Saturday, March 12, 2016

Left Wing Scum and the First Amendment

      Before I begin with what I have to say in this blog,  I would like to state that I am not a Donald Trump supporter, but will support Trump or any other Republican to defeat who ever the Democrat Party decides to run.  This election is way too important to let either the traitor or the socialist, that the Democrats select, win.  On Friday a political rally and appearance by Donald Trump had to be cancelled in Chicago, Illinois due to safety concerns.  Groups of for the most part organized scum infiltrated the interior of the building in which the rally was to be held and provoked some violence.  Too many of these morons were inside and so rather than allow for even more violence, Trump cancelled at the last minute on the advice of the police.  Some incidents of violence did occur on both the outside and inside of the venue at the University of Illinois Chicago campus and at least five law violators had to be arrested.
      I personally don't think that's enough and the federal government ought to step in and charge some of these demonstrators and their leadership with civil rights violations (fat chance under Obama unless it was conservatives keeping leftists from speaking).  First Amendment rights are scared and necessary for a free society. Trump and all of his followers, who were present ought to at least sue the pants off of the Move On commies who bragged about it and some of the Black Lives Matter scum as well.  Let George Soros foot the bill for this abomination, as it is he who is their main benefactor, and certainly pays some of the professional demonstrators as well.  He can afford it. In fact an FBI investigation under the next Republican administration into both of these organizations should be in order.  Soros is already a convicted felon and it would be nice to house him with Bernie Madoff for the rest of his miserable life. Soros wants to spread disorder and chaos, not only because he hates America, but I'm certain he would probably benefit financially from an economic crisis no matter how brief.  This is his modus operandi since he first sold his fellow Jews to the Nazis during WW2.  (He is also a hater of Israel and the main financial backer of J Street, an anti Israel group that pretends to be pro Israel).
      On many of our college campuses today, conservative speakers are routinely prevented from speaking, even to groups that specifically invited them to speak.  Those that do speak are interrupted by unruly idiots who are too stupid, despite being college students, to understand the very simple concept of free speech.  They have become willing pawns for their far left professors and left wing causes.  Imagine what the headlines would be if anarchist Bill Ayers or liar and leftist Elizabeth Warren were prevented from speaking at any college.  Conservative students are not protesters and if they do attend a speech by someone with an opposing view usually sit quietly and listen instead of adopting the tactics of Saul Alinsky in Rules For Radicals.
      Even Obama has adopted this technique that he has learned so well from Frank Davis and as a community organizer.  Rules For Radicals is his bible.  Rather than give anthropogenic global warming a fair debate, he'd loose, he instead wants to persecute those who know and espouse the truth.  Years ago, huckster Al Gore, refused to debate the issue and if what he claimed what would happen actually did, my condominium would be under water and there would be economic chaos in America.  Instead the only chaos is that which Obama, Gore, Sanders, Kerry, and Clinton can stir up through their misinformation.  In reality the only people who support anthropogenic global warming are those who can benefit economically and politically or are too lazy or too stupid to research it.  The Supreme Court tends to support the First Amendment, but liberal justices like Sotomayer, Brier, Ginsberg, and Kagan may qualify their support for the right wing cause. No other left wing plot carries as much threat as that of this terrible hoax to the future of our nation.

1 comment:

  1. You are aware that private organizations and private individuals cannot violate your First Amendment rights, correct? The only organization that can infringe on your First Amendment rights is the government. It kinda sorta says that in the text of the First Amendment, where it says "Congress shall make no law..." There's nothing in there about private individuals, organizations, or companies.

    You want the "federal government to step in and charge demonstrators and their leadership with civil rights violations." This actually WOULD BE an infringement on First Amendment rights unless the federal government charged them with a crime, which it very well could if it had evidence of a crime.

    I think you may not understand the First Amendment as well as you think you do.
