Monday, December 24, 2012

Hitler's Last Stand: The Global Warming Hoax Part 4

                                                                   Part 4

      In the first three parts I have told you about the axis of evil that has begun the hoax of apocalyptic global warming, started by a Nazi, spread by a communist, and finally popularized by a greed driven individual and finally publicized by a dumb, left leaning media.  In this last part, I plan to put the whole thing together and why this fits perfectly with the ultimate goal of Obama's presidency, redistribution of wealth.
      Anything having to do with the destruction of the environment will naturally draw media attention.  This makes apocalyptic global warming a perfect vehicle for wealth redistribution, not only on a national level, but also on an international level.  The real purpose of the sinister plot is ultimately the overthrow of capitalism in the US and then the world and replace it with UN dominated world governance.  By using the environment as a cover for their real agenda, they knew that they would always get public support.  After all, everyone is for clean air and water.  If you oppose it, then you are obviously going to be accused of not wanting clean air and water.  Using the technique of the "big lie" popularized by Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, Gore gained widespread support for a concept that had no scientific basis in fact and was only supported by scientists who had something to gain, namely financial support for their research.  Utilizing another popular technique for preventing analysis, Gore refused to debate this issue, saying that the evidence was so strong that it is a forgone conclusion and not worth debating.  He knows full well that if debated, his side would loose because there is no scientific evidence supporting apocalyptic global warming, and none of the heavily slanted models have been remotely accurate.
     So why has the UN and many governments,  including our own, jumped on global warming as an important issue?  The answer is simple, money of course, but also control.  In the United States and many countries coal is very cheap.  Its easy to mine and coal fired plants are easy and quick to build.  Electricity from these plants is cheap for homes, but also for industry.  A lower electric bill allow for more profits, that result  in making it easier to expand a business and return a higher dividend to stock holders.  Businesses have more control of their own destiny and profits make business decisions easier.  Natural gas has become so abundant and cheap in the US that it is even replacing coal and gasoline and threatening to produce an American industrial renaissance. In some countries the cost of natural gas is as much as five times what it is here and this can bring industry and manufacturing back home.  What stands in the way?  One word, Obama.  Using every lame excuse possible, the current regime has provided massive regulation and environmental restrictions,  most not approved by congress,  to make this boom nearly impossible.  Why?   Does it make sense to push unproven and very expensive so called "green energy"?  Yes if you are interested in wealth redistribution and control.  A system called "cap and trade" is already in effect in some European countries and would be debated in congress here, if it were not for massive and overwhelming opposition.  Instead, Obama has used regulation to accomplish some of the same goals.  Pipe lines are necessary to move gas from its drilling location for storage and distribution. We all know what Obama has done to prevent or delay the Keystone pipeline from being built.  In North Dakota, liquid natural gas (LNG), a by product of gas drilling, is being burned off because there is no way to ship this valuable commodity.  Due to regulation, drilling may have to shut down altogether as the burn off will not be permitted.   This is why Obama appointed admitted communist and terrorist Van Jones as his green energy commissar. Jones has spoken on how green energy is another means of wealth redistribution. This brings us to the most radical, wealth destroying Obama policy ever, "cap and trade".
      What is "cap and trade".  It is a system that first makes the mistaken assumption the our current levels of CO2 are harmful and that there is a need to lower and cap the amount every business and person can use.  Go over the cap and a fine or penalty will ensue.  Here is where the "trade" comes in.  If you use less than the amount assigned, then you become the owner of "carbon credits" that you can sell to those who are over their limit.  Al Gore and Maurice Strong partnered with Goldman Sachs to purchase the Chicago Carbon Exchange (CCE) anticipating that "cap and trade" would sail through Congress and they would all become trillionaires (this has not happened and the CCE has gone bankrupt).  What's wrong with this, it could mean cleaner air and water?  Who gets to assign the various caps and collect the fines? Why government, creating a whole new and powerful bureaucracy prone to corruption, costing a huge amount of taxpayer dollars and controlling all businesses and even housing in the country.  Individuals and business owners would loose control.  The plan is to lower the cap over a particular time frame and that means the government will have an important hand in business decisions.  It will also mean that the price of all goods, services, and especially food will increase dramatically as the cost of fines or credits will be passed on to consumers.  It will also make American businesses even less competitive to those in China and India or any country not enacting this.  Finally it is a subtle, but the most significant scheme to date for redistribution of wealth.  At this time in many places, the poor get free or government subsidy for utilities. Who pays for this?  The people who pay taxes.  Under "cap and trade", the poor may even be given carbon credits that could could be sold for cash or drugs. No matter what, government will grow massively and this combined with Obamacare, another hoax that uses heathcare for income redistribution, will cause the economy to implode, leading to a socialist system and dictatorship with Obama and Moochelle presidents for life.
     If this isn't bad enough the biggest group of gangsters wants to take this to the international level, raising $76 trillion by 2050 to eliminate all hydrocarbons as fuel.  Where would the money come from? You guessed it, we taxpayers (China and India are somehow exempted).  One would think that solar and wind actually work. They don't.  Can you imagine what the Sierra Club would say if a solar panel farm, covering 500 square miles, large enough to supply electricity for a very small city, were built in the middle of a pristine desert? Interestingly, Obama doesn't even know how solar works.  It works on light, not heat, and in fact heating of the solar panel makes them even less efficient. Country after country has learned that green energy doesn't work.  Germany spent $100 billion on solar energy and now gets 0.3% of its electricity from this waste of money. This waste has caused the cost of electricity in Germany to skyrocket, all because of the failed investment.  Trying to incorporate solar into its power grid has caused 25% unemployment and near collapse of the economy in Spain.  Where would the UN spend all this money? Why in Africa, of course, where corruption rules the day, and nothing ever gets done.  The UN wants to control every nation's power allowance. If he did not become president for life here, Obama may want to be UN secretary general, as this policy will allow the UN to dominate the West.
      I hope that I have managed to convince you that global warming, excuse me, now climate change, is nothing but a huge hoax, whose goal is to destroy capitalism and the United States.  Please read all four parts and pass this on.

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