For decades, like good socialists, the governments of most Western European countries have allowed unchecked immigration form the Middle East. The purpose is allegedly to supply cheap labor to do jobs that Europeans may be unwilling to perform. (sound familiar). In many of these countries the native birth rate is less than two per married couple where as the birth rate for Muslims is four or five per couple. As a result many major cities have huge Muslim populations that are threatening to overtake the native population in the near to distant future. The Muslims are interested in instituting Sharia Law in Europe and are well on their way to doing so. In many cities, there are areas where the government has relinquished its control either purposely or de facto allowing them to be governed by Sharia Law irrespective of the native civil and criminal law in most cases. In thirty years, Sharia may govern many Scandinavian cities as well as Brussels and Antwerp. Paris is one of those cities where the police avoid the Arab sector and Sharia Law is practiced. The French law prohibiting Burkas is largely ignored. The right to free speech has been assaulted by the murderous attack on the office of the French humor magazine Charles Hebdo. Twelve people, including two police officers were murdered and another ten wounded in a well orchestrated military like assault. To their credit, the French authorities quickly identified the three. One has apparently surrendered and they are hunting the other two. President Obama condemned the attack in a rather weak speech, still failing to recognize radical Islamic terror. Its okay to condemn Christians and Jews and disparage their religion, but not Muslims. I suppose he considers this work place violence. Heavily armed terrorists dressed in black going into an office building yelling "Allah Akbar" while murdering people is not workplace violence as he called the Ft. Hood attack. He still fails to recognize Islamic terror. He recently let a number terrorists out of Gitmo and sent them on their merry way. As usual, the far left blames the magazine. As a religion, Islam needs to unchain itself from the Middle Ages.
I used to think I was good a math, but these figures just don't add up. The regime tells us that unemployment is less than 6%. We also know that fifty million American are on welfare and that the number of people employed is less than it has been in decades. Hmmm, oh I get it now, if one gets a welfare check from the government, the Obama regime considers that a job. Its like a government job, since many government workers don't really work either.
I hope the Republicans will pursue an aggressive agenda now that they control both houses of congress. Approving the Keystone Pipeline, eliminating the 70's law that prohibits oil exports, rolling back Obamacare and anti business regulation, lowering taxes, and immigration reform that first seals the border ought to be high up on their agenda . Democrats are starting to realize that tying their future and the future of the party to Barak Obama has been a failure. If they should decide to nominate Hillary Clinton or worse Elizabeth Warren the party will continue to fail. A record number of Republicans now serve in both houses and governorships. Its time for the Democrat party to stand up to Obama for the good of the country. Congress ought to override any presidential veto. Obama is an ideologue with a policy to destroy the American economy as described by Cloward and Piven. The American economy has survived not because of Obama, but despite his anti American policies. The failure of our foreign policy is another problem.
We all know that Al Sharpton is a race hustler, liar, and extortionist. but now we have learned that he is a tax evader, owing nearly five million dollars to the IRS. If I owed that kind of money to the IRS, I'd be sitting in a cell at some federal institution and all my belongings would be seized. Because he is buddies with Obama (he has visited the White House more than eighty times), I guess he gets a pass. He is also good buddies with New York Mayor DeBlasio. The only place where Al should be an honored guest is Leavenworth.
The usual suspects are protesting again. The same people who were part of the "occupy" movement are now protesting in many cities. Their mantra this time "black lives matter." and their target is the police. If black lives really matter to them, they would be supporting the police and protesting the gangs and drug dealers who live in their neighborhoods and kill a lot more blacks than the police. The people that the police kill are criminals, often in a gun duel or during an assault. Police risk their own lives to protect us. The deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, though tragic, were not racially motived. In the Brown case, the victim tried to take the officer's gun and after starting to run away, turned on the officer to attack him again. Sharpton and his ilk have, as usual, picked the wrong victims to support.,
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