Saturday, June 21, 2014

What the Hell is Going on at the Border

      Just about all of you have heard about the massive increase in illegal aliens at our southern border and that most of them are unaccompanied children from Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua   and El Salvador.  The popular explanation for this is that word is out that if you can get into Texas or Arizona, you can stay in the United States. For many this may be true.  Once they reach Texas or Arizona, these illegals are supplied with food, shelter, medical care mental health services, vocational services, and education.  They are shifted from Immigration Department to Health and Human Services' Office of Refugee Resettlement, that in away changes their status from criminals to refugees.  The ORR tries to place them with family members here or back in their country of origin until their case comes up for review.  They are even given free legal aid.  This aid goes far beyond that given by the usual  schlub immigration attorney.  Rather, it is supplied pro bono by experienced trial attorneys with close roots to the Democrat Party.  These attorneys are big time  donors to the Democrat Party and are compensated in other ways.  Many work with an organization called Safe Passage.  The director of Safe Passage is a highly recognized New York attorney named Lenni Benson.  Refugees can obtain permanent status if they can show that they are in danger of being physically or mentally harmed by something or someone in there country of origin not just because they are economically deprived.  For children, who are too young to have any political ideology, this should be difficult, but these children are instructed to say that they are abused by the parents back home.  Now its a no brainer with liberal judges, they get to stay and the propaganda process begins to turn them into loyal brainwashed  Democrat voters.
      The question that few have asked or really looked into is how and why is this happening. Its easy to incriminate the Obama regime for starting the mass migration of children from Central America to our country, but this doesn't go nearly deep enough.  These children are brought to our border by "coyotes".  They have to  travel more than a thousand miles through Mexico and need to be feed and cared for in order to arrive safely.  Coyotes do not work pro bono.  Neither do the Mexican border authorities and police who need to be bribed to allow these illegal caravans to traverse the entire length of Mexico.  Parents may even be paid and/or threatened to send their children on a dangerous journey even for  adults and surprisingly the children seem to arrive in Texas and Arizona in relatively good condition, although a few are found to have diseases that immediately quarantine them from the rest of the population.  It is obvious who is fitting the bill, and its not the Obama regime,  although it would like to.  It is the Mexican drug cartels, as they have the money and the connections to do so.  Why? Its all a diversion.  Thousands of children arriving at our southern border each week tie up our border patrol with picking up and handling these children, severely limiting the number available to track and capture "mules" bring illegal drugs into our country.  This is the dirty little secret that the regime does not like to talk about as drug seizures are down from years previous.  Of course the regime conceals the truth by saying it is doing a great job and so smugglers are no longer using or southern border.
      Two things are really scary about all of this.  First, a few of the children are coming here with communicable diseases with the potential to start an epidemic among our own.  If that happens public sentiment for these poor children will turn despite all the regime can do.  The other, and I don't think this has happened...yet.  Islamic terrorists also have the monetary resources and could use this as a means of smuggling weapons of mass destruction and individuals bent on using them, by the border  agents who are busy rounding up children.  They might even infect the children with killer diseases just before they are picked up in hope of starting a nation wide epidemic that might kill millions of Americans.
      Americans are compassionate people and all of us feel sorry for these children.  I feel sorry for them because they are being used by forces far beyond their control and understanding. The Great Wall of China was constructed over 2200 years ago and runs a distance of nearly 1400 miles.  We need to construct a great wall (or fence) that runs from Texas to California.

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