For decades there has been a slow but steady effort to infiltrate our public and private school systems with Marxist ideology and propaganda. The exact date for this nefarious strategy is unclear, but events in the 1960s made it obvious to the far left that this could work. WW2 changed America. With many men in the military, the way was open for women to take on almost any kind of job. They did and were very successful and helped in their own way to assure victory over Germany and Japan. After the wa,r there was no stopping them and the scope of jobs available for women increased. Two family incomes were better than one and the labor force was increasing filled with women. As a result, women spent less time raisin their children, especially after they started school. Many working women naturally participated less in their children'dsschools. Education was certainly stressed, in fact, for women even more so as they were obviously becoming a valuable part of the American work force, and although the top positions were limited, it was obvious that they would be forthcoming. Attendance at PTA meetings suffered as did attendance at school board meeting. With the opposition to the Viet Nam War, especially at our universities, the far left saw another opening and took advantage. College professors are often detached from the real world and publishing articles is part of their job description. Far left concepts could now be legitimately used for this purpose. One of the worst was the Coward-Piven Theory, that ultimately suggested that welfare payments could be used as a weapon to bankrupt the government, severely reduce the value of the dollar, and then leave the way open for capitalism to fail and a new socialist economy to take its place. Richard Cloward was one of Obama's favorites professors, when he attended Columbia. After becoming President Obama adopted this philosophy, put it on steroids and went on a taxing and spending spree. Fortunately the economy survived and was brought back by intelligent legislation under Trump.
Meanwhile our K-12 educational system was insidiously being infiltrated by Marxist, who wanted to destroy America by trying to indoctrinate our children with Marxist philosophy that is disguised as something else. In addition, school boards across the country are being filled with people who were dedicated to encouraging this horrible curriculum. Hate filled CRT was the issue that caused parents to regain interest in their children schools. The elections of Obama, Marxist thought that this was their opening and then the acceptance of the anti Trump narrative that followed, made them think that they could spread up their infiltration. Marxism teaches that there is a conflict between workers and the those in charge, be it government or a private company. Conflict is the main term, and so CRT uses racism as a means to force their propaganda. Imagine the effect of telling a six year old white child that he is an oppressor due to his skin color or a black child that he can't succed because ho is oppressed by his white classmate. Sexuality can also be used in similar fashion, especially when telling young children who are just realizing that there are differences between boys and girls that there are other sexual aspects that they need to worry about. Naturally the left tries to use anti bullying as the necessity, but anti bullying can be dealt with in a more effective and less confusing way, emphasizing the uniqueness of each person and the variety of skills of which there are infinite examples.
Parents were alerted and responded, by demanding to take back control of their children's education, realizing that an educational system that they trusted has been teaching harmful propaganda to their children, and is no doubt the reason why college students and young adults have been misdirected and hate America. At home learning that the left unnecessarily forced on our children was very damaging and put million behind, especially those children in underserved areas and Democrat run cities and school boards. This woke up parent who could now see the garbage that was being fed to their children. Parents have been protesting at school board meetings and taken over school boards by running for office. The teachers unions, that are highly invested in Marxism, have protested parent's rights and have gotten the Biden-Obama weaponized FBI into calling protesting parents terrorists. Currently the AG is Merrick Garland who has demonstrated time and time again that he is a political hack, and certainly does not have the knowledge and skill to be a Supreme Court justice.
With many state legislatures outlawing CRT being taught in their schools, the parents may have thought that they have won a significant battle, but the war on propaganda and America hating is far from over. There is an even more subtle and more dangerous propaganda that has being taught for more than two decades, that is also Marxist and whose main purpose is to obliterate the American economy. This is Climate Change. Apocalyptic anthropogenic climate change AACC) is based on a series of lies and manipulated data. The origin goes back to an Austrian Nazi who hated America and capitalism currently lives in Beijing first convince the UN that this is an important policy. Then he convinced Al Gore to be the front man on this issue, basically telling Gore he could make a lot of money and he has. Of course this has worked its way into our school's science curriculum. By indoctrinating our children with this propaganda, the Marxists will guarantee destruction of our economy. The Paris Climate Accord is primarily aimed at destroying America's economy and secondarily those of western Europe. Russia and China are currently exempt, China continues to build coal powered plants as quickly as possible. Under Trump, America dropped out of the Paris Accord and American energy led the world. In fact, America producing so much natural gas and oil that, we were able to export it. Our economy soared and consumer energy costs were low. When Biden took office, he immediately reversed all of the energy policies that Trump had put in place and America no longer was a net exporter, but became an importer again relying on Russia and Iran among others for oil. This caused energy prices to increase slowly at first, but eventually exponentially that caused rapid inflation, as the price of goods and services as nearly all are tied to energy in one way or another. Any good American president, who would see this happening, would immediately open the energy spigots and see that inflation would slowly abate, but this President, controlled by Obama, refuses to do this. The Fed will raise interest rates, but this is a bandaide not a cure. Obama wanted to enact "cap and trade" when he was first elected and had control of Congress, but was advised that it had no chance of passing. Cap and trade is a system in which the government limits each business's "carbon footprint." If a company needs more carbon, it would be able to purchase it on a carbon exchange (Gore and Strong purchased the Chicago Carbon Exchange for this purpose) and those that didn't need all they were assigned could sell them as credits through the exchange. Eventually assigning carbon credits would also fall to individuals and families. At the time this had no way of passing and so Obama switched his effort to ruining our economy with Obamacare.
The key to understanding that AACC is fake science, is that its propagandists refuse to debate it, despite all of the lies and disinformation that has been exposed. Scaring people by telling them that the world will be destroyed is a powerful propaganda message, so convincing that some young adults do not want to start a family. Some of the biggest proponents of this garbage have the largest individual carbon footprints, another "for thee, but not for me." Obama, Al Gore, and John Kerry have some of the largest life style footprints. The goal posts for the world's destruction keep being moved. The Nazi originator gave 50 years for Earth's demise at 2006, which is about where Gore said it would be. This was moved to 2015, then the 2020. Currently we will be gone by 2030 according to these Marxists and their efforts have speeded up. This is because many climatologists and astronomers predict a lengthy period of colder weather being around 2035. That would make global warming a hard sell, so our economy must be destroyed before hand.
To rid us of this Marxist plan, we must divorce ourselves from the Paris Climate Accord and any other climate plan that attacks our economy. The "green new deal" is a fraud and needs to be exposed. I would favor a debate, as no doubt the Marxists would be exposed. Next, as with CRT, this propaganda must be banned in our schools and exposed as such. That will be the biggest fight as adults are more willing to listen to reason, but children often are not. It is important to separate climate change from environmental issues. Everyone favors clean air and water and that should never be confused with climate change as green new dealers are apt to do.
If exposing climate change propaganda is of interest to you, there are a number of articles that i have published in my blog going back to 2012 discussing the Nazi origins and its lies over the years. Please check them out.