Monday, October 23, 2023

Two Failed Presidencies Part 1 Foreign Policy

      The Obama-Biden presidencies have failed America on Foreign Policy, the economy, and domestic policy. I consider Obama and his advisors to be the directors of the Biden presidency, as Biden has done nothing, but reactivate failed Obama policies.  It is obvious that Obama was the first and only president to hate America.  Biden cares only about power and fortune and is willing to do anything to protect his crimes, including appointing Susan Rice as liaison from Obama and his advisors. President Trump managed to reverse most of the harmful antiAmerica policies of the Obama regime, only to have them reintroduced as soon as Biden tool office.  America and the world are now paying the terrible price that these policies have produced.

      Obama who was born a Muslim, as Muslim law considers the father not the mother to be the child's religion. Even Obama's adoptive father, Lolo Soetero was Muslim and Obama was educated at the most elite Muslim school in Djakarta. One of Obama's first foreign policy acts was to go on an apology tour of Muslim countries.  He also appointed Iranian born Valerie Jarrett as his principle advisor. Susan Rice, an unscrupulous rat, was appointed to a position in the NSA to spy on Americans.  Near the end of Obama's regime, she read thousands of calls and messages of potential Trump appointees.  When Biden took office, he appointed her as domestic advisor, though she had no background in domestic policies, but could advise him on what Barack wanted him to do. He could not nominate her to a position that required a Senate vote as her nefarious past would have become exposed, even if she survived a vote only by NeoMarxist Democrat  senators.

      The only foreign policy success of the Obama-Biden regime was the raid on the compound in Pakistan of Osama Bin Ladin.  Of note, was that Biden was against this at the time. Greedy and ineffectual Hillary Clinton was Obama first Secretary of State. She saw her position as one to raise money for her corrupt Clinton Foundation,  promising access when she was elected President in 2016. She carried out Obama's dangerous policies, the worst being the slaughter of four Americans, including  Ambassador Chris Stevens, in Benghazi, Libya. When grilled by Congress her response, "what difference does it make" was indicative of her selfishness and concern for Americans. Her replacement John Kerry was arguably worse than Clinton as he was involved in negotiating two of the worst agreements that America has ever signed on to.  The first was the Iranian Nuclear Agreement.  Kerry has ties to Iran just as Obama's primary advisor.  A very bad deal was made that was worse than no deal, as the deal only gave lip service with virtually no realistic inspections and billions in cash to the world's leading sponsor of terror.  Trump cancelled the deal and put harsh sanctions on Iran, limiting their access to the oil market, their primary source of income.  Trump doubled down on his policy by making America energy independent lowering the price of a barrel of oil on the world's markets.  In addition, Trump eliminated ISIS, a main terror recipient of Iran sponsorship.  Obama had called ISIS, the "JV Team."Trump also withdrew America from the Paris Climate Accord, a Marxist agreement that advanced China and ravaged the American economy.  There is no real evidence that Apocalyptic Anthropogenic Climate Change even exists as its proponents refuse to debate the issue and only cite poorly written papers and faked data. Biden not only rejoined the Accord, but appointed John Kerry as his worldwide climate czar.  Kerry, a typical liberal hypocrite, believes his position is so important, that he can ignore the regulations he would like to place on the rest of us.  Obama prevented the XL pipeline construction, making America more dependent on foreign oil, especially from countries that are enemies of America.  Though Trump resumed construction of the pipeline, Biden stopped construction when he took office and used executive orders to make America dependent on foreign oil again.  As one would expect, the price of oil soared and fueled inflation (the subject of Part 2) and made a purely political decision that sold off half of our oil reserves, 300 million barrels,  resulting in the reserv'es lowest level in decades.

      Two of our biggest enemies, Russia and Iran, depend on oil sales to fund its wars.  Ironically, by attacking American oil production, Biden is funding both sides of the Russia-Ukraine and the Hamas-Israel wars  If that is not enough, Biden has given billions to Iran and reduced or ignored sanctions, all to get another ineffectual worthless nuclear deal. His delegate, Robert Malley, who helped get the first deal, has now had his security clearance remove and is under investigation as a pro Iranian spy. 

      Probably the greatest foreign policy failure has been Biden's ill advised withdrawal from Afghanistan.  Trump had planned a gradual withdrawal, but only if the Taliban agreed to certain terms.  Unfortunately they did not, but that didn't stop Biden.  In order to get what he thought would be a political success, he withdraw American military forces all at once, but his disorganized withdrawal accounted for the death of 13 American military and hundreds ofAfghanis.  In addition, he left Americans and Afghani Allies behind as well as billions of dollars in American military weapons and equipment, all of which could and should have been removed beforehand along with all American civilians and Afghani allies. This equipment is not only in the hands of the Taliban, but has been given or sold to anti American groups worldwide, including Hamas, and even used against American military forces in Syria and iraq   Our generals, including Chief of Staff Mark Milley and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III,  have said that they disagreed with Biden's withdrawal, but didn't resign.  Biden touts this disaster as a success like he does with all of his failed policies.

      When Putin seized the Crimean Peninsula, Obama objected by sending pills and blankets instead of weapons to Ukraine, and although Trump placed sanctions on Russia and threatened more severe sanctions, he was charged with collusion based on a fake dossier approved of by Hillary Clinton who actually colluded with Russia when she was the Secretary of State, allowing Russia to buy and control 20% of America's uranium. Russian oligarchs paid $145 million to the Clinton Foundation and gave Bill $1 million for a 20 minute speech.  Putin who was very quiet during Trump's presidency, seeing Biden's confusion and weakness, invaded Ukraine hoping to add it to a new greater Russia.  Though Biden reacted positively, his response was gradual and very slow.  Though a measured response is sometimes all that is required, Biden has always been too little and too late.

      Biden has continued to give hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine with virtually no accountability. He has said that he will use the corrupt and criminal Clinton Foundation to distribute $24 billion.  That's like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. Biden continues to indirectly support Iran, by removing sanctions and allowing sales selling oil to China, $80 billion worth Biden has even sold oil to China from our strategic reserve.  He has failed to call out China for exporting the Covid-19 virus from Wuhan to America and Europe, that murdered more than a million Americans and destroyed our economy. Biden never speaks out against China, who was allowed to fly a spy balloon across America and over our military bases, before shooting it down with multiple costly missiles when some fifty caliber bullets would have done the same thing.  China has continued to spy and steal our technology with barely lip service.  In addition China has threatened Taiwan almost continuously and it may be only a matter of time before an invasion is attempted.  I believe they are waiting to see if Biden is reelected and then go ahead.  

      On January 4, 2017, I published an article on this blog about Obama's antisemitism and anti Israel policies.  This was reversed by Trump, who moved the American embassy to Jerusalem, stopped financial aid to the Palestinians, and began the Abraham Accords, producing peace and prosperity in the Middle East. To his credit, Biden has tried to get the biggest deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia, that has now been put on hold due to the Palestinian attack on Israel.  Despite Iran's obvious support of Hamas and Hezbollah, Biden has refused to call out its involvement and in fact has restored funding and  to Hamas and Iran.  In addition He wants Congress to approve $100 million in aid to Hamas even though Hamas has murdered Americans in Israel and holds about a dozen American hostage in Gaza. Joe Biden has never heard of the word "fungible".  In Gaza, who does he expect would be able to hand out this aid? Maybe he will use the corrupt Clinton Foundation.  In fact, Hamas has taken pipes used for sewage and plumbing at the expense of these civilian services to construct its crude rockets.  Does it really care about Palestinians, using them as cannon fodder and shields for propaganda purposes? Like Obama, Biden has refused to call Hamas Islamic terrorists.  Instead they are the other "team" and this sounds familiar like ISIS as the JV team. Despite Obama and Biden's weak support of Israel, the worst thing Obama did was just before leaving office. He had his anti semitic UN Ambassador, Samantha Power, abstain on a UN Security Council  resolution, suggesting Israel return to its 1948 borders. In the past, America has always used its veto to prevent passage of anti Israel resolutions

      Biden has failed to act against China despite it manufacturing and shipping fantasy and its precursors to Mexico that have poisoned more than 100K Americans. ( Iwill discuss more of this in the domestic policy article.)  The world has seen Biden's weakness.  Maybe his foreign policy is based on the amount of money he and his family have received from foreign governments.  In addition to the ones we know about, how many others have paid him off? I have said before that NeoMarxist Democrats often accuse Trump and Republicans of the very things that  they themselves are guilty.  Trump was a strong leader and though he may not have been well liked by some governments, they were well aware that he would do what he said he would do, if they crossed the line. I hope that he will be reelected and make America great and strong again MAGSA). 


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