I was aghast when I heard Obama during his State of the Union political address, Take credit for the significant decrease in oil imports and lowering price of gasoline. In reality, Obama is very very distressed about this as he would like to see the price of energy from fossil fuels rise to much higher level and especially gasoline.
Of course it is common for presidents to take credit for positive things that occur during their administration. Jimmy Carter took credit for the Israeli-Egyptian treaty that he oversaw, despite being opposed to the treaty that was signed. Bill Clinton took credit for the improving economy and stock market rise despite having done things that were anti economy like raising taxes and forcing the Community Redevelopment Act down the throat of banks and mortgage lending institutions. Much of the improving economy was due to the businesses that developed to service the internet that added more than a trillion dollars to the economy. The internet and whole tech revolution were at its infancy when Clinton took office and exploded exponentially. Near the end of his reign, Clinton helped cause the tech bubble to burst, when Janet Reno, his attorney general, sued Microsoft. The very day that Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson certified Reno's class action law suit the tech bubble burst and the market nose dived. It was predictable the suing one of the engines pulling the market would cause the market drop. In fact a short recession began in 2000 at the end of the Clinton rule, but was barely publicized by the mainstream media. Thankfully Jackson's decision and remedy were overturned unanimously by the court of appeals, but not until the damage was done.
Now we have Obama touting the energy boom in fossil fuels. We are all aware that Obama hates fossil fuels, especially when they are cheap and abundant. He sees high energy prices as a way to destroy the American economy and make way for alternative energy sources from companies run by his financial backers, i.e. Solyndra, one of many. Fracking is the reason for our energy boom. The United States was destined to be the leading producer of oil in 2016, it already is of natural gas, when Saudi Arabia engaged us in an oil war. Until our shale oil boom, OPEC controlled the price of oil, by increasing or decreasing production. The old dumb theory of "peak oil" was turned on its head when massive amounts of gas and oil were discovered in North Dakota, Texas as well as many other areas in the United States. The only advantage that the Saudis still have is that their lifting costs, the cost of getting oil out of the ground, is much less, though the costs of fracking have been coming down drastically, though some smaller oil companies were either forced into bankruptcy or forced to sell assets in order to cover their loans as cash flow dropped or ceased with lower oil prices. If anything, Obama through his reams of government regulations, has added to our lifting costs and the demise of some oil producers. He vetoed the Keystone Pipeline after much delay, so his taking credit for oil production and cheaper fuel costs is the ultimate in hypocrisy.
One other area for which he would like to take credit is curing cancer and he has appointed Vice President Joe Biden to oversee this. What a joke, though he unfortunately had a son die of brain cancer, Biden knows nothing about science and medicine. Obama and Biden probably are aware that dramatic cures for many cancers are just around the corner. The new drugs for curing cancer are based on using the body's own immune system to kill cancer cells, often producing fewer side effects than traditional chemotherapy. Obama might know one other thing, that Hillary Clinton is going to get indicted, forced to drop out of the race and produce a brokered convention for the Democrats. Joe Biden is the likely choice to run for President. How convenient that Obama appointed him to this position through 2020. Then Uncle Joe and Brother Barak can take credit for curing cancer despite Obamacare and the government trying to force "big parma" to lower its drug prices making less money available for R&D. Yes, Obama and Biden will take credit for curing cancer just as Al Gore took credit for inventing the internet.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Obama's Last SOU, Thank God
Last night Obama gave his last State of the Union address. As usual it was extremely political and filled with lies and half truths. Instead of the usual laundry list of things he would like to see accomplished in the next year, it was filled with a laundry list of what he determined were his successes. If he considered anything in his first seven years a success then he is delusional.
He came out bragging about the economy and the number of jobs he created, Yes, he may have created 14 million new jobs, but he lost 20 million old jobs. The fact is that the number of Americans employed is the lowest it has been in 35 years, since the Carter disaster. The 5% unemployment rate he touted is a statistical blunder. How come the Labor Department omits anyone unemployed for more than six months from the calculation, but pays for 99 month of unemployment? Wages have not improved and due to Obamacare hours and benefits have been reduced if not eliminated altogether. The average working family is struggling, but he ignores that. He said that EBT card holders didn't bring on the financial crisis of 2007-8. Wall Street did, but even here he is not entirely right. The crisis was a result of Carter and Clinton forcing the Community Redevelopment Act on lending institutions making them lend money for mortgages that people couldn't afford to maintain. Obama and ACORN filed the first law suit that forced lenders to do so. (Buycyk-Robeson vs City Bank of Chicago). Lenders then put together Asset Backed Securities that contained the very risky loans. When these loans failed the institutions that bought them including banks and insurance companies began to fail.
Obamacare,that he considers the jewel of his presidency. was stacked like a house of cards and is starting to crumble with people loosing their coverage, doctors, and hospitals. Deductibles and insurance fees have shot up to unsustainable levels for all but the poor who get it for free. Insurance companies are dropping out of the exchanges unwilling and unable to accept the financial losses. One of the first things any new president should do is void Obamacare but be ready to have a replacement, that allows patients to keep their doctors and hospitals with affordable premiums,
Obama excused his failed foreign policy by stating some of the biggest lies of all, namely how favorable we of though of in the world. In Israel, and country he hates and would like to see overrun by its enemies, his favorable rating is 7%. I think he secretly is very pleased with that. The effectiveness of coalitions he talks about having put together is a figment of his deluded mind. His new relations with arch enemies Iran and Cuba are worthless especially as Iran seems to be rewarded for killing Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq, not to mentioned their continued secret enrichment of Uranium and ICBMs.Most world leaders laugh at him. No area of the world is better off because of his policies. He is responsible for ISIS growing. The JV team is now the varsity and turning pro with its tentacles all over the world. Underestimating the enemy, denying that this is WWiii, is not the best way to handle a entity hell bent of killing Americans. That has been demonstrated many times over, He seemed more interested in protecting the rights of Muslims rather than Christians and Jews. He even had a Syrian refugee sitting with his wife, to thumb his nose at everyone. He has filled the executive branch with Muslims and members of the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist organization, He also tried to convince us that he supports are military and was the only thing he said that drew almost 100% applause. The Democrats clapped and bobbed up like a bunch of trained seals more than sixty times.
The only thing he said that was the least bit truthful was that he was unable to bring Americans together. He is too Narcissistic to realize that he is directly responsible for this. His idea of compromise is that the Republicans compromise their position and accept his. If you knew Obama, his actions were of no surprise. Unfortunately the mainstream media and Republicans failed to vet him properly and expose his communist ties and anti American political philosophy.
One last thing, and this could be the most destructive to America, was his anti American message on climate change. Anthropogenic climate change only exists in the minds of idiots and America haters. There is absolutely no real scientific evidence that it exists. This foul theory was invented by a Nazi in the 1950s and made its way through anti Americans until it reached a greedy Al Gore. Obama is part of the anti America crowd who is now pushing this. I would destroy him in a public forum especially if he were forced to tell the truth. He is right in a twisted sort of way. Climate change is not our biggest enemy, those who believe in i are.
He came out bragging about the economy and the number of jobs he created, Yes, he may have created 14 million new jobs, but he lost 20 million old jobs. The fact is that the number of Americans employed is the lowest it has been in 35 years, since the Carter disaster. The 5% unemployment rate he touted is a statistical blunder. How come the Labor Department omits anyone unemployed for more than six months from the calculation, but pays for 99 month of unemployment? Wages have not improved and due to Obamacare hours and benefits have been reduced if not eliminated altogether. The average working family is struggling, but he ignores that. He said that EBT card holders didn't bring on the financial crisis of 2007-8. Wall Street did, but even here he is not entirely right. The crisis was a result of Carter and Clinton forcing the Community Redevelopment Act on lending institutions making them lend money for mortgages that people couldn't afford to maintain. Obama and ACORN filed the first law suit that forced lenders to do so. (Buycyk-Robeson vs City Bank of Chicago). Lenders then put together Asset Backed Securities that contained the very risky loans. When these loans failed the institutions that bought them including banks and insurance companies began to fail.
Obamacare,that he considers the jewel of his presidency. was stacked like a house of cards and is starting to crumble with people loosing their coverage, doctors, and hospitals. Deductibles and insurance fees have shot up to unsustainable levels for all but the poor who get it for free. Insurance companies are dropping out of the exchanges unwilling and unable to accept the financial losses. One of the first things any new president should do is void Obamacare but be ready to have a replacement, that allows patients to keep their doctors and hospitals with affordable premiums,
Obama excused his failed foreign policy by stating some of the biggest lies of all, namely how favorable we of though of in the world. In Israel, and country he hates and would like to see overrun by its enemies, his favorable rating is 7%. I think he secretly is very pleased with that. The effectiveness of coalitions he talks about having put together is a figment of his deluded mind. His new relations with arch enemies Iran and Cuba are worthless especially as Iran seems to be rewarded for killing Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq, not to mentioned their continued secret enrichment of Uranium and ICBMs.Most world leaders laugh at him. No area of the world is better off because of his policies. He is responsible for ISIS growing. The JV team is now the varsity and turning pro with its tentacles all over the world. Underestimating the enemy, denying that this is WWiii, is not the best way to handle a entity hell bent of killing Americans. That has been demonstrated many times over, He seemed more interested in protecting the rights of Muslims rather than Christians and Jews. He even had a Syrian refugee sitting with his wife, to thumb his nose at everyone. He has filled the executive branch with Muslims and members of the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist organization, He also tried to convince us that he supports are military and was the only thing he said that drew almost 100% applause. The Democrats clapped and bobbed up like a bunch of trained seals more than sixty times.
The only thing he said that was the least bit truthful was that he was unable to bring Americans together. He is too Narcissistic to realize that he is directly responsible for this. His idea of compromise is that the Republicans compromise their position and accept his. If you knew Obama, his actions were of no surprise. Unfortunately the mainstream media and Republicans failed to vet him properly and expose his communist ties and anti American political philosophy.
One last thing, and this could be the most destructive to America, was his anti American message on climate change. Anthropogenic climate change only exists in the minds of idiots and America haters. There is absolutely no real scientific evidence that it exists. This foul theory was invented by a Nazi in the 1950s and made its way through anti Americans until it reached a greedy Al Gore. Obama is part of the anti America crowd who is now pushing this. I would destroy him in a public forum especially if he were forced to tell the truth. He is right in a twisted sort of way. Climate change is not our biggest enemy, those who believe in i are.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
What Party Is More Likely to Have a Brokered Convention
What party is more likely to have a brokered convention? The answer may surprise you as the mainstream media in order to put more controversy into the race, as if anymore is needed, has been saying that the Republican Party elite may not want Trump to be their candidate for the presidency and so a brokered convention may be the result. A brokered convention is when no single candidate gets the majority of the votes on the first ballot. This frees up all of the delegates and they no longer need to support the candidate to whom they are pledged. Prior to the primary system brokered conventions were very common. A state delegation would pledge allegiance to a "favorite son" like their governor or senator in the hopes of gaining some say so in the proposed platform or with the candidate to who they switch their vote, if he wins the presidency. You can imagine the wheeling and dealing that took place in the so called "smoke filled rooms" With all states now having a primary or caucus the likelihood of a brokered convention is far less a possibility even when some states assign delegates based on the percentage of votes candidates receive in the primary.
My sources and investigation tells me that it is the Democrat Party, that is far more likely to have a brokered convention than the Republicans. Let me explain. The Dems have only two candidates running significant primary campaigns, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and they should split 95% of the primary votes with Clinton running far ahead in most states. So why, if Clinton will win better than 50% of the delegates will the convention be brokered. The answer is that FBI investigation is going to recommend criminal charges be brought against Hillary Clinton for having a private email server and all of the crimes committed because of it. For example, an email. that she sent to her highest ranking staff, uncovered recently with the latest State Department dump, telling them to remove classification from any email they sent to her and she would do the same for any email she would sending to them. Remember she said she neither received or sent classified information. 'm not a criminal defense attorney, but this latest email clearly shows criminal intent. The FBI can only recommend to the Justice Department to indict her, but failing to do so would almost be as bad for her as an indictment. A failure would reflect very negatively on the Obama administration, and Obama is no friend of the Clintons. Even a presidential pardon that would save her from jail time would still prevent her from running. (It may also prevent damaging information about the Obama regime from being brought out in a trial.)
Even someone as shameless as Hillary Clinton would be forced to drop out of the race if she is indicted, though because of her extreme lust for power and indictment is not forthcoming, she may continue to campaign. The key is when the FBI investigation is completed and an indictment is recommended. The more primaries that have taken place the more votes there are for Hillary and it is less likely that Sanders will get a majority even if Hillary is forced to drop out. Her name will remain on future primary ballots and it is not unreasonable that she would get votes, even enough to win some states.
Whether Bernie Sanders has a majority of delegates or not, the Democrat Party elite will keep him from becoming their nominee by either finding some loophole or creating one that will allow the convention to be brokered. Sanders is 72 years old and his vision which is Obama's on steroids will be exposed as unworkable in any presidential campaign. This begs the question, who will they= Democrats choose? There are a number of possibilities and among these, in my order of likelihood, are Joe Biden, Al Gore, John Kerry, Elizabeth Warren, and my dark horse candidate Michelle Obama.
Of course, the Democrat big wigs may decide to give up on the election or depending on who the Republicans nominate, think they still have a chance with Sanders, but I think that Sanders though convenient now as a foil to Clinton, would become a liability when she drops out.
My sources and investigation tells me that it is the Democrat Party, that is far more likely to have a brokered convention than the Republicans. Let me explain. The Dems have only two candidates running significant primary campaigns, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and they should split 95% of the primary votes with Clinton running far ahead in most states. So why, if Clinton will win better than 50% of the delegates will the convention be brokered. The answer is that FBI investigation is going to recommend criminal charges be brought against Hillary Clinton for having a private email server and all of the crimes committed because of it. For example, an email. that she sent to her highest ranking staff, uncovered recently with the latest State Department dump, telling them to remove classification from any email they sent to her and she would do the same for any email she would sending to them. Remember she said she neither received or sent classified information. 'm not a criminal defense attorney, but this latest email clearly shows criminal intent. The FBI can only recommend to the Justice Department to indict her, but failing to do so would almost be as bad for her as an indictment. A failure would reflect very negatively on the Obama administration, and Obama is no friend of the Clintons. Even a presidential pardon that would save her from jail time would still prevent her from running. (It may also prevent damaging information about the Obama regime from being brought out in a trial.)
Even someone as shameless as Hillary Clinton would be forced to drop out of the race if she is indicted, though because of her extreme lust for power and indictment is not forthcoming, she may continue to campaign. The key is when the FBI investigation is completed and an indictment is recommended. The more primaries that have taken place the more votes there are for Hillary and it is less likely that Sanders will get a majority even if Hillary is forced to drop out. Her name will remain on future primary ballots and it is not unreasonable that she would get votes, even enough to win some states.
Whether Bernie Sanders has a majority of delegates or not, the Democrat Party elite will keep him from becoming their nominee by either finding some loophole or creating one that will allow the convention to be brokered. Sanders is 72 years old and his vision which is Obama's on steroids will be exposed as unworkable in any presidential campaign. This begs the question, who will they= Democrats choose? There are a number of possibilities and among these, in my order of likelihood, are Joe Biden, Al Gore, John Kerry, Elizabeth Warren, and my dark horse candidate Michelle Obama.
Of course, the Democrat big wigs may decide to give up on the election or depending on who the Republicans nominate, think they still have a chance with Sanders, but I think that Sanders though convenient now as a foil to Clinton, would become a liability when she drops out.
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