This is an amazing story that just broke within the past week. The media has not reported much on it, except Fox News. Federal Judge Andrew Hanen in the federal district that includes Texas has just issued a devastating opinion and order against the Obama Department of Justice. The case involves DAPA, Deferred Action on Parental Accountability, that Obama established by executive order on November 20, 2014 involving the illegal alien parents of children born in America. The children are considered American citizens. This action, unapproved by Congress, who according to the Constitution makes the laws concerning immigration, was to make illegal aliens with citizen minor children legal immigrants. This could legalize up to 4 million illegal aliens. Immediately Texas and 25 other states filled a law suit questioning the legality of this action by Obama and the INS at both the state and federal level. An injunction was issued to prevent it from going into effect until the issue could be legally resolved, ultimately by SCOTUS.
DOJ attorneys said they accepted the Judge's injunction and on multiple occasions both verbally and in writing told the judge that the regime was complying with the injunction. Then the judge learned that 100,081 illegal aliens had been processed since the injunction went into effect. He then knew that the DOJ attorneys had purposely lied to both him and the attorneys for the plaintiff states. Their claims of not remembering that the regime was acting despite the stay didn't make a positive impression on the judge as he knows that lower level DOJ attorneys were advised by upper level DOJ officials to lie. If the upper level DOJ officials didn't advise them to lie they would have stepped in immediately to set the record straight, they didn't. He issued a 25 page opinion last week that blasted the Obama DOJ and issued the following orders.
1. Banning some DOJ attorney from appearing in that federal district court
2. Ordering the Obama administration to compile a list of the 100,081 individuals who were
given legal status in each state
3. Mandated the all DOJ attorneys that practice in any of the 26 states that were part of the case
undergo mandatory ethics training, yearly for five years
4. The DOJ to appoint a compliance officer to report yearly to the court
5. Commanding the US Attorney General to present him with a plan in 60 days to prevent this
from happening again
6. Directing the AG to report within 60 days on what steps are being taken to ensure the
DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility effectively polices its attorneys and disciplines
those whose conduct falls below that which the American people rightfully expect from the
There were two other actions that the judge could have taken but explained why he did not. The first was that he could strike the administration's filing, but didn't because it would undercut the case now before SCOTUS and he believed the American people deserve a just rendering. and second he could have imposed fines and attorney's fees, but did not because taxpayers would ultimately foot the bill. He ended the order with a warning to Attorney General Loretta Lynch that being a former US attorney she should act honestly in her dealings with the court, opposing attorneys, and the America people. He did not hold her accountable, because she was not the AG when these violations occurred.
The judge did not have the ability to disbar any of these attorneys, but the states do, and I am certain that investigations have begun for disbarment in several of the states involved. Congress with its oversight power can certainly investigate the DOJ and learn from where the order to lie to the court came. Heads may roll, if not in this administration, in the next as Obama usually rewards those who follow his orders with raises, advancement, or valuable pensions as long as they keep their mouths shut. It is also possible that criminal charges could be filed against attorneys involved, using this as a means to get the the top. It would be fitting to see Eric Holder charged and convicted. He could join Hitlery in an orange jump suit.
The DAPA case is another important decision by SCOTUS that would have limited Obama's over reach. If the court deadlocks and refers this back to the federal court in Texas, I have a feeling that Judge Hanen may find for the plaintiffs. Obama's over reach has to be curtailed, unfortunately this is occurring in his last year in office instead of the first. Politicalizing the executive branch of government has extended to every department. Lying and corruption have been his main tools for violating the Constitution as his constitution is Alinsky's Rules For Radicals.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Monday, May 23, 2016
What the Republican Strategy Should Be to Succeed
The Republicans lost to in 2008 and 2012 because of a inept strategy. They advisors and strategists to Mc Cain and Romney had to know about Obama's relationship to admitted communists and far left individuals. They had to know that except for winning elections with extremely dirty tactics, he had accomplished nothing of real importance. Yet these aspects of his background were not emphasized both by The Republican presidential candidates or their supporting PACs. They were way too "nice" to a monster probably because they may have thought that their intense opposition would have led to charges of racism. It would have, but this could have been easily challenged merely by saying I want to debate ideas, here's why mine will work and his can't. When you can't debate me, you resort to name calling. The Democrats have also tried to use social issues, because they are unwilling or unable to debate how higher taxes, more federal spending, and "free stuff" will benefit jobs and the economy. McCain should have brought up Obama's US and Illinois State Senate records that didn't amount to anything and his lack of accomplishments, blaming Pelosis, Dowd, Frank, and Obama for the financial crisis and collapse of the housing bubble. (In 1994 Obama, as an ACORN attorney, sued City Group of Chicago over not giving mortgages to people who could afford to pay for them). Instead they let Obama blame Bush. Romney failed to capitalize on all of the failures of the Obama regime and instead as lured into spending much of his time on social issues including his Mormon religion. Romney, whose history and accomplishments, were far superior to Obama',s failed to make a strong case, even to his fellow Republicans who didn't turn out to vote for him.
The Democrats have always trapped Republican candidates into dealing more with social issues, rather than economic ones, knowing they will be supported by the liberal media, even if what they say isn't true. The women's issue has always been one of their favorites. Hitlery has already accused Trump of mistreatment of women and the NY Timers has backed her up with an untruthful hit piece. Trump has fought back effectively, siting Bill's history of abusing women and Hitlery's hypocrisy over equal pay with her own staff and the conservative media has also had a few pieces on Bill's infidelity and Jeffery Epstein's Lolita Express. But this has served as a distraction from attacking Obama's handling of the economy and the Obama-Clinton foreign policy failure. to only has Obama used this in the last two elections, but the Clintons have used this very effectively as well. During the 1996 election cycle, Bill committed treason. He allowed a major bundler, Bernie Schwartz, from Lorel Aerospace to sell missile guidance technology to the Communist Chinese Army who could build huge rockets, but couldn't control where they were going. The CIA, DoD, and State Department had advised against this it it was determined that it may take 20 years and 2 billion dollars for the Chinese to accomplish this on their own.Loren solved that and in return the Chinese gave Clinton $20 million for his campaign through a variety of sources. Well after the election, these illegal foreign sources were discovered by the National Board of Elections and Clinton was forced to pay them back. He used fund raisers by trial attorneys that sued cigarette companies to do so. The treasonous act that purposely occurred over a weekend was only reported sparsely and for a short time as the Clintons and the media used the Lewinsky scandal as a distraction. Clinton deserved impeachment, but not for Lewinsky, for treason.
He and Conservative PACs should attack her relentlessly on Obama and her reckless economic plan that has already failed to help unemployment and the economy. Unbelievably she recently stated that she wants to continue the failed Obama policies like high taxation and Obamacare, but that Billy will be her economic advisor, admitting she doesn't know much about economics.
Hitlery is very vulnerable on foreign policy. She says she is experienced, but she is actually only experienced in failure. This conveniently combines Benghazi, the email scandal, the Clinton Criminal Foundation scandal, and Hitlery's lying. He should pound "crooked" Hitlery on this.
One other issue that Trump can vigorously attack is the global warming hoax, that is really a way of destroying the American economy. With that in mind. I am forwarding a copy of my four part blog on the global warming hoax and hopefully he will use his bully pulpit to educate the American public on their destructive hoax. (maybe he'll ask me to become an environmental advisor...yeah right).
In summary, there is little risk that Trump will be too kind to Hitlery as the two past Republican presidential candidates have been, but he should not get trapped into discussing mostly social issues, even if asked about it over and over agin by the media. He has begun to use these issues in terms of the economy and safety Eventually the media will give up. He should most of his time vigorously attacking her on the economy, foreign policy, and safety of Americans. Illegal immigration can tie into this as well.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Do Obama, Sanders, and Hitlery want us to become more like Venezuela
Once touted as a socialist paradise by dummy Sean Penn, Venezuela is in big trouble. It suffers from the highest inflation rate in the world and huge shortages of basic goods and services. Government office are only open on Monday and Tuesday. There are huge lines at local banks for depositors as they show up with duffle bags filled with 100 peso Bolivars, worth less than a penny. They all have to be counted, explaining the long waits. One might think that all the government needs to do is print higher value bank notes, but unfortunately that isn't possible. It takes a special company to print bank notes that are impossible to counterfeit, and no company with the ability to do so will extend credit to Venezuela. Life saving medications and even basic medical supplies are unavailable at hospitals and pharmacies and the death rate among infants and the elderly is climbing. Beer production is way down due to a shortage in hops. The government's solution is to arrest the CEO and put him in prison. They have threatened other food manufacturers as well.
Venezuela has huge reserves of oil and is an OPEC member. The government under past and now deceased president Hugo Chavez stole the oil wells and has badly mismanaged them. Chavez allowed oil to be sold below the cost of raising it in Venezuela, cutting down on profits from selling it abroad. Now that oil prices have dropped, Venezuela has no real source of hard currency. Retail outlets have empty shelves and there is a severe food shortage. The poverty rate is an astounding 70%, unusual for a country with Venezuela's resources. With out of control inflation and lack of opportunities, crime is a major problem. In fact, crime is out of control. Smuggling across the Columbian border has increased as well, with Venezuelans trading over $5 billion cheap oil for goods that are not available anymore in their country that they can sell on the black market.
Current President Nicolas Maduro has been asked to call for a recall referendum, but so far has resisted despite huge demonstrations and it is very unlikely he will do so. As with most inept leaders, he blames someone else for his failures. As usual he blames the United States. Kind of sounds like Obama's blame Bush for everything. Former Uruguayan president Jose Mujica has said that Maduro is as "crazy as a goat. He talks about everything but fixes nothing and is in danger of becoming another petty dictator."
Years ago, I had many close friends from Caracas, Venezuela and after the Bolivar was devalued in the eighties, they began pulling their money out of Venezuela and moving to Spain or elsewhere, where they also had personal ties. None are left in Caracas.
Venezuela is a perfect example of what happens when the government tries to control everything. The businesses and business leaders leave the country and the government has no one from whom to steal money. That is the basic problem with socialism, eventually the money runs out. In America, many of our multinational corporations have moved their headquarters out of this country in order to avoid the highest business taxes in the world, hoarding trillions in cash abroad. Lowering corporate tax rates would allow this money to be repatriated and a more reasonable tax paid. Obama refuses to do this which is further evidence that he is more interested in destroying the economy than helping it. In a push for what is touted as income equality, socialism rewards those who fail or don't even try and punishes those who are successful. Eventually there are fewer and fewer workers as some see that those who don't work get the same or even more in government benefits. Despite the ridiculous and unbelievable jobless number, the reality is that there is a larger percentage of Americans not working now than since the failed Jimmy Carter presidency. Instead of creating economic opportunities for Americans, Obama has increased unemployment benefits and pushed anti employment programs such as outlandish regulation, Obamacare, global warming legislation, doubling the minimum wage, and banking regulation that inhibit small business expansion.
Bernie Sanders' campaign has been based on "free" this and that and found a large group of young voters who like his message. For the most part, these are inexperienced millennials, many of whom have gotten out of college and even earned advanced degrees, burdened with student loans (many are in default), but no job because of Obama's socialist policies, but are too stupid or inexperienced to realize it. They have been subjected to far left ideology by their "ivory tower" college professors, who seem to stress socialism and victimization. As you recall, the mantra of "free stuff" is what got Obama elected. Hitlery wants to close the coal companies and put miners out of work and then give them a multi billion dollar welfare gift. The miners in West Virginia rejected her outright, as they are good Americans and would rather work hard rather then be on welfare.
Obama's presidency is a great example of how socialism can destroy a country and b both Sanders and Clinton want to expand on that. He has wasted trillions of dollars that should not have been spent at all. His unrealistic approach to healthcare is about to collapse. He has taken billions from our military and downgraded it, in order to waste money on welfare and other unsuccessful projects. He now is pushing global warming, the ultimate socialist plan for America. All Americans have to do is spend a little time researching global warming to find that it is a hoax. Google "origin apocalyptic global warming" to get started or go to the 4 part article I published on this blog in 2012.
Socialism has never been successful. It is a way of keeping everybody down (except the political elite) rather than raising everybody up. Einstein said that repeating the same experiment over and over again expecting to get a different result is insanity. Are Obama, Sanders, and Hitlery insane or do they just want to destroy America?
Venezuela has huge reserves of oil and is an OPEC member. The government under past and now deceased president Hugo Chavez stole the oil wells and has badly mismanaged them. Chavez allowed oil to be sold below the cost of raising it in Venezuela, cutting down on profits from selling it abroad. Now that oil prices have dropped, Venezuela has no real source of hard currency. Retail outlets have empty shelves and there is a severe food shortage. The poverty rate is an astounding 70%, unusual for a country with Venezuela's resources. With out of control inflation and lack of opportunities, crime is a major problem. In fact, crime is out of control. Smuggling across the Columbian border has increased as well, with Venezuelans trading over $5 billion cheap oil for goods that are not available anymore in their country that they can sell on the black market.
Current President Nicolas Maduro has been asked to call for a recall referendum, but so far has resisted despite huge demonstrations and it is very unlikely he will do so. As with most inept leaders, he blames someone else for his failures. As usual he blames the United States. Kind of sounds like Obama's blame Bush for everything. Former Uruguayan president Jose Mujica has said that Maduro is as "crazy as a goat. He talks about everything but fixes nothing and is in danger of becoming another petty dictator."
Years ago, I had many close friends from Caracas, Venezuela and after the Bolivar was devalued in the eighties, they began pulling their money out of Venezuela and moving to Spain or elsewhere, where they also had personal ties. None are left in Caracas.
Venezuela is a perfect example of what happens when the government tries to control everything. The businesses and business leaders leave the country and the government has no one from whom to steal money. That is the basic problem with socialism, eventually the money runs out. In America, many of our multinational corporations have moved their headquarters out of this country in order to avoid the highest business taxes in the world, hoarding trillions in cash abroad. Lowering corporate tax rates would allow this money to be repatriated and a more reasonable tax paid. Obama refuses to do this which is further evidence that he is more interested in destroying the economy than helping it. In a push for what is touted as income equality, socialism rewards those who fail or don't even try and punishes those who are successful. Eventually there are fewer and fewer workers as some see that those who don't work get the same or even more in government benefits. Despite the ridiculous and unbelievable jobless number, the reality is that there is a larger percentage of Americans not working now than since the failed Jimmy Carter presidency. Instead of creating economic opportunities for Americans, Obama has increased unemployment benefits and pushed anti employment programs such as outlandish regulation, Obamacare, global warming legislation, doubling the minimum wage, and banking regulation that inhibit small business expansion.
Bernie Sanders' campaign has been based on "free" this and that and found a large group of young voters who like his message. For the most part, these are inexperienced millennials, many of whom have gotten out of college and even earned advanced degrees, burdened with student loans (many are in default), but no job because of Obama's socialist policies, but are too stupid or inexperienced to realize it. They have been subjected to far left ideology by their "ivory tower" college professors, who seem to stress socialism and victimization. As you recall, the mantra of "free stuff" is what got Obama elected. Hitlery wants to close the coal companies and put miners out of work and then give them a multi billion dollar welfare gift. The miners in West Virginia rejected her outright, as they are good Americans and would rather work hard rather then be on welfare.
Obama's presidency is a great example of how socialism can destroy a country and b both Sanders and Clinton want to expand on that. He has wasted trillions of dollars that should not have been spent at all. His unrealistic approach to healthcare is about to collapse. He has taken billions from our military and downgraded it, in order to waste money on welfare and other unsuccessful projects. He now is pushing global warming, the ultimate socialist plan for America. All Americans have to do is spend a little time researching global warming to find that it is a hoax. Google "origin apocalyptic global warming" to get started or go to the 4 part article I published on this blog in 2012.
Socialism has never been successful. It is a way of keeping everybody down (except the political elite) rather than raising everybody up. Einstein said that repeating the same experiment over and over again expecting to get a different result is insanity. Are Obama, Sanders, and Hitlery insane or do they just want to destroy America?
Monday, May 16, 2016
Okay I'll Admit It, Obama Is Right
For those of you who religiously follow my blog, you know that I have never admitted that Obama has been right about anything. Therefore it pains me to say that he has been right about something...but not in the way he intended.
Earlier this year, Obama and his cronies said that climate change (i.e. global warming) not Islamic terrorism is the greatest threat facing America now and in the future. Bernie and Hitlery have echoed his prediction and Hitlery has said she will put the coal companies out of business and the coal miners out of work, if she gets elected. In fact her plan for them, if she carries out her threat, is what amounts to a massive welfare package for Appalachia. Democrat Party voters in West Virginia rejected her message in droves during the recent primary. They would rather work than accept a welfare bribe. Though she and Billy have tried to walk this back, it didn't work.
In deed, climate change is the greatest threat facing our country, but it is not the threat of a warming planet, its the threat of what will happen to our country, if Obama or others are allowed to push through their devastating agenda. Let me explain. As with Obamacare, that really wasn't about healthcare, climate change legislation is really not about the climate. It is about destroying the American economy and the middle-class. Obama lied to get Obamacare through a heavily Democrat controlled Congress in 2010. Because of high costs, many healthy younger middle-class individuals have chosen not to purchase expensive health insurance, but rather pay the illegal tax instead. Older people, but below Medicare age, are forced out of necessity to purchase health insurance that is both high cost and with huge deductibles in order to pay the subsidies to jobless and low income individuals who pay very little if anything. The wealthy can always opt out and purchase private insurance or pay the illegal tax. Fortunately Obamacare is collapsing as it is not actuarily sound and the insurance companies are bailing that may unfortunately give Hitlery or Bernie an excuse for a single payor government run system that would involve even more control with financial based decisions rather than medical ones. Doctors will be forced to go along or be dropped and unemployed.
Global Warming legislation threatens to do the same thing. As we all know from reading my blog, that global warming is a massive hoax, begun by an Austrian Nazi who hated America and capitalism and then advanced through the America hating UN by communist America hater, Maurice Strong, through Al Gore, the dupe, who got wealthy as the face for global warming, and finally to an America and capitalism hating president. Obama quickly realized that this hoax fit in with his plan to employ the Cloward-Piven theory to collapse the American economy.
Right now the United States is one of the leaders if not the leader in oil, gas, and coal reserves. We lost 10% of our uranium reserves, another vital energy source, when Secretary of State Hitlery Clinton signed off on allowing Russia to buy our largest uranium producer, US Uranium,for a $145 million contribution to the Clinton Criminal Foundation, that was laundered through a Canadian charity specifically set up for that purpose. We have hundreds of years of energy resources and could become energy independent if desired. Currently we are engaged in an oil war with Saudi Arabia, who can raise oil more cheaply than anyone else. Fortunately as we continue to improve the technology, the cost of fraking has come way down and so it is not America that is suffering as much. Venezuela, a socialist run country and OPEC member with huge oil reserves all controlled by the government, is collapsing. With rampant inflation, there are huge lines at banks as people go to the bank with duffle bags stuffed with bills that take a long time to count. The 100 Bolivar note is the highest and worth less than a penny, so it takes a huge number to make up any sizable deposit. You might ask, why not print much larger denomination bank notes, but Venezuela can't, because no bank note printing company will do it on credit. In addition, the government can only afford to keep its offices open on Monday and Tuesday.
Let me explain how devastating Obama's illegal regulations have been in the past and will be in the future. Despite coal supplying between thirty and forty percent of our electric power, the largest coal company in the world, Peabody Energy (BTU on the NYSE) has declared bankruptcy. At the start of the Obama regime its stock market prices was $100/share, now its less than a dollar. The cost of regulation has forced it to close mines, lay off workers, and alter mining practices in order to accommodate Obama. Oil and gas drilling surprised Obama who had shut down offshore drilling because of the freak BP oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. The massive oil reserves that we have, weren't supposed to exist. For decades the theory of "peak oil" was all everyone believed, including oil magnates such as T. Boone Pickens. Fraking changed all that. and now only hate, stupidity, and regulation can change it back.
If Obama, Hitlery, and Bernie get their way the cost of electricity and filling up your car will become very expensive for the average middle class family. The poor don't have to worry. The government will see to it that their energy bills are partially or even completely subsidized. Who will pay, the middle-class of course. The wealthy, like Al Gore, will continue to fly around on private jets and build huge homes that consume massive amounts of energy while the middle-class will be forced to wear overcoats indoors during the winter or sweat it out in the summer to lower their energy costs in order to buy food that will become much more expensive, while the poor are living comfortably temperature wise and buying food with food stamps. What is all this called? Its redistribution of wealth. It will force more and more people to seek subsidies and eventually the middle-class will all but disappear. Workers in the energy field will be unemployed and also become part of the welfare state as Hitlery and Obama would want. The economy would collapses just as it has in Venezuela as the dollar would become valueless creating income equality as no one would be worth anything unless they bought gold, silver, platinum or diamonds.
The anti America UN wants to impose restrictions throughout the world, but mostly on the United States, and not on China, India, or Russia. They want the US to donate hundreds of billions of US tax dollars to Africa for its energy needs. That is throwing money down the drain, even worse than Obama's so called trillion dollar stimulus, that stimulated nothing but the pockets of his financial backers. Obama has signed the recent UN treaty that has not been and will not be approved by the Senate. So yes, climate change, is the greatest threat to our country, and Obama is a bigger anti America terorist than ISIS. We still have a place for him. He should be arrested and lock away with the few remaining terrorists at Gitmo and throw the key away. Turn off the AC and electricity and feed him a diet of the cold food Moochelle recommends. He then will be preventing climate change...yeah right.

In deed, climate change is the greatest threat facing our country, but it is not the threat of a warming planet, its the threat of what will happen to our country, if Obama or others are allowed to push through their devastating agenda. Let me explain. As with Obamacare, that really wasn't about healthcare, climate change legislation is really not about the climate. It is about destroying the American economy and the middle-class. Obama lied to get Obamacare through a heavily Democrat controlled Congress in 2010. Because of high costs, many healthy younger middle-class individuals have chosen not to purchase expensive health insurance, but rather pay the illegal tax instead. Older people, but below Medicare age, are forced out of necessity to purchase health insurance that is both high cost and with huge deductibles in order to pay the subsidies to jobless and low income individuals who pay very little if anything. The wealthy can always opt out and purchase private insurance or pay the illegal tax. Fortunately Obamacare is collapsing as it is not actuarily sound and the insurance companies are bailing that may unfortunately give Hitlery or Bernie an excuse for a single payor government run system that would involve even more control with financial based decisions rather than medical ones. Doctors will be forced to go along or be dropped and unemployed.

Right now the United States is one of the leaders if not the leader in oil, gas, and coal reserves. We lost 10% of our uranium reserves, another vital energy source, when Secretary of State Hitlery Clinton signed off on allowing Russia to buy our largest uranium producer, US Uranium,for a $145 million contribution to the Clinton Criminal Foundation, that was laundered through a Canadian charity specifically set up for that purpose. We have hundreds of years of energy resources and could become energy independent if desired. Currently we are engaged in an oil war with Saudi Arabia, who can raise oil more cheaply than anyone else. Fortunately as we continue to improve the technology, the cost of fraking has come way down and so it is not America that is suffering as much. Venezuela, a socialist run country and OPEC member with huge oil reserves all controlled by the government, is collapsing. With rampant inflation, there are huge lines at banks as people go to the bank with duffle bags stuffed with bills that take a long time to count. The 100 Bolivar note is the highest and worth less than a penny, so it takes a huge number to make up any sizable deposit. You might ask, why not print much larger denomination bank notes, but Venezuela can't, because no bank note printing company will do it on credit. In addition, the government can only afford to keep its offices open on Monday and Tuesday.
Let me explain how devastating Obama's illegal regulations have been in the past and will be in the future. Despite coal supplying between thirty and forty percent of our electric power, the largest coal company in the world, Peabody Energy (BTU on the NYSE) has declared bankruptcy. At the start of the Obama regime its stock market prices was $100/share, now its less than a dollar. The cost of regulation has forced it to close mines, lay off workers, and alter mining practices in order to accommodate Obama. Oil and gas drilling surprised Obama who had shut down offshore drilling because of the freak BP oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. The massive oil reserves that we have, weren't supposed to exist. For decades the theory of "peak oil" was all everyone believed, including oil magnates such as T. Boone Pickens. Fraking changed all that. and now only hate, stupidity, and regulation can change it back.
If Obama, Hitlery, and Bernie get their way the cost of electricity and filling up your car will become very expensive for the average middle class family. The poor don't have to worry. The government will see to it that their energy bills are partially or even completely subsidized. Who will pay, the middle-class of course. The wealthy, like Al Gore, will continue to fly around on private jets and build huge homes that consume massive amounts of energy while the middle-class will be forced to wear overcoats indoors during the winter or sweat it out in the summer to lower their energy costs in order to buy food that will become much more expensive, while the poor are living comfortably temperature wise and buying food with food stamps. What is all this called? Its redistribution of wealth. It will force more and more people to seek subsidies and eventually the middle-class will all but disappear. Workers in the energy field will be unemployed and also become part of the welfare state as Hitlery and Obama would want. The economy would collapses just as it has in Venezuela as the dollar would become valueless creating income equality as no one would be worth anything unless they bought gold, silver, platinum or diamonds.
The anti America UN wants to impose restrictions throughout the world, but mostly on the United States, and not on China, India, or Russia. They want the US to donate hundreds of billions of US tax dollars to Africa for its energy needs. That is throwing money down the drain, even worse than Obama's so called trillion dollar stimulus, that stimulated nothing but the pockets of his financial backers. Obama has signed the recent UN treaty that has not been and will not be approved by the Senate. So yes, climate change, is the greatest threat to our country, and Obama is a bigger anti America terorist than ISIS. We still have a place for him. He should be arrested and lock away with the few remaining terrorists at Gitmo and throw the key away. Turn off the AC and electricity and feed him a diet of the cold food Moochelle recommends. He then will be preventing climate change...yeah right.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Scumbag of the Year
We all know that the Clintons have had relationships over the years with scumbags like themselves, many of whom have spent time in prison or managed to skirt the legal system due to their relationship with the Clintons, but none of them come close to Terry McAuliffe, the current Governor of Virginia in regard to sliminess.
McAuliffe began his unethical and even criminal ways at an early age. In 1979 at the ripe old age of 22, he was placed in charge of fund raising for Jimmy Carter's run at reelection for the 1980 presidential election. He obtained this position through Richard Swann, a powerful lawyer, major Democrat fundraiser, future business partner, and future father-in-law. He then moved on to law school at Georgetown University. Fresh out of law school he helped found the City National Bank in Washington, DC and by 1988 he had been elected chairman by the bank's board of directors making him the youngest bank chairman in the country at age thirty. He also married Swann's daughter and invested $800,000 in Swann's American Pioneer Savings Bank. APSB when belly up like many S&L in the late 1980s and for political reasons the very people who ran these S&Ls got first choice of the key properties, a crime in itself. McAuliffe then got first choice of the best properties for a big discount He only had to invest $100 of his own money for $60 million worth of property. He partnered with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers union to pick up all of the costs. He made millions off of this deal.
It was McAuliffe who came up with the fund raising scheme of selling the Lincoln bedroom for political contributions, but his 1996 presidential election scheme took first prize. Donors no matter how wealthy are limited into how much they could contribute to a presidential candidate's election campaign, but there is no such low limit for labor unions. The Teamsters were running a presidential election at the same time, so McAuliffe got wealthy Democrat Party contributors to "donate" $50,000 for the union election. The Teamsters Union would then "launder" the money and donate it to Clinton. This is illegal and several union officials eventually went to prison, but not Terry McAuliffe. Congress tried on several occasion to have him testify under oath, but cooked Attorney General Janet Reno said he was under investigation and couldn't testify. Bush, when he was elected, failed to follow through with the investigations that never really took place and McAuliffe was home free.
As a reward to the Clinton's, McAuliffe cosigned on the $15,000/mo mortgage for the Clintons' new home that would allow Hillary to establish residence in New York at Chappaqua, (though tax payers now pay the mortgage anyway), and he was rewarded with the position as head of the DNC.
As a political insider McAuliffe put up $100,000 for Global Crossing stock before the company went public. He then sold his stock after it went public and when it was at its peak for an $8.1 million profit. Global Crossing went bankrupt shortly thereafter and is known as the Enron of telecommunications.
He had a failed run at the Virginia governorship in 2010 and lost in the primary, but was elected in 2014 with less than 50% of the vote. Prior to his election he got involved with some Chinese businessmen and Anthony Clinton, Hillary's brother in an electric car company GreenTech Automotive and in Gulf Coast Funds Management, a company that secures EB-5 visas, operating out of Louisiana with the help of then Louisiana governor Kathleen Blanco (D). After leaving office, Blanco became an officer in the company. So far this has amounted to little more than a scheme to sell EB-5 visas to Chinese businessmen investors. Using his ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton, McAuliffe sought a much speedier approval of the visas that often take up to 24 months. Putting pressure on Immigration and Homeland Security officials via powerful politicians and massive over inflating employment and production figures of 25,000 and 1 million cars, the process was shortened. (the Ford plant in Kansas City, Mo., the largest in the US has only 4,000 workers and over a ten year period a total of 9 million cars are manufactured). He also managed to involve Haley Barbour (R0 Mississippi governor and both of Mississippi's Republican US Senators in the process. Barbour became an officer in the company. Both McAuliffe and Anthony Rodham made millions though a series of shell and interlocking companies. Only a handful of cars have been built to date. I could locate no real production figures. Conflict of interest was found in numerous investigations, but little if anything in the way of fines or punishment has resulted.
Despite his crooked and slimy history, McAuliffe became governor of Virginia. Now he has come of with the biggest pieces of slime ever. He has issue a gubernatorial order that would reinstate voting rights to 200,000 Virginia criminals just in time for the 2016 Presidential election. Criminals that have served their time can apply to have all of their rights restored, but this is a somewhat lengthy and individual process. How do you think these former felons will vote? McAullife's order reeks of Clinton's pardon of Puerto Rican terrorists prior the New York senatorial election in which Hillary was running. This guy deserves to be in prison for a long time, along with those who have aided and protected him, not serving as the governor of Virginia.
McAuliffe began his unethical and even criminal ways at an early age. In 1979 at the ripe old age of 22, he was placed in charge of fund raising for Jimmy Carter's run at reelection for the 1980 presidential election. He obtained this position through Richard Swann, a powerful lawyer, major Democrat fundraiser, future business partner, and future father-in-law. He then moved on to law school at Georgetown University. Fresh out of law school he helped found the City National Bank in Washington, DC and by 1988 he had been elected chairman by the bank's board of directors making him the youngest bank chairman in the country at age thirty. He also married Swann's daughter and invested $800,000 in Swann's American Pioneer Savings Bank. APSB when belly up like many S&L in the late 1980s and for political reasons the very people who ran these S&Ls got first choice of the key properties, a crime in itself. McAuliffe then got first choice of the best properties for a big discount He only had to invest $100 of his own money for $60 million worth of property. He partnered with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers union to pick up all of the costs. He made millions off of this deal.
It was McAuliffe who came up with the fund raising scheme of selling the Lincoln bedroom for political contributions, but his 1996 presidential election scheme took first prize. Donors no matter how wealthy are limited into how much they could contribute to a presidential candidate's election campaign, but there is no such low limit for labor unions. The Teamsters were running a presidential election at the same time, so McAuliffe got wealthy Democrat Party contributors to "donate" $50,000 for the union election. The Teamsters Union would then "launder" the money and donate it to Clinton. This is illegal and several union officials eventually went to prison, but not Terry McAuliffe. Congress tried on several occasion to have him testify under oath, but cooked Attorney General Janet Reno said he was under investigation and couldn't testify. Bush, when he was elected, failed to follow through with the investigations that never really took place and McAuliffe was home free.
As a reward to the Clinton's, McAuliffe cosigned on the $15,000/mo mortgage for the Clintons' new home that would allow Hillary to establish residence in New York at Chappaqua, (though tax payers now pay the mortgage anyway), and he was rewarded with the position as head of the DNC.
As a political insider McAuliffe put up $100,000 for Global Crossing stock before the company went public. He then sold his stock after it went public and when it was at its peak for an $8.1 million profit. Global Crossing went bankrupt shortly thereafter and is known as the Enron of telecommunications.
He had a failed run at the Virginia governorship in 2010 and lost in the primary, but was elected in 2014 with less than 50% of the vote. Prior to his election he got involved with some Chinese businessmen and Anthony Clinton, Hillary's brother in an electric car company GreenTech Automotive and in Gulf Coast Funds Management, a company that secures EB-5 visas, operating out of Louisiana with the help of then Louisiana governor Kathleen Blanco (D). After leaving office, Blanco became an officer in the company. So far this has amounted to little more than a scheme to sell EB-5 visas to Chinese businessmen investors. Using his ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton, McAuliffe sought a much speedier approval of the visas that often take up to 24 months. Putting pressure on Immigration and Homeland Security officials via powerful politicians and massive over inflating employment and production figures of 25,000 and 1 million cars, the process was shortened. (the Ford plant in Kansas City, Mo., the largest in the US has only 4,000 workers and over a ten year period a total of 9 million cars are manufactured). He also managed to involve Haley Barbour (R0 Mississippi governor and both of Mississippi's Republican US Senators in the process. Barbour became an officer in the company. Both McAuliffe and Anthony Rodham made millions though a series of shell and interlocking companies. Only a handful of cars have been built to date. I could locate no real production figures. Conflict of interest was found in numerous investigations, but little if anything in the way of fines or punishment has resulted.
Despite his crooked and slimy history, McAuliffe became governor of Virginia. Now he has come of with the biggest pieces of slime ever. He has issue a gubernatorial order that would reinstate voting rights to 200,000 Virginia criminals just in time for the 2016 Presidential election. Criminals that have served their time can apply to have all of their rights restored, but this is a somewhat lengthy and individual process. How do you think these former felons will vote? McAullife's order reeks of Clinton's pardon of Puerto Rican terrorists prior the New York senatorial election in which Hillary was running. This guy deserves to be in prison for a long time, along with those who have aided and protected him, not serving as the governor of Virginia.
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