We are only 4 days into the new year and the very positive effects of the landmark tax cuts are already being felt. Numerous major businesses in a variety of sectors have announced raises and bonuses for employees, and business expansions in America. That means more jobs. It also mean stock buybacks and special and/or increased dividends. That is great for investors including IRAs and 401ks, when the trillions of dollars held overseas are repatriated. President Trump continues to deliver on his promises. Next month these raises will start showing up in paychecks especially helping the working man. An increase in pay and an increased workforce will mean more taxes flowing into the Treasury and into Social Security and Medicare. If Congress can exercise some discipline, we may even see some of the National Debt paid off, rather then the money wasted on useless programs and free stuff.
DACA now becomes a trump card, pun intended. President Trump can promise that he will include DACA legislation in a long overdue immigration bill, in return for a "clean" budget bill. He can then pass an immigration bill that will not only help the DACA people, but fund the wall, eliminate or modify chain immigration, eliminate the diversity lottery, and insure that immigrants will not take jobs and resources from Americans. President Trump will deliver on another of his promises and the Democrats will get a small victory on DACA. If the Democrats fail to support this immigration bill, it can be said that they are opposed to DACA legislation. The President should also get his infrastructure bill passed.
Despite the lies from liberal pundits and the MSM, I think with all of this "winning," the Republicans will stand a good chance of expanding their numbers in both the House and Senate in November's midterm elections. Even millennials will start moving to the Republican camp when the see a bump in their paychecks and that all the doom and gloom Democrats proposed does not exist. Democrats would be wise to support the President, so they have something positive to run on to voters. The old tired mantra of the President's incompetence will not be supported by voters who see more money and opportunities come their way. President Trump is not going to stop tweeting about America's success and holding rallies to support quality candidates who support his agenda.
Here is a list of things I think will come to pass this year. With the Congressional Intelligence Committee gaining access to the FBI files on the fake dossier, knowledge that the DNC and HRC funding it will be solidified, and Fusion GPS's part in this treasonous plot to overthrow President Trump will be exposed as Donald Jr. was set up by this nefarious business. A new investigation will be opened into HRC's email server and how top secret info wound up on convicted pervert Anthony Weiner's laptop. Some of the emails released as a result of Judicial Watch's law suit, are different than ones that were turned over by HRC, including top secret ones, lending more credence that the 33k emails she scrubbed were not just about yoga classes, Chelsea's wedding, or to WJC who doesn't use email. Indictments are inevitable. These addition emails also indicate that the FBI and Director Comey's new investigation of emails before the election was also rigged and announcing it was only meant to try to save his own skin as these emails were exposed during the investigation of Weiner's sexting to minors. He said there was nothing new in them, but that was a lie.
Mueller will be hard pressed to extend his hapless investigation much longer with no evidence of any collusion so far. He could extend it, if he decides to make HRC part of his investigation and investigates in an honest fashion. The fake dossier will be found to be Andrew McCabe's"insurance policy" and he and some rogue FBI agents will be exposed and possibly charged with treason. It was for certain used to obtain FISA warrants to unmask Americans including the President-elect and his team. Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Samantha Power and others all the way up to and including President Obama and Valerie Jarrett could be indicted.
President Trump will continue to put pressure on our allies to stop dealing with Iran and invalidate this horrible agreement Obama was so anxious to sign. The people of Iran now know they have our support and more demonstrations and food riots can be expected. Though China, Russia, and N. Korea could lend technical support, it would be hard for them to feed at least 8 million starving people that represent 10% of Iran's population. Likewise putting more pressure on China and exposing there cheating, may also bring "Rocket Boy" to his senses. Finally, threatened loss of financial support may bring the Palestinians to the negotiating table, but I doubt if much will come of it. There is too much corruption. Pakistan may also become a better ally, to prevent financial aid from being withheld.
Finally I hope that a smoking gun is found somewhere to open a real investigation into Seth Rich's murder. It doesn't make sense that a young man leaves a bar a few blocks from his home at 1:30AM and is murder near by three hours later at 4:30AM. Calling it a botched robbery attempts is inaccurate at best. The bruises on this arms and hands, indicates that he was probably kidnapped and tortured before being returned to the neighborhood and murdered. It may have not been a robbery gone bad, but instead he was forced to give up a thumb drive. Since there is absolutely no hard evidence that the DNC server was hacked by Russia and Julian Assange, whose Wikileaks released the emails, says it wasn't Russia, it is possible that Rich, a Bernie supporter with access, upset with the fix, downloaded the emails and sent them to Wikileaks. Assange has offered a reward for information on his murder.
President Trump has and will do his best to keep his promises to the American people and is already making America great again.
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