I was aghast when I heard Obama during his State of the Union political address, Take credit for the significant decrease in oil imports and lowering price of gasoline. In reality, Obama is very very distressed about this as he would like to see the price of energy from fossil fuels rise to much higher level and especially gasoline.
Of course it is common for presidents to take credit for positive things that occur during their administration. Jimmy Carter took credit for the Israeli-Egyptian treaty that he oversaw, despite being opposed to the treaty that was signed. Bill Clinton took credit for the improving economy and stock market rise despite having done things that were anti economy like raising taxes and forcing the Community Redevelopment Act down the throat of banks and mortgage lending institutions. Much of the improving economy was due to the businesses that developed to service the internet that added more than a trillion dollars to the economy. The internet and whole tech revolution were at its infancy when Clinton took office and exploded exponentially. Near the end of his reign, Clinton helped cause the tech bubble to burst, when Janet Reno, his attorney general, sued Microsoft. The very day that Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson certified Reno's class action law suit the tech bubble burst and the market nose dived. It was predictable the suing one of the engines pulling the market would cause the market drop. In fact a short recession began in 2000 at the end of the Clinton rule, but was barely publicized by the mainstream media. Thankfully Jackson's decision and remedy were overturned unanimously by the court of appeals, but not until the damage was done.
Now we have Obama touting the energy boom in fossil fuels. We are all aware that Obama hates fossil fuels, especially when they are cheap and abundant. He sees high energy prices as a way to destroy the American economy and make way for alternative energy sources from companies run by his financial backers, i.e. Solyndra, one of many. Fracking is the reason for our energy boom. The United States was destined to be the leading producer of oil in 2016, it already is of natural gas, when Saudi Arabia engaged us in an oil war. Until our shale oil boom, OPEC controlled the price of oil, by increasing or decreasing production. The old dumb theory of "peak oil" was turned on its head when massive amounts of gas and oil were discovered in North Dakota, Texas as well as many other areas in the United States. The only advantage that the Saudis still have is that their lifting costs, the cost of getting oil out of the ground, is much less, though the costs of fracking have been coming down drastically, though some smaller oil companies were either forced into bankruptcy or forced to sell assets in order to cover their loans as cash flow dropped or ceased with lower oil prices. If anything, Obama through his reams of government regulations, has added to our lifting costs and the demise of some oil producers. He vetoed the Keystone Pipeline after much delay, so his taking credit for oil production and cheaper fuel costs is the ultimate in hypocrisy.
One other area for which he would like to take credit is curing cancer and he has appointed Vice President Joe Biden to oversee this. What a joke, though he unfortunately had a son die of brain cancer, Biden knows nothing about science and medicine. Obama and Biden probably are aware that dramatic cures for many cancers are just around the corner. The new drugs for curing cancer are based on using the body's own immune system to kill cancer cells, often producing fewer side effects than traditional chemotherapy. Obama might know one other thing, that Hillary Clinton is going to get indicted, forced to drop out of the race and produce a brokered convention for the Democrats. Joe Biden is the likely choice to run for President. How convenient that Obama appointed him to this position through 2020. Then Uncle Joe and Brother Barak can take credit for curing cancer despite Obamacare and the government trying to force "big parma" to lower its drug prices making less money available for R&D. Yes, Obama and Biden will take credit for curing cancer just as Al Gore took credit for inventing the internet.
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