In the last post, it was my opinion that the timing of the Bergdahl swap was to obscure the release of a major series of regulations last week, purposely designed to hurt America. Every educated American should have come to the realization by now that global warming is nothing but the "big lie", designed to destroy capitalism and the United States, especially since temperatures have dropped the last fifteen years. Despite painfully aggressive regulations, the coal industry isn't going anywhere. Coal is and still will be the number one way of producing electricity in both the United Staes and the world far into the future. It is also a necessity in the production of steel. More than 50% of electricity production in the world today comes from coal. Coal use is expected to increase 58% worldwide over the next 20 years. Currently, coal fired plants produced 39% of the electricity in the United States. Natural gas is second with about 27%, nuclear 19%, and solar only 0.23%. In the world, the United States (11.4%) only ranks second in coal use with China (48.8%) far ahead and India (7.8%), surging to take over second place in the next five years. The main reason is cost. The cost of a mega watt/hr from coal is $82 , natural gas $84, wind $154, and solar $254. The costs of coal and gas can vary slightly depending on he cost of the raw material. Some plants in the United States can burn either depending on the cost.
Scrubbing, a process in coal plants thats cleans the byproducts of coal burning has become more and more effective and though the overall use of coal has continued to increase, the level of pollution has come down dramatically. The levels that the Obama regime wants, may make the cost of electricity much higher as electric companies will be forced to pay fines that of course will be passed along to the consumer. BHO admits this, but as usual doesn't seem to care. He knows that offering government subsidies for electricity and heat will continue to keep the poor shackled and beholden to the Democrat Party.
The United States is the "Saudi Arabia" of coal and becoming so with natural gas. Why would BHO want to hamper the use, production, and/or export two abundant natural resources? Numerous high paying jobs would be created to build pipelines and the infrastructure necessary for handling these resources. The answer is simple. BHO represents the real version of the "Manchurian Candidate" who fundamentally said he was going to change the United States. He just didn't tell us what he was his concept of change. The loss of well paying jobs is unacceptable. The anti business legislation and regulations have hampered what can only be called an anemic recovery. I personally, with little business experience, but more than BHO and 90% of his appointees and advisors could get America going immediately.
I have one question related to the Bergdahl swap. If BHO believes in the slogan of no American left behind, why did he go to bed and then fly on to a political fund raiser, while many Americans, four of whom were murdered, were in peril in Benghazi? Maybe he thinks that if you're dead, you're no longer left behind.
Finally, those of you who follow my blog posts, know that I have listed Moochelle Obama as a "dark horse" to run for President. I recently read an article saying that she is being groomed to run for the US senator from Illinois, if current Republican Senator Mark Kirk, who had a stroke in 2012, decides not to run. She could also consider running for President on the campaign slogan "8 more years"
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