Friday, September 6, 2013

Syria, Obamacare, Oil and Gas

      President Obama belongs in the category of inept and corrupt leaders that I've alluded to in other posts.  As you recall inept and or corrupt leaders never will admit their failures, instead they deny and blame.  Narcissist that he is, Obama can never admit to ever doing anything wrong and even lies about what he has said or done in the past.  Yesterday he denied the "red line" remark was his.  Instead he clearly put the blame on the "world" and Congress, so that if his Syrian misadventure is approved, any problems will fall on Congress, and when Obama blames Congress, he is only referring to Republicans (he'll take all the credit if it succeeds, just as with Bin Ladin).  After all the Republicans control the House, the Senate doesn't matter.   Most members of the Congressional Black Caucus has said that they will support the attack on Syria in order to not embarrass the President. It is more important to put American lives on the line than embarrass Obama.  I guess they hold our military in the same regard as the President.  You may not be aware that after he and Moochelle flew up to Martha's Vineyard in separate jets, they realized that Bo was home alone, and so they had him flown up in a Marine Osprey vertical takeoff aircraft. (I'm sure it was Bo and Moochelle's mother) When on vacation, I suppose that carbon footprints don't really matter.  Now Bo has a carbon footprint and our marines are now used as pet transporters  a good reason to pull them out of Iraq and Afghanistan).  He talks about Anthropogenic Global Warming, we all know is a Nazi hoax, that  scientifically cannot be proven to exist and, hypocrite that he is, has one of the largest carbon footprints in the world, along with wife Moochelle.  If Syria goes wrong he will blame Bush and the Republicans, just as he and Hilary blamed them for Benghazi even after they blamed an obscure stupid You Tube video.
      His plan to destroy American is made even worse by his incompetence.  As I have said before, arrogance and incompetence are a dangerous combination.  I suppose Liberals will deem me a racists because I disagree with Obama's agenda of anti capitalism, crony capitalism, cap and trade, crony bail outs, government stimulus, Obamacare, and card check. He is not only trying to fundamentally change American, he is trying to destroy it.  The amazing thing is that Obama's policies are racists in that the group that have suffered the most are the poor and black Americans.  Trying to buy them off with Obama phones and EBT cards is a ploy that can't and won't last.  Liberalism has done more to destroy the lives of black Americans than the KKK.  Liberals have created generations of dependency, low expectations, and hopelessness, but of course blame conservatives for the welfare disasters. Liberals War on Poverty of the 60's and 70's turned out to be more of a war on, not for, poor people. Detroit is a great example of what can happen to a great American city when liberal are in control.  Many other cities are sadly headed in this direction as is the whole state of California.  Wealth is sifting from NewYork and California to Florida and Texas primarily do to low taxes and a more positive attitude toward business.  It is no coincidence that Florida and Texas have had mostly Republican legislatures and governors.

      Regretfully, we had to pass Obamacare before we could know what's it in and as we learn, it is becoming more and more apparent of what a disaster this will be for America.  Nearly every group that was for it, is now against it, including the labor unions.  Some are even considering breaking away from the AFL, because of Trumpka's pro Obamacare stand.  Obamacare taxes so called Cadillac health insurance plans (yes, another tax and there are some many new taxes in Obamacare that maybe it ought to be called Obamatax or the Unaffordable Tax Act).  These are plans that cost over a certain amount.  Lesser costing plans would either provide fewer benefits or have higher deductible or both.  As it turns out the ceiling is so low that most union plans would be taxed up to 40%.  In fact, my own insurance plan of 2010, a typical HMO plan would have been taxed.  What Obamacare wanst to accomplish is to give everyone equal access to equally affordable healthcare.  Unfortunately this is equally bad healthcare.
     To a doctor, as with any small businessman, time is money, and a provision that is consuming much of your physician's time is the Hospital EHR, electronic health records.  Ths is another idea that sounds good on paper, but in practice is a disaster.  My hospital group switched to EHR and required all the doctors to take an 8 or 9 hour EHR course.  The program that my hospital chose was terrible.  It places nearly all the liability for the hospital's errors, clearly on the physician even when hospital personnel were clearly at fault.  The program was not at all intuitive and required reviewing minute details in order to proceed.  I did the medical records on three different types of surgical cases in four hours.  That's longer than it would take me to do the surgery, thus limiting my productivity and income.  Seeing the handwriting on the wall, I closed my practice and treat only out patients and non insurance  cases out side of the hospital.
      Our labor force is rapidly becoming part time, as Obamacare does not apply to anyone working less than 30 hours per week.  So not only are workers earning less, they are now forced to pay for their own healthcare or pay a penalty tax if they refuse to purchase health insurance.  The college students who supported Obama in 2008 or rapidly approaching their 26th birthday, so they will no longer be covered by their parent's insurance and suddenly have to get their own or pay a penalty.  For many, that becomes a real burden, as they may still be out of work since graduating and living at home.  Could it be that the age of twenty six was chosen so none of his student supporters would have to worry about this until after the 2012 election?   Do you think Obama knew and even planned on his policies failing in order to punish America?  Of course he did or else he was the stupidest man ever.  You decide.

      If you filled up your car recently, you are probably asking yourself, why is the price of gas so high especially if we are producing more.  The USA is on course to become the world's largest producer of oil and gas by 2015.  Massive deposits of shale oil and gas in all parts of the country have destroyed the myth that all the deposits of oil have already been discovered and that we will be out of it in America very soon.  Currently supplies are at their highest levels since the 1980's. Because of a pipeline shortage, it is necessary to ship crude oil by train, truck and even barge or boat as so much is being recovered.  Potentially, oil and gas could turn our economy around and lower the debt.  Unfortunately Obama and other liberals want to continue to destroy America and realize that oil and gas will destroy their goals.  Why do you think he keeps harping on Global Warming.  Currently, it doesn't even exist, as we have been going through a gradual cooling stage world wide for the past decade. (Please see my previous blogs on the Global Warming Hoax.) By doing the following our economy could be turned around.  First approve the  Keystone Pipeline.  Not only would it create good paying jobs constructing it, but also good paying jobs using and maintaining it.  Approve the 20 or so applications to build natural gas export facilities.  Currently we are burning off excess natural gas as we have not enough places to store it or ship it overseas.  The price of natural gas is around $4 for a million cubic feet is the USA, but can be sold for $12-$16 in China and Japan and $8-$10 in Europe.  Shipping natural gas is easier and safer if it is converted to a liquid and we lack the facilities to do this. This would tip the balance of trade in our favor very quickly and provide the government income from export licenses, workers' income taxes and corporate taxes.  Many major companies, such as Walmart, UPS, and Waste Management are converting their vehicles to use natural gas because it is cheaper, readily available, and burns cleaner than gasoline, if that is important to the flat Earthers who believe in Global Warming. Finally, repeal the Jones Act that prevents crude oil from being shipped overseas and in vessels that do not fly an American Flag.  Right now we do not have the refining capacity to handle all of our crude oil.  Although new refineries ought to be approved,  there are refineries in the Caribbean that could be utilized. This would release the bottle neck and lower the price of oil and gas, having a dramatic effect in improving our economy. Oil would be another export that would improve the economy.  The main resistance to this is from the far left who is out to destroy America.  There is absolutely no other reason for not doing this, especially since the effect it would have on our economy who be so positive.

      Just a little humor and horror:  I spent two weeks in Europe this summer and visited an old girl friend who lives in Malmo, Sweden across the bridge from Copenhagen where I attended a heavy metal two day festival, Copenhell 2013.  She sends her two young daughters to pre school and in addition to Swedish they are taught English and Arabic.  A huge number of Muslims live in Sweden and will take over the country in the next fifty years. Still the government doesn't see the threat and just yesterday offered to accept any refugees from Syria who wanted to live there.  At least they have to learn Swedish in order to work and get government benefits.  That will change as Swedes will eventually be forced to learn Arabic and accept Sharia Law.  You just can't make this stuff up.
      Upon my return from Europe I had to go through TSA to board my plane to Ft. Lauderdale.  TSA, being politically correct, stopped me after I cleared the metal detector for a routine check for explosive residue.  My carryon was also rechecked and I glanced over to watch, I was shocked to see that the woman viewing the scan was wearing a hajib.  That certainly gave me confidence in the system, yeah right. As I was putting my shoes and belt on again, I notice that the next victim of a routine check was an old man at least eighty years old, who appeared somewhat feeble and could barely walk.  You just can't make this stuff up.
      It is amazing how much regime officials are willing to lie.  I suppose they realize that their jobs and bun uses require it.  The Commerce Secretary commented today on CNBC how wonderful Obamacare is going to be.  He said it is increasing jobs (for the IRS), lowering the cost of health insurance, and increasing healthcare benefits.  What planet has this ass licker been living on.  The CNBC crew appeared shocked.  You just can't make this stuff up.

      Unbelievable,  two blogs in three days.  I guess I've got my Muse back.  Please comment and pass my blog on to your friends,especially your liberal ones if you what to piss them off.  They will make up all sorts of excuses and try to shift the argument, typical liberal tricks, but in the end they know I'm right.


1 comment:

  1. Keep 'em coming Doc. I'll read them as fast as you can write them.
    Although I must say you're making that more and more difficult banging them out three at a time!
