Sunday, August 12, 2012

Who is really throwing grandma off the cliff

      This weekend Mitt Romney named Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan as his choice as a vice presidential running mate.  Ryan is a real conservative with a strong economic background and a plan to reverse the out of control spending that is destroying our country.  Though I will admit he wasn't my first choice, Rubio was, he is one of a number of strong candidates available.  Ryan makes Joe Biden look like the fool that he is, as Biden serves as Obama assassination insurance as some would rather see a communist running the country rather than a baffoon.  Ryan has proposed privatization plans for Social Security and Medicare to keep them afloat.  The Democrats and especially Barak Obama want to keep them as is so they fail.  Imagine the disaster that would entail when the elderly no longer get a Social Security check each month or needed health care.  They would starve and die thus saving the plans money.  This is Obama's plan.
      As expected the Democrat goons were out in force Saturday and Sunday to condemning the choice and a pre planned TV spot aired as well.  But what has Obama already done to Medicare.  The vile Affordable Heath Care Act will cut $500 billion from Medicare just as 40 million "baby boomers" are coming on board.  I personally asked Debbie Blabbermouth-Schultz how this would improve the delivery of healthcare to the elderly based on the above and she could not answer the question.  Instead, as she is usually prone to do,  gave some ridiculous answer that was totally unrelated to the question.  This and outright lying are the only ways she and Obama can deal with the truth.
      The truth is that the "death squads" are already in place, controlled by well known hypocrite and healthcare commissar Daniel Berwick, an interim appointee, as he would have never gotten Senate approval with his dangerous far left background.  Berwick is a perfect fit for Obama's plan to kill off the elderly.  He believes that health care legislation is an excellent way to redistribute wealth and restrict access.  The death squads will see to that.  It is not surprising to find that he and his wife won't ever be covered by Obamacare.  His pre administration organization will pay his and his wife's health care bills for the rest of their lives, typical of most elitist liberals, who believe the laws they favor are not meant for them.  They are only liberal with other people's safety, education, housing, jobs,  health care and lives.  The $500 billion I mentioned earlier will be "saved" simply by denying care.  An example is very personal to me.  Two years ago my mother developed a condition called bradycardia, a dangerous slowing of the heart.  It was found to be related to a blood pressure medication she was taking and with emergency treatment and switching medications, her heart rate returned to normal.  The question arose as to whether she would need a pacemaker because, although her heart rate returned to normal, the medication she was taking ordinarily does not slow the heart, unless it is already diseased.  After discussing this with her physician, we decided to have a pacemaker placed for we all felt that if Obamacare passed, she may not be permitted life saving pacemaker surgery.  She is in her nineties,  mentally competent but debilitated after being hit by a car going 50 mph, and most importantly, a life long conservative Republican.  Just take two aspirins and called the funeral home. That sums up the Obama administration's solution to Medicare.  Change it to a giant Ponzi scheme, paying into it for years and years, but dying before or shortly after coverage kicks in.  Social security is pretty much the same.
      Obama's insidious plan for our nation's demise has been well thought out.  Knowing that the unemployment will remain unreasonably high for decades, Obamacare allows young adults to remain on their parent's plan until their late twenties knowing that his group, even the college graduates, will be among the highest unemployed or underemployed and unable to afford the high cost of health insurance.  Though healthy, they would otherwise be forced to subsidize everyone else's insurance or pay a "tax".  Taking over college and medical school loans means he will control who gets the loans. Don't think that political correctness won't be a significant factor in who gets loans and a medical career.  Knowing that many new doctors will be needed because of the increased number of potential Medicade patients and that older physicians are retiring rather than be subjected to Obamacare, he will offer loans and loan forgiveness to those who will give a certain number of years of work in government run clinics as general practice physicians.  The number of specialists will be strictly controlled by not giving anyone who aspires to a medical or surgical specialty loans and/or loan forgiveness.  This will establish long lists of patients awaiting life saving and life enhancing procedures just as in many other countries. Many will die before their slot opens up. A damnable provision of the long defeated Hillarycare will be added that permits the government to fine and imprison patients who seek care outside of their government run plan or physicians who provide it.  With private self pay practice being discouraged, the best and brightest physicians will leave for countries that allow them to practice medicine and earn a decent living doing it.   Heathcare in America will no longer be exemplary. Instead it will revert to Obama's dream from his alcoholic dead beat father, like Kenya's.

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