Saturday, January 9, 2016

What Party Is More Likely to Have a Brokered Convention

      What party is more likely to have a brokered convention?  The answer may surprise you as the mainstream media in order to put more controversy into the race, as if anymore is needed, has been saying that the Republican Party elite may not want Trump to be their candidate for the presidency and so a brokered convention may be the result.  A brokered convention is when no single candidate gets the majority of the votes on the first ballot.  This frees up all of the delegates and they no longer need to support the candidate to whom they are pledged.  Prior to the primary system brokered conventions were very common.  A state delegation would pledge allegiance to a "favorite son" like their governor or senator in the hopes of gaining some say so in the proposed platform or with the candidate to who they switch their vote, if he wins the presidency. You can imagine the wheeling and dealing that took place in the so called "smoke filled rooms"  With all states now having a primary or caucus the likelihood of a brokered convention is far less a possibility even when some states assign delegates based on the percentage  of votes candidates receive in the primary.
      My sources and investigation tells me that it is the Democrat Party, that is far more likely to have a brokered convention than the Republicans.  Let me explain.  The Dems have only two candidates running significant primary campaigns,  Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and they should split 95% of the primary votes with Clinton running far ahead in most states.  So why, if Clinton will win better than 50% of the delegates will the convention be brokered.  The answer is that FBI investigation is going to recommend criminal charges be brought against Hillary Clinton for having a private email server and all of the crimes committed because of it.  For example, an email. that she sent to her highest ranking staff, uncovered recently with the latest State Department dump, telling them to remove classification from any email they sent to her and she would do the same for any email she would sending to them.  Remember she said she neither received or sent classified information.  'm not a criminal defense attorney, but this latest email clearly shows criminal intent.  The FBI can only recommend to the Justice Department to indict her, but failing to do so would almost be as bad for her as an indictment.  A failure would reflect very negatively on the Obama administration, and Obama is no friend of the Clintons. Even a presidential pardon that would save her from jail time would still prevent her from running. (It may also prevent damaging information about the Obama regime from being brought out in a trial.)
      Even someone as shameless as Hillary Clinton would be forced to drop out of the race if she is indicted, though because of her extreme lust for power and indictment is not forthcoming, she may continue to campaign.  The key is when the FBI investigation is completed and an indictment is recommended.  The more primaries that have taken place the more votes there are for Hillary and it is less likely that Sanders will get a majority even if Hillary is forced to drop out.  Her name will remain on future primary ballots and it is not unreasonable that she would get votes, even enough to win some states.
      Whether Bernie Sanders has a majority of delegates or not, the Democrat Party elite will keep him from becoming their nominee by either finding some loophole or creating one that will allow the convention to be brokered. Sanders is 72 years old and his vision which is Obama's on steroids will be exposed as unworkable in any presidential campaign. This begs the question, who will they= Democrats choose?  There are a number of possibilities and among these, in my order of likelihood, are Joe Biden, Al Gore, John Kerry, Elizabeth Warren, and my dark horse candidate Michelle Obama.
      Of course, the Democrat big wigs may decide to give up on the election or depending on who the Republicans nominate, think they still have a chance with Sanders, but I think that Sanders though convenient now as a foil to Clinton, would become a liability when she drops out.

1 comment:

  1. I like the logic. But I remain unconvinced Obama's justice department will indict. If, and it's a big if, the FBI recommends she be indicted, and Ms. Lynch does not, I think the head of the FBI, a man of great integrity, will resign. Hillary will go on to run and loose to Trump.
