The Politically Correct Police (PCP) have recently been at their best, demanding that Daniel Snyder change the name of the team he owns, the Washington Redskins, claiming that "redskins" is a racial disparaging name. In the context of a football team name though, it seems appropriate as it does just the opposite. The mascot or name of a football team implies strength and courage, two very good qualities. With all the conversation on how violent football is, I'm sure the liberal lobby would like the name changed to the Washington Pansies. A simple solution that may satisfy BHO and his ilk would be to merely drop the word "Redskin", retain the "s" and the name now becomes the Washington Reds, most appropriate for the current regime and the PCP. The indian warrior logo on the helmet could be replaced with a hammer and sickle and the team song "Hail to the Redskins" could be replaced with "Meadowland", the national anthem of the former USSR.
All this begs the question as to what NFL or other sports team is next? Continuing the indian thing, the Kansas City Chiefs and Chicago Black Hawks come to mind. This would be easy. Just drop the "i" from Chiefs and the team name becomes the Chefs. Combine this name change with banning what Moochelle considers unhealthy food choices either tailgating or at stadium concessions and libs who never ever watched a football game may become season ticket holders. The team could advertise, "we've traded brats for beans, watch a game and eat healthy." Moochele might even be invited to the opening game to throw out the opening game football. The NHL's Blackhawks could just drop the hawk part of the name and they become the Chicago Blacks, emphasizing the contributions of blacks to ice hockey. Maybe this would attract a whole new segment of the population to become fans. The indian logo on the Blackhawks jersey could be replaced with Jessie Jackson's head, a well recognized Chicago resident, or maybe Michael Jordan's head might be more appropriate as the Bulls and Blackhawks played in the same Chicago Stadium and Jordan is certainly more loved than Jackson in the Chicago area.
The PCP might also go after the New Orleans Saints as promoting religion. Change the name to the New Orleans Mardi Gras. The new fan chant would become "show us your tits", as the cheerleader parade up and down the sidelines. A string of beads could be the team mascot or maybe a musical note like the St. Louis Blues hockey team. "When the Saints Go Marching In" could be replaced with something by Maddona or Mylie Cyrus to which the Cheerleaders could booty dance.
The Green Bay Packers and Pittsburgh Steelers should also beware. Though the Packers name is derived from the local meat packing industry when the team was first organized more than 90 years ago, the PCP might consider this to now be a gun reference that might encourage "packing a gun". The Steelers are obviously named for the now dwindling steel industry for which the city is famous. Due to the poor education that our teacher unions and liberal school boards are providing, young people may confuse "steel" with "steal" and obviously this would encourage theft.
There are many other sports teams, both profession and college, that may have a team name or mascot that is objectionable to the PCP. Maybe Harry Reid and the libs in Congress could introduce a bill that would require all sports teams to change their name to either a flower, tree, fruit, or vegetabls. How scary would it be if your team was about to play the Notre Dame "Fighting Potatoes".
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Saturday, June 21, 2014
What the Hell is Going on at the Border
Just about all of you have heard about the massive increase in illegal aliens at our southern border and that most of them are unaccompanied children from Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua and El Salvador. The popular explanation for this is that word is out that if you can get into Texas or Arizona, you can stay in the United States. For many this may be true. Once they reach Texas or Arizona, these illegals are supplied with food, shelter, medical care mental health services, vocational services, and education. They are shifted from Immigration Department to Health and Human Services' Office of Refugee Resettlement, that in away changes their status from criminals to refugees. The ORR tries to place them with family members here or back in their country of origin until their case comes up for review. They are even given free legal aid. This aid goes far beyond that given by the usual schlub immigration attorney. Rather, it is supplied pro bono by experienced trial attorneys with close roots to the Democrat Party. These attorneys are big time donors to the Democrat Party and are compensated in other ways. Many work with an organization called Safe Passage. The director of Safe Passage is a highly recognized New York attorney named Lenni Benson. Refugees can obtain permanent status if they can show that they are in danger of being physically or mentally harmed by something or someone in there country of origin not just because they are economically deprived. For children, who are too young to have any political ideology, this should be difficult, but these children are instructed to say that they are abused by the parents back home. Now its a no brainer with liberal judges, they get to stay and the propaganda process begins to turn them into loyal brainwashed Democrat voters.
The question that few have asked or really looked into is how and why is this happening. Its easy to incriminate the Obama regime for starting the mass migration of children from Central America to our country, but this doesn't go nearly deep enough. These children are brought to our border by "coyotes". They have to travel more than a thousand miles through Mexico and need to be feed and cared for in order to arrive safely. Coyotes do not work pro bono. Neither do the Mexican border authorities and police who need to be bribed to allow these illegal caravans to traverse the entire length of Mexico. Parents may even be paid and/or threatened to send their children on a dangerous journey even for adults and surprisingly the children seem to arrive in Texas and Arizona in relatively good condition, although a few are found to have diseases that immediately quarantine them from the rest of the population. It is obvious who is fitting the bill, and its not the Obama regime, although it would like to. It is the Mexican drug cartels, as they have the money and the connections to do so. Why? Its all a diversion. Thousands of children arriving at our southern border each week tie up our border patrol with picking up and handling these children, severely limiting the number available to track and capture "mules" bring illegal drugs into our country. This is the dirty little secret that the regime does not like to talk about as drug seizures are down from years previous. Of course the regime conceals the truth by saying it is doing a great job and so smugglers are no longer using or southern border.
Two things are really scary about all of this. First, a few of the children are coming here with communicable diseases with the potential to start an epidemic among our own. If that happens public sentiment for these poor children will turn despite all the regime can do. The other, and I don't think this has happened...yet. Islamic terrorists also have the monetary resources and could use this as a means of smuggling weapons of mass destruction and individuals bent on using them, by the border agents who are busy rounding up children. They might even infect the children with killer diseases just before they are picked up in hope of starting a nation wide epidemic that might kill millions of Americans.
Americans are compassionate people and all of us feel sorry for these children. I feel sorry for them because they are being used by forces far beyond their control and understanding. The Great Wall of China was constructed over 2200 years ago and runs a distance of nearly 1400 miles. We need to construct a great wall (or fence) that runs from Texas to California.
The question that few have asked or really looked into is how and why is this happening. Its easy to incriminate the Obama regime for starting the mass migration of children from Central America to our country, but this doesn't go nearly deep enough. These children are brought to our border by "coyotes". They have to travel more than a thousand miles through Mexico and need to be feed and cared for in order to arrive safely. Coyotes do not work pro bono. Neither do the Mexican border authorities and police who need to be bribed to allow these illegal caravans to traverse the entire length of Mexico. Parents may even be paid and/or threatened to send their children on a dangerous journey even for adults and surprisingly the children seem to arrive in Texas and Arizona in relatively good condition, although a few are found to have diseases that immediately quarantine them from the rest of the population. It is obvious who is fitting the bill, and its not the Obama regime, although it would like to. It is the Mexican drug cartels, as they have the money and the connections to do so. Why? Its all a diversion. Thousands of children arriving at our southern border each week tie up our border patrol with picking up and handling these children, severely limiting the number available to track and capture "mules" bring illegal drugs into our country. This is the dirty little secret that the regime does not like to talk about as drug seizures are down from years previous. Of course the regime conceals the truth by saying it is doing a great job and so smugglers are no longer using or southern border.
Two things are really scary about all of this. First, a few of the children are coming here with communicable diseases with the potential to start an epidemic among our own. If that happens public sentiment for these poor children will turn despite all the regime can do. The other, and I don't think this has happened...yet. Islamic terrorists also have the monetary resources and could use this as a means of smuggling weapons of mass destruction and individuals bent on using them, by the border agents who are busy rounding up children. They might even infect the children with killer diseases just before they are picked up in hope of starting a nation wide epidemic that might kill millions of Americans.
Americans are compassionate people and all of us feel sorry for these children. I feel sorry for them because they are being used by forces far beyond their control and understanding. The Great Wall of China was constructed over 2200 years ago and runs a distance of nearly 1400 miles. We need to construct a great wall (or fence) that runs from Texas to California.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Stupidity of the War on Coal
In the last post, it was my opinion that the timing of the Bergdahl swap was to obscure the release of a major series of regulations last week, purposely designed to hurt America. Every educated American should have come to the realization by now that global warming is nothing but the "big lie", designed to destroy capitalism and the United States, especially since temperatures have dropped the last fifteen years. Despite painfully aggressive regulations, the coal industry isn't going anywhere. Coal is and still will be the number one way of producing electricity in both the United Staes and the world far into the future. It is also a necessity in the production of steel. More than 50% of electricity production in the world today comes from coal. Coal use is expected to increase 58% worldwide over the next 20 years. Currently, coal fired plants produced 39% of the electricity in the United States. Natural gas is second with about 27%, nuclear 19%, and solar only 0.23%. In the world, the United States (11.4%) only ranks second in coal use with China (48.8%) far ahead and India (7.8%), surging to take over second place in the next five years. The main reason is cost. The cost of a mega watt/hr from coal is $82 , natural gas $84, wind $154, and solar $254. The costs of coal and gas can vary slightly depending on he cost of the raw material. Some plants in the United States can burn either depending on the cost.
Scrubbing, a process in coal plants thats cleans the byproducts of coal burning has become more and more effective and though the overall use of coal has continued to increase, the level of pollution has come down dramatically. The levels that the Obama regime wants, may make the cost of electricity much higher as electric companies will be forced to pay fines that of course will be passed along to the consumer. BHO admits this, but as usual doesn't seem to care. He knows that offering government subsidies for electricity and heat will continue to keep the poor shackled and beholden to the Democrat Party.
The United States is the "Saudi Arabia" of coal and becoming so with natural gas. Why would BHO want to hamper the use, production, and/or export two abundant natural resources? Numerous high paying jobs would be created to build pipelines and the infrastructure necessary for handling these resources. The answer is simple. BHO represents the real version of the "Manchurian Candidate" who fundamentally said he was going to change the United States. He just didn't tell us what he was his concept of change. The loss of well paying jobs is unacceptable. The anti business legislation and regulations have hampered what can only be called an anemic recovery. I personally, with little business experience, but more than BHO and 90% of his appointees and advisors could get America going immediately.
I have one question related to the Bergdahl swap. If BHO believes in the slogan of no American left behind, why did he go to bed and then fly on to a political fund raiser, while many Americans, four of whom were murdered, were in peril in Benghazi? Maybe he thinks that if you're dead, you're no longer left behind.
Finally, those of you who follow my blog posts, know that I have listed Moochelle Obama as a "dark horse" to run for President. I recently read an article saying that she is being groomed to run for the US senator from Illinois, if current Republican Senator Mark Kirk, who had a stroke in 2012, decides not to run. She could also consider running for President on the campaign slogan "8 more years"
Scrubbing, a process in coal plants thats cleans the byproducts of coal burning has become more and more effective and though the overall use of coal has continued to increase, the level of pollution has come down dramatically. The levels that the Obama regime wants, may make the cost of electricity much higher as electric companies will be forced to pay fines that of course will be passed along to the consumer. BHO admits this, but as usual doesn't seem to care. He knows that offering government subsidies for electricity and heat will continue to keep the poor shackled and beholden to the Democrat Party.
The United States is the "Saudi Arabia" of coal and becoming so with natural gas. Why would BHO want to hamper the use, production, and/or export two abundant natural resources? Numerous high paying jobs would be created to build pipelines and the infrastructure necessary for handling these resources. The answer is simple. BHO represents the real version of the "Manchurian Candidate" who fundamentally said he was going to change the United States. He just didn't tell us what he was his concept of change. The loss of well paying jobs is unacceptable. The anti business legislation and regulations have hampered what can only be called an anemic recovery. I personally, with little business experience, but more than BHO and 90% of his appointees and advisors could get America going immediately.
I have one question related to the Bergdahl swap. If BHO believes in the slogan of no American left behind, why did he go to bed and then fly on to a political fund raiser, while many Americans, four of whom were murdered, were in peril in Benghazi? Maybe he thinks that if you're dead, you're no longer left behind.
Finally, those of you who follow my blog posts, know that I have listed Moochelle Obama as a "dark horse" to run for President. I recently read an article saying that she is being groomed to run for the US senator from Illinois, if current Republican Senator Mark Kirk, who had a stroke in 2012, decides not to run. She could also consider running for President on the campaign slogan "8 more years"
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
The Swap
For years I have vacillated in my opinion of BHO. Sometimes I think he is just stupid, arrogant, and incompetent and on the other, he is purposely trying to destroy America. There is a third choice and this now is my new opinion. He is both.
The recent announcement of a prisoner swap of five of the most despicable members of the Al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners being held at Gitmo for an American hostage Bowe Bergdahl who deserted his post in Afghanistan and somehow found his way into the hands of the Taliban five years ago. The excuse is that we leave no one behind. Unfortunately. though that is often true on the battlefield, it is not so true in reality. There were soldiers left behind in Korea and there still may be some that were left behind for good at the end of the war in Viet Nam.
The key question, as to what has turned into another scandal, is why. Conventional thinking is that this was to deflect criticism of the on going VA scandal by producing a feel good moment for this American hostage. Being unconventional, I beg to differ from all of this. I think that BHO knew that the way the whole exchange was handled would be welcomed with not much enthusiasm, but with controversy. In fact, he welcomed it. The VA scandal is not going away. There are too many investigations and the criminal activity is so wide spread that it will take months for it to unfold. Instead, last Friday the regime announced a whole new series of devastating regulations against coal and America using the "big lie" of Global Warming. Despite these terrible regulations that will significantly further depress the economy. double electric bills, and put millions, yes millions, of Americans out of work, BHO is continuing with his war on America. The far left and some stupid far left billionaire welcome these regs. For certain Fox News would be all over this story if it weren't for the swap and all of the terrible mistakes the regime made. Clearly Bergdahl will be tried in military court as a deserter and put in prison. He has served his purpose. Look for BHO pardoning him as his abominable regime comes to an end sticking his tongue out at America once more.
Its timing was the only thing that the regime got right. It is not a feel good moment. BHO did not give the Senate its legally required thirty day notice. Administration liar Susan Rice and denier Jay Carney dutifully did their jobs and the criminal Harry Reid is about the only Democrat who supports the regime on this issue, trying to turn it into political propaganda, ignoring the obvious. Communists like Van Jones, now employed by the Center for American Progress also supported BHO.
Sadly, this scandal seems to have legs that are manufactured by the liberal media. Its almost as if they go the word to continue to talk about this so people will ignore the regulations. Its time to go after the real threat to America, the "big lie" of Global Warming.
The recent announcement of a prisoner swap of five of the most despicable members of the Al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners being held at Gitmo for an American hostage Bowe Bergdahl who deserted his post in Afghanistan and somehow found his way into the hands of the Taliban five years ago. The excuse is that we leave no one behind. Unfortunately. though that is often true on the battlefield, it is not so true in reality. There were soldiers left behind in Korea and there still may be some that were left behind for good at the end of the war in Viet Nam.
The key question, as to what has turned into another scandal, is why. Conventional thinking is that this was to deflect criticism of the on going VA scandal by producing a feel good moment for this American hostage. Being unconventional, I beg to differ from all of this. I think that BHO knew that the way the whole exchange was handled would be welcomed with not much enthusiasm, but with controversy. In fact, he welcomed it. The VA scandal is not going away. There are too many investigations and the criminal activity is so wide spread that it will take months for it to unfold. Instead, last Friday the regime announced a whole new series of devastating regulations against coal and America using the "big lie" of Global Warming. Despite these terrible regulations that will significantly further depress the economy. double electric bills, and put millions, yes millions, of Americans out of work, BHO is continuing with his war on America. The far left and some stupid far left billionaire welcome these regs. For certain Fox News would be all over this story if it weren't for the swap and all of the terrible mistakes the regime made. Clearly Bergdahl will be tried in military court as a deserter and put in prison. He has served his purpose. Look for BHO pardoning him as his abominable regime comes to an end sticking his tongue out at America once more.
Its timing was the only thing that the regime got right. It is not a feel good moment. BHO did not give the Senate its legally required thirty day notice. Administration liar Susan Rice and denier Jay Carney dutifully did their jobs and the criminal Harry Reid is about the only Democrat who supports the regime on this issue, trying to turn it into political propaganda, ignoring the obvious. Communists like Van Jones, now employed by the Center for American Progress also supported BHO.
Sadly, this scandal seems to have legs that are manufactured by the liberal media. Its almost as if they go the word to continue to talk about this so people will ignore the regulations. Its time to go after the real threat to America, the "big lie" of Global Warming.
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