Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Leaked SCOTUS Document

      Last week, the unthinkable occurred. A document containing a preliminary opinion written by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, was leaked to Politico. The case case, Dobbs vs Jackson,  argued last February. Leaking of any Supreme Court decision either preliminary or final has never occurred and is a violation of ethics and all clerks and court personal are warned about this.  The law suit concerns a new Mississippi law that limits abortions to the first 15 weeks of pregnancy.  It does not prohibit abortion.  The opinion states that the Supreme Court decision of the 1970s, Roe vs Wade was fundamentally wrong and that abortion law should be left to the states. There is no guarantee that this document will mirror the final decision, but one would have thought that WW3 had been declared.  Democrats and especially the far left became totally unhinged.
      Chief Justice John Roberts has launched an investigation to find who leaked this document. It is thought that it was probably a clerk, but it could be anyone with access to the document even including an actual justice. Little information in regard to the investigation has been forthcoming and the MSM seems to have little interest, though some consider the leaker a hero. My opinion and is that it was a clerk of one of the three liberal justices, Sotomayer, Kagan, or Breyer.  Though I think that Breyer has much  more integrity than the other two,  one of his clerks, knowing he/she will soon be out of a job, may have thought there was little to loose and a new lucrative job on CNN or MSDNC. 
      The rage on the left has demonstrated their  hypocrisy. Of course abortion has not been banned anywhere and more than likely most states, if not all, will allows some abortions even if it is just for rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother. Many will probably list a cut off at a fetal age, some obviously more than others.  Most Americans believe abortion after the first trimester should be forbidden, I wonder where these hypocrites were, who claim that the government is telling them what they can do with their bodies, when the Biden regime demanded mask and vaccination mandates. Sadly, people have died from Covid-19 vaccinations and others have had to be hospitalized, as neither mandate has worked and in some instances has had deleterious undesirable side effects.  The real purpose of the mandates was to show the power the Biden administration has in controlling Americans. In addition, sixty million black babies have been aborted since Roe v Wade went into effect. Where is Black Lies Matter and other racial activists?  I guess the lives of black babies really don't matter to the left.
      Paid professional demonstrators have been enlisted to aid in demonstrations at the Supreme Court building and nationwide, disrupting services at Catholic churches.  The Washington, DC police have found it necessary to encase the Supreme Court building with high fencing and supply extra security.  In addition, a malicious zealot posted the home addresses of six of the Supreme Court justices and police are now required to supply extra security as demonstrations at their residences are raucous and fortunately are yet to turn violent.  The demonstrations at SCOTUS justices' homes are illegal and the DOJ should be taking names and arresting people. If this opinion favored the people that are now protesting,  no doubt the FBI would be arresting people if the Right to Lifers were protesting at justices' homes, no matter how peaceful. Last weekend two Molotov cocktails were heaved into a Right to Life office in Wisconsin. Thankfully, no one was  injured, but there was considerable fire damage. No arrests yet. As we have seen, AG Merrick Garland is not one who always follows the laws when it may effect leftist radicals, but has demonstrated time and time again that he is little more than a political hack rapidly sicking the FBI onpsrents peacefully protesting at school board meetings.  Thank goodness  his Obama sponsored nomination was held up, as he is obviously not  Supreme Court justice material.
      Politically, the motivation for this dastardly act could have been to mobilize Democrat voters for the November midterm elections. Biden has been a disaster for America and the left are far behind in the polls. They are likely to loose one or both houses of Congress. The Democrats have benefited with fundraising, bringing in more than $3 million and polls show more Democrats will vote, but the same poll reports that more Republicans than Democrats will vote due to this issue.
      There are numerous ways to enjoy sex and avoid pregnancy beside abortion, all of which are simpler and safer than abortion, a surgical procedure. Men and women who do not want pregnancy should consider other options. Mistakes may have unwanted consequences.

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