So much has been happening so fast that it is hard to keep up. As I predicted years ago, Obamacare ( the Affordable Care Act) was going to be a huge problem for America. My take is that it is designed to destroy the American economy and allow Obama to pick up the pieces and fundamentally change America, as he has often so stated, turning it into a socialist or communist country. A carefully designed plan to significantly reduce the quality of healthcare will take over, not only with the death panels controlled by political appointees and not physicians, already in place, but by taking over the student loan program, he can offer amnesty or mandate four years of working in a government sponsored clinic for very modest pay. Imagine a cardiac surgeon with four years of college, four years of medical school, and seven years of residency and internship, being told he has to work for practically nothing, before he can go into practice and then make an income limited to what the government wants to pay him for his work. The number of quality candidates will shrink. Medical school standards will shrink and everyone's healthcare will suffer. Obamacare was certainly not written by Obama or Harry Reid. As you recall, Reid locked everyone out of his office while he was "writing the bill". In fact, his fax machine was turned on so he could download the bill sent by the antiAmerica communist organization, Center for American Progress, funded by George Soros. Nancy Pelosi, who commonly makes dumb remarks, should have her lips sewn shut after telling everyone to pass the bill before you read it. Naturally, she and the rest of Congress have exempted themselves and the rest of government from the bill as it will not accomplish anything the President promised it would do. Instead it has slowed economic recovery, cost jobs, and put the average working man and business owner in a state of panic. It was moronic to assume that people who work hard would want to have their quality of the healthcare reduced and the cost markedly increased in order to provide health insurance to a bunch of addicts and slackers who won't get off their asses and stop using dope, stop having babies, and get a job. That is why 69% of American oppose Obamacare. Liberal logic states that Congress should do something about gun control because the majority of American are for it (they're not). On the other hand the majority of American are opposed to Obamacare and so Congress is trying to do something about it, not fund it, and Obama should favor this, he won't. Though it looks like this is at a impasse with the house not funding it and the Democratic run Senate in favor of restoring funding, there is a subtle but very effective strategy that could work. Congress does not need to fund the government with one bill. Instead the Republicans in the House of Representatives should pass a series of bill each funding a different part of the government. It would be difficult for the Senate to vote against funding each of these bills, Reid could pass all but one and attach funding to it and send it back to the House. This would only shut down one branch of the government , hopefully the criminal and corrupt IRS. We will see how this plays out.
Speaking of the IRS, Lois Lerner has finally resigned from the IRS. Although she was suspended or placed on leave, she was still drawing a paycheck. Hopefully this will not end the probe into the criminal activity of the IRS and Lerner and those involved up to and including the White House attorney go to prison. Because of the crime she has allegedly committed Lerner should be denied a pension. Hopefully the threats of a long prison term and loss of pension will loosen her tongue. After the budget battle, look for this to begin to be an issue again. A special prosecutor should have been appointed months ago, but as usual the regime is deathly opposed to special prosecutors as the truth may get out. Instead we have the buttlicking Attorney General Eric Holder preventing a real investigation of any and all of the regime's misadventures and Constitutional violations, hoping for them to go away.
Speaking of Obama scandals that won't go away, Benghazi is also going to be a problem for Obama and especially Hillary Clinton for quite awhile. Look for Obama to eventually throw Hillary under the bus, unless she, like all good Clintons, knows where some of the bodies are buried. I still don't think that she will run for President. She will be 70 years old and a long grueling primary and then presidential campaign would be very difficult for her. She looks terrible after her four years of running all over the world accomplishing nothing as secretary of state. Whether Obama disses her or not, she is going to wear the shame of Benghazi and her hateful remarks about it for a long time. The only way for it to go away is for to announce that she isn't running for president. Who will take her place? Not an idiot like Joe Biden, he'd be better off replacing Jay Leno. There are not many other prominent Democrats who have not been tarnished by Obama or their own scandals. My dark horse is the dark horse Moochelle Obama. She loves flying on my dime on the government jets almost as much as her husband and sleeping for free in the White House. The real reason why the White House tours were eliminated is not the sequestration, but her desire for more privacy. She did not like the unwashed masses trudging around where she lives, invading her and her mother's privacy. (Since this terrible policy went into effect, 344 lobbyist visits have taken place. This is 344 more than is needed for a president who stated that he would not see lobbyists,) Her slogan would be " if you don't want to work, you don't have to. If you like your EBT card, you can keep it. If you like your six Obamaphones, you can keep them too. Plus I promise Obamacars (Chevy Volts) and Obamafood (veggies grown from my own garden for anyone who wants them)." "Eight more years, so we can finish the job (of destroying America)." The media already loves this ugly woman and she has recently started fund raising. She had the major food providers in for a closed door meeting where she was by all published accounts telling them not too advertise so effectively to children. The "if you don't" was not reported and it threatened them with all of the illegal tactics and increased regulations that the Obama regime is willing to burden their businesses, There was also the real or implied request for money to avoid government sanctions.
Obama continues to repeat the mistake of the past, as if history doesn't exist. This is especially true of his energy policy or lack of it. In 1979 Jimmy Carter imposed sanction on Iran and refused accepting Iranian oil imports due to the hostage situation. Price restrictions on the price of oil were gradually eliminated and so the price of oil soared from $6 a barrel to almost $40. The price of gasoline soared as well. This not only gave OPEC record profits, but also the USSR who became a world supplier of oil and their main source of hard currency. Reagan removed all the Carter restrictions and the price of oil dropped quickly and the USSR eventually went broke, thus ending the Cold War, as the USSR could no longer keep up with our defense modernization and advances. The price of oil and gasoline has risen to and remained at record levels despite a glut of oil within the United States. We are rapidly becoming the largest producer of oil and natural gas in the world. Through regulation and delay, the regime has continued to stall and bottleneck what could be a tremendous economic windfall for our country. Obama has strangled production, by not permitting pipelines to be built, the Keystone for one, to get the oil and gas from where it found to where it can be refined and utilized. Building pipelines would create a huge number of jobs, not only in building and maintaining the pipeline itself, but also in the manufacturing of the pipes and parts. Congress would need to its part in reversing the law that does not allow us to ship unrefined oil to other countries or in non US flagged ships from one US port to another. Permits need to be awarded to build and increase capacity at existing refineries as well as building new ones. For now, if oil could be shipped overseas, it could be refined in several Caribbean refineries and then shipped back to the US. Not only would the price of oil drop significantly, but jobs and government tax income would be created. There are 20 applications pending in Washington to build facilities for shipping natural gas abroad. In the United States natural gas sells for $3.60 a million cubic feet, in Japan, China, and Europe for as much as $16.00. Unable to ship natural gas to other countries also stifles economic growth. We have so much natural gas and no place to store it and the inability to ship it, has caused it to be burned off, wasting an economic opportunity. Green energy is a hoax, green is the new red. It is the communism of our time (re Obama's former Green Commissar Van Jones who now works for the Center for American Progress). The "flat Earthers" are really the uniformed, who have been coerced into believing that anthropogenic global warming actually exists by those interested in destroying America. (A recent report states that there is more than a million square miles of new antarctic ice. This counters the recent unsubstantiated and fudged UN report. I'm certain that you are aware that the UN is an antiAmerica and anti capitalist organization. Basically it is a place where privileged people from third world countries can escape the misery they have created in their own countries and receive high pay for doing nothing.) The world is in a cooling phase now. The earth's temperature has more to do with its relationship to the sun than just about anything else.
Basic economics demonstrates that taking advantage of our oil and gas boom would have massive economic benefits. It would foster an industrial renaissance that would create millions of well paying jobs, shift the balance of trade greatly in our favor, and boost the economy so massively that we significantly pay down the national debt and prevent the ruination of our country that Obama and his ilk are so desperately trying to produce. Despite the lies and rhetoric, not a single one of his programs is a success, and now his only real political success, Obamacare, is poised to put the nail in the coffin for our country. Obama is an accomplished liar and hypocrite. His speech this week on how his regime has reduced the deficit more than any other president is a joke. That some idiots actual believe him is sad indeed. Ironically, those uninformed have suffered and will continue to suffer the most. He benefits the most by keeping them uninformed and dependent, his version of pre Civil War slavery.
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