Just as I predicted the French moved the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle to the eastern Mediterranean and continue to bomb the hell out of ISIS targets in Syria. Much of the location of targets has been supplied by our military and of course this begs the question why haven't we already bombed them. The answer is simple, we have different rules of engagement than the French or Russians. There quarters of the time, our planes return from a bombing mission without dropping bombs because and inexperienced regime controls the military. When one is at war, and believe me this is a war, unfortunately there will be civilian casualties. The rules of war that has been agreed upon by real nations accepts civilian casualties as part of war, Maybe Obama still thinks this is an overseas contingency. If you can't even say war on radical Islam, then it is understandable that you don't know how to wage war. The French and Russians have also started bombing the main source of income for ISIS, the oil fields and oil supply, bombing 15 producing sites and 575 oil trucks, more than half that ISIS has to ship black market oil. This has significantly cut into the million dollars a day that ISIS makes from oil and may slow down retention and recruitment of soldiers, who as Putin explains, are mercenaries, though some are obviously attracted by ISIS's hate for the West, Christians, and Shia Muslims.
Republicans and some other politicians have stated that we should take the lead, but currently under Obama we are not even leading from behind. None of the Democrate candidates will even say "radical Islamic terrorism." The Obama regime has more Muslims in positions of power than another administration. Obama was assuredly a Muslim at one time in his life, when he lived in Indonesia and went to a Muslim only school in Djakarta. Whether is is still a Muslim now is debatable, but no doubt he is an Islamist. We know almost nothing about his religious affiliation when he returned home from Indonesia to live with his grandparents. (They belonged to a Unitarian church in Lake Mercer, Washington headed by a communist before they moved to Hawaii. At Columbia, his roommates were Muslims from Pakistan. One summer he went to Pakistan to visit them using his Indonesian passport, as it was illegal to travel to Pakistan with an American passport. Was he radicalized at that time? Is he the Muslim version ofl the Manchurian candidate? Sure seems like it. In Chicago, he joined the most radical church on the Southside, probably at Michelle's insistence, but became friends with Rashid Khalidi and Louis Farrakhan. His hatred for Jews and Israel is understandable based on his upbringing and associations. He and his administration always call ISIS ISIL as a way to disparage and delegitimize Israel as ISIL recognizes Palestine as part of the Levant.
Al Qaeda just staged an attack in Mali in Western Africa, seizing a luxury hotel in the capital city of Bamako filled with foreigners. With the aid of 22 off duty American military who just happened to be near by, the standoff was ended, but with 21 dead including one American. American soldiers acted on their own initiative, and I can imagine, if they had contacted Obama first, they would have either been told to stand down or would still be waiting for orders. (It was two American soldiers on the train in France recently who took the initiative and overpowered a Muslim killer.} The terrorist applied a religious test to the hostages that they took and released those that could prove they were Muslim by reciting the Khoran. In both of the terror events in Paris and Mali, there is no evidence that global warming or climate change was involved.
As usual Obama has chosen to ignore the American people when it comes to the Syrian refugees. The Republicans and 47 Democrats in the House of Representatives have passed a bill slowing down the process of admitting Syrian refugees, at least until a way of adequately vetting them is established. The Senate will vote on this and it should pass. Naturally, Obama has threatened a veto. He has already accepted 2000 and has even applied a religious test with only 56 being Christian. the most oppressed and least likely to be terrorists. That the UN helps in the election of refugees should be reason enough alone to not admit an, even if they are mostly widows and orphans. As wee have seen women and adolescents have been used a suicide bombers. All it takes is one.
The need for a wall at our southern border has been accentuated by 5 Syrian men with stolen and altered Greek passports, who were arrested in Honduras on their was to the US and a woman with another stolen Greek passport was caught in Costa Rica. The drug lords are already snuggling guns, drugs, and humans. For money they would certainly try to smuggle terrorists, no questions asked. ISIS and the Mexican drug cartels make for a very dangerous combination.
With 14 months left in his reign (reign of terror on the American people) Obama wants to reek as much havoc as possible on the American people and the American way of life. Unfortunately, multiple terror incidents near the November elections could cause him to cancel the elections, dismiss Congress, and the Supreme Court by declaring marshall law and prolonging his despotic rule. Lets pray that nothing happens between now and January 21, 2017, so that we can rid ourselves of the Obama cancer once and for all. Electing the first black president may have been a good idea, unfortunately we elected the wrong one.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Doubling Down on Disaster: Another Obama Failure

Today a New York Post editorial writer called for Obama to either change his strategy to protect America or resign. According to the Constitution, the job of the President is to protect America. That is why he is the commander-in-chief. Obama has pretty much ignored this duty, concentrating on other presidential responsibilities as well of usurping those of Congress. With 14 months to serve, Obama is hoping that a plot against American cities will not arise until after he leaves office so he can blame George Bush or whoever is elected president, unless it is Hillary, then he will blame Republicans in Congress.
Obama called the attacks in Paris a setback to containment, really, with 129 dead and 350 injured. I suppose if this happened in Washington DC, he would consider that another setback, continue with his same strategy (i'm reluctant to call it a strategy), and admit more Muslim terrorists under the guise of compassion for refugees. Secretary of State John Kerry has also downplayed the terror in France calling the Charlie Hebdo attack last summer sort of justified. What, people murdered over a cartoon!
As I predicted the French, along with the Belgians and Germans. immediately conducted raids and arrested or killed terrorists, recovering weapons and bomb making equipment. A woman blew herself up with a suicide vest rather than be taken prisoner, wounding five of Paris's elite terror police. In addition, France immediately bombed targets in Raqqa, Syria, the ISIS capitol, that were supplied to them by our intelligence. This of course begs the question, if we knew of these targets, why didn't we bomb them ourself much earlie. In addition the French and now the Russians have bombed a huge truck convoy destroying over 100 trucks bearing black market oil. I guess they listened to Donald Trump. Again, why haven't we already done this. Obama likes to claim they we have flown thousands of sorties against ISIS. What he doesn't say, is that 3/4 of the planes come back with their bombs, because of impossible rules of engagement. As I predicted the French are moving the aircraft carrier Charles De Gaulle to the eastern Mediterranean. Putin has said of ISIS "let God forgive them, It is my job to put them there." He also believes that many of the ISIS fighters are similar to mercenaries as like any army they are paid to fight and if the income of ISIS dries up many will defect. With France and Russia fighting ISIS, Obama is not even leading from behind. He is a behind.
One further comment on Obama's use of ISIL instead of ISIS or DAESH as the French call them. ISIS stands for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and ISIL stands for Islamic State in the Levant. What is the Levant you ask? Historically it includes Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine. Using ISIL is a slur to Israel, questioning its legitimacy. We all know Obama hates Israel and that is why he and his administration continue to use it.
As I have pointed out for years. Obama is not very smart. He is a product of a communist, far far left, and Muslim education. He and his most trusted advisors hate America. He is stubborn and arrogant. He is also incompetent. All of this makes for extremely dangerous times in America.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
The Battle of Paris and What's Next
In 732 AD, Charles Martel defeated the invading army of the Umayyad Caliphate and killed their leader Abdul Rahman at the battle of Tours in northern France. This stemmed the tide of Islam in Western Europe, preserving Christianity, though it wasn't until 1492 that the last Muslim community in Spain was eliminated. Despite skirmishes in the Middle East (the crusades), Islam was allowed to expand throughout northern and central Africa and Asia all the way to Indonesia, which now has the largest Muslim population in the world. Much of the current Middle Eastern boundaries were established by the Treaty of Versailles that ended WWI. Both Britain and France and to a lesser extent Italy. developed spheres of influence and allowed almost unfettered immigration from their colonies and spheres of influence until these colonies attained independence mostly in the 1960s.
At the end of WWII, war crimes trials were held in Nuremberg, Germany to punish those responsible for WWII and all of the atrocities, termed crimes against humanity. One very obvious war criminal was not even arrested or tried. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husayni, partnered with Hitler and organized an Islamic SS regiment that fought alongside the Nazis in eastern Europe and southern Russia, Its main role was to find, capture, and kill Jews. For political reasons, he was not touched and in retrospect, he is responsible for the fascist dictatorships that arose after WWII in Syria, Iraq, and Egypt as well as the Israeli War of Independence in 1948.
Muslims have not given up on their war on the West, but they have changed their strategy, from a aggressive war like plan to a much more insidious plan to take over Western Europe, using the weaknesses of the western democracies. The liberal immigration policies is at the center of this strategy. The birth rate of couples of European origin had fallen below two. That means that replacement of the population will be slow or not occur. This has tremendous economic implications and is one of the reasons for a generous immigration policy. Unfortunately the vast majority of Muslim immigrants have not assimilated, nor has there been much effort to make them do so. Their birth rate per couple is more than three and so they are replacing Europeans at a slow but steady rate. We have already seen that in some countries like Belgium and Sweden they are assuming important roles in local government and it is not unrealistic to imagine that in the next thirty or so years that there will be Muslim majorities in many areas of Europe. What comes with Muslim control, Sharia Law with all of its vile rules. In Germany of the 1920's the Weimar Republic was one of the most liberal at the time, so liberal that it permitted political parties that totally opposed its freedom, so Nazism was allowed to flourish until it assumed total power and control. This in a more subtle way is what is happening in Western Europe today.
The number of Muslim immigrants have been increasing due to civil wars, instability, and poverty throughout the Muslim world of Africa and the Middle East. Syria has upped the number dramatically and radical Islamists have seen this as an opportunity to send their warriors into Western Europe and America. President Obama has recklessly and foolishly agreed to take 100,000 or so despite vetting them will be virtually impossible. The radicals that arrive along with those already here that have already been radicalized can form a potent fifth column to reek terror.
In Paris there is a large Muslim population that almost exclusively lives in one area. Many are young and unemployed and ripe for being indoctrinated into Jihad and radical Islam. So far it has been determined that at least one of the Paris terrorists was born in France and that another carried a Syrian passport and was recently admitted as a refugee through the Greek Island of Leros. (It might be very valuable to find those who were admitted with him.) Seven Muslims were arrested in Belgium in conjunction with the attacks.
What the future may bring. Putin may see this as his ideal opportunity to shift allegiance from the United States to Russia. He has lost of two hundred Russians on the jet blown up by ISIS in the Sinai Desert. Acting quickly, before France can organize its effort, and using 20,000 Russians plus the Iranians and Cubans already there he could easily conquer Raqqa the ISIS headquarters in Syria and then mop up the remaining ISIS followers in Syria. Going into Iraq may be a problem, but his Iranian surrogates are already there. Suddenly he becomes a hero to Russians and people all over the world. He shows decisiveness and the ability to act something Obama refuses to do.
President Hollande has said he will make ISIS pay for this. If Putin does not act, the French will, first bringing an aircraft carrier off the Syrian coast and then follow up with a French expeditionary force. Though Syria would protest, they would not be able to do anything about it. Putin would be paralyzed, as protesting the French may make him look weak, if he did not go after ISIS first. His best option, if this occurs, is to partner with the French.
Organizing a NATO or UN coalition would be great, but will take time and give Putin more time to weigh his options. He may decide to join and head a UN coalition. Sadly we hthe day before the attack, he said ISIS had been contained. His liberal base has already blamed Bush and conservatives for the horror in Paris, just as they have for the terrorist attacks that we have had in America. They have even used Paris as an excuse for eliminating the 2nd Amendment. Yet, if only one person in the Bataclan Concert Hall had a gun, he may have prevented the wholesale slaughter of victims as the terrorists went one by one shooting them a point blank range. Obama and Bernie Sanders still believe the hoax of global warming is our biggest threat. Suddenly terrorism and immigration have become critical issues. Trump and Cruz are right.
At the end of WWII, war crimes trials were held in Nuremberg, Germany to punish those responsible for WWII and all of the atrocities, termed crimes against humanity. One very obvious war criminal was not even arrested or tried. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husayni, partnered with Hitler and organized an Islamic SS regiment that fought alongside the Nazis in eastern Europe and southern Russia, Its main role was to find, capture, and kill Jews. For political reasons, he was not touched and in retrospect, he is responsible for the fascist dictatorships that arose after WWII in Syria, Iraq, and Egypt as well as the Israeli War of Independence in 1948.
Muslims have not given up on their war on the West, but they have changed their strategy, from a aggressive war like plan to a much more insidious plan to take over Western Europe, using the weaknesses of the western democracies. The liberal immigration policies is at the center of this strategy. The birth rate of couples of European origin had fallen below two. That means that replacement of the population will be slow or not occur. This has tremendous economic implications and is one of the reasons for a generous immigration policy. Unfortunately the vast majority of Muslim immigrants have not assimilated, nor has there been much effort to make them do so. Their birth rate per couple is more than three and so they are replacing Europeans at a slow but steady rate. We have already seen that in some countries like Belgium and Sweden they are assuming important roles in local government and it is not unrealistic to imagine that in the next thirty or so years that there will be Muslim majorities in many areas of Europe. What comes with Muslim control, Sharia Law with all of its vile rules. In Germany of the 1920's the Weimar Republic was one of the most liberal at the time, so liberal that it permitted political parties that totally opposed its freedom, so Nazism was allowed to flourish until it assumed total power and control. This in a more subtle way is what is happening in Western Europe today.
The number of Muslim immigrants have been increasing due to civil wars, instability, and poverty throughout the Muslim world of Africa and the Middle East. Syria has upped the number dramatically and radical Islamists have seen this as an opportunity to send their warriors into Western Europe and America. President Obama has recklessly and foolishly agreed to take 100,000 or so despite vetting them will be virtually impossible. The radicals that arrive along with those already here that have already been radicalized can form a potent fifth column to reek terror.
In Paris there is a large Muslim population that almost exclusively lives in one area. Many are young and unemployed and ripe for being indoctrinated into Jihad and radical Islam. So far it has been determined that at least one of the Paris terrorists was born in France and that another carried a Syrian passport and was recently admitted as a refugee through the Greek Island of Leros. (It might be very valuable to find those who were admitted with him.) Seven Muslims were arrested in Belgium in conjunction with the attacks.
What the future may bring. Putin may see this as his ideal opportunity to shift allegiance from the United States to Russia. He has lost of two hundred Russians on the jet blown up by ISIS in the Sinai Desert. Acting quickly, before France can organize its effort, and using 20,000 Russians plus the Iranians and Cubans already there he could easily conquer Raqqa the ISIS headquarters in Syria and then mop up the remaining ISIS followers in Syria. Going into Iraq may be a problem, but his Iranian surrogates are already there. Suddenly he becomes a hero to Russians and people all over the world. He shows decisiveness and the ability to act something Obama refuses to do.
President Hollande has said he will make ISIS pay for this. If Putin does not act, the French will, first bringing an aircraft carrier off the Syrian coast and then follow up with a French expeditionary force. Though Syria would protest, they would not be able to do anything about it. Putin would be paralyzed, as protesting the French may make him look weak, if he did not go after ISIS first. His best option, if this occurs, is to partner with the French.
Organizing a NATO or UN coalition would be great, but will take time and give Putin more time to weigh his options. He may decide to join and head a UN coalition. Sadly we hthe day before the attack, he said ISIS had been contained. His liberal base has already blamed Bush and conservatives for the horror in Paris, just as they have for the terrorist attacks that we have had in America. They have even used Paris as an excuse for eliminating the 2nd Amendment. Yet, if only one person in the Bataclan Concert Hall had a gun, he may have prevented the wholesale slaughter of victims as the terrorists went one by one shooting them a point blank range. Obama and Bernie Sanders still believe the hoax of global warming is our biggest threat. Suddenly terrorism and immigration have become critical issues. Trump and Cruz are right.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Catching Up : Debates, Syria, Global Warming
Its time to catch up with all that is going on since my last post. First let's talk about the debates. The last Republican debate was won by the candidates with CNBC and the mainstream media as the big losers. Thanks to Ted Cruz and to a lesser extent Chris Christy, anybody with a brain could see the huge media bias. Why those moderators were ever agreed to is another question that no one has satisfactorily answered. The stupid biased questions they asked must have in part been framed by NBC executives who are admittedly for Hilly. Little else was gained from this debate except that Cruz, Rubio, Christy, and Fiorino could speak well. It would be interesting to see the Democrat candidates try to answer questions from three conservatives who never voted in a Democrat primary. In all the Republicans who vote in primaries were something of a looser too, as they tuned in expecting to learn about the economic policy of each of the candidates and instead got mostly the mess created by the moderators. It would have been nice to see some difficult questions asked of Hilly and Bernie. To Hilly, about her emails and servers, about Benghazi, and her ever changes views on many other subjects. For Bernie, how he expects his plans to work when they have never really worked anywhere else. For the Republicans the outsiders, Trump and the soft-spoken but thoughtful Ben Carson continue to lead the field.
I can't go much further without commenting of the Benghazi hearings. Though we learned that Hilly lied time and time again, the protecting mainstream media though she did great. I know that Muslims are thin skinned, but no one in their right mind would ever believe that four Americans were murdered and a consulate torched due to an obscure movie, yet Obama and Hilly pushed this for weeks not only to the America public, but to the families of the murder victims as well. Shame, shame. It would have been nice to know where this rubbish originated. Might I suggest Iranian born and shadow president Valerie Jarrett and her staff of political scoundrels. We learned little why no aid was forthcoming though the incident took over 12 hours to run its course or why none of the requests for tightened security got any measurable response. We did learn that some how there were far fewer emails in the months leading up to the disaster. Could they be in the 30.000 emails that Hilly deleted. That seems like quite a lot to be dealing with Chelsea's wedding and Yoga. (if she did any yoga, it certainly doesn't show). We also realized that Congressman Elijah Cummings is complicit in the scandal.
As I predicted Putin has moved into Syria in a big way. With Russian planes and artillery and surrogates from Cuba and Iran to do some of the fighting, he is determined to prop of Bashir Assad for the time being, but also consolidate his bases in northwest Syria. Obama has weakly added 50 special forces troops who may have secretly already been there and maybe stepped up the bombing of ISIS as the Russians despite what they have said are bombing the anti Assad Syrian rebels instead of ISIS. When rebel resistance is all but eliminated, look far the Russians to start attacking ISIS. Make no mistake, the are Chechnyans who have joined ISIS and Putin does not want them returning to Russia with new terror skills and weapons. Despite complaints from all over Europe about the Syrian refugee crisis, neither the EU, UN, or NATO really want to solve it, by getting to the root of the crisis, by getting rid of ISIS and ending the Syrian civil war. And yes, Obama wants us to take in 200,000 unvetted refugees some of whom hate America, support Sharia, and are willing to terrorize our communities. Only a moron or America hating president would do such a thing.
Obama and Sanders continue to double down on global warming as our greatest threat. Just this week, NASA has said, though under extreme pressure from the regime not to do so, has said that both Arctic and Antarctic ice are increasing and that Antarctic ice is at a record level. To try to ambush the energy renaissance in my opinion is treasonous and could only come from one who is ignorant and/or an America hater. My home, Miami and Miami Beach are not going to be under water.
In line with anti America haters, a group at the Colt-Jaguar game on Monday night unfurled a banner telling Bank of America to withdraw financing for a facility being constructed for the shipping of liquid natural gas (LNG). LNG is one of the keys to not only reviving our economy, but also a way to put Putin in his place. We are awash in natural gas as a result of fracking. In North Dakota it is even being burned off as there are not enough means to ship or store it. The US has the cheapest lifting cost for natural gas by a long shot and some countries pay 3-5 times what it cost us. In order to ship it, natural gas has to be liquified and then loaded onto specially equipped tankers. Much of Europe depends on Russia for natural gas shipped via pipeline and is the main source of hard currency for the Russian economy. Competition or the treat of it from America would be a serious threat to Putin as it could further damage a rather fragile Russian economy and put the fortunes of the oligarchs who support Putin at risk. Jobs, cash, and increased government income from taxes would all benefit America as well. It is therefore obvious that this is just another instance where the far left hates America and really doesn't want the economy to succeed even if it means more taxes dollars.
I can't go much further without commenting of the Benghazi hearings. Though we learned that Hilly lied time and time again, the protecting mainstream media though she did great. I know that Muslims are thin skinned, but no one in their right mind would ever believe that four Americans were murdered and a consulate torched due to an obscure movie, yet Obama and Hilly pushed this for weeks not only to the America public, but to the families of the murder victims as well. Shame, shame. It would have been nice to know where this rubbish originated. Might I suggest Iranian born and shadow president Valerie Jarrett and her staff of political scoundrels. We learned little why no aid was forthcoming though the incident took over 12 hours to run its course or why none of the requests for tightened security got any measurable response. We did learn that some how there were far fewer emails in the months leading up to the disaster. Could they be in the 30.000 emails that Hilly deleted. That seems like quite a lot to be dealing with Chelsea's wedding and Yoga. (if she did any yoga, it certainly doesn't show). We also realized that Congressman Elijah Cummings is complicit in the scandal.
As I predicted Putin has moved into Syria in a big way. With Russian planes and artillery and surrogates from Cuba and Iran to do some of the fighting, he is determined to prop of Bashir Assad for the time being, but also consolidate his bases in northwest Syria. Obama has weakly added 50 special forces troops who may have secretly already been there and maybe stepped up the bombing of ISIS as the Russians despite what they have said are bombing the anti Assad Syrian rebels instead of ISIS. When rebel resistance is all but eliminated, look far the Russians to start attacking ISIS. Make no mistake, the are Chechnyans who have joined ISIS and Putin does not want them returning to Russia with new terror skills and weapons. Despite complaints from all over Europe about the Syrian refugee crisis, neither the EU, UN, or NATO really want to solve it, by getting to the root of the crisis, by getting rid of ISIS and ending the Syrian civil war. And yes, Obama wants us to take in 200,000 unvetted refugees some of whom hate America, support Sharia, and are willing to terrorize our communities. Only a moron or America hating president would do such a thing.
Obama and Sanders continue to double down on global warming as our greatest threat. Just this week, NASA has said, though under extreme pressure from the regime not to do so, has said that both Arctic and Antarctic ice are increasing and that Antarctic ice is at a record level. To try to ambush the energy renaissance in my opinion is treasonous and could only come from one who is ignorant and/or an America hater. My home, Miami and Miami Beach are not going to be under water.
In line with anti America haters, a group at the Colt-Jaguar game on Monday night unfurled a banner telling Bank of America to withdraw financing for a facility being constructed for the shipping of liquid natural gas (LNG). LNG is one of the keys to not only reviving our economy, but also a way to put Putin in his place. We are awash in natural gas as a result of fracking. In North Dakota it is even being burned off as there are not enough means to ship or store it. The US has the cheapest lifting cost for natural gas by a long shot and some countries pay 3-5 times what it cost us. In order to ship it, natural gas has to be liquified and then loaded onto specially equipped tankers. Much of Europe depends on Russia for natural gas shipped via pipeline and is the main source of hard currency for the Russian economy. Competition or the treat of it from America would be a serious threat to Putin as it could further damage a rather fragile Russian economy and put the fortunes of the oligarchs who support Putin at risk. Jobs, cash, and increased government income from taxes would all benefit America as well. It is therefore obvious that this is just another instance where the far left hates America and really doesn't want the economy to succeed even if it means more taxes dollars.
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