Part 2
I needed to find a link or links from Guenther Schwab to Al Gore as Al Gore I'm certain never read the book, I'm not certain he's even literate. Then I remembered an evil billionaire, that unlike George Soros, likes to remain below the radar, with connections to both the UN and Al Gore. This link is Maurice Strong, a Canadian Billionaire, America hater, criminal, admitted communist, and currently the environmental advisor to Communist China.
Most of you, maybe all of you, have probably never heard of this nefarious individual, but believe me he very real, very rich, very powerful, and very evil. His life is filled with ambiguity and contradiction. He is a self made individual, having been born in rural Manitoba in 1929 and grew up during the depression. In the early 1948 he landed a job with a Canadian brokerage firm as a trainee and quickly advanced to a position as the firm's oil expert. He left, first working for a major Canadian oil firm and then starting his own firm leading investors to oil and gas opportunities in Alberta. He also acquired a small oil and gas company and quickly grew it and his wealth. In the 1960s he became head of the Power Company of Canada. In 1976, He was appointed head of the national Canadian oil company Petro-Canada by Pierre Trudeau.
During the 1960s his career became intertwined with the UN and soon he was involved with Africa and environmental issues. It is here that Schwab's and Strong's paths undoubtably crossed. In 1972, he sponsored a paper by Rene Dubos and Barbara Ward on "sustainable growth" that fostered the concept of wealthy countries, i.e. the United States, giving billions to Africa. Knowing how corrupt both Strong and African leadership are, I'm certain he saw this as a way to obtain huge payoffs in return for steering money to a particular dictator's bank account. During this period he helped organize and chair several UN sponsored environmental conferences as an under secretary general. Still he continued to move in and out of the UN mixing the oil business in his private life with saving the environment in his public UN position. During the 80s an 90s he became a major investor in several companies that were primarily scams, selling his grossly inflated company stock at a huge profit, before they were exposed and went bankrupt. There was also the AWDI incident of 1986. Strong was a major investor in American Water Development Inc.. a company that wanted to drain and sell deep underground water in Saguche County, Colorado. It was opposed by local residents, the State of Colorado, and a number of environmental groups. Eventually AWDI lost its case and had to pay $3 million in court costs.
Despite his Canadian citizenship, Strong often boasted or making major contributions to American presidential campaigns as well as those of other prominent politicians of both parties. This is obviously illegal, but goes on more often than we would like. Obama's campaigns are an excellent example of a candidate taking illegal foreign money. Invariably, this is probably how he first made contact with Al Gore. He considered Gore a pompous dupe, whose father had made lots of money working for Occidental Petroleum after leaving the Senate and who could be used to further his quest for power and money. The two became friends and later business partners. In 1994, Al Gore traveled to Buffalo, New York to make a speech and give Molten Metal Industries, a company in which Strong was a major stock holder, a $35 million grant, much like Obama has done for all of the failing solar energy companies. This grant was allegedly to help expand a process that could separate various metals from waste very inexpensively. When news of the government grant went public, the stock soared over 500%. Unfortunately, a government study found that the process didn't work and shut down funding, but not before Strong sold his shares at a huge profit. This all happened about the time Gore became an environmental guru, predicting an apocalyptic catastrophe in 10 years unless something was done to control human based global warming. (I live in Florida and the intercostal didn't rise above my second story much less my seawall.)
In the 1990s and until 2005, he openly continued his involvement with the UN and at one point was considered next in line to be the Secretary General, but his luck changed. He was finally outed, when Paul Volker audited the corrupt "oil for food" program in Iraq and discovered an endorsed check for $988,885 made out to M. Strong from Saddam Hussein. This check was delivered to him by a South Korean business man, Tongun Park who went to prison for being an unregistered lobbyist for Iraq and bribing UN officials. Strong was forced to resign from his environmental post as well as UN special negotiator to North Korea, from whom he was also probably receiving bribes. Ironically, Strong and none of the other UN officials, who accepted the bribes, including Kofi Annan's son, who also worked for the UN despite its anti nepotism policy, were ever prosecuted. I guess political contributions to both parties and knowledge of much UN corruption paid off.
Although it seemed like he left the UN, he merely moved from New York to Costa Rica to run the UN sponsored University of Peace. This was a perfect spot for Strong. It got him out of the public eye and into a position that had previously accused of corruption and mismanagement. Strong was no different and became involved in an illegal governemnt land deal that put him at odds with the Costa Rican Government.
Eventually he moved to Beijing and became the environmental advisor to the Chinese Communists. In China, he had one failed venture. He and his pal George Soros decided to destroy the American automobile industry, before Obama destroyed it by bailing out the unions instead of the bond holders for GM. (The hourly cost of manpower from wages and benefits made it non competitive and the so called bailout did nothing for this. The other reason was GM manufactured too many unpopular automobiles and that hasn't changed as Obama forced them to come out with the Volt.) The Chinese with financial backing from Strong and Soros began building a car called the "Chery". The cost would be so cheap that it would destroy the competition for low end automobiles (recall the failed Yugo). A trial release in Europe, where cheap fuel efficient cars are a mainstay, failed as the Chery had two many defects and did not live up to its predicted fuel efficiency. It never made it to America.
I could provide many more stories about this amazing villian, but I'm ending Part 2 here and will move on to Part 3 about Al Gore, but you haven't heard the last of Maurice Strong. Part 3 will be published soon. Meanwhile read and pass along.
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