Saturday, March 19, 2016

Fun With Left Wing Idiots and the FLOTUS is Full of Flatus

      The other day I answered a question about Michelle Obama announcing that she wasn't going to run for POTUS.  I expressed my opinion of the FLOTUS and apparently my comments was referred to a vile left wing web site  Over the next 12 or so hours I got more than a hundred negative comments to my original posts and answers to those comments.  I was shocked that there are actually about 50 0r 60 people out there who still support the Obamas, but I should have expected it, as most of these comments were posted in the afternoon when most people or at work.  I suppose most of these people are either unemployed, using their companies' computers for personal use, or work night shift jobs.  I doubt if any are retirees like me.
     My impression is that the far left mostly consisted of lazy, vulgar, ignorant, humorless, automatons, who may still feel the tingle running down their leg, like Chris Mathews, whenever the Obamas are mentioned, not realizing that the tingle is urine.  I made a comment I thought would have been considered humorous  to take some of the edge off of the vulgar names I was called.  I especially don't like being called a racist, because I disagree with Obamas far left destructive policies. I said I am not a racist as I only disagree with the policies from Obama"s white half.  I'm okay with his black half.  The comments that followed made me realize that I was dealing with seriously dangerous people.
      Their comments about the First Amendment are typical of what comes from the far left today.  It is okay for them to yell, scream, or block speakers with whom they disagree.  If the speaker doesn't speak or can't be heard over their din, that's okay, but I suppose if one did the same to Obama, they would call the offending group racist and violators of his First Amendment rights.  I think this sort of attitude emerged from what has been present on college campuses and from what I have seen on the news, mostly encouraged by liberal faculty that sometimes participates in the protests.  If you are an alumnus of a University, where this sort of behavior is encouraged or tolerated, I would let them know the next time you are contacted for a donation that you aren't giving until they support the First Amendment.
      Topics that I discussed in my replies included Obamacare, global warming, unemployment,the economy, and foreign policy.  They could not give one concrete response to anything I said, but instead called me a racist or various curse words.  They are either too lazy, smug, or trusting in their left wing demagogues to spend the time finding the truth.  They hate Fox News and told me my comments were straight out Fox News (even though most have either not been on FNC or were posted before they were on FNC) for which they also made disparaging remarks.  All this, of course, is straight out of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. When you can't debate an issue because you are on the losing side, make personal attacks.
     With about 50 attacks still to go through, I decided I'd had enough fun for the day and so I pressed delete. I wish it would be as simple to get rid of the Obamas and their

harmful policies.


  1. Another winner Doc. Keep 'em coming.

  2. You really shouldn't bother writing this blog. You can pretend to be intelligent; you can't pretend to be clever.

    1. Choff is correct you shouldn't bother writing this blog. Based on the comments, looks like one person is reading it. Do something useful with your time such as volunteer at a homeless shelter or mentor children at a local school, however that might be too much of a challenge for your simple mind. If you don't like what you read on liberal blogs, stay off them. We do not care what you have to say, as we have read your senseless crap over and over. After reading a few of your entries here, you have total disrespect for YOUR president, B. Obama and his wife. I was taught when brought up, no matter what your feelings are toward POTUS, he deserves your respect. I'm ashamed you call yourself an American.

    2. I only respect people who respect me and America. The Obamas do not.
