Last weekend. I was enjoying a nice day out at my condo's pool and was chatting with some of my neighbors. One was a very pleasant Canadian gentleman about my age. The subject got around to the up coming elections in the November and I told him that I thought Obama was by far the worst president in my life time. He asked if that was because he was black? Instead of getting angry at being called a racist by a Canadian who admitted that he really didn't follow American politics that much (he must watch MSNBC when he does), I proceeded to educate him on Obama's Marxist background and his Marxist policies and his chronic lying. By the time I was done, my Canadian friend understood my dismal opinion of Obama. The real issue that angered me is how the main stream media airs the obscene notion that voting for Romney is somehow racist and people who haven't taken the time to learn the horrible truth about Obama actually believe this drivel. If anything, it is the left that is racist. It has enslaved a majority of black Americans in a failing welfare system that has doomed many to generations of poverty with fatherless children, inadequate education, substandard housing, and no hope of getting off the welfare roll. The Republican controlled Congress in the 1990s with Clinton's approval. made the first real improvement in generations, getting many off welfare. Now Obama has by executive order, broken the law and reversed this boon. He truly believes that by giving people lots of free stuff for nothing, it will buy him votes. Of course his whole life he has been getting lots of stuff that he didn't earn. His degrees, his law review position, the cost of his education, his pre presidential political offices, and Nobel Prize were unearned. In fact he didn't even write his own books (read Deconstructing Obama by Jack Cashill). Maybe that is why he believes that people don't build businesses by their own hard work and treasure, since he never built anything or paid for anything in his life. Likewise, wife Moochelle is also a beneficiary of affirmative action (a euphamism for reverse racial or sexual discrimination) and nepotism. Here is a brief lesson in liberal advocacy. In the 1970s libs pushed for the release of mental patients from institutions. They said it was wrong to lock these people up. It didn't matter that they couldn't take care of themselves, had no place to go, and wouldn't get and take their much needed medications. At the end of the 1970s. there was a severe economic downturn caused by the Carter administrations reckless economic practices. The states and cities that paid for mental patient were all to happy to discharge the mental patients and close facilities. As expected, the discharged mental patients now became homeless mental patients. The mental patients' advocates having lost the hospitalized mental patients, now became advocates for the homeless. In the mid 1980s, NYNEX, the phone company for New York City, wanted to hire some of the homeless and pay them more than the minimum wage to deliver phone books throughout the metropolitan area. In fact, the ones that showed themselves to be good reliable workers could get full time employment. Though the homeless were all for this infusion of capital into their personal pockets, the homeless advocates, seeing that they could loose their advocacy, protested, saying the phone company was taking advantage of the homeless. People who spend their lives being advocates need an advocacy even when it is at odds with the people for whom they are supposably advocating. This is just one of hundreds of examples of why liberal have always failed the poor.
The last item for todays blog is my take on the current election campaign. With the economy continuing to go downhill and unemployment more than 8% (16% if you count the under employed and those who have given up) Obama's henchmen have tried to change the economy as issue by distraction. As I have written earlier, this is his only strategy, as the debate on the economy and what he has done to destroy it, need to take a back seat to various distractions for him to win. So far none have worked. First we had the Women's issue over birth control pills that are either free or very cheap, then Bain Capital, and now Romney's tax returns. Ironically Obama hasn't released his medical report, his college applications or transcripts, or even his real birth certificate, though I have absolutely no reason to suspect he was born in a substandard hospital in Kenya. His mother and maternal grandparents were not stupid. By originating the later issue, Harry Reid, the Democrat Senate majority leader, has demonstrated what a slimball he is by lying on the senate floor. Maybe he would like to explain his 2010 election victory over Sharron Angle. A total of 721k votes were cast in the senate race, only 702k in the governor's race won by Republican Brian Sandoval (386k) beating Harry Reid's son Rory by 78k votes, and a total of 683K in the three congressional districts 357K Republican and 319K Democrat won by two Republicans and one Democrat. That means that 38k more votes were cast in the senate race than in the congressional races. Sandoval got 24K more than H. Reid. Maybe there was some voting manipulation going on. If anything Republican who didn't like Sharron Angle had 4 other third party candidates or could have chosen not to vote. Or maybe he would like to explain why he is now worth $10 million on a senate salary of less than 200K/year. This is such a distraction, that even I got suckered in by writing about it. Remember Obama's hope is to destroy the American economy and capitalism on which it is based, in order to change it into a Marxism based totalitarian regime.
As always, thanks for reading my blog. Your comments are always welcome and please pass it on.
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