Occasionally updates are in order so I'd like to pass on to you what the liberals did in response to my comments on their websites. They blocked me from making comments on ten left wing web sites. So much for free speech. They never could answer appropriately to any of my comments and so used the old Alinsky tactics from Rules For Radicals of name calling, denial, and out right lying (sort of like Obama does). They have been brain washed to the point where the truth is painful and doesn't matter any more. I was having so much fun, I suppose I'll have to find some other lefty web sites. It won't be hard there are plenty out there.
I'm certain you are all aware of the recent bombing in Brussels, Belgium. Brussels is the headquarters for NATO and the EU so the attack takes on special meaning. So far 31 innocent people have died and 270 were injured when suicide bombers attacked the Brussel's airport and the Maelbeek Metro Station near the EU and NATO offices. Among the injured were several Americans and two Dutch citizens, a brother and sister, who live in New York City were killed. The State Department has yet to release all of the names of the American casualties. Three of the terrorists, brothers Khalid and Ibrahim Bakraoui and Najim Laachraoui are dead, at least two others are on the run, and another seven have been taken into custody. Back home, our president wasn't back home, but in Cuba apologizing to the Castro brothers and posing in front of a mural of mass murderer Che Guevara. Cuba is the worst human rights violator in the western hemisphere, but that doesn't seem to bother Obama. Several of our most wanted criminals are hiding in plain site in Cuba and Obama isn't even asking the Cubans to hand them over. One of the reasons why he wants to close Gitmo, is that he would like to give it back to the Castros. It would make a swell prison to place some of their high level political prisoners, but the facilities are too nice for most dissidents.
Nero fiddled while Rome burned, Obama did the wave at a baseball game while sitting with his new bestie Raul Castro while the rest of the civilized world was demonstrating solidarity with Belgium. He then left Cuba and landed in Argentina, just in time for he and Michelle to enjoy Tango lessons. The lessons might come in handy the next time he tries to song and dance his way around a new scandal. Joe Biden did the President's job by paying a condolence call at the Belgian embassy in Washington, DC (see he is good for something) and John Kerry paid a visit to Brussels. The Obama regime still can't bring itself to use the term radical Islamic terror. Neither can Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. In fact, Hillary would like to bring 65,000 Syrian refugees to our country. Even if one out of a thousand are terrorists that is 65 too many. (ISIS claims to have already sent 450 terrorist to Europe.) Rudi Giuliani appropriately called Hillary Clinton one of the founders of ISIS while she was Secretary of State. Maybe that is why she has no real plan to destroy them except maybe find them jobs as her mouthpiece Dummy Wasserman-Schultz has stated. The Left doesn't want to offend the terrorist as they might start blowing up places and shooting people. Oh wait, they are already doing that. This is political correctness gone wild, at its very worst. The regime doesn't want you profiling your neighbor, if he or she is a Muslim, as Loretta Lynch will indict you and throw you in prison. Its still okay to target Christians and Jews, especially if they are conservatives, since the Obama regime believes they are fair game for persecution. Now he wants to persecute and prosecute those who know that global warming is a hoax.
Speaking of indictments, the evidence continues to pile up against Hillary Clinton. The FBI has managed to recover some emails from her "washed" server and some of these are top secret. I guess they contain top secret information about Hilly's yoga lessons or Chelsea's wedding. Not really, Hilly lied again. So what else is new. The FBI is also investigating the Clinton Foundation and will find money laundering, tax evasion, and pay for access crimes. It turns out Hilly collected more than $21 million dollars for ninety speeches the last three years. That's more than $200k per. Personally I can't think of one thing she could say to me that is worth a plug nickel. Oh wait, if she would just tell the truth about White Water, travelgate, Vince Foster, Benghazi, and the Clinton Foundation that might be worth a few bucks. But what difference does it make, a bunch of idiots, uneducated minorities, and stupid women are still supporting her. Will an indictment come and when is still the major question. I was told in May, but there are other scenarios. Obama could put it off until after the Democrat Convention. She would have to resign from the race, or would she. What difference does it make. With Trump running on the Republican ticket, the whole election could be thrown into disarray. Soros back radicals and anarchists would be instructed to riot and play right into Obama's hands. He could declare martial law, cancel elections, arrest conservatives and stay in office forever. He would ignore the 22nd Amendment, he's already ignored most of the Constitution, and declare himself EL Presidente for life (what he learned on his trip to Cuba).
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Fun With Left Wing Idiots and the FLOTUS is Full of Flatus
The other day I answered a question about Michelle Obama announcing that she wasn't going to run for POTUS. I expressed my opinion of the FLOTUS and apparently my comments was referred to a vile left wing web site wingnuts.com. Over the next 12 or so hours I got more than a hundred negative comments to my original posts and answers to those comments. I was shocked that there are actually about 50 0r 60 people out there who still support the Obamas, but I should have expected it, as most of these comments were posted in the afternoon when most people or at work. I suppose most of these people are either unemployed, using their companies' computers for personal use, or work night shift jobs. I doubt if any are retirees like me.
My impression is that the far left mostly consisted of lazy, vulgar, ignorant, humorless, automatons, who may still feel the tingle running down their leg, like Chris Mathews, whenever the Obamas are mentioned, not realizing that the tingle is urine. I made a comment I thought would have been considered humorous to take some of the edge off of the vulgar names I was called. I especially don't like being called a racist, because I disagree with Obamas far left destructive policies. I said I am not a racist as I only disagree with the policies from Obama"s white half. I'm okay with his black half. The comments that followed made me realize that I was dealing with seriously dangerous people.
Their comments about the First Amendment are typical of what comes from the far left today. It is okay for them to yell, scream, or block speakers with whom they disagree. If the speaker doesn't speak or can't be heard over their din, that's okay, but I suppose if one did the same to Obama, they would call the offending group racist and violators of his First Amendment rights. I think this sort of attitude emerged from what has been present on college campuses and from what I have seen on the news, mostly encouraged by liberal faculty that sometimes participates in the protests. If you are an alumnus of a University, where this sort of behavior is encouraged or tolerated, I would let them know the next time you are contacted for a donation that you aren't giving until they support the First Amendment.
Topics that I discussed in my replies included Obamacare, global warming, unemployment,the economy, and foreign policy. They could not give one concrete response to anything I said, but instead called me a racist or various curse words. They are either too lazy, smug, or trusting in their left wing demagogues to spend the time finding the truth. They hate Fox News and told me my comments were straight out Fox News (even though most have either not been on FNC or were posted before they were on FNC) for which they also made disparaging remarks. All this, of course, is straight out of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. When you can't debate an issue because you are on the losing side, make personal attacks.
With about 50 attacks still to go through, I decided I'd had enough fun for the day and so I pressed delete. I wish it would be as simple to get rid of the Obamas and their
harmful policies.
My impression is that the far left mostly consisted of lazy, vulgar, ignorant, humorless, automatons, who may still feel the tingle running down their leg, like Chris Mathews, whenever the Obamas are mentioned, not realizing that the tingle is urine. I made a comment I thought would have been considered humorous to take some of the edge off of the vulgar names I was called. I especially don't like being called a racist, because I disagree with Obamas far left destructive policies. I said I am not a racist as I only disagree with the policies from Obama"s white half. I'm okay with his black half. The comments that followed made me realize that I was dealing with seriously dangerous people.
Their comments about the First Amendment are typical of what comes from the far left today. It is okay for them to yell, scream, or block speakers with whom they disagree. If the speaker doesn't speak or can't be heard over their din, that's okay, but I suppose if one did the same to Obama, they would call the offending group racist and violators of his First Amendment rights. I think this sort of attitude emerged from what has been present on college campuses and from what I have seen on the news, mostly encouraged by liberal faculty that sometimes participates in the protests. If you are an alumnus of a University, where this sort of behavior is encouraged or tolerated, I would let them know the next time you are contacted for a donation that you aren't giving until they support the First Amendment.
Topics that I discussed in my replies included Obamacare, global warming, unemployment,the economy, and foreign policy. They could not give one concrete response to anything I said, but instead called me a racist or various curse words. They are either too lazy, smug, or trusting in their left wing demagogues to spend the time finding the truth. They hate Fox News and told me my comments were straight out Fox News (even though most have either not been on FNC or were posted before they were on FNC) for which they also made disparaging remarks. All this, of course, is straight out of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. When you can't debate an issue because you are on the losing side, make personal attacks.
With about 50 attacks still to go through, I decided I'd had enough fun for the day and so I pressed delete. I wish it would be as simple to get rid of the Obamas and their
harmful policies.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Left Wing Scum and the First Amendment
Before I begin with what I have to say in this blog, I would like to state that I am not a Donald Trump supporter, but will support Trump or any other Republican to defeat who ever the Democrat Party decides to run. This election is way too important to let either the traitor or the socialist, that the Democrats select, win. On Friday a political rally and appearance by Donald Trump had to be cancelled in Chicago, Illinois due to safety concerns. Groups of for the most part organized scum infiltrated the interior of the building in which the rally was to be held and provoked some violence. Too many of these morons were inside and so rather than allow for even more violence, Trump cancelled at the last minute on the advice of the police. Some incidents of violence did occur on both the outside and inside of the venue at the University of Illinois Chicago campus and at least five law violators had to be arrested.
I personally don't think that's enough and the federal government ought to step in and charge some of these demonstrators and their leadership with civil rights violations (fat chance under Obama unless it was conservatives keeping leftists from speaking). First Amendment rights are scared and necessary for a free society. Trump and all of his followers, who were present ought to at least sue the pants off of the Move On commies who bragged about it and some of the Black Lives Matter scum as well. Let George Soros foot the bill for this abomination, as it is he who is their main benefactor, and certainly pays some of the professional demonstrators as well. He can afford it. In fact an FBI investigation under the next Republican administration into both of these organizations should be in order. Soros is already a convicted felon and it would be nice to house him with Bernie Madoff for the rest of his miserable life. Soros wants to spread disorder and chaos, not only because he hates America, but I'm certain he would probably benefit financially from an economic crisis no matter how brief. This is his modus operandi since he first sold his fellow Jews to the Nazis during WW2. (He is also a hater of Israel and the main financial backer of J Street, an anti Israel group that pretends to be pro Israel).
On many of our college campuses today, conservative speakers are routinely prevented from speaking, even to groups that specifically invited them to speak. Those that do speak are interrupted by unruly idiots who are too stupid, despite being college students, to understand the very simple concept of free speech. They have become willing pawns for their far left professors and left wing causes. Imagine what the headlines would be if anarchist Bill Ayers or liar and leftist Elizabeth Warren were prevented from speaking at any college. Conservative students are not protesters and if they do attend a speech by someone with an opposing view usually sit quietly and listen instead of adopting the tactics of Saul Alinsky in Rules For Radicals.
Even Obama has adopted this technique that he has learned so well from Frank Davis and as a community organizer. Rules For Radicals is his bible. Rather than give anthropogenic global warming a fair debate, he'd loose, he instead wants to persecute those who know and espouse the truth. Years ago, huckster Al Gore, refused to debate the issue and if what he claimed what would happen actually did, my condominium would be under water and there would be economic chaos in America. Instead the only chaos is that which Obama, Gore, Sanders, Kerry, and Clinton can stir up through their misinformation. In reality the only people who support anthropogenic global warming are those who can benefit economically and politically or are too lazy or too stupid to research it. The Supreme Court tends to support the First Amendment, but liberal justices like Sotomayer, Brier, Ginsberg, and Kagan may qualify their support for the right wing cause. No other left wing plot carries as much threat as that of this terrible hoax to the future of our nation.
I personally don't think that's enough and the federal government ought to step in and charge some of these demonstrators and their leadership with civil rights violations (fat chance under Obama unless it was conservatives keeping leftists from speaking). First Amendment rights are scared and necessary for a free society. Trump and all of his followers, who were present ought to at least sue the pants off of the Move On commies who bragged about it and some of the Black Lives Matter scum as well. Let George Soros foot the bill for this abomination, as it is he who is their main benefactor, and certainly pays some of the professional demonstrators as well. He can afford it. In fact an FBI investigation under the next Republican administration into both of these organizations should be in order. Soros is already a convicted felon and it would be nice to house him with Bernie Madoff for the rest of his miserable life. Soros wants to spread disorder and chaos, not only because he hates America, but I'm certain he would probably benefit financially from an economic crisis no matter how brief. This is his modus operandi since he first sold his fellow Jews to the Nazis during WW2. (He is also a hater of Israel and the main financial backer of J Street, an anti Israel group that pretends to be pro Israel).
On many of our college campuses today, conservative speakers are routinely prevented from speaking, even to groups that specifically invited them to speak. Those that do speak are interrupted by unruly idiots who are too stupid, despite being college students, to understand the very simple concept of free speech. They have become willing pawns for their far left professors and left wing causes. Imagine what the headlines would be if anarchist Bill Ayers or liar and leftist Elizabeth Warren were prevented from speaking at any college. Conservative students are not protesters and if they do attend a speech by someone with an opposing view usually sit quietly and listen instead of adopting the tactics of Saul Alinsky in Rules For Radicals.
Even Obama has adopted this technique that he has learned so well from Frank Davis and as a community organizer. Rules For Radicals is his bible. Rather than give anthropogenic global warming a fair debate, he'd loose, he instead wants to persecute those who know and espouse the truth. Years ago, huckster Al Gore, refused to debate the issue and if what he claimed what would happen actually did, my condominium would be under water and there would be economic chaos in America. Instead the only chaos is that which Obama, Gore, Sanders, Kerry, and Clinton can stir up through their misinformation. In reality the only people who support anthropogenic global warming are those who can benefit economically and politically or are too lazy or too stupid to research it. The Supreme Court tends to support the First Amendment, but liberal justices like Sotomayer, Brier, Ginsberg, and Kagan may qualify their support for the right wing cause. No other left wing plot carries as much threat as that of this terrible hoax to the future of our nation.
Friday, March 11, 2016
Obama becomes a Nazi on Global Warming, His Most Dangerous Move Yet
This week US Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced at a congressional hearing, that Obama had asked her to look into bringing criminal charges against global warming deniers. She has turned this over to the FBI to see if an investigation is warranted. If you recall, this is the same tactic that Billy Clinton used to attack the tobacco companies in order to get money to pay back the Communist Chinese Army for its $20 million in illegal campaign contributions and legal fees that he had accumulated from his questionable activities while President. Funder raisers were thrown by attorneys, who had a stake and benefited from tobacco litigation, so that enough money was raised.
The one thing that Obama doesn't want on global warming is honest debate, as anthropogenic global warming (climate change) doesn't exist. As I have shown in previous blogs this is the last step in destroying the America economy and, as his final year in office is coming to an end (not soon enough), he must employ what ever tactics he can to force his anti American and anti capitalism agenda.
He has essentially coined the term "climate change denier" trying to equate denying climate change with denying the holocaust. This is of course is an obscenity and for this alone, he should be summarily condemned, but he will revert to the most illegal tactics of all to further his destructive agenda. Ironically the whole global warming hoax was begun in a 1956 work of fiction Dance With the Devil written by a disaffected Nazi, Gunther Schwab, who hated America and capitalism for defeating his beloved Hitler. (See my four part blog for the details).
Now Obama has begun using Nazi tactics to get his way. Using the FBI to threaten and suppress the truth is much like Hitler's tactic of using his Brown Shirts and later the Gestapo to enforce his lie of Aryan supremacy. Jews and those who objected had their rights stripped away and were sent to concentration camps to be reeducated or murdered. Although I don't think I will be executed, Obama would like me to face harsh monetary penalties and even jail time to quiet me and those like me, who know the truth. After all, spreading the truth on global warming is a worse crime than drug dealing according to Obama, Hilly, and Bernie. Those who believe in the truth would not be allowed to have trials as the truth would come out so all of my constitutional rights would be suspended.
Now you can understand why Scalia's murder, as I outlined in my last blog, was so important. As the most out spoken and conservative Supreme Court justice, he certainly would not have allowed this blatant misuse of the FBI and suspension of basic Constitutional rights to continue. He along with other conservative justices had issued a stay on Obama's attempts to destroy American gas, oil, and coal companies through illegal regulation. Being the oldest justice, it would be easy to make a poisoning look like a natural death. Ironically as in the novel, The Pelican Brief, Supreme Court justices were murdered in order to allow new justices to be nominated who would favor the opposite agenda for an environmental issue. If Obama can convince the Republican controlled Congress to approve his nominee, this stay will be reversed and his illegal and unconstitutional tactics will be upheld by a very liberal and corrupt new court majority. Exxon Mobile, the company that the FBI will look at first, has the money and wherewithal to carry this all the way to the Supreme Court. A liberal Supreme Court will ignore the Constitution and make up some incomprehensible legal jargon for approving Obama's illegal agenda.
The solution to stopping Obama and his ultra liberal cronies is to make anthropogenic climate change a part of the presidential debate. I'm certain that climate change has not received much discussion in all of the debates. The media is partly at fault, but a courageous candidate, aware of the truth and Obama's horrible plan, could make political hay as Trump did with immigration. Its not too late. The whole truth needs to be exposed to the voters. Healthcare and energy make of more than 50% of our GNP. We already can see how destructive Obamacare has been to our economy and implementing Obama's energy policy will be the final blow to an economy that is barely limping along. The country will be thrown into chaos and ripe for revolution, the "change" for which Obama has "hoped".
The one thing that Obama doesn't want on global warming is honest debate, as anthropogenic global warming (climate change) doesn't exist. As I have shown in previous blogs this is the last step in destroying the America economy and, as his final year in office is coming to an end (not soon enough), he must employ what ever tactics he can to force his anti American and anti capitalism agenda.
He has essentially coined the term "climate change denier" trying to equate denying climate change with denying the holocaust. This is of course is an obscenity and for this alone, he should be summarily condemned, but he will revert to the most illegal tactics of all to further his destructive agenda. Ironically the whole global warming hoax was begun in a 1956 work of fiction Dance With the Devil written by a disaffected Nazi, Gunther Schwab, who hated America and capitalism for defeating his beloved Hitler. (See my four part blog for the details).
Now Obama has begun using Nazi tactics to get his way. Using the FBI to threaten and suppress the truth is much like Hitler's tactic of using his Brown Shirts and later the Gestapo to enforce his lie of Aryan supremacy. Jews and those who objected had their rights stripped away and were sent to concentration camps to be reeducated or murdered. Although I don't think I will be executed, Obama would like me to face harsh monetary penalties and even jail time to quiet me and those like me, who know the truth. After all, spreading the truth on global warming is a worse crime than drug dealing according to Obama, Hilly, and Bernie. Those who believe in the truth would not be allowed to have trials as the truth would come out so all of my constitutional rights would be suspended.

The solution to stopping Obama and his ultra liberal cronies is to make anthropogenic climate change a part of the presidential debate. I'm certain that climate change has not received much discussion in all of the debates. The media is partly at fault, but a courageous candidate, aware of the truth and Obama's horrible plan, could make political hay as Trump did with immigration. Its not too late. The whole truth needs to be exposed to the voters. Healthcare and energy make of more than 50% of our GNP. We already can see how destructive Obamacare has been to our economy and implementing Obama's energy policy will be the final blow to an economy that is barely limping along. The country will be thrown into chaos and ripe for revolution, the "change" for which Obama has "hoped".
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