman abuser Bill, who doesn't look so good himself, can kick some sense into her (after all, maybe she likes it rough).
Next we have Bernie Sanders. Many ultraliberal Democrats think he should have been the nominee in 2016 if it weren't for HRC's and the DNC's treachery and he remains with a large following as the head of the socialist movement (it is not progressive, but actually regressive). I have to give Bernie credit, he waged a very active campaign for a man his age, but he will be 79 in 2020 and serving 4 years would put him at 83 if he won. The main question is whether he can hold up to a vigorous campaign, both for the nomination and then for the presidency, if he should win. Will he also be able to attract the money necessary to wage a successful campaign as there are certainly going to be much younger socialists and liberal Democrats in the running who would attract contributions, In 2016, he was really the only alternative to HRC for Democrats.
Other socialist candidates include Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren, Kamala Harris, and Cory (Spartacus) Booker. Warren is the only one with some experience, (but Obama had no experience and became President). She comes off as an angry person, who seems to be yelling and screaming at every demonstration in Washington, DC. She seems even less likable than HRC. For now, all we know that she stands for are oppressive government regulations and much higher taxes. I think it is safe to say that Harris and Booker, pretty much stand for the same, but they have done so little as senators that they would need to take the Obama route to the nomination. More than likely, except for Warren who is 69 years old, the others may look at this as a trial run for 2024.
I can't leave out Joe Biden. Biden, though 75, still seems to have some fight left in him. He would like to take President Trump out behind the gym and duke it out. It would make great par-for-view even better than a top UFC event. Joe usually has a big mouth with little to back it up. Though laughable because of his many gaffs, it is doubtful that he would be able to raise enough money to run, but he might be considered more moderate than the previous candidates mentioned and would certainly draw support from the dwindling number of traditional Democrats.
How about Tim Kaine, HRC's vice presidential running mate? Naw.
How about retiring Governor of California, Jerry Brown? He destroyed a once great state and would probably do the same to America. He is 80 years old. No way.
Two left overs from the Obama regime that may throw their hats in the ring, include former Attorney General Eric Holder and all around Obama lackey Susan Rice. Holder has a corrupt and/or inept tenure as Attorney General with one scandal after another that he would have to answer for. He is already trying for far left support with talk about getting violent with Trump supporters. And though the Democrat electorate would probably ignore it, His scandal plagued DOJ becomes an extreme liability during the presidential election. Susan Rice also has too many problems, especially with lying, to make her a real candidate.
There is one turncoat, Michael Bloomberg, former Republican mayor of New York City now a Democrat. His politics line up a little more toward the left of center and he has enough money to fund his own campaign as one of the wealthiest Americans. Though he lacks a national organization, he could certainly buy one and spend a billion of his own money and not really miss it. I imagine he would have to contend with the puppet master, George Soros, for buying hearts and minds. He is also no spring chicken and will be 78 years old in 2020. Might be fun to see Bloomberg and Sanders go at it. Maybe Biden would take them behind the gym. Bloomberg could also launch a third party campaign, if a socialist winds up with the Democrat nomination.
Before I give you my dark horse, I would like to say that all of the above have significant problems that could include age, experience, scandal, likability, and most importantly financial backing. The more radical of the candidates may even choose the third party route. Though any Democrat nominee will get some, the big donors may not want to go all in until 2024 after Trump finishes his second term and the Republican nomination will draw a large number of candidates.
I think it is obvious who I have left out. This dark horse was somewhat muted during the second Obama regime, but has begun to make more and more appearance. She is very anti Trump and in fact states that the great economic recovery that we have made was begun by Obama and gives Trump little if any credit for it. It should be obvious by now that i am talking about Michelle Obama. Her husband is still very popular among Democrats and would therefore have the ability to raise money. Many wealthy donors would contribute as they would consider her, like her husband, to favor crony capitalism. Other factors in her favor are name recognition and the obvious platform of returning to her husband's agenda. That she lacks any experience could be totally ignored, as Barack would be her most influential advisor. Finally she is also young enough to use 2020 as a stepping stone to 2024.
2020 should be very interesting. I suspect the Democrat Party will continue its self destructive journey to the left, especially as Trump continues to have one success after another.
Lets start with some of the obvious. Hillary Clinton just won't go away. Despite the terrible campaign she ran and her dumb book she wrote afterward, she just won't face reality. She is not a very likable person, has no message, in poor health, and would be in her 70s. She and hubby Bill are hitting the road for some sort of tour, I think to criticize President Trump and all of us who voted for him. (I wonder if I could sue her for libel for calling me deplorable.) She certainly has a lot of money to wage a campaign, but I think that she does not have the ability to raise huge amounts of money anymore. Her foreign sources have dried up and even most wealthy Democrat donors in the know see her as a loser. She lost in 2008 to Obama and then again to Trump in 2016. She barely beat out socialist Bernie Sanders with the unethical help from the DNC, CNN, and super delegates. Maybe woman abuser Bill, who doesn't look so good himself, can kick some sense into her (after all, maybe she likes it rough).
Next we have Bernie Sanders. Many ultraliberal Democrats think he should have been the nominee in 2016 if it weren't for HRC's and the DNC's treachery and he remains with a large following as the head of the socialist movement (it is not progressive, but actually regressive). I have to give Bernie credit, he waged a very active campaign for a man his age, but he will be 79 in 2020 and serving 4 years would put him at 83 if he won. The main question is whether he can hold up to a vigorous campaign, both for the nomination and then for the presidency, if he should win. Will he also be able to attract the money necessary to wage a successful campaign as there are certainly going to be much younger socialists and liberal Democrats in the running who would attract contributions, In 2016, he was really the only alternative to HRC for Democrats.
Other socialist candidates include Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren, Kamala Harris, and Cory (Spartacus) Booker. Warren is the only one with some experience, (but Obama had no experience and became President). She comes off as an angry person, who seems to be yelling and screaming at every demonstration in Washington, DC. She seems even less likable than HRC. For now, all we know that she stands for are oppressive government regulations and much higher taxes. I think it is safe to say that Harris and Booker, pretty much stand for the same, but they have done so little as senators that they would need to take the Obama route to the nomination. More than likely, except for Warren who is 69 years old, the others may look at this as a trial run for 2024.
I can't leave out Joe Biden. Biden, though 75, still seems to have some fight left in him. He would like to take President Trump out behind the gym and duke it out. It would make great par-for-view even better than a top UFC event. Joe usually has a big mouth with little to back it up. Though laughable because of his many gaffs, it is doubtful that he would be able to raise enough money to run, but he might be considered more moderate than the previous candidates mentioned and would certainly draw support from the dwindling number of traditional Democrats.
How about Tim Kaine, HRC's vice presidential running mate? Naw.
How about retiring Governor of California, Jerry Brown? He destroyed a once great state and would probably do the same to America. He is 80 years old. No way.
Two left overs from the Obama regime that may throw their hats in the ring, include former Attorney General Eric Holder and all around Obama lackey Susan Rice. Holder has a corrupt and/or inept tenure as Attorney General with one scandal after another that he would have to answer for. He is already trying for far left support with talk about getting violent with Trump supporters. And though the Democrat electorate would probably ignore it, His scandal plagued DOJ becomes an extreme liability during the presidential election. Susan Rice also has too many problems, especially with lying, to make her a real candidate.
There is one turncoat, Michael Bloomberg, former Republican mayor of New York City now a Democrat. His politics line up a little more toward the left of center and he has enough money to fund his own campaign as one of the wealthiest Americans. Though he lacks a national organization, he could certainly buy one and spend a billion of his own money and not really miss it. I imagine he would have to contend with the puppet master, George Soros, for buying hearts and minds. He is also no spring chicken and will be 78 years old in 2020. Might be fun to see Bloomberg and Sanders go at it. Maybe Biden would take them behind the gym. Bloomberg could also launch a third party campaign, if a socialist winds up with the Democrat nomination.
Before I give you my dark horse, I would like to say that all of the above have significant problems that could include age, experience, scandal, likability, and most importantly financial backing. The more radical of the candidates may even choose the third party route. Though any Democrat nominee will get some, the big donors may not want to go all in until 2024 after Trump finishes his second term and the Republican nomination will draw a large number of candidates.
I think it is obvious who I have left out. This dark horse was somewhat muted during the second Obama regime, but has begun to make more and more appearance. She is very anti Trump and in fact states that the great economic recovery that we have made was begun by Obama and gives Trump little if any credit for it. It should be obvious by now that i am talking about Michelle Obama. Her husband is still very popular among Democrats and would therefore have the ability to raise money. Many wealthy donors would contribute as they would consider her, like her husband, to favor crony capitalism. Other factors in her favor are name recognition and the obvious platform of returning to her husband's agenda. That she lacks any experience could be totally ignored, as Barack would be her most influential advisor. Finally she is also young enough to use 2020 as a stepping stone to 2024.
2020 should be very interesting. I suspect the Democrat Party will continue its self destructive journey to the left, especially as Trump continues to have one success after another.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Big Tech Is Targeting Me
Before I get into this new post, I would like to thank all of you for your wishes for my speedy recovery and I'm happy to report that I am at about 60%, but able to do just about everything I need to. Best of all my back pain is gone. I am continuing with physical therapy and hope to be 100% soon.
At first I couldn't believe it, but now i am convinced that big tech is targeting me and censuring my posts by limiting access. Normally when I published a blog, I announce it on a variety of Facebook sites, as well as Twitter, Quora, and email to friends and family. As you well know, my blog is filled with my conservative knowledge and beliefs with a special interest on the anthropogenic global warming hoax, pro Trump, and anti Obama, George Soros, and the left. Normally I get between a 100 and 150 reads per article, rarely more than 200, yet one of my posts received close to two thousand. At first i was excited, as I though my wisdom was gaining a huge following. The title of the blog was I Have to Admit that Obama Was Right. I did agree with Obama that anthropogenic global warming was the biggest threat we faced, but the gist of the posting was that belief in anthropogenic global warming was the real enemy and threat, as it robbed us of treasure and freedom. After it was posted, I did my usual notifications that a new article was available and was shocked by the massive increase in reads. I looked forward to posting my next article with such an expanded following. Unfortunately it went back to the usual number. In fact titles that were obviously anti Obama received the fewest readers, such as The FLOTUS Is Full Of Flatus, aimed at Michelle Obama's misguided political philosophy and actions as First Lady.
Bedridden after my surgery, I had little to do, but watch the news on television and stories about web censorship of conservatives was a frequent topic. I finally had an explanation for the differences in readership. Google, the host of blogspot.com, Facebook, Twitter, and maybe even Quora were limiting access to my blog. In fact I have occasionally been warned about breaking the rules of civility when none were broken. I purposely try not to use personal attacks, but back up my reports with facts, often contrary to liberalism and far left ideology. Negative comments to my blog are almost always personal saying I should never have been born and calling me all sorts of names. Rarely is a fact disputed with a reasonable argument. I enjoy these ridiculous comments and even posted a blog about it titled FUN and Games With the Left. The Left often resorted to personal attacks as they are unable to debate issues with facts. When they do, they often sound foolish, as Pelosi's comment calling Trump's tax cuts, bonuses, and raises "crumbs."
President Trump has found ways to avoid censorship despite the MSM and Web. He has brought himself to the people with rallies, over flowing with supporters, and through his twitter account, that was taken down for a short time by a techie at Twitter.
The Left has adopted Nazi like tactics, not only with anti America propaganda, but limiting free speech, especially on college campuses. Somehow liberal politicians support this, but claim they are for free speech. Doctor Democracy's Dictates with continue to publish as long as I am not banned. Thank you for your loyal readership.
At first I couldn't believe it, but now i am convinced that big tech is targeting me and censuring my posts by limiting access. Normally when I published a blog, I announce it on a variety of Facebook sites, as well as Twitter, Quora, and email to friends and family. As you well know, my blog is filled with my conservative knowledge and beliefs with a special interest on the anthropogenic global warming hoax, pro Trump, and anti Obama, George Soros, and the left. Normally I get between a 100 and 150 reads per article, rarely more than 200, yet one of my posts received close to two thousand. At first i was excited, as I though my wisdom was gaining a huge following. The title of the blog was I Have to Admit that Obama Was Right. I did agree with Obama that anthropogenic global warming was the biggest threat we faced, but the gist of the posting was that belief in anthropogenic global warming was the real enemy and threat, as it robbed us of treasure and freedom. After it was posted, I did my usual notifications that a new article was available and was shocked by the massive increase in reads. I looked forward to posting my next article with such an expanded following. Unfortunately it went back to the usual number. In fact titles that were obviously anti Obama received the fewest readers, such as The FLOTUS Is Full Of Flatus, aimed at Michelle Obama's misguided political philosophy and actions as First Lady.
Bedridden after my surgery, I had little to do, but watch the news on television and stories about web censorship of conservatives was a frequent topic. I finally had an explanation for the differences in readership. Google, the host of blogspot.com, Facebook, Twitter, and maybe even Quora were limiting access to my blog. In fact I have occasionally been warned about breaking the rules of civility when none were broken. I purposely try not to use personal attacks, but back up my reports with facts, often contrary to liberalism and far left ideology. Negative comments to my blog are almost always personal saying I should never have been born and calling me all sorts of names. Rarely is a fact disputed with a reasonable argument. I enjoy these ridiculous comments and even posted a blog about it titled FUN and Games With the Left. The Left often resorted to personal attacks as they are unable to debate issues with facts. When they do, they often sound foolish, as Pelosi's comment calling Trump's tax cuts, bonuses, and raises "crumbs."
President Trump has found ways to avoid censorship despite the MSM and Web. He has brought himself to the people with rallies, over flowing with supporters, and through his twitter account, that was taken down for a short time by a techie at Twitter.
The Left has adopted Nazi like tactics, not only with anti America propaganda, but limiting free speech, especially on college campuses. Somehow liberal politicians support this, but claim they are for free speech. Doctor Democracy's Dictates with continue to publish as long as I am not banned. Thank you for your loyal readership.
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Out Of Action...for Now
Some of you have wonder what happened to me. Did I die or get Alzheimer's or even kidnapped by the left? I can assure you that I'm free and alive, but recovering from major surgery that requires significant rehab every day, leaving me worn out physically and mentally for the time being. I am making a slow, but steady recovery and will be back to my old self in another month or two. Thank you all for your concern and following my blog.
Doctor Democracy
Doctor Democracy
Monday, April 30, 2018
The News Civil War: Part 1 The Winds of War continued
This is the continuation of Part 1 of a multi part post.
With the election of Ronald Reagan and the improvement of the economy and cooperation of Congress, the far left, whose next goal was to take over the Democrat Party, had to work well below the surface. Taking over universities, school boards, and starting to rewrite history were their early objectives. After the election of Bush XL1 in 1988, the left began to take a more aggressive approach. The first was to force Bush, who had stated as one of his campaign promises, "read my lips, no new taxes," to raise taxes. Bush had been riding a wave of popularity after the utter defeat and expulsion from Kuwait of Saddam Hussien and his huge army including the total devastation of his so called elite Republican Guard. Despite the quick decisive victory in 1991, Bush saw his popularity, then at an all time high, plummet by the 1992 elections. That election saw a populist candidate somewhat similar to Donald Trump, named Ross Perot. He was a Texas billionaire, who made his fortune in data storage, who had a broad spectrum of political beliefs. He had something of a populist platform including opposition to NAFTA. He bought 1/2 hour television segments to lay out his campaign and at one time led both Bush and Clinton with 39% of the possible vote, Bush was 34% and Clinton 23%. Despite these favorable numbers, Perot suspended his campaign temporarily, but by the time he resumed it after getting on all 50 state ballots it was too late. Still he got 18.9% of the vote, but no electoral votes. Clinton won with 43% and Bush came in second with 38%.
Though representing the Democrat Party, Bill Clinton was something of a pragmatist, driven primarily by greed for power, money, and legacy. Almost out of law school he became attorney general for the state of Arkansas and then its governor, never working in the private sector. His wife, Hillary, who has never showed any particular legal prowess, was hired by the Rose Law Firm, Arkansas's most prestigious at the time and made partner when Bill became governor. As First Lady, she decided to rewrite healthcare and spent a great deal of time and money on the effort, only to have it never even voted on. She was involved with one scandal after another, as it turned out, honed her skills at destroying or hiding evidence. A weak special counsel refused to indict her despite, numerous lies and evidence of obstruction of justice. Bill committed treason in order to get $20 million in campaign contributions for the Red Chinese Army for his 1996 campaign, by selling them missile guidance technology. The Lewinsky scandal, that occurred simultaneously, served as a diversion. Still WJC saw the advantage to working with Republicans who had taken over Congress on the basis of their "Contract with America." Even though he raised taxes and practice crony capitalism, the economy did well despite this, as a multi trillion dollar industry, the internet, began and rapidly flourished during his regime. Whether it was ego or bad advice, but when Janet Reno, Clinton's Attorney General, indicted Microsoft, one of the engines driving the stock market and the economy, the dot com bubble burst and led to a short, but unpublicized recession in 2000. Meanwhile the far left continued its efforts at taking over our universities. It should be noted the one of our current Supreme Court Justices, Elena Kagan, did away with Constitutional Law 101 at Harvard Law School and replaced it with Comparative Constitutional Law. Clinton's p4p continued up to his last days, pardoning Mark Rich, a wealthy oil trader, who ignored sanctions illegally dealt with Iraq. A gift to the planned Clinton library greased the way to the pardon.
During this period the far left was quietly continuing its take over of universities and school boards and political correctness raised its ugly head. Identity politics reared its ugly head as the left claimed Republicans were anti senior citizen, anti women, anti gay, and anti black (things haven't changed). I complained to my children's Jewish Day School when I learned that a teacher had told one of my children's classes that Jeb Bush, running for governor, was anti semitic. That prompted a call to administration, complaining that I did not want my children to listen to far left propaganda. I also complained about their text books, in particular history books. When I was told that these were the same books recommended by the California State School Board, I replied, "I rest my case."
The 2000 presidential election ended in controversy and the Gore vs Bush lawsuit went to the Supreme Court that found overwhelming for George Bush XLIII. Bush was just starting to turn the economy around after the recession of 2000 (the MSM never reported on it) when radical Islamists destroyed the World Trade center in NYC and murdered almost 3000 people. For a short time, as Americans tend to do, we and the world came together and soon American soldiers were sent to Afghanistan to attack Al Qaeda and its leader Osama Bin Ladin. The Taliban, anti America government was forced out and it and Al Qada took to the hills. The war continues to this day. A committee was formed to study the attack and Jamie Gorelick an assistant secretary of state under WJC was added to the committee to protect Clinton, who had several opportunities to take out Bin Ladin. In addition, she had forced rules that didn't allow the FBI and CIA to talk to one another. Another Clinton official, Sandy "the burglar" Berger was caught stealing classified documents in his socks.
At the same time Saddam Hussien began playing a game of chicken with President Bush over WMDs. Though minimal amounts were found, at least some were shipped to Syria and Libya. An audit by Paul Volcker, former Fed chairman, not only uncovered cheating in the oil for food program, but a bribe of $970k to America hater, Canadian communist and billionaire, and partner of Algore, who was supposed to be overseeing it. Based on WMDs, Iraq was invaded and Saddam Hussien was ultimately captured and executed. The story did not have a happy ending as multiple factions, including Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds fought something of a civil war as well as an Iranian backed guerrilla war against government and US Forces. The war in Iraq also became prolonged and began to divide members of Congress. As a result, the Democrats took control of Congress with the 2006 midterm elections and began dictating economic policy that included raising taxes and restrictions on banking and the economy. The Community Redevelopment Act (CRA) finally caught up with the economy and the housing bubble collapsed. President Bush and his cabinet were ill equipped to handle the recession and economic disaster. Some, in the most important positions, were in favor of big government. Bush who had been told that his spending on pursuing two wars and increasing the deficit was what was responsible. With the possibility of some large bank failures, Henry Paulson, Treasury Secretary, initiated a bailout, but not before Lehman Brothers went under. As it turned out Lehman Brothers was the chief rival of Goldman Sachs, Paulson's old firm. Shortly there after, it was decided to bail out AIG as "too big to fail," but the real reason was AIG owed Goldman Sachs tens of billions, that would have disappeared on Goldman's balance sheet with a bankruptcy.
That concludes the section on the Winds of War. In Part 2, I will describe the far left's take over of the Democrat Party and the rise of Barack Obama as its leader.
With the election of Ronald Reagan and the improvement of the economy and cooperation of Congress, the far left, whose next goal was to take over the Democrat Party, had to work well below the surface. Taking over universities, school boards, and starting to rewrite history were their early objectives. After the election of Bush XL1 in 1988, the left began to take a more aggressive approach. The first was to force Bush, who had stated as one of his campaign promises, "read my lips, no new taxes," to raise taxes. Bush had been riding a wave of popularity after the utter defeat and expulsion from Kuwait of Saddam Hussien and his huge army including the total devastation of his so called elite Republican Guard. Despite the quick decisive victory in 1991, Bush saw his popularity, then at an all time high, plummet by the 1992 elections. That election saw a populist candidate somewhat similar to Donald Trump, named Ross Perot. He was a Texas billionaire, who made his fortune in data storage, who had a broad spectrum of political beliefs. He had something of a populist platform including opposition to NAFTA. He bought 1/2 hour television segments to lay out his campaign and at one time led both Bush and Clinton with 39% of the possible vote, Bush was 34% and Clinton 23%. Despite these favorable numbers, Perot suspended his campaign temporarily, but by the time he resumed it after getting on all 50 state ballots it was too late. Still he got 18.9% of the vote, but no electoral votes. Clinton won with 43% and Bush came in second with 38%.
Though representing the Democrat Party, Bill Clinton was something of a pragmatist, driven primarily by greed for power, money, and legacy. Almost out of law school he became attorney general for the state of Arkansas and then its governor, never working in the private sector. His wife, Hillary, who has never showed any particular legal prowess, was hired by the Rose Law Firm, Arkansas's most prestigious at the time and made partner when Bill became governor. As First Lady, she decided to rewrite healthcare and spent a great deal of time and money on the effort, only to have it never even voted on. She was involved with one scandal after another, as it turned out, honed her skills at destroying or hiding evidence. A weak special counsel refused to indict her despite, numerous lies and evidence of obstruction of justice. Bill committed treason in order to get $20 million in campaign contributions for the Red Chinese Army for his 1996 campaign, by selling them missile guidance technology. The Lewinsky scandal, that occurred simultaneously, served as a diversion. Still WJC saw the advantage to working with Republicans who had taken over Congress on the basis of their "Contract with America." Even though he raised taxes and practice crony capitalism, the economy did well despite this, as a multi trillion dollar industry, the internet, began and rapidly flourished during his regime. Whether it was ego or bad advice, but when Janet Reno, Clinton's Attorney General, indicted Microsoft, one of the engines driving the stock market and the economy, the dot com bubble burst and led to a short, but unpublicized recession in 2000. Meanwhile the far left continued its efforts at taking over our universities. It should be noted the one of our current Supreme Court Justices, Elena Kagan, did away with Constitutional Law 101 at Harvard Law School and replaced it with Comparative Constitutional Law. Clinton's p4p continued up to his last days, pardoning Mark Rich, a wealthy oil trader, who ignored sanctions illegally dealt with Iraq. A gift to the planned Clinton library greased the way to the pardon.
During this period the far left was quietly continuing its take over of universities and school boards and political correctness raised its ugly head. Identity politics reared its ugly head as the left claimed Republicans were anti senior citizen, anti women, anti gay, and anti black (things haven't changed). I complained to my children's Jewish Day School when I learned that a teacher had told one of my children's classes that Jeb Bush, running for governor, was anti semitic. That prompted a call to administration, complaining that I did not want my children to listen to far left propaganda. I also complained about their text books, in particular history books. When I was told that these were the same books recommended by the California State School Board, I replied, "I rest my case."
The 2000 presidential election ended in controversy and the Gore vs Bush lawsuit went to the Supreme Court that found overwhelming for George Bush XLIII. Bush was just starting to turn the economy around after the recession of 2000 (the MSM never reported on it) when radical Islamists destroyed the World Trade center in NYC and murdered almost 3000 people. For a short time, as Americans tend to do, we and the world came together and soon American soldiers were sent to Afghanistan to attack Al Qaeda and its leader Osama Bin Ladin. The Taliban, anti America government was forced out and it and Al Qada took to the hills. The war continues to this day. A committee was formed to study the attack and Jamie Gorelick an assistant secretary of state under WJC was added to the committee to protect Clinton, who had several opportunities to take out Bin Ladin. In addition, she had forced rules that didn't allow the FBI and CIA to talk to one another. Another Clinton official, Sandy "the burglar" Berger was caught stealing classified documents in his socks.
At the same time Saddam Hussien began playing a game of chicken with President Bush over WMDs. Though minimal amounts were found, at least some were shipped to Syria and Libya. An audit by Paul Volcker, former Fed chairman, not only uncovered cheating in the oil for food program, but a bribe of $970k to America hater, Canadian communist and billionaire, and partner of Algore, who was supposed to be overseeing it. Based on WMDs, Iraq was invaded and Saddam Hussien was ultimately captured and executed. The story did not have a happy ending as multiple factions, including Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds fought something of a civil war as well as an Iranian backed guerrilla war against government and US Forces. The war in Iraq also became prolonged and began to divide members of Congress. As a result, the Democrats took control of Congress with the 2006 midterm elections and began dictating economic policy that included raising taxes and restrictions on banking and the economy. The Community Redevelopment Act (CRA) finally caught up with the economy and the housing bubble collapsed. President Bush and his cabinet were ill equipped to handle the recession and economic disaster. Some, in the most important positions, were in favor of big government. Bush who had been told that his spending on pursuing two wars and increasing the deficit was what was responsible. With the possibility of some large bank failures, Henry Paulson, Treasury Secretary, initiated a bailout, but not before Lehman Brothers went under. As it turned out Lehman Brothers was the chief rival of Goldman Sachs, Paulson's old firm. Shortly there after, it was decided to bail out AIG as "too big to fail," but the real reason was AIG owed Goldman Sachs tens of billions, that would have disappeared on Goldman's balance sheet with a bankruptcy.
That concludes the section on the Winds of War. In Part 2, I will describe the far left's take over of the Democrat Party and the rise of Barack Obama as its leader.
Saturday, April 21, 2018
The New Civil War: Part 1, The Winds of War
This is a multi part posting. I hope to take the reader through what led up to the new civil war, how it is progressing, and what we can do to win it once and for all.
Part 1: The Winds of War
The current civil war actually had its origins in the 1960s. The Supreme Court decision of Brown vs the Topeka School Board in 1954 combined with the passage of The Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act of 1963 and 1964, a first Civil War similarity, with Northern Democrats opposed to Southern Democrats. Democrat Party hypocrisy ruled the day as civil rights activists from the North came South to encourage voter registration and school integration while city schools in Democrat controlled large northern cities remained the most segregated in the country. The Viet Nam War was amped up by President Lyndon Johnson and opposition to the war mounted among college age students, when a draft lottery was begun.
Viet Nam was part of a former French colony called French Indochina. It was conquered by the Japanese during WW2, but France regained control after Japan was defeated. Indochina was caught up in a worldwide movement for independence and a gorilla war of mostly communist guerrillas ensued that resulted with the French being defeated at Dien Bien Phu. Indochina was then divided into the Kingdoms of Cambodia and Laos, and Republic of Viet Nam. Communist and non communist forces battled each other and an agreement was reach dividing Viet Nam into North Viet Nam (communist) and South Viet Nam, supposably democratic. The North was ruled by a Mao like dictator Ho Chi Min. The South had a series of elected but corrupt leaders. A civil war in the South between the government and Viet Cong (communists), who were aided by the North, began almost immediately. President Kennedy sent "military advisors" to help the South, but their number and role gradually increase until the Gulf of Tonkin event in which American warships were allegedly attacked by North Vietnamese vessels. Using this as an excuse, much like the sinking of the battleship Maine in Havana Harbor in 1898, American combat troops entered the war both against the Viet Cong and an infiltrating North Vietnamese Army. Our forces swelled to as many as 500K and ultimately we lost 50K soldiers. Until 1969, the war was run by Robert McNamara, the Secretary of Defense and Mc George Bundy, Under Secretary of State, two incompetents when it came to military strategy. General Westmoreland was the commander in the field and became their scapegoat for anything that went wrong. The two civilians running the war made many mistakes, telling the enemy where they would not attack, and thus allowing the North to concentrate its forces. (Sound familiar.)
The greatest anti war and anti draft sentiment came from college campuses and although college students were given a draft deferment, it ended when they graduated. This campus anti draft movement coincided with the so called fee speech movement and rioting on campuses with groups of leftist students seizing administration buildings. Much of Hollywood supported the students and the far left with actress Jane Fonda going to North Viet Nam and having her picture taken while sitting on a anti aircraft battery that was used to shoot down American pilots. Unfortunately, she was never arrested and tried for treason, and instead allowed to star in movies and sell exercise videos. Some Americas fled to Canada to avoid the draft. Violent demonstrators targeted the 1968 Democrat party Convention in Chicago, resulting in arrests and a trial of the "Chicago 12."
For some activists peaceful demonstrations were enough, but this leftist activity spurred two more violent movements, the Black Panthers and Students For a Democratic Society (SDS). The Black Panthers portrayed themselves as a sort of Robin Hood group, robbing banks and spreading some of the money around the black community. This provided them with goodwill and protection within the community, but they had gun fights with police and federal agents. Many were killed or arrested and went on trial and were convicted of a variety of crimes. SDS on the other hand sponsored demonstrations that may have become aggressive, but lacked serious criminality.
A personal account: in 1972 while a senior in medical school at St. Louis University, I heard of an anti Israel demonstration planned for the student union. (the left's hatred of Israel goes back a long way.) SLU is a Jesuit Catholic university and did not have an SDS chapter, but Washington University down the street did. WU also had a large jewish population, so when SDS decided to organize an anti Israel protest, it might find less opposition at the SLU. They rounded up 30 or so Arab and/or Palestinian students (?) from the St. Louis area and entered the student union chanting and carrying anti Israel signs, some comparing Israelis to Nazis with swatzikas. A classmate and I were there to meet them. We confronted them, tore away a sign and tried to run them out, The campus cops arrived just in time to keep any of them from getting hurt. Two Jews to thirty Palestinians seemed like pretty good odds to us.
Because SDS lacked a really violent arm, a group calling themselves the Weather Underground spun off from SDS, professing to be communist revolutionaries and began blowing up government buildings in Washington DC and police stations in New York City. and robbing banks Three of their own members died when a bomb making apartment in NYC accidentally blew up. Bill Ayers and his girl friend Bernadine Dohrn were two of the leaders. Ayers went into hiding and actually spent nearly a year at sea as a merchant seaman. When he was finally arrested he was released on a technicality. Dohrn actually spent a short time in prison. They married and became very good friends of the Obamas two decade later.
The war in Viet Nam and leftist unrest caused the economy to suffer. President Johnson took silver out of US coinage and eliminated the 25% gold backing that would limit the printing of money. President Nixon took us completely off the gold standard that allowed us to repay our foreign debts in paper rather than gold. By the end of the 1970s the stock market and the dollar had tanked and the government was issuing "Carter Bonds," denominated in Swiss Francs rather than dollars. Recognizing our weak leadership under President Carter, Iran took those in our embassy in Tehran hostage for 444 days.
During the 70s the educational system began to change. Liberal professors and college administrations began to dominate. The Democrat Party controlled almost every big city and were unable to provide adequate k-12 eduction as a result of their horrible policies. To make up for this, affirmative action was introduced at the college and graduate school level. Ethnicity became a significant factor in determining admissions. Years later the "free college" movement is affirmative action carried to its worst extreme.
With the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 things on the surface, at least, began to settle down but leftists and revolutionaries were still attacking our country below the surface. Although there was still disagreement between Republicans and Democrats the leadership actually found enough commonality to allow both sides to work together and so interest rates and unemployment dropped and the stock market rose, the economy improved, and taxes were lowered. Communism had run its course in Russia and Eastern Europe. But as the Iron Curtain began to fall, the Middle east was heating up. Civil War in Lebanon resulted in UN forces, lead by France and the US, arriving in Beirut to maintain peace in 1983. A Hezbollah suicide bomber drove a truck filled with explosives into a barracks and killed more than 200 marines. The US left Lebanon.
At home, the left continued its clandestine campaign to take over our educational system from kindergarten through college in order to indoctrinate our children. At colleges, history revisionism was begun, altering or ignoring our history to support a far left version. Black Studies were begun in many colleges, a good idea, but unfortunately at the forefront of ignoring or altering history to foster a far left vision for black students. Though slavery was a terrible period in our history, African Americans did much more than exist as slaves before the civil war. There were many who were not slaves, especially in the North, and who were regular citizens who contributed to their communities and to America, yet Black History courses seem to start after the Civil War.
To be continued:
Part 1: The Winds of War
The current civil war actually had its origins in the 1960s. The Supreme Court decision of Brown vs the Topeka School Board in 1954 combined with the passage of The Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act of 1963 and 1964, a first Civil War similarity, with Northern Democrats opposed to Southern Democrats. Democrat Party hypocrisy ruled the day as civil rights activists from the North came South to encourage voter registration and school integration while city schools in Democrat controlled large northern cities remained the most segregated in the country. The Viet Nam War was amped up by President Lyndon Johnson and opposition to the war mounted among college age students, when a draft lottery was begun.
Viet Nam was part of a former French colony called French Indochina. It was conquered by the Japanese during WW2, but France regained control after Japan was defeated. Indochina was caught up in a worldwide movement for independence and a gorilla war of mostly communist guerrillas ensued that resulted with the French being defeated at Dien Bien Phu. Indochina was then divided into the Kingdoms of Cambodia and Laos, and Republic of Viet Nam. Communist and non communist forces battled each other and an agreement was reach dividing Viet Nam into North Viet Nam (communist) and South Viet Nam, supposably democratic. The North was ruled by a Mao like dictator Ho Chi Min. The South had a series of elected but corrupt leaders. A civil war in the South between the government and Viet Cong (communists), who were aided by the North, began almost immediately. President Kennedy sent "military advisors" to help the South, but their number and role gradually increase until the Gulf of Tonkin event in which American warships were allegedly attacked by North Vietnamese vessels. Using this as an excuse, much like the sinking of the battleship Maine in Havana Harbor in 1898, American combat troops entered the war both against the Viet Cong and an infiltrating North Vietnamese Army. Our forces swelled to as many as 500K and ultimately we lost 50K soldiers. Until 1969, the war was run by Robert McNamara, the Secretary of Defense and Mc George Bundy, Under Secretary of State, two incompetents when it came to military strategy. General Westmoreland was the commander in the field and became their scapegoat for anything that went wrong. The two civilians running the war made many mistakes, telling the enemy where they would not attack, and thus allowing the North to concentrate its forces. (Sound familiar.)
The greatest anti war and anti draft sentiment came from college campuses and although college students were given a draft deferment, it ended when they graduated. This campus anti draft movement coincided with the so called fee speech movement and rioting on campuses with groups of leftist students seizing administration buildings. Much of Hollywood supported the students and the far left with actress Jane Fonda going to North Viet Nam and having her picture taken while sitting on a anti aircraft battery that was used to shoot down American pilots. Unfortunately, she was never arrested and tried for treason, and instead allowed to star in movies and sell exercise videos. Some Americas fled to Canada to avoid the draft. Violent demonstrators targeted the 1968 Democrat party Convention in Chicago, resulting in arrests and a trial of the "Chicago 12."
For some activists peaceful demonstrations were enough, but this leftist activity spurred two more violent movements, the Black Panthers and Students For a Democratic Society (SDS). The Black Panthers portrayed themselves as a sort of Robin Hood group, robbing banks and spreading some of the money around the black community. This provided them with goodwill and protection within the community, but they had gun fights with police and federal agents. Many were killed or arrested and went on trial and were convicted of a variety of crimes. SDS on the other hand sponsored demonstrations that may have become aggressive, but lacked serious criminality.
A personal account: in 1972 while a senior in medical school at St. Louis University, I heard of an anti Israel demonstration planned for the student union. (the left's hatred of Israel goes back a long way.) SLU is a Jesuit Catholic university and did not have an SDS chapter, but Washington University down the street did. WU also had a large jewish population, so when SDS decided to organize an anti Israel protest, it might find less opposition at the SLU. They rounded up 30 or so Arab and/or Palestinian students (?) from the St. Louis area and entered the student union chanting and carrying anti Israel signs, some comparing Israelis to Nazis with swatzikas. A classmate and I were there to meet them. We confronted them, tore away a sign and tried to run them out, The campus cops arrived just in time to keep any of them from getting hurt. Two Jews to thirty Palestinians seemed like pretty good odds to us.
Because SDS lacked a really violent arm, a group calling themselves the Weather Underground spun off from SDS, professing to be communist revolutionaries and began blowing up government buildings in Washington DC and police stations in New York City. and robbing banks Three of their own members died when a bomb making apartment in NYC accidentally blew up. Bill Ayers and his girl friend Bernadine Dohrn were two of the leaders. Ayers went into hiding and actually spent nearly a year at sea as a merchant seaman. When he was finally arrested he was released on a technicality. Dohrn actually spent a short time in prison. They married and became very good friends of the Obamas two decade later.
The war in Viet Nam and leftist unrest caused the economy to suffer. President Johnson took silver out of US coinage and eliminated the 25% gold backing that would limit the printing of money. President Nixon took us completely off the gold standard that allowed us to repay our foreign debts in paper rather than gold. By the end of the 1970s the stock market and the dollar had tanked and the government was issuing "Carter Bonds," denominated in Swiss Francs rather than dollars. Recognizing our weak leadership under President Carter, Iran took those in our embassy in Tehran hostage for 444 days.
During the 70s the educational system began to change. Liberal professors and college administrations began to dominate. The Democrat Party controlled almost every big city and were unable to provide adequate k-12 eduction as a result of their horrible policies. To make up for this, affirmative action was introduced at the college and graduate school level. Ethnicity became a significant factor in determining admissions. Years later the "free college" movement is affirmative action carried to its worst extreme.
With the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 things on the surface, at least, began to settle down but leftists and revolutionaries were still attacking our country below the surface. Although there was still disagreement between Republicans and Democrats the leadership actually found enough commonality to allow both sides to work together and so interest rates and unemployment dropped and the stock market rose, the economy improved, and taxes were lowered. Communism had run its course in Russia and Eastern Europe. But as the Iron Curtain began to fall, the Middle east was heating up. Civil War in Lebanon resulted in UN forces, lead by France and the US, arriving in Beirut to maintain peace in 1983. A Hezbollah suicide bomber drove a truck filled with explosives into a barracks and killed more than 200 marines. The US left Lebanon.
At home, the left continued its clandestine campaign to take over our educational system from kindergarten through college in order to indoctrinate our children. At colleges, history revisionism was begun, altering or ignoring our history to support a far left version. Black Studies were begun in many colleges, a good idea, but unfortunately at the forefront of ignoring or altering history to foster a far left vision for black students. Though slavery was a terrible period in our history, African Americans did much more than exist as slaves before the civil war. There were many who were not slaves, especially in the North, and who were regular citizens who contributed to their communities and to America, yet Black History courses seem to start after the Civil War.
To be continued:
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
The Russia Questions No One Is Asking
During the 2016 Presidential Election Campaign, HRC and the DNC through attorney Marc Elias of the Perkins-Coie legal firm hired Fusion GPS to perform opposition research on candidate Donald Trump. Fusion GPS employed a former British spy, Christopher Steele. Why they hired a Brit to perform opposition research on the Republican candidate is unknown, just as why they specifically had him look into Russian "collusion" is even more obscure. The FBI was made aware of the dossier that Steele allegedly produced for Fusion GPS, but the HRC and the DNC didn't use it prior to the election as it was and still is mostly unverified. Instead it served as an "insurance policy," if HRC lost the election. In January of 2017 Buzzfeed , and internet version of the National Inquirer, published the details of the dossier. As it was not verified most news outlets were reluctant to publish it. FBI Director James Comey, informed President Trump of the dossier, but I am certain he didn't tell him it was used by the FBI and the Obama DoJ to obtain FISA warrants to listen in on the Trump campaign and his team after the election.
It also became apparent that Comey and the FBI were less than up front with the President concerning the election and the HRC email investigation. This resulted in the Comey firing that then initiated the call for a special counsel to investigate Russian collusion by President Trump, both during and immediately after the 2016 election cycle. The Russia probe seems to occupy much of the time and space with the MSM and Democrat Party who gleefully speculated that our President had committed terrible crimes and would be impeached. This has subsequently raised questions that no one seems to really want to ask and answer. Why would the Russians want Trump to win when they knew that the Clintons would do just about anything for a payoff including commit treason. In 1996 WJC allowed missile guidance technology to be sold by a friend and bundler, Bernie Schwartz of Lorel Aerospace, to the Red Chinese Army in return for $20 million in illegal campaign contributions. The CIA, DoD, and DoS had told him not to. They felt that it would take 10-20 years and $2 billion to develop this on their own. Not only did the Chinese get this technology, but some of it is now in the hands or North Korea, and Iran. Obama and HRC allowed Russia to purchase 20% of US Uranium in return for a $145 million contribution to the Clinton Foundation and $500K for a speech by Bill. Details have been covered up and an FBI informant, Doug Campbell, was forced to sign an NDA so the deal could go through. Yes, Obama slapped some sanctions on Russia, but refused to send arms to Ukraine after they were invaded by Russia. With Trump, a political amateur and outsider, they had no real experience. Why would the Russian's change support from a sure thing in HRC? Oh I know, it was the stupid reset button that must have pissed them off.
The Democrats have claimed that Russia hacked the DNC server, but never let the FBI examine it. Instead they claimed the tech firm they used, Crowd Strike, said it was the Russians. Julian Assange has denied that it was the Russians, and has somewhat cryptically advised that it was the murdered Seth Rich. It has been confirmed that Rich did contact Wikileaks. This investigation is sadly at a standstill but need to be reopened by at the federal level rather than the DC Police who have never been able to explain away the inconsistencies in their findings.
The most obvious question is if the Russians really wanted Trump to win, why the dossier? There are multiple possible answers and you can pick which one you believe. First, it is possible that the Russians contributed little if anything to the dossier, in that it was the work of Sid Blumenthal, Robbie Mook, and of course Christopher Steele, a Trump hater. When HRC lost the election, the dossier took on a life of its own, used as an excuse to force an investigation by Robert Mueller, the "insurance policy" mentioned in the Peter Strzok and Lisa Page texts. Although I don't know anything about Mueller's investigation that hasn't been reported (and much of what has been reported is open for interpretation), there is no report yet that he has verified any significant information in the dossier related to the campaign.
Another possibility is that Russians did write much of it, but that seems remote, if Putin wanted Trump to win. I doubt if a Russian or Russians would give out that kind of unverified information without Putin's consent with no concern for their own lives and the potential dire consequences, if he found out. More than likely, if Putin took sides, he watched CNN, MSNBC, and all other MSM outlets and decided that Hillary was going to win and provided a damning dossier that would curry favor with the new Clinton regime.
The last possibility and the one I favor the most is that Putin and Russia's efforts in the last election were not to pick sides, but to sow confusion and dissent among American politicians and the American people about politics and the political system. If that was the reason behind it, they have already been very successful. The dossier has been a source of great divide polarizing Democrats and Republicans even more. It has touched off a costly investigations at the congressional level as well as with a special counsel with virtually nothing to show for it, except for some weak indictments unrelated to the President.
If interfering in the elections of another country is such a terrible thing, why did we allow our own government to participate in attempts to alter election results in other countries. WJC sent his team of dirty tricksters to Israel to defeat Netanyahu and Obama did the same. In fact Obama, HRC, and Ambassador Jess Bailey spent over $10 million of tax payer dollars trying to replace the right center government of Macedonia. Five million went to George Soros' Open Borders Macedonia to publish copies of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals into Macedonian. Until recently our money was still being dished out to fund anti government activities ( see blog from 6/5/17 Macedonia WTF).
It doesn't make any sense that the Russians wanted Trump to win and supplied such a damning dossier. Little did they know that Trump would win and HRC would claim that the Russians defeated her and with that in mind the left fought for and won a series of worthless investigations that drove both sides further apart and wasted time and money achieving Russia's goal in the first place.
It also became apparent that Comey and the FBI were less than up front with the President concerning the election and the HRC email investigation. This resulted in the Comey firing that then initiated the call for a special counsel to investigate Russian collusion by President Trump, both during and immediately after the 2016 election cycle. The Russia probe seems to occupy much of the time and space with the MSM and Democrat Party who gleefully speculated that our President had committed terrible crimes and would be impeached. This has subsequently raised questions that no one seems to really want to ask and answer. Why would the Russians want Trump to win when they knew that the Clintons would do just about anything for a payoff including commit treason. In 1996 WJC allowed missile guidance technology to be sold by a friend and bundler, Bernie Schwartz of Lorel Aerospace, to the Red Chinese Army in return for $20 million in illegal campaign contributions. The CIA, DoD, and DoS had told him not to. They felt that it would take 10-20 years and $2 billion to develop this on their own. Not only did the Chinese get this technology, but some of it is now in the hands or North Korea, and Iran. Obama and HRC allowed Russia to purchase 20% of US Uranium in return for a $145 million contribution to the Clinton Foundation and $500K for a speech by Bill. Details have been covered up and an FBI informant, Doug Campbell, was forced to sign an NDA so the deal could go through. Yes, Obama slapped some sanctions on Russia, but refused to send arms to Ukraine after they were invaded by Russia. With Trump, a political amateur and outsider, they had no real experience. Why would the Russian's change support from a sure thing in HRC? Oh I know, it was the stupid reset button that must have pissed them off.
The Democrats have claimed that Russia hacked the DNC server, but never let the FBI examine it. Instead they claimed the tech firm they used, Crowd Strike, said it was the Russians. Julian Assange has denied that it was the Russians, and has somewhat cryptically advised that it was the murdered Seth Rich. It has been confirmed that Rich did contact Wikileaks. This investigation is sadly at a standstill but need to be reopened by at the federal level rather than the DC Police who have never been able to explain away the inconsistencies in their findings.
The most obvious question is if the Russians really wanted Trump to win, why the dossier? There are multiple possible answers and you can pick which one you believe. First, it is possible that the Russians contributed little if anything to the dossier, in that it was the work of Sid Blumenthal, Robbie Mook, and of course Christopher Steele, a Trump hater. When HRC lost the election, the dossier took on a life of its own, used as an excuse to force an investigation by Robert Mueller, the "insurance policy" mentioned in the Peter Strzok and Lisa Page texts. Although I don't know anything about Mueller's investigation that hasn't been reported (and much of what has been reported is open for interpretation), there is no report yet that he has verified any significant information in the dossier related to the campaign.
Another possibility is that Russians did write much of it, but that seems remote, if Putin wanted Trump to win. I doubt if a Russian or Russians would give out that kind of unverified information without Putin's consent with no concern for their own lives and the potential dire consequences, if he found out. More than likely, if Putin took sides, he watched CNN, MSNBC, and all other MSM outlets and decided that Hillary was going to win and provided a damning dossier that would curry favor with the new Clinton regime.
The last possibility and the one I favor the most is that Putin and Russia's efforts in the last election were not to pick sides, but to sow confusion and dissent among American politicians and the American people about politics and the political system. If that was the reason behind it, they have already been very successful. The dossier has been a source of great divide polarizing Democrats and Republicans even more. It has touched off a costly investigations at the congressional level as well as with a special counsel with virtually nothing to show for it, except for some weak indictments unrelated to the President.
If interfering in the elections of another country is such a terrible thing, why did we allow our own government to participate in attempts to alter election results in other countries. WJC sent his team of dirty tricksters to Israel to defeat Netanyahu and Obama did the same. In fact Obama, HRC, and Ambassador Jess Bailey spent over $10 million of tax payer dollars trying to replace the right center government of Macedonia. Five million went to George Soros' Open Borders Macedonia to publish copies of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals into Macedonian. Until recently our money was still being dished out to fund anti government activities ( see blog from 6/5/17 Macedonia WTF).
It doesn't make any sense that the Russians wanted Trump to win and supplied such a damning dossier. Little did they know that Trump would win and HRC would claim that the Russians defeated her and with that in mind the left fought for and won a series of worthless investigations that drove both sides further apart and wasted time and money achieving Russia's goal in the first place.
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Blame Obama and Holder for the Massacre in Parkland
When the terrible tragedy occurred in Parkland, Florida on February 14, many tried to place blame. Of course anytime anyone fires a shot, its theNRA's fault and then liberals started to blame President Trump, I don't know why. As more and more was learned, the FBI and local Police were blamed for not arresting or at least following up on information they had received and finally four sheriff's deputies were blamed for not charging into the school building while shots were being fired. I would like to offer another source of blame after digging deeper into why this tragedy happened.
I have written about Obama's unexplained weakness on crime. First he had his AG Eric Holder release Black Panthers, who were ready to plead guilty to charges that they intimidated white voters at a Philadelphia polling place during the 2008 election. Then he released or comminuted the sentences for 1625 drug dealers, many with concomitant gun charges, in the midst of a drug epidemic. Some have already been rearrested. But what does that have to do with Parkland and Nikolas Cruz? Let me explain.
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Robert Runcie |
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Nikolas Cruz |
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Sheriff Scott Israel with Naser Hamze a deputy he recruited, who is also a leading CAIR official. |
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AR-15 |
Monday, January 29, 2018
Follow up: More on the FED, DACA and Immigration, The Memo, Political Correctness
This is a follow up to some of my recent reports. The last report was a little long and I apologize for it and also that it discussed some aspects of the economy that aren't well known. I apologize in advance as well, as I am about to do it again. I said that the various Fed branches are loaded with Obama moles serving as directors and could use the Fed to destroy the benefits of the Trump agenda and economy. I just discovered that the Fed has stopped rolling over $10 billion/month in short term government bonds that it holds as part of quantitative easing that helped support the disastrous measures taken by the Obama regime to effect the economy. This has been going on for 4 months. Normally the farther out one goes with a bond's maturity, the higher the interest rate. This is risk related so that a one year note has a lower rate than a 30 year note. On rare occasions, when the rates become inverted, this becomes an ominous sign, as it usually precedes a recession. By not rolling over the bonds, short term rates will rise in order to attract new buyers and they are already starting to approach the long term rates. No one except the left and Obama and his supporters want a recession. They want to destroy the economy to discredit President Trump and hurt America. The Fed is supposed to prevent recessions, if possible, but it seems like they could be leading us into one. Keep close watch on the Fed to see how when and by how much the Fed raises rates this year. I will try to follow who they vote in as new directors are at each bank as many of the old directors' terms are up. We have a new Fed Chairman Jerome Powell appointed by President Trump, but I don't know where he stands or how much power the various Fed branches have in relationship to the chairman.
The President didn't follow my advise and the government was shut down for a day or so. Because only a short term resolution was finally passed, we will go through this again in a week or so. The President has now seen the light and with a brilliant strategy placed a great immigration package on the table, giving an eventual path to citizenship to 1.8 million DACA people. In addition his plan calls for $25 billion for border security, an end to chain migration, and a change to the immigration lottery rules, that opens the lottery to only those who can be of benefit to America, adopt American ways and values, and not just become welfare recipients and Democrat voters. Typically the Democrats have already shown their true colors and this will hurt them in the 2018 elections. They have demonstrated to the American people that they are more interested in non citizens than Americans and their initial reaction to the President's plan has reinforced this. Nancy Pelosi and Democrat supporters have tried to make this a racial and white supremacist issue, but I think that most American, except for the far left, will see through this. Americans have already seen that the America first policy of the President has created jobs, raised wages, brought money back home, and pledges to grow businesses that will increase employment and strengthen the economy. Blacks and Hispanics have record employment rates and women's employment is at a 17 year high. The money that will be repatriated and the taxes created by increased employment may eliminate a deficit for the next year. Congressional Republicans need to push hard to get this immigration bill passed to generate some enthusiasm for the midterm elections. At times it seems that the leadership is asleep with little emphasis on getting things done. Republicans need to understand that the MSM is against them and with lies and fake news is out to create a self fulfilling prophecy. about Republican loosing the midterms
It looks like the Congressional intelligence Committee has finally done something worthwhile and authored a four page memo that outlines the treasonous abuses of some members of the DOJ and FBI at the highest level. It will be interesting to see how up this goes beyond the DOJ and FBI to the Oval Office, HRC, and the Democrat Party. Penalties for these crimes can be severe and can involve major prison time. Who will roll over first as the investigation moves up the food chain? With long prison sentences hanging over them, will one of Obama's protectors flip? Although this should have a major impact on Mueller's investigation, it seems he is not a man of fairness and integrity. Though his investigation has not discovered any evidence of collusion (we knew it wouldn't) he presses on and has charged people with crimes unrelated to the President. He has been forced to fire members of his team for obvious bias and he should fire a few more. Their work should be discredited. Despite the anemic efforts and pace of Congress to get things done, there is still a major news coming out any day now exposing the corruption. It may mean that anything obtained from the illegal FISA warrants is tainted and puts an even darker cloud over the legitimacy of Mueller's investigation and any indictments he has made or planning to make will be poisoned and thrown out if they go to court. Resignations have already begun from the number 2 Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and 3 FBI Chief of Staff James Rybicki after the memo was read over the weekend by new FBI director Chris Wray. The swamp is being cleared.
I have noted the political correctness has changed our lexicon. Communists/socialists are now called Progressives, Antifa, or Democrats. Though not all Democrats are communists/socialists, many at the left of the party are. The Soros funded Center for American Progress uses the same initials as Communist Party America. I don't think it is a coincidence. In addition, many so called globalists are either socialists or communists. Communism has always had a globalist strategy ("workers of the world unite") attempting to take over country after country during the 20th century. Socialism is also a globalist political philosophy and the major issues used to further its goals include the global warming hoax and open borders. Another popular politically correct term that in reality means robbing hard working Americans by the government is now called "social justice." How just is taking from those who work and giving to those who won't? Obamacare and the thankfully ill-fated Cap and Trade plan are examples along with high taxes. President Trumps successful appearance at the Davos economic summit has shown the world how to build a thriving economy and that America is one again leading from the front.
The President didn't follow my advise and the government was shut down for a day or so. Because only a short term resolution was finally passed, we will go through this again in a week or so. The President has now seen the light and with a brilliant strategy placed a great immigration package on the table, giving an eventual path to citizenship to 1.8 million DACA people. In addition his plan calls for $25 billion for border security, an end to chain migration, and a change to the immigration lottery rules, that opens the lottery to only those who can be of benefit to America, adopt American ways and values, and not just become welfare recipients and Democrat voters. Typically the Democrats have already shown their true colors and this will hurt them in the 2018 elections. They have demonstrated to the American people that they are more interested in non citizens than Americans and their initial reaction to the President's plan has reinforced this. Nancy Pelosi and Democrat supporters have tried to make this a racial and white supremacist issue, but I think that most American, except for the far left, will see through this. Americans have already seen that the America first policy of the President has created jobs, raised wages, brought money back home, and pledges to grow businesses that will increase employment and strengthen the economy. Blacks and Hispanics have record employment rates and women's employment is at a 17 year high. The money that will be repatriated and the taxes created by increased employment may eliminate a deficit for the next year. Congressional Republicans need to push hard to get this immigration bill passed to generate some enthusiasm for the midterm elections. At times it seems that the leadership is asleep with little emphasis on getting things done. Republicans need to understand that the MSM is against them and with lies and fake news is out to create a self fulfilling prophecy. about Republican loosing the midterms
It looks like the Congressional intelligence Committee has finally done something worthwhile and authored a four page memo that outlines the treasonous abuses of some members of the DOJ and FBI at the highest level. It will be interesting to see how up this goes beyond the DOJ and FBI to the Oval Office, HRC, and the Democrat Party. Penalties for these crimes can be severe and can involve major prison time. Who will roll over first as the investigation moves up the food chain? With long prison sentences hanging over them, will one of Obama's protectors flip? Although this should have a major impact on Mueller's investigation, it seems he is not a man of fairness and integrity. Though his investigation has not discovered any evidence of collusion (we knew it wouldn't) he presses on and has charged people with crimes unrelated to the President. He has been forced to fire members of his team for obvious bias and he should fire a few more. Their work should be discredited. Despite the anemic efforts and pace of Congress to get things done, there is still a major news coming out any day now exposing the corruption. It may mean that anything obtained from the illegal FISA warrants is tainted and puts an even darker cloud over the legitimacy of Mueller's investigation and any indictments he has made or planning to make will be poisoned and thrown out if they go to court. Resignations have already begun from the number 2 Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and 3 FBI Chief of Staff James Rybicki after the memo was read over the weekend by new FBI director Chris Wray. The swamp is being cleared.
I have noted the political correctness has changed our lexicon. Communists/socialists are now called Progressives, Antifa, or Democrats. Though not all Democrats are communists/socialists, many at the left of the party are. The Soros funded Center for American Progress uses the same initials as Communist Party America. I don't think it is a coincidence. In addition, many so called globalists are either socialists or communists. Communism has always had a globalist strategy ("workers of the world unite") attempting to take over country after country during the 20th century. Socialism is also a globalist political philosophy and the major issues used to further its goals include the global warming hoax and open borders. Another popular politically correct term that in reality means robbing hard working Americans by the government is now called "social justice." How just is taking from those who work and giving to those who won't? Obamacare and the thankfully ill-fated Cap and Trade plan are examples along with high taxes. President Trumps successful appearance at the Davos economic summit has shown the world how to build a thriving economy and that America is one again leading from the front.
Friday, January 19, 2018
After Collusion with Russia and Mental Deterioration Have Failed , What's Next for Democrats
Democrats can still not get over President Trump's overwhelming electoral victory over their designated successor to Obama. First they tried a laughable narrative that President Trump colluded with Valdmir Putin and Russia to win the election. The ridiculous investigations by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and Congress have essentially run their course and have not found anything worthwhile. In fact, the only collusion with Russia that was used to try to win the election has turned out to be with Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. The DNC, controlled financially and politically by HRC, paid out $10 million through their attorney Mark Elias to Fusion GPS headed by Glenn Simpson, a Democrat firm that tries to find negative information on Republican candidates, to fund a dossier compiled by a former British agent Christopher Steele about any Trump ties to Russia. Since none of any consequence existed, a dossier, filled with fake unsubstantiated salacious claims was created and yet HRC paid out $10 million for a fake dossier. Give me a break. They all knew it was fake and that is why it was not made public during the campaign. Instead it was passed on to complicit FBI agents who colluded with HRC, Obama, and the Democrat Party to obtain FISA warrants on Trump and the Trump team and was eventually used as a factor in calling for an investigation by a special counsel. This move quickly backfired on the Democrats. And now crimes involving HRC, the Democrat Party, Obama and his cronies like Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Ben Rhodes, Loretta Lynch, and James Clapper, along with a group of rogue FBI agents such as Assistant Director Andrew McCabe, Richard Strzok, and Director James Comey have been uncovered and the investigation is at it earliest stages. If Sessions and the DOJ follow through, these crimes will make Richard Nixon's Watergate look like child's play. An attempt to unseat a sitting president may be looked at as treason and the penalty for treason can include the death penalty. If charges that emerge that are that serious, I doubt whether Obama's cronies will continue to take the fall for him and will be climbing over each other to make a deal.
Next the Democrats have tried to say that the president is mentally unfit and want to use the 25th Amendment to remove him from office as with a Republican majority in both houses, they cannot just impeach him. That might be hard even if the Democrats had a majority, as disagreeing with the President's policies are not grounds for impeachment, Obama would have disappeared before his eight years were up. Left leaning psychiatrists as well as totally unqualified people in the MSM have tried to foster the message that the President is insane or suffering from Alzheimer's Disease. These psychiatrists have violated the code of ethics as issued by the American Psychiatric Association. It is unethical and non medical to issue a diagnosis without first examining a patient. Rear Adm. Ron Jackson, who has serves as physician to President Trump and to the last two presidents as well, just performed a physical exam on the President including a mental status exam and announced that the President is in very good health and mentally fit, to the dismay of the Democrats and MSM. Imagine how corrupt they all are, wishing the President was ill or mentally unfit. If anyone was in ill health it is HRC, who had several episodes of fainting or falling during the campaign and whose campaigning became very limited and access to the MSM all but disappeared. I would like to see Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, John Lewis, Sheila Jackson, and Al Green open their latest physical exam to the public and MSM.
So what's next for the Democrats. Foolishly with the help of the MSM, they may even want to attack the economy via the stock market. It would be impossible to attack the current economy that has improved rapidly since President Trump entered office. By abolishing Obama's business and economy killing executive orders almost all sectors of the economy began to rapidly improve. Passage of major tax cuts to businesses and individuals has accelerated the process with many businesses giving bonuses and/or raises to its non executive work force. The stock market is on a tear, as well, taking only seven sessions to go from 25K to 26K recently. Black employment is at an all time high and Hispanic at its highest since 1979. People aren't that stupid to believe that the tax cuts hurt them when they see a bonus check and an extra forty or fifty dollars per week in the pay check. On that alone, many will vote their wallet and Republican in the midterm elections. Passing a comprehensive immigration bill that keeps low wage unskilled illegal workers out of the country and making America safer will also help. The stock market is vulnerable to attack. Many pundits have been crying ever since President Trump took office that the market is over bought and in a bubble state predicting the bubble bursting and subsequently causing a downturn in the economy as it did in 1987, 2000, and 2008. The biggest fake news story of 2017 went to economist Paul Krugman of the NY Times, who said that the economy would collapse after President Trump was elected. He has since admitted his mistake, but still says bad things will happen. CNN, MSNBC, some at CNBC, and other MSM sources claim the bubble is about burst every time there is a down day on the market. This will keep unsophisticated investors on edge and as October approaches, I look for this to happen more and more with some emphasis, advising to get out and take profits. If you say this loud and long enough, it might just become a self fulfilling prophecy. If there is a drop in the market from this, the sophisticated investor will look at this as a buying opportunity. Unwittingly, the MSM will allow the rich to get richer.
Finally the Federal Reserve could also represent a danger to the President. The Federal Reserve is thought to want to raise interest rates three times this year, but ordinarily doesn't raise rates at a meeting right before an election as markets can be sensitive to a change. During the Obama regime interest rates were kept near zero to compensate for Obama's destructive economic policies. Therefore pay attention to when and how much the Fed raises rates. Why do I say this? As we are well aware, Obama has filled every place he could with anti Trump moles, having politicized and weaponized everything he could, even in positions that are supposed to remain politically neutral like the IRS and the FBI. Believe it or not he has even inserted his moles onto the boards of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks. Would you believe that a former attorney for the SEIU, Sara Horwitz sits as a C director of the New York Federal Reserve and David M. Cote, once called by Obama the business man he most admired, even though he was fired by Jamie Diman of J.P. Morgan Chase for losing $6 billion as a risk manager overseeing derivative trading. He is a B director who once served on Obama's committees of business executives and oversaw a PAC that has donated $7 million to political candidates. When he was appointed as a B director, it was questioned because of his lack of banking experience. The other boards have similar members with ties to Obama. Look them up as I have.
Many of us were criticized, when we said we wanted Obama to fail as we were well aware of Obama's overall plan to crush the American economy and push America into socialism. When Obama fails, America succeeds. On the other hand, if President Trump fails, America looses.
Next the Democrats have tried to say that the president is mentally unfit and want to use the 25th Amendment to remove him from office as with a Republican majority in both houses, they cannot just impeach him. That might be hard even if the Democrats had a majority, as disagreeing with the President's policies are not grounds for impeachment, Obama would have disappeared before his eight years were up. Left leaning psychiatrists as well as totally unqualified people in the MSM have tried to foster the message that the President is insane or suffering from Alzheimer's Disease. These psychiatrists have violated the code of ethics as issued by the American Psychiatric Association. It is unethical and non medical to issue a diagnosis without first examining a patient. Rear Adm. Ron Jackson, who has serves as physician to President Trump and to the last two presidents as well, just performed a physical exam on the President including a mental status exam and announced that the President is in very good health and mentally fit, to the dismay of the Democrats and MSM. Imagine how corrupt they all are, wishing the President was ill or mentally unfit. If anyone was in ill health it is HRC, who had several episodes of fainting or falling during the campaign and whose campaigning became very limited and access to the MSM all but disappeared. I would like to see Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, John Lewis, Sheila Jackson, and Al Green open their latest physical exam to the public and MSM.
So what's next for the Democrats. Foolishly with the help of the MSM, they may even want to attack the economy via the stock market. It would be impossible to attack the current economy that has improved rapidly since President Trump entered office. By abolishing Obama's business and economy killing executive orders almost all sectors of the economy began to rapidly improve. Passage of major tax cuts to businesses and individuals has accelerated the process with many businesses giving bonuses and/or raises to its non executive work force. The stock market is on a tear, as well, taking only seven sessions to go from 25K to 26K recently. Black employment is at an all time high and Hispanic at its highest since 1979. People aren't that stupid to believe that the tax cuts hurt them when they see a bonus check and an extra forty or fifty dollars per week in the pay check. On that alone, many will vote their wallet and Republican in the midterm elections. Passing a comprehensive immigration bill that keeps low wage unskilled illegal workers out of the country and making America safer will also help. The stock market is vulnerable to attack. Many pundits have been crying ever since President Trump took office that the market is over bought and in a bubble state predicting the bubble bursting and subsequently causing a downturn in the economy as it did in 1987, 2000, and 2008. The biggest fake news story of 2017 went to economist Paul Krugman of the NY Times, who said that the economy would collapse after President Trump was elected. He has since admitted his mistake, but still says bad things will happen. CNN, MSNBC, some at CNBC, and other MSM sources claim the bubble is about burst every time there is a down day on the market. This will keep unsophisticated investors on edge and as October approaches, I look for this to happen more and more with some emphasis, advising to get out and take profits. If you say this loud and long enough, it might just become a self fulfilling prophecy. If there is a drop in the market from this, the sophisticated investor will look at this as a buying opportunity. Unwittingly, the MSM will allow the rich to get richer.
Finally the Federal Reserve could also represent a danger to the President. The Federal Reserve is thought to want to raise interest rates three times this year, but ordinarily doesn't raise rates at a meeting right before an election as markets can be sensitive to a change. During the Obama regime interest rates were kept near zero to compensate for Obama's destructive economic policies. Therefore pay attention to when and how much the Fed raises rates. Why do I say this? As we are well aware, Obama has filled every place he could with anti Trump moles, having politicized and weaponized everything he could, even in positions that are supposed to remain politically neutral like the IRS and the FBI. Believe it or not he has even inserted his moles onto the boards of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks. Would you believe that a former attorney for the SEIU, Sara Horwitz sits as a C director of the New York Federal Reserve and David M. Cote, once called by Obama the business man he most admired, even though he was fired by Jamie Diman of J.P. Morgan Chase for losing $6 billion as a risk manager overseeing derivative trading. He is a B director who once served on Obama's committees of business executives and oversaw a PAC that has donated $7 million to political candidates. When he was appointed as a B director, it was questioned because of his lack of banking experience. The other boards have similar members with ties to Obama. Look them up as I have.
Many of us were criticized, when we said we wanted Obama to fail as we were well aware of Obama's overall plan to crush the American economy and push America into socialism. When Obama fails, America succeeds. On the other hand, if President Trump fails, America looses.
Monday, January 15, 2018
The Clinton Shit Show in Keeping Haiti a Shithole.
(Note: I normally do not use profanity in any of my blogs, though some comments to me do, but in keeping with Obama and Clinton...and oyes President trump, I will in this blog)
President Trump's in private remarks calling Haiti a "shithole" was rather crude, but Sen. Dick Durbin (Dem,) reporting it to the MSM was a calculated act of betrayal. This was never about Haitians themselves, but the country they came from, This was, in part, about what to do with Haitians who had been allowed to temporarily immigrate under Temporary Protective Status (TPS) after the 2010 earthquake. Some, 58,000 were already here, but assigned TPS and another 31,000 who were allow to enter after the earthquake. Should they now be deported back to Haiti?
Haiti has an interesting and tragic history. It became the second independent country (the United States was first) in the Western Hemisphere after a successful slave revolt in1804. For several decades Haitians were intermittently under attack and blockaded by France, who wanted to get their lucrative sugar producing colony back. Eventually, Haiti agreed to pay France the outrageous sum of $175 million. Amazingly, it took to 1947 to pay off this debt. Meanwhile Haiti was devastated by corrupt leadership that kept the country impoverished while enriching themselves. A ruling caste system mostly consisted of lighter skinned mixed race elites. In 1910, the situation in Haiti became so perilous that it was invaded by America who controlled the country and managed its finances until 1934. Afterward, corrupt leadership returned that culminated in the election of "Papa Doc" Duvalier who became a violent dictator using his private army, the Tonton Macoute, to control the populous. He was seceded after his death by his son "Baby Doc," who was ousted in 1986. Once again, corrupt leaders continued to be elected and ruin the country. Violence and poverty caused many Haitians to attempt the dangerous trip to Florida via rafts and barely seaworthy vessels. By 2010 there were almost 600,000 Haitians living in America. In January, 2010 a devastating category 7 earthquake hit Haiti destroying much of it capital and most populous city, Port Au Prince. The response of the world was quick and generous providing $10 billion with about $3 billion coming from the US government and American charities. Furthermore, the press was delighted when Bill Clinton visited the disaster strewn country and was subsequently appointed special delegate in charge of coordinating the aid to Haiti via the UN and the Clinton Global Initiative. With his wife Hillary, the current US Secretary of State, what could go wrong?
One would have expected that the Clintons, with all this money at their disposal, would have transformed Haiti into a Caribbean paradise, but sadly that was not the case. I suppose one might say that corruption breeds corruption and the Clinton's used this huge pot of money to enrich themselves and Clinton Foundation contributors rather than the Haitian people. I won't go into all the details, but if you are interested, look at a July 22, 2016 article "How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich Off the Haitian People" by Dinesh D'Souza in the National Review. Haitians living in New York picketed Bill Clinton on multiple occasionsin 2015 asking where the money went. The MSM was silent.
Photos are of Haiti in 2017. This is what the Clinton's accomplished
Haiti was a "shithole" before the earthquake, a worse "shithole" after the earthquake and with little improvement after the Clinton's intervention 7 years after the earthquake. Even with $10 billion at their disposal it remains a "shithole." It is not the people of Haiti that are the problem, but corruption from the outside and within at the highest levels. As usual Democrats and the MSM has stepped in it again, pun intended, and the more we look into what has gone on in Haiti, especially including the theft committed by the Clinton Foundation, the outrage should move from President Trump to Clinton corruption.
President Trump's in private remarks calling Haiti a "shithole" was rather crude, but Sen. Dick Durbin (Dem,) reporting it to the MSM was a calculated act of betrayal. This was never about Haitians themselves, but the country they came from, This was, in part, about what to do with Haitians who had been allowed to temporarily immigrate under Temporary Protective Status (TPS) after the 2010 earthquake. Some, 58,000 were already here, but assigned TPS and another 31,000 who were allow to enter after the earthquake. Should they now be deported back to Haiti?
Haiti has an interesting and tragic history. It became the second independent country (the United States was first) in the Western Hemisphere after a successful slave revolt in1804. For several decades Haitians were intermittently under attack and blockaded by France, who wanted to get their lucrative sugar producing colony back. Eventually, Haiti agreed to pay France the outrageous sum of $175 million. Amazingly, it took to 1947 to pay off this debt. Meanwhile Haiti was devastated by corrupt leadership that kept the country impoverished while enriching themselves. A ruling caste system mostly consisted of lighter skinned mixed race elites. In 1910, the situation in Haiti became so perilous that it was invaded by America who controlled the country and managed its finances until 1934. Afterward, corrupt leadership returned that culminated in the election of "Papa Doc" Duvalier who became a violent dictator using his private army, the Tonton Macoute, to control the populous. He was seceded after his death by his son "Baby Doc," who was ousted in 1986. Once again, corrupt leaders continued to be elected and ruin the country. Violence and poverty caused many Haitians to attempt the dangerous trip to Florida via rafts and barely seaworthy vessels. By 2010 there were almost 600,000 Haitians living in America. In January, 2010 a devastating category 7 earthquake hit Haiti destroying much of it capital and most populous city, Port Au Prince. The response of the world was quick and generous providing $10 billion with about $3 billion coming from the US government and American charities. Furthermore, the press was delighted when Bill Clinton visited the disaster strewn country and was subsequently appointed special delegate in charge of coordinating the aid to Haiti via the UN and the Clinton Global Initiative. With his wife Hillary, the current US Secretary of State, what could go wrong?
One would have expected that the Clintons, with all this money at their disposal, would have transformed Haiti into a Caribbean paradise, but sadly that was not the case. I suppose one might say that corruption breeds corruption and the Clinton's used this huge pot of money to enrich themselves and Clinton Foundation contributors rather than the Haitian people. I won't go into all the details, but if you are interested, look at a July 22, 2016 article "How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich Off the Haitian People" by Dinesh D'Souza in the National Review. Haitians living in New York picketed Bill Clinton on multiple occasionsin 2015 asking where the money went. The MSM was silent.
Photos are of Haiti in 2017. This is what the Clinton's accomplished
Haiti was a "shithole" before the earthquake, a worse "shithole" after the earthquake and with little improvement after the Clinton's intervention 7 years after the earthquake. Even with $10 billion at their disposal it remains a "shithole." It is not the people of Haiti that are the problem, but corruption from the outside and within at the highest levels. As usual Democrats and the MSM has stepped in it again, pun intended, and the more we look into what has gone on in Haiti, especially including the theft committed by the Clinton Foundation, the outrage should move from President Trump to Clinton corruption.
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
This Little Discussed Obama Legacy Could Destroy America
We all applaud President Trump as he eliminates one terrible Obama regulation after another that prevented economic and job growth. His immigration policy, when passed, will mean more money and jobs for Americans and lower taxes will not only stimulate business, but put more money in the hands of workers and allow for job creation. The dreadful Obamacare mandate has been eliminated, thus defanging that terrible program. Still there is one aspect of his legacy that could utterly destroy the American economy and throw financial markets into panic and free fall.
Those of you who follow my blog, know that I am constantly discussing Obama's exposure to sociology professor Richard Cloward while a student at Columbia University. In 1966 Cloward and his wife and fellow sociologist Francis Ford Piven proposed an economic program that became known as the Cloward-Piven Strategy. In short, this strategy was to expand the welfare rolls to the point where the welfare system could not support it and so it would collapse and then it would be replaced by a guaranteed minimal income and in theory eliminate poverty. (what a joke) Heavily taxing working Americans would fund by taxing this insane program. This massive redistribution of wealth would disincentivize people from working, cause social disruption, unrest, possibly violent class and racial warfare, and possibly collapse the economy and destruction of the value of the dollar, all recognized by Cloward and Piven. Obama saw this strategy as merely a starting point and then, as if on steroids, went on a spending spree that cost $10 trillion dollars, doubling the national debt. Placing high taxes and restrictions on banking and business, implementing trade deals that favored our trading partners rather than America, and opening our border to a flood of unskilled and welfare benefit requiring illegal aliens, Obama thought that the debt he created would eventually collapse the economy and it still might. Critics said that Obama was naive, didn't know or understand the economy or what he was doing. Believe me, he knew exactly what he was doing. It was just not conceivable to most that any president would hatch such a nefarious traitorous plot.
Let me explain. The US Government sells treasury products to cover the extra money that it needs to print. These are sold to banks, individuals, foreign countries, especially those with whom we have a large trade deficit like China or held by the Federal Reserve itself. During the Obama regime, interest rates, as set by the Federal Reserve, were low or even at zero due to the economic crisis brought on by the Democrats in 2008. Servicing this massive debt runs about $400 billion per year and that comes out of tax payer dollars, dollars that could be used for other items if at all. Due to rising interest rates it is estimated by the Congressional Budget Office that by 2024 the cost of servicing will be $800 billion. Obama hopes that that would lead to default which would have dire consequences for the economy and throw the entire world into depression. The United States has never defaulted on its debt, though there was something of a delay in making debt payments in 1979 under Carter that technically was a default.
Another factor to consider is the rating of US sovereign debt. Rating is the based on the likely hood that the debt and interest payments will be paid. Up until 2011, US sovereign debt has been rated at AAA, the highest rating possible, but in August, 2011, something almost earth shattering in the financial world happened. Standard and Poor lowered the rating on US sovereign debt a notch to AA+. This sent shock waves through the financial world with markets responding by dropping 8% in a day. Some other rating institutions followed suit and one even eventually lowered the rating to A-, almost as low as that of a relatively healthy third world country, as Obama continued to pile up the debt. The regime attempted to retaliate and filed law suits against the rating firms (typical Obama political maneuver). When the Republicans gained control of Congress in 2014, the ratings went back up to AAA. The Federal Reserve continued to keep interest rates low, at zero and only raising them a tiny amount up to the elections of 2016. How much pressure the Obama political machine and DOJ put on Fed. Chairman Ben Bernake and its regional directors, we may never know. They are supposed to be independent.
What we do know is that Obama left us with $20 trillion in debt and slowly rising interest rates. Though the CBO believes the debt will continue to grow by small amounts, they have not fully taken into account the long term benefits of tax cuts and the elimination of restrictions that Obama placed on business and the growth of the economy. As a businessman, President Trump knows that sometimes you need to spend a little money to make money. What he is counting on, and so far this seems to be the case, is that his tax program will produce increase in GDP and will include more jobs, wage raises, business expansion, and lowering of trade deficits. Income will increase and expenditures decrease meaning that if Congress can gets its act together, the surplus can be used for paying down the debt, saving America and ending the most potentially destructive part of the Obama legacy.
Those of you who follow my blog, know that I am constantly discussing Obama's exposure to sociology professor Richard Cloward while a student at Columbia University. In 1966 Cloward and his wife and fellow sociologist Francis Ford Piven proposed an economic program that became known as the Cloward-Piven Strategy. In short, this strategy was to expand the welfare rolls to the point where the welfare system could not support it and so it would collapse and then it would be replaced by a guaranteed minimal income and in theory eliminate poverty. (what a joke) Heavily taxing working Americans would fund by taxing this insane program. This massive redistribution of wealth would disincentivize people from working, cause social disruption, unrest, possibly violent class and racial warfare, and possibly collapse the economy and destruction of the value of the dollar, all recognized by Cloward and Piven. Obama saw this strategy as merely a starting point and then, as if on steroids, went on a spending spree that cost $10 trillion dollars, doubling the national debt. Placing high taxes and restrictions on banking and business, implementing trade deals that favored our trading partners rather than America, and opening our border to a flood of unskilled and welfare benefit requiring illegal aliens, Obama thought that the debt he created would eventually collapse the economy and it still might. Critics said that Obama was naive, didn't know or understand the economy or what he was doing. Believe me, he knew exactly what he was doing. It was just not conceivable to most that any president would hatch such a nefarious traitorous plot.
Let me explain. The US Government sells treasury products to cover the extra money that it needs to print. These are sold to banks, individuals, foreign countries, especially those with whom we have a large trade deficit like China or held by the Federal Reserve itself. During the Obama regime, interest rates, as set by the Federal Reserve, were low or even at zero due to the economic crisis brought on by the Democrats in 2008. Servicing this massive debt runs about $400 billion per year and that comes out of tax payer dollars, dollars that could be used for other items if at all. Due to rising interest rates it is estimated by the Congressional Budget Office that by 2024 the cost of servicing will be $800 billion. Obama hopes that that would lead to default which would have dire consequences for the economy and throw the entire world into depression. The United States has never defaulted on its debt, though there was something of a delay in making debt payments in 1979 under Carter that technically was a default.
Another factor to consider is the rating of US sovereign debt. Rating is the based on the likely hood that the debt and interest payments will be paid. Up until 2011, US sovereign debt has been rated at AAA, the highest rating possible, but in August, 2011, something almost earth shattering in the financial world happened. Standard and Poor lowered the rating on US sovereign debt a notch to AA+. This sent shock waves through the financial world with markets responding by dropping 8% in a day. Some other rating institutions followed suit and one even eventually lowered the rating to A-, almost as low as that of a relatively healthy third world country, as Obama continued to pile up the debt. The regime attempted to retaliate and filed law suits against the rating firms (typical Obama political maneuver). When the Republicans gained control of Congress in 2014, the ratings went back up to AAA. The Federal Reserve continued to keep interest rates low, at zero and only raising them a tiny amount up to the elections of 2016. How much pressure the Obama political machine and DOJ put on Fed. Chairman Ben Bernake and its regional directors, we may never know. They are supposed to be independent.
What we do know is that Obama left us with $20 trillion in debt and slowly rising interest rates. Though the CBO believes the debt will continue to grow by small amounts, they have not fully taken into account the long term benefits of tax cuts and the elimination of restrictions that Obama placed on business and the growth of the economy. As a businessman, President Trump knows that sometimes you need to spend a little money to make money. What he is counting on, and so far this seems to be the case, is that his tax program will produce increase in GDP and will include more jobs, wage raises, business expansion, and lowering of trade deficits. Income will increase and expenditures decrease meaning that if Congress can gets its act together, the surplus can be used for paying down the debt, saving America and ending the most potentially destructive part of the Obama legacy.
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Winning will Continue in 2018.
We are only 4 days into the new year and the very positive effects of the landmark tax cuts are already being felt. Numerous major businesses in a variety of sectors have announced raises and bonuses for employees, and business expansions in America. That means more jobs. It also mean stock buybacks and special and/or increased dividends. That is great for investors including IRAs and 401ks, when the trillions of dollars held overseas are repatriated. President Trump continues to deliver on his promises. Next month these raises will start showing up in paychecks especially helping the working man. An increase in pay and an increased workforce will mean more taxes flowing into the Treasury and into Social Security and Medicare. If Congress can exercise some discipline, we may even see some of the National Debt paid off, rather then the money wasted on useless programs and free stuff.
DACA now becomes a trump card, pun intended. President Trump can promise that he will include DACA legislation in a long overdue immigration bill, in return for a "clean" budget bill. He can then pass an immigration bill that will not only help the DACA people, but fund the wall, eliminate or modify chain immigration, eliminate the diversity lottery, and insure that immigrants will not take jobs and resources from Americans. President Trump will deliver on another of his promises and the Democrats will get a small victory on DACA. If the Democrats fail to support this immigration bill, it can be said that they are opposed to DACA legislation. The President should also get his infrastructure bill passed.
Despite the lies from liberal pundits and the MSM, I think with all of this "winning," the Republicans will stand a good chance of expanding their numbers in both the House and Senate in November's midterm elections. Even millennials will start moving to the Republican camp when the see a bump in their paychecks and that all the doom and gloom Democrats proposed does not exist. Democrats would be wise to support the President, so they have something positive to run on to voters. The old tired mantra of the President's incompetence will not be supported by voters who see more money and opportunities come their way. President Trump is not going to stop tweeting about America's success and holding rallies to support quality candidates who support his agenda.
Here is a list of things I think will come to pass this year. With the Congressional Intelligence Committee gaining access to the FBI files on the fake dossier, knowledge that the DNC and HRC funding it will be solidified, and Fusion GPS's part in this treasonous plot to overthrow President Trump will be exposed as Donald Jr. was set up by this nefarious business. A new investigation will be opened into HRC's email server and how top secret info wound up on convicted pervert Anthony Weiner's laptop. Some of the emails released as a result of Judicial Watch's law suit, are different than ones that were turned over by HRC, including top secret ones, lending more credence that the 33k emails she scrubbed were not just about yoga classes, Chelsea's wedding, or to WJC who doesn't use email. Indictments are inevitable. These addition emails also indicate that the FBI and Director Comey's new investigation of emails before the election was also rigged and announcing it was only meant to try to save his own skin as these emails were exposed during the investigation of Weiner's sexting to minors. He said there was nothing new in them, but that was a lie.
Mueller will be hard pressed to extend his hapless investigation much longer with no evidence of any collusion so far. He could extend it, if he decides to make HRC part of his investigation and investigates in an honest fashion. The fake dossier will be found to be Andrew McCabe's"insurance policy" and he and some rogue FBI agents will be exposed and possibly charged with treason. It was for certain used to obtain FISA warrants to unmask Americans including the President-elect and his team. Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Samantha Power and others all the way up to and including President Obama and Valerie Jarrett could be indicted.
President Trump will continue to put pressure on our allies to stop dealing with Iran and invalidate this horrible agreement Obama was so anxious to sign. The people of Iran now know they have our support and more demonstrations and food riots can be expected. Though China, Russia, and N. Korea could lend technical support, it would be hard for them to feed at least 8 million starving people that represent 10% of Iran's population. Likewise putting more pressure on China and exposing there cheating, may also bring "Rocket Boy" to his senses. Finally, threatened loss of financial support may bring the Palestinians to the negotiating table, but I doubt if much will come of it. There is too much corruption. Pakistan may also become a better ally, to prevent financial aid from being withheld.
Finally I hope that a smoking gun is found somewhere to open a real investigation into Seth Rich's murder. It doesn't make sense that a young man leaves a bar a few blocks from his home at 1:30AM and is murder near by three hours later at 4:30AM. Calling it a botched robbery attempts is inaccurate at best. The bruises on this arms and hands, indicates that he was probably kidnapped and tortured before being returned to the neighborhood and murdered. It may have not been a robbery gone bad, but instead he was forced to give up a thumb drive. Since there is absolutely no hard evidence that the DNC server was hacked by Russia and Julian Assange, whose Wikileaks released the emails, says it wasn't Russia, it is possible that Rich, a Bernie supporter with access, upset with the fix, downloaded the emails and sent them to Wikileaks. Assange has offered a reward for information on his murder.
President Trump has and will do his best to keep his promises to the American people and is already making America great again.
DACA now becomes a trump card, pun intended. President Trump can promise that he will include DACA legislation in a long overdue immigration bill, in return for a "clean" budget bill. He can then pass an immigration bill that will not only help the DACA people, but fund the wall, eliminate or modify chain immigration, eliminate the diversity lottery, and insure that immigrants will not take jobs and resources from Americans. President Trump will deliver on another of his promises and the Democrats will get a small victory on DACA. If the Democrats fail to support this immigration bill, it can be said that they are opposed to DACA legislation. The President should also get his infrastructure bill passed.
Despite the lies from liberal pundits and the MSM, I think with all of this "winning," the Republicans will stand a good chance of expanding their numbers in both the House and Senate in November's midterm elections. Even millennials will start moving to the Republican camp when the see a bump in their paychecks and that all the doom and gloom Democrats proposed does not exist. Democrats would be wise to support the President, so they have something positive to run on to voters. The old tired mantra of the President's incompetence will not be supported by voters who see more money and opportunities come their way. President Trump is not going to stop tweeting about America's success and holding rallies to support quality candidates who support his agenda.
Here is a list of things I think will come to pass this year. With the Congressional Intelligence Committee gaining access to the FBI files on the fake dossier, knowledge that the DNC and HRC funding it will be solidified, and Fusion GPS's part in this treasonous plot to overthrow President Trump will be exposed as Donald Jr. was set up by this nefarious business. A new investigation will be opened into HRC's email server and how top secret info wound up on convicted pervert Anthony Weiner's laptop. Some of the emails released as a result of Judicial Watch's law suit, are different than ones that were turned over by HRC, including top secret ones, lending more credence that the 33k emails she scrubbed were not just about yoga classes, Chelsea's wedding, or to WJC who doesn't use email. Indictments are inevitable. These addition emails also indicate that the FBI and Director Comey's new investigation of emails before the election was also rigged and announcing it was only meant to try to save his own skin as these emails were exposed during the investigation of Weiner's sexting to minors. He said there was nothing new in them, but that was a lie.
Mueller will be hard pressed to extend his hapless investigation much longer with no evidence of any collusion so far. He could extend it, if he decides to make HRC part of his investigation and investigates in an honest fashion. The fake dossier will be found to be Andrew McCabe's"insurance policy" and he and some rogue FBI agents will be exposed and possibly charged with treason. It was for certain used to obtain FISA warrants to unmask Americans including the President-elect and his team. Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Samantha Power and others all the way up to and including President Obama and Valerie Jarrett could be indicted.
President Trump will continue to put pressure on our allies to stop dealing with Iran and invalidate this horrible agreement Obama was so anxious to sign. The people of Iran now know they have our support and more demonstrations and food riots can be expected. Though China, Russia, and N. Korea could lend technical support, it would be hard for them to feed at least 8 million starving people that represent 10% of Iran's population. Likewise putting more pressure on China and exposing there cheating, may also bring "Rocket Boy" to his senses. Finally, threatened loss of financial support may bring the Palestinians to the negotiating table, but I doubt if much will come of it. There is too much corruption. Pakistan may also become a better ally, to prevent financial aid from being withheld.
Finally I hope that a smoking gun is found somewhere to open a real investigation into Seth Rich's murder. It doesn't make sense that a young man leaves a bar a few blocks from his home at 1:30AM and is murder near by three hours later at 4:30AM. Calling it a botched robbery attempts is inaccurate at best. The bruises on this arms and hands, indicates that he was probably kidnapped and tortured before being returned to the neighborhood and murdered. It may have not been a robbery gone bad, but instead he was forced to give up a thumb drive. Since there is absolutely no hard evidence that the DNC server was hacked by Russia and Julian Assange, whose Wikileaks released the emails, says it wasn't Russia, it is possible that Rich, a Bernie supporter with access, upset with the fix, downloaded the emails and sent them to Wikileaks. Assange has offered a reward for information on his murder.
President Trump has and will do his best to keep his promises to the American people and is already making America great again.
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