Monday, January 5, 2015

The Obama Boom...or Bust

      In case some of you haven't noticed, the American economy, according to government statistics, is on the rise and some far left pundents and media are calling this the "Obama Boom."  This raises some important questions such as; is there really a boom and if there is, is Obama responsible?  As usual, a little history is necessary.
      Bill Clinton's presidency is often cited by the media as being responsible for a strong and growing economy, but in fact the economy grew despite Clinton's attempts to hurt it.  One of the first things Clinton did after taking office was raise taxes.  In a little mentioned speech in Houston Texas shortly afterward, he made the unchallenged and absurd remark, that the Republicans made him do it.  As we have seen, a raise in taxes usually slows the economy, as businesses and consumers have less to spend and ironically brings in fewer tax dollars.  Liberals then double down by wanting to raise taxes even higher.  Why didn't this happen with Clinton? very simple, the internet just about began at the start of his presidency and grew so rapidly that it wiped out the negative effect of raising taxes. Out of  stupidity and vengeance (the dot coms did not contribute as much he wanted them to), Clinton had Attorney General Janet Reno go after Microsoft, one of the economic engines pulling the train. In 2000, the antitrust law suit was certified by Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson and on that very day the stock market plunged, the dot com bubble burst,  and Clinton recession began.  Most of you don't know that there was a recession in 2000, because the media protected the Clinton regime from this significant downturn in the economy.  In 2001, after Bush was elected we were on our way out until 9/11 occurred.  In my opinion, the roots to 9/11 began during the Clinton regime as did the roots of the collapse of the housing bubble with the justice department pushing Community Redevelopment Act (CRA). (Obama, by the way, was one of the attorneys representing ACORN and the plaintiff in Buycyk-Robeson vs. City Bank of Chicago).  In 2007, with a Democrat controlled Congress, the seeds were sown for a economic collapse with Barney Frank protecting Fannie Mae from investigation..  Bush's lack of foresight, after defeating  Al Quada and toppling Sadam Hussien resulted in two prolonged wars that lacked the military and political resolve to end them.
      Taking advantage of the recession that hit the country despite the Democrat run Congress as well as his own contribution to the recession years earlier, Obama ran on the vague slogan of "hope and change." He became the media darling, with few if any reporters actually looking into who he really was, but basing much of their information on the Bill Ayers ghosted autobiography Dreams From My Father.  (I found it somewhat amusing that a man who had accomplished so little in his life and no compelling life story had the nerve to publish an autobiography).  The autobiography served as barrier to what was really the truth about his background, rather than a look into it.  If someone would have taken the time to do the research, they would have discovered that two of the people that Obama met while at Columbia were Richard Cloward and Francis Ford Piven, two left wing radical professors who advocated  expanding the welfare system to collapse the American economy.  This was really the "change" he wanted and he "hoped" he could pull  it off.
      With the help of the adoring media, he began his plan to destroy America.  The so called stimulus, was nothing more than a waste of nearly a trillion dollars benefiting mostly his financial contributors. The jobless numbers increased dramatically, with the only jobs being created were in the government sector.  Extending unemployment benefits to almost two years, guaranteed that fewer people would be looking for jobs and kept the printing presses rolling turning out unemployment benefits and increasing the debt. Food stamps and  other welfare subsidies such as Obama phones also pushed the debt much higher.  That more American than at any time in history were on the public dole didn't matter to Obama, in fact, it was what he wanted.  When legislation was not possible from Congress, he used regulation to stifle economic growth, assessing taxes and penalties to American industry at a record rate.
      Finally came the last straw that Obama hoped would break the camel's back, Obamacare.  As I have stated in several previous postings on my blog, Obamacare was not really about healthcare, it was about destroying 20% of the economy.  Fortunately for Americans, he has had to delay and illegally change parts of it, as it would not have been politically expedient for it to go into full effect immediately.  Certainly that would have prevented his reelection in 2012.  My postings have been confirmed by the recent surfacing of a number of quotes from the author of Obamacare, John Gruber. From that, we have learned the Obama is willing to lie over and over again  to the American people to accomplish his destructive political agenda and doubled the national debt.
      His lawlessness in ignoring the Constitution, bringing hundreds of thousand of children illegally into our country and reducing deportations and allowing illegals to stay will cost trillions. Although illegal aliens may not be entitled to welfare or Obamacare directly, they will still show up in emergency rooms, commit crimes, have children who will need to be fed and schooled, all of which will grow the debt.
      After all that I have said, why is there an "Obama boom."  One of the main reasons for the "boom", has little to do with Obama, in fact I can say that it is in spite of Obama, and that is the growth of our energy industry. (See previous blogs about the myth of "peak oil").  Fracking and deep water drilling have placed America on the very brink of becoming the leading producer of oil in the world.  Saudi Arabia and the rest of OPEC to a lesser extent have increased their production, producing a glut of oil, bringing down the price dramatically.  The Saudi's goal was to slow down or even stop our own oil production, as theirs is much cheaper to get out of the ground, but it has helped us more by seriously hampering that of some of our enemies such as Russia, Venezuela, and Iran, all of who rely heavily on export oil revenue for hard currency.  Obama likes to point out that oil production is at a record high in the United States and tries to take credit.  In fact, on government controlled land it is at a record low, but high in the private sector. Although the unemployment figures have dropped dramatically, this is due to statistical manipulation. Looking more closely one finds the the fewest number of people are actually employed since the depression.  People no longer looking for work, who are now complacent with being a welfare recipient are no longer counted as unemployed and those that are employed are working fewer hours for less pay hence the push for raising the minimum wage.
      Sadly this so called boom has become one half of an Obama win-win.  If the economy had collapsed as he wanted it to, then he achieves his main goal. If on the other hand, it remains resilient, as it seems it has, he takes credit for that.  All I can say is let him take credit, though he is absolutely not responsible in any way, for a "booming" economy, as the alternative would be a disaster.


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