Jamal Khashoggi walked into a Saudi embassy in Turkey and never left in one piece. Though he was a Saudi citizen, he had attained permanent residency in the USA and worked as an opinion writer on the Mideast as a staff member of the Washington Post. Certainly killing someone is a terrible crime, but the MSM has played this up as if it were the crime of the century and have targeted Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia as the one who ordered it. Both the MSM and many members of Congress on both sides of the aisle have demanded harsh treatment of Saudi Arabia and that MBS step down. The Saudi version is that Khashoggi was the victim of a rogue group of Saudi intelligence agents during an interrogation gone bad. All have been arrested back in Riyadh, though Khashoggi's body or its parts have not been located as yet. Khashoggi had been a critic of the Saudi regime and a supporter of the jihadist Muslim Brotherhood. Why he had to be killed is a mystery. More facts and fiction will be forth coming. Daniel Pearl, a real journalist of US and Israeli citizenship, was captured and beheaded in Pakistan in 2002 during the Afghan War. The MSM barely gave it any mention.
Now let's go back to September 11, 2012, when there were murders at a US consulate. US Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, and three American security agents were murdered during a well planned attack by Libyan terrorists related to Al Qada. Stevens body was mutilated and dragged through the streets on Benghazi. The corrupt Obama regime quickly put out a totally fictional tale about what happened, because Obama was involved in a very close Presidential election and only weeks before had claimed that Al Qada was on the run. I guess they ran to our consulate in Benghazi. Though they knew from the beginning what had really happened, the Obama gang quickly using a willing liar and national security advisor, Susan Rice, to put out the fairy tale that the attack was a response to an obscure anti Muslim video that no one had seen. For several months until well after the Presidential election, this lie was being told to anyone willing to listen and believe it or not, there are some Kool Ade drinker who believe it to be true. The followup in Congress was a travesty of justice for Stevens and the other three Americans. Hillary Clinton, then Secretary of State, poohooed the incident before Congress as "what difference does it make." Stevens had requested extra security on multiple occasions, because he was well aware of rising islamic terror in Libya, but it was always denied. On placing blame the Republicans tried to get at the truth and Obama and the Democrats blaming the Republicans for sequestration and a lack of funding for security. Documents, requested by Congress were slow in coming, if at all, and when they were they were often heavily redacted. Because they knew the Obama regime was at fault, the MSM quickly lost interest and blamed Republicans for wasting money with the Congressional hearings.
Many questions have never been answered publicly. When did Obama and Hillary Clinton know the who and why of the attack and why did they lie to the American public and create a false story? Evidence seems to indicate that they knew almost immediately and that the terrible lie was shamefully created for political purposes. American assets were available that could have possibly saved lives and why were they told to stand down? This of course was denied by the regime, but a number of military personnel said they were ordered to stand down. The regime ordered surviving consulate personnel not to give interviews. Why? Why was Stevens not given extra security? It wasn't sequestration, maybe it was because the Clinton State Department had lost track of $6 Billion. And finally, what was the real reason Stevens was ordered to Benghazi in the first place? Some say it was an arms deal to recover arms lost in Syria. Stevens did not recover the arms, but he did apparently recover their bullets.
The reaction of the MSM to Benghazi has been deplorable. They acknowledged that it happened and once they realized the corrupt anti America Obama regime was at fault, they decided to move on especially with an election coming up. They seemed to accept Hillary Clinton's explanation that a few Libyans were out for a night on the town and decided to kill some Americans. Fast forward to the 2016 presidential campaign, the MSM ignored asking questions of candidate Hillary Clinton about Benghazi as if it never ever happened.
It seems many people on both sides of the aisle want to severely punish Saudi Arabia, by punishing America and getting rid of MBS. There is a $100 billion arms deal on the line, though I don't think it will be cancelled, but may be delayed. The Russians would certainly be willing to take our place. Many nations murder its citizens, but we are highly selective of who we are critical. In fact, Obama made agreements with two of the worst, Cuba and Iran with little opposition from the MSM. I think the real reason some are calling for harsh punishment is that President Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, has befriended MBS as both an ally against Iran and a possible moderator in a Mideast peace plan between Israel and the Palestinians. The MSM is tired of winning.
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