Sunday, December 11, 2022

I have to Admit Joe Biden Is Right on Climate

      I have to thank Elon Musk for exposing how conservatives have been treated on Twitter and by extension on other social media sites like Facebook and Google. I have been publishing a blog for over 10 years on a Google service, blog spot. Those of you who follow my blog on a routine basis know that i have some good ideas and some unique ways at looking a policy and events. I expect Google to promote my blog on their search engine and I announce on Facebook and Twitter when a new article is published. I also send out emails to a few friends as well. I never expected to gain thousands of readers, but i tought that my readership would slowly and steadily grow.  Suddenly my usual readership went from 100-150 to 1300 and i though wow, my blog is on its way.  The next articles were back to 100-150 readers so I was a bit perplexed.  The article that seemed so popular was titled "I Have to Admit Obama Was Right." Of course, the title was tongue in cheek and written in response to Obama's ridiculous statement that global warming was the worst extrinsic threat to America. My article demonstrated that believing in apocalyptic anthropogenic global warming was the actual threat as it would destroy our economy and allow our enemies to take advantage of a weakened America. As it has turned out,President Trump believed the same thing and eliminated American dependence on foreign oil and made America a net exporter of energy. In addition, he pulled America out of the anti America and capitalism Paris accord. Biden's reversal of Trump's actions have produced high inflation and begun a recession.  Our energy security is in danger and America is weaker as a result.  Biden has begged our enemies for oil, though we have more than enough at home, if only we could drill for it and ship it by pipelines to refineries.

      I was surprised to see how many people read this post and expected my next posts to draw nearly as many reads.  Unfortunately that didn't happen.  I quickly realized that Google and Twitter promoted this article because of what seemed like a favorable article on Obama, because of the title.  The more critical of Obama and then the left, socialists, communists and last of all Joe Biden my readership slowly dropped off. With Musk's release of Twitter's hidden agenda to ban or shadow ban conservatives and articles detrimental to socialist progressives, it is clear that this is the explanation for how many people see my articles. By extension, I'm certain that Facebook and Google do the dame thing.

      My interest in global warming hoax began in ernest in 2010.  The reported science didn't really make sense to me and so I began doing research on the origin of apocalyptic global warming.  Typing in origin of apocalyptic global warming into Google's search engine, i was immediately presented with several pages of article referring to a recent article on the Nazi origin of global warming in the America Thinker.  Type the same thing in today and it will take at least ten pages of results before that one suddenly pops up. Sadly valuable information is being suppressed to promote an agenda that not only isn't true, but harmful to America, Americans, and the world in general.

     Promotion of apocalyptic anthropogenic climate change has forced European countries to loose their energy security and waste tax payer funds investing in unnecessary and barely useful energy sources. It has created extreme emotional distress among teenagers and young adults who now commit acts of vandalism and even violence in the name of climate change and question having children in a world that they think will disappear. Meanwhile to most ardent supporters of this hoax fly around the world in their private jets, travel on land in convoys of SUVs, and some leisurely enjoy huge yachts.

      We will see what this article with its title will have on my readership.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

The Fallacy of No Cash Bail and Criminal Justice Reform

       The death of career criminal George Floyd from a Fentanyl overdose, with help from Derek Chauvin's knee, not only initiated a Black Lies Matter/Antifa insurrection, but began a series of legislation that was designed to endanger Americans and favor criminals, all in the name of the dirtiest words in the English language "equity" and "social justice." Combined with George Soros bought District Attorneys and  crime exploded. Defunding and attacking police has also contributed to poor morale and understaffed departments. 

      No cash bail in several states and large cities was most destructive. It significantly reduced the type of criminal cases that could jail criminals until they showed up for trial.  The argument for no cash bail was based on the misconception that cash or bond bail discriminated against the poor.  It ignores two very real facts,  most of the criminals are poor as are their victims.  Corporate executive, doctors, school teachers, factory workers, small business owners don't hijack cars, commit snatch and grabs at sneaker or jewelry stores, or murder someone who "disrespects" them. They don't rob liquor stores or bodegas.  If they do commit a crimes, like murder of a spouse or embezzlement, they are usually either kept in jail or released on mugtimillion dollar bail and forced to turn in their passports.The victims of violent crimes, though often poor, may represent the only place in criminal justice where there is "equity."

      No cash bail has led to the release of criminals shortly after they are arrested and then they continue to go out and commit more crime,s get arrested again, and do it again and again.  In NYC there are criminals who have been arrested over one hundred times for theft and continue to be released shortly after arrest and do it again. Often a person's past criminal history can't be used at a bail hearing and so that is another reason why repeat criminals are released over and over again. Without bail, there is no incentive to show up for trial and so many criminals don't show up and that is why they also can repeat crimes over and over again without consequence. Another catastrophe is about to happen in California.  Over a thousand sexual predators have been released without serving much of their sentence. Most of these are pedophiles.  It is controversial whether pedophilia can be cured, so why release them. My advice to parents, look up your children if you do not want them to become a crime statistic. Some of these pedophiles may move to New York City as the city council voted to not allow apartment owners to perform background checks on prospective renters.  Now honest hardworking New Yorkers may have a criminal living next door and not know it.

      Lately, many of the criminals who commit what appear to be random acts of violence are mentally ill,  drug addicted, and homeless.  We can thank left wing activists in the 1970s who easily convinced mental hospitals to release most of the patients with a prescription and an out patient followup appointed,  The prescription were rarely filled and the mentally ill were never seen again, only to wind up homeless and drug addicted.  The activists said that most mental patients weren't dangerous to themselves or society, but as it has turned out this isn't true.   Being institutionalized is safer and healthier than being addicted, homeless, and violent.

      Granted, a mental institution is no great place to live, but it is a place where addiction can be treated and patient scan be given appropriate medications and therapy, allowing some to be released. Building homeless areas ignores the real problem and money is wasted unless it goes to treatment. Many of the homeless are veterans suffering from PTSD and there just may be a treatment for this using macrodosing of psychedelics under supervision.  It would be wonderful if homeless veterans could be turned into useful citizens again, That's a much better option then allowing unencumbered drug use with used syringes and needles littering streets and neighborhoods. 

     Mayors and some governors have ignored or even supported some of these failed policies.  More funding and better training for police will help, but judges should be allowed to imposed cash bail and district attorneys need to properly charge crimes. Soros bought DAs ought to be fired or recalled.  Criminal justice certainly needs to be reformed with sentencing more standardized as well as parole. Biden made a big deal of releasing all federal prisoners who were in prison on purely marijuana charges. How many did that release? None.  It was Obama who released more than 1700 prisoners who were guilty of drug crimes, some who were also guilty of gun crimes.  This leads me to my final thought. The left is opposed to gun ownership, but like immigration treats legal and illegal the same.  Nearly all gun crimes are performed by guns that have been obtained illegally.  Chicago, despite some of the stricter gun laws, leads the nation in gun crimes. Years need to be added to any sentence for anyone who commits a crime with a gun and even more with an illegal one. Though that may not serve as a deterrence, it will keep those criminals locked up longer.

      Social justice is not the answer.  It has led to a huge crime wave everywhere, but especially in those states and cities that have tried to pass laws favoring it.  We don not need more social justice.  We need more criminal justice.


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

An Update on Peak Lithium

       As Dr, Democracy, I always perform extensive research in the writing and publication of my blog and continue to monitor future developments,  In March, 2022, I published a blog,  Peak Lithium.  The blog based on the now defunct concept of 'peak oil," stated that lithium was in limited supply and would possibly peak and then run out in the 2030s, so the internal combustion engine will continue to be necessary and dominate use for motorized vehicles. But after continuing my research (and with help from one of my followers) on this topic, I have discovered that there is a source of lithium in the magnitude of gigatons that is available from the oceans.  Apparently lithium is one of numerous minerals that is present in seawater and might be extracted for industrial use.  Though present in only a few parts per million in sea water, the size of  the oceans is so vast, that it should never run out.

      Development of techniques are currently underway and a very promising technique has been developed at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia (the KAUST Group).  It is not clear that this technique can be applied for collection of lithium on an industrial scale and that facilities can be constructed at a reasonable cost and size to produce lithium in quantity at a reasonable price, but it does show that the potential is clearly there.  If this process is available at a reasonable cost and that significant amounts of lithium can be extracted, it could even potentially reduce the cost of lithium batteries and EVs making them affordable  and make the recycling of lithium batteries that require large amounts of energy and cost to recover, no longer necessary.

      There is at least one or two negatives. The KLAUST Group, like most academic institutions, patents its discoveries and licensing it to various companies throughout the world could be expensive, if even available for the time being. In addition, plantt construction and cost of other infrastruction and the chemicals necessary to make this process work may be expensive or limited as well.  Finally the main scientists responsible for this work are Chinese and have been honored by the Communist Chinese government for other work done at the KAUST Group.  The Chinese currently control most of the world's lithium mining, as they control strip mining in Ausrtalia and extraction from swamp marshes in Chile, two of the largest sources.  They could wind up controlling access to the patents and thus continue to control the materials necessary for EV batterie as well as the prices. Though the Chinese ordinarily don't pay attention to patents, as they steal technology from all over the world,  I doubt whether they would use the technique without paying for licensing of the patents as the backlash in Saudi Arabia would not be worth it.  Chinese scientists in Saudi Arabia would be immediately expelled and Chinese influenc in the Middle Easte significantly reduced.  Lastly, would extraction of quantities of the ocean's lithium affect the sustainability of certain sea animals and plants? Nowadays, that will have to be considered.  Could it be possible to dump batteries back in the ocean and let the oceans reclaim the lithium over time? 

      To summarize, an almost unlimited source of lithium for EV batteries may be available and several techniques have been developed to extract it for commercial use. That these techniques  for extraction in necessary amounts at a reasonable cost has not been stated at this time. Furthermore, it is possible that China will have a monopoly on this source. Lastly will this impact the environment? I will continue to monitor this work and update when these questions can be answered.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Look Who Joe Biden is Plagarizing Now

                       :"Those who do not remember the past, are condemned to repeat it."

    Hitler, who was obviously mentally ill, a psychopath, came to power in 1930's Germany, loudly expressing his misinterpretation of history that attacked Jews and convinced the German people that they belong to a super Aryan race and that it was Jews and socialists that lost WWI. He considered them and other marginalized groups enemies.The burning of the Reichstag building in 1933 under suspicious circumstance, was blamed on socialists and allowed Hitler to assume absolute control. A series of laws were passed that were aimed at the Jewish community. Jewish newspapers were cancelled and Jews gradually lost their citizenship and ability to own weapons and hold certain jobs. Eventually public schools were closed to Jewish children. The  culmination of antisemitism resulted  in Krystallnacht on 11/10/38  in which Jewish shops and synagogues were burned and looted. Jews were attacked and beaten and 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to concentration camps to provide slave labor. Germans who spoke up risked arrest or beating. Jews could be expelled, but many countries, including the United States, refused to accept them. President Roosevelt turned back a steamer filled with educated mostly professionals Jews who were forced to return to Hamberg and were then sent to concentration camps where many died.  Meanwhile, Hitler offered the rest of the German population improved infrastructure, free medical care, and free and cheap entertainment, much geared to propaganda while he consolidated his power.  Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Minister of Propaganda, spent much time and money to support the Aryian falsehood.  We all know that things did not end well for Hitler, Goebbels, and the German people



       Joe Biden has a long history of plagiarism and though WW2 and Hitler ended more than 75 years ago, we see history repeating itself to a certain degree. (I am certainly not in any way saying that Biden is a murderous psychopath, but he is using tactics like many dictators, including Hitler, to eliminate his opposition.) We now have a president who is mentally challanged, but capable of yelling as he rails against his opposition that consists of people who didn't vote for him. The people he sides with are cancelling our history and substituting one for it that produced hatred and racism.  The founders of our country and Constitution are now accused of terrible crimes and thus their statues, place in history, and even our great Constitution are considered for cancellation.  On the other hand, like Hitler's SA thugs, responsible for Krystallnacht, BLM and Antifa have rioted, looted and burned our cities causing billions of dollars in damages,  even murdering police officers and yet few were tried and most released in a day a two.  The Vice President even helped fund their bail. To establish his and the Democrats consolidation of power, they have raised the level of 1/6/20 march on Washington to an insurrection, despite the lack of weapons and attacks. People who were there have been arrested and held for months without bail or even a hearing. There is some evidence that FBI  associates infiltratoed and encouraged the peaceful crowd that had gathered to protest the corrupt presidential election, to enter the capitol building. The only death was that of an unarmed woman, a military veteran,  who was shot by a Washington police officer, who had a history of excessive use of forces, as she crawled through a window. (He was not punished as he was black and the woman white) The FBI and DoJ have been weaponized and have gone after President Trump and his associates treating them like violent criminals, serving subpoenas and making arrests with SWAT teams and multiple armed agents in the middle of the night as if elderly men, who had already been cooperating, were a violent risk. Somehow these arrests and raids were leaked to favorable media sources.The DoJ has ignored the law and arrest those who are protesting outside the houses of some Supreme Court justices, though they did arrest a potential assassin  Yet the FBI totally ignored  a laptop that contains incriminating information about the current President and his family until after the 2020 Presidential Election.  For a time they knowingly lied and encouraged the mainstream media to call it Russian disinformation.

    The current tactic is to call Republicans and Trump supporters extremists using terms like "ultramaga" and "semi fascist.  The corrupted Department of Justice has opened investigations on so-called extremists and even subpoenaed Mike Lindell, the "my pillow guy," seizing his phone. They invaded the Trump home at Mar a Lago, while he was away seizing boxes of previously declassified documents as well as documents covered by attorney-client privilege, his passports, newspapers, photographs, and whatever they took by tossing Melania's closet and Baron's room. The leaks to the media also occurred so they were on hand while all this was going on. By the way, Trump was already cooperating with the Archivists.  What they may have been looking for are documents that verify the 2020 election crimes and irregularities.

     Biden, with the encouragement from sneaky Susan Rice, has now provided for an addition 87,000 IRS agents. Taking a idea from the Obama administration, he is weaponizing the Treasury Department and the IRS to go after his enemies, just as Obama used the IRS to attack conservative non profits.  He has established a Disinformation Governance Board, anointing a disinformation queen, Nina Jankowicz to head it.  This is to shut down free speech by his political enemies and enhance his lies that "White Supremacy " is the greatest threat to democracy that our nation faces. This will certainly force many to keep their mouths shut or face investigations and reprisals.  Goebbels would be proud. (In California the left wing legislature has passed a bill to take away the license of any doctor who expresses disinformation about Covid-19.  Strange, since information and designformation are constantly changing to fit the left's political agenda.) 


     Though not Aryian mythology,  climate change has been used in similar fashion to force  very anti America, anti capitalism, and pro China policies. Promising to build tens of thousands of charging stations along our interstate highway system will allow the donations to roll in from contractors wanting to build the facilities and even companies hoping not only to operate the charging stations, but own the shops and restaurants that will necessarily have to be part since travelers will need something to do during their long wait for a charge. Will Jim Biden suddenly become an expert at constructing charging stations, just as he was paid millions to construct new housing in Iraq?  Maybe some company of which Hunter has a  secret share will get contracts too.

    Then there's the free stuff. American taxpayers are responsible for providing the free stuff that Joe Biden is giving away.  His latest gimmick to get votes is to pay off student loans or at least $10,000-20,000. He and the Democrats have all pushed for free medical care, education, housing, and cell phones for illegal aliens. Do Californian's want to provide free college education at its state college for illegals while its own citizens pay tuition?  Obama took over the student loan program in 2010, making the American taxpayers ultimately responsible for the loans, thus allowing colleges and universities to raise tuition and fees at an obscene rate. Though Biden claims to lower the cost of drugs, especially for seniors, it doesn't kick in for at least five years.A more practical way to lower drug prices is to lengthen the time of a patent so that companies can spread out recouping their expenses in developing new drugs. Profits on one drug are used to develop new drugs and this has been one of the miracles of modern America and capitalism.

    Finally, when all else fails, the Biden regime will just lie to the American people, thinking that if they say the same lies over and over again the American people are stupid enough to actually believe them.    


Friday, September 16, 2022

Escape from NewYorK...and California and Illinois

     The year is 1997 and the USA is at war with a Chinese-Russian alliance. A fifty foot wall has been constructed around Manhattan Island and the bridges to and from the island are mined. Due to a massive increase in crime nationwide, Manhattan Island has been converted into a penal colony and those sent there are sentenced for life.  Manhattan Islnd is run by the criminals themselves, survival of the fittest. This is the premise of the John Carpenter cult classic Escape From New York, first screened in 1981. Its now 25 years since 1997, but things seem to be heading in the same direction, except that it is still possible to escape from New York and many New Yorkers and their businesses have chosen to do so. The escapees are trying to leave high taxes and high crime behind.  Many are headed to Florida that has low taxes and a much lower crime rate. Florida has not defunded the police or restricted their ability to arrest criminals.  There is still bail in place, so criminals are not released a few hours after they are arrested with little or no consequences or regard for their victims, and DAs are not eliminating or reducing sentences on criminals. About the largest crime problem occurred in 2018 at Marjorie Stoneman Dpughlas High School in Coral Springs, Florida.  The root of this mass murder was the result of the Broward County (Florida's "bluest" county) hiring Robert Runcie as School Superintendent.  Runcie had a reputation for lowering the crime rate of Chicago schools and the School Board wanted to do this for Broward Schools.  Unfortunately, Runcie's technique was to simply tell principals to ignore criminal activity and not report it to the police.  As a result, Nikolas Cruz, could have been jailed, and\or his weaoon seized from previous incidents. Runcie has since been fired by Gov. DeSantis and has been indicted for lying to a grand jury.  

    New York has a state and in in some places a city income tax and death tax.  For years elderly New York retirees have been moving to Florida to avoid these taxes, especially since the money is being used for people who don't even try to benefit society as well as by corrupt politicians and their political favorites.  Though Florida is by no means perfect, it is certainly a much better place to live than New York. Some Well Street Companies have moved and there is even talk of moving the NY stock Exchange as people are now afraid to go to work, especially after a prominent financial executive of Goldman Sachs was murdered while going to lunch.

      California is also on fire for high crime and taxes, especially since woke DAs, financially supported by George Soros, are releasing and/or undercharging criminals so they can run wild in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Homelessness and open drug use are ruining those two cities and their streets are filled with used needles and syringes and human feces. Tent cities and garbage strewn everywhere are abundant even in so called good safe neighborhoods.  US Rep. and Democrat candidate for mayor of LA, Karen Bass,  was recently robbed of her guns during a home break-in. The criminals were caught and one held on $500K bail and the other released with no bail. HUH!  Tax money is being used to pay for a massive welfare program that includes illegal aliens including free education including college, the education that other legitimate California citizens have to pay for and is covered by everyone's taxes. As a result, Californians are leaving and heading mostly to Texas and some to Florida. Governor Gavin Newsom has even put up billboards in Florida trying to lure former Californians back. He has been critical of Florida's highly successful Governor Ron DeSantis.  DeSantis has been a thorn in the side of these woke Democrats because of his success.  Now Newsom has asked political hack US Attorney General Merrick Garland to arrest DeSantis for kidnapping human trafficking after Desantis recently flew 50 illegal aliens to Martha's Vineyard.  The illegals were from the 47 plane loads that Biden flew from the southern border to Jacksonville, Florida in the cover of night.  If Garland arrests DeSanti,s he would have to arrest Biden.

      Chicago also has experienced a massive increase in crime with no respect for real victims, except for Jussie Smolett's who wasn't really a victim and got off with a slap on the wrist for his real crime. Now the Illinois legislature in their great wisdom after seeing the failure of New York and California has passed laws that don't allow bail for numerous crimes including second degree murder. Also the police are not allowed to remove trespassers. Imagine coming home from a night out with your family and finding a homeless family has climbed in through an open window and asleep in your beds. It would not be the Goldilocks fairytale. A call to police to remove them would be a waste of time. I wonder what would happen if billionaire Governor Pritzker found a group of homeless occupying his estate.   On top of all this, the Democrats want to take guns from law abiding citizens. 

    What is the end game of the Democrat Party.  It can't be just votes.  A perfect example is Germany during the 20s and 30s. An uthoritarian regime came to power and in fact brought criminals into its ranks calling them "Brown Shirts" and took guns away from the general public as the Brown Shirts ravaged the homes and business of those the regime deemed enemies of the state including Jews and political opponents, ultimately arresting them and putting them in concentration camps where they were either summarily executed or worked to death as slave labor.  The low level criminals in our big cities could go to work for the Democrats who would promise them the houses and businesses of their enemies if they helped round them up.  Don't laugh. BLM thugs have started to do this with the money they extorted from big business.  Could you believe what is going on right now? If on 1/20/21, you wanted to list of things to do to make life in America worse for Americans and aid our enemies, it would include everythi8ng that Biden and the Democrats have done to America. The Woke experiment is a failure, we can't let it continue.



Friday, May 20, 2022

CRT is not the Only Thing You have to Worry About at Your Children's Schools.

      For decades there has been a slow but steady effort to infiltrate our public and private school systems with Marxist ideology and propaganda. The exact date for this nefarious strategy is unclear, but events in the 1960s made it obvious to the far left that this could work. WW2 changed America. With many men in the military, the way was open for women to take on almost any kind of job.  They did and were very successful and helped in their own way to assure victory over Germany and Japan.  After the wa,r there was no stopping them and the scope of jobs available for women increased.  Two family incomes were better than one and the labor force was increasing filled with women. As a result, women spent less time raisin their children, especially after they started school. Many working women naturally participated less in their children'dsschools.  Education was certainly stressed, in fact, for women even more so as they were obviously becoming a valuable part of the American work force, and although the top positions were limited, it was obvious that they would be forthcoming.  Attendance at PTA meetings suffered as did attendance at school board meeting.  With the opposition to the Viet Nam War, especially at our universities, the far left saw another opening and took advantage.  College professors are often detached from the real world and publishing articles is part of their job description. Far left concepts could now be legitimately used for this purpose.  One of the worst was the Coward-Piven Theory, that ultimately suggested that welfare payments could be used as a weapon to bankrupt the government, severely reduce the value of the dollar, and then leave the way open for capitalism to fail and a new socialist economy to take its place. Richard Cloward was one of Obama's favorites professors, when he attended Columbia.  After becoming President Obama adopted this philosophy, put it on steroids and went on a taxing and spending spree.  Fortunately the economy survived and was brought back by intelligent legislation under Trump. 

      Meanwhile our K-12 educational system was insidiously being infiltrated by Marxist, who wanted to destroy America by trying to indoctrinate our children with Marxist philosophy that is disguised as something else. In addition, school boards across the country are being filled with people who were dedicated to encouraging this horrible curriculum.  Hate filled CRT was the issue that caused parents to regain interest in their children schools. The elections of  Obama,  Marxist thought that this was their opening and then the acceptance of the anti Trump narrative that followed, made them think that they could spread up their infiltration. Marxism teaches that there is a conflict between workers and the those in charge, be it government or a private company.  Conflict is the main term, and so CRT uses racism as a means to force their propaganda.  Imagine the effect of telling a six year old white child that he is an oppressor due to his skin color or a black child that he can't succed because ho is oppressed by his white classmate.  Sexuality can also be used in similar fashion, especially when telling young children who are just realizing that there are differences between boys and girls that there are other sexual aspects that they need to worry about. Naturally the left tries to use anti bullying as the necessity, but anti bullying can be dealt with in a more effective and less confusing way, emphasizing the uniqueness of each person and the variety of skills of which there are infinite examples. 

      Parents were alerted and responded, by demanding to take back control of their children's education, realizing that an educational system that they trusted has been teaching harmful propaganda to their children, and is no doubt the reason why college students and young adults have been misdirected and hate America.  At home learning that the left unnecessarily forced on our children was very damaging and put million behind, especially those children in underserved areas and Democrat run cities and school boards. This woke up parent who could now see the garbage that was being fed to their children. Parents have been protesting at school board meetings and taken over school boards by running for office.  The teachers unions, that are highly invested in Marxism, have protested parent's rights and have gotten the Biden-Obama weaponized FBI into calling protesting parents terrorists. Currently the AG is Merrick Garland who has demonstrated time and time again that he is a political hack, and certainly does not have the knowledge and skill to be a Supreme Court justice.

      With many state legislatures outlawing CRT being taught in their schools, the parents may have thought that they have won a significant battle, but the war on propaganda and America hating is far from over. There is an even more subtle and more dangerous propaganda that has being taught for more than two decades, that is also Marxist and whose main purpose is to obliterate the American economy.  This is Climate Change. Apocalyptic anthropogenic climate change AACC) is based on a series of lies and manipulated data. The origin goes back to an Austrian Nazi who hated America and capitalism currently lives in Beijing  first convince the UN that this is an important policy. Then he convinced  Al Gore to be the front man on this issue, basically telling Gore he could make a lot of money and he has. Of course this has worked its way into our school's science curriculum. By indoctrinating our children with this propaganda, the Marxists will guarantee destruction of our economy.  The Paris Climate Accord is primarily aimed at destroying America's economy and secondarily those of western Europe.  Russia and China are currently exempt,  China continues to build coal powered plants as quickly as possible. Under Trump, America dropped out of the Paris Accord and American energy led the world.  In fact, America producing so much natural gas and oil that, we were able to export it.  Our economy soared and consumer energy costs were low. When Biden took office, he immediately reversed all of the energy policies that Trump had put in place and America no longer was a net exporter, but became an importer again relying on Russia and Iran among others for oil. This caused energy prices to increase slowly at first, but eventually exponentially that caused rapid inflation, as the price of goods and services as nearly all are tied to energy in one way or another.  Any good American president, who would see this happening, would immediately open the energy spigots and see that inflation would slowly abate, but this President, controlled by Obama, refuses to do this.  The Fed will raise interest rates, but this is a bandaide not a cure. Obama wanted to enact "cap and trade" when he was first elected and had control of Congress, but was advised that it had no chance of passing.  Cap and trade is a system in which the government limits each business's "carbon footprint." If a company needs more carbon, it would be able to purchase it on a carbon exchange (Gore and Strong purchased the Chicago Carbon Exchange for this purpose) and those that didn't need all they were assigned could sell them as credits through the exchange.  Eventually assigning carbon credits would also fall to individuals and families.  At the time this had no way of passing and so Obama switched his effort to ruining our economy with Obamacare.

      The key to understanding  that AACC is fake science, is that its propagandists refuse to debate it, despite all of the lies and disinformation that has been exposed. Scaring people by telling them that the world will be destroyed is a powerful propaganda message, so convincing that some young adults do not want to start a family. Some of the biggest proponents of this garbage have the largest individual carbon footprints,  another "for thee, but not for me." Obama, Al Gore, and John Kerry have some of the largest life style footprints.  The goal posts for the world's destruction keep being moved.  The Nazi originator gave 50 years for Earth's demise at 2006, which is about where Gore said it would be. This was moved to 2015, then the 2020. Currently we will be gone by 2030 according to these Marxists and their efforts have speeded up.  This is because many climatologists and astronomers predict a lengthy period of colder weather being around 2035.  That would make global warming a hard sell, so our economy must be destroyed before hand.  

      To rid us of this Marxist plan, we must divorce ourselves from the Paris Climate Accord and any other climate plan that attacks our economy.  The "green new deal" is a fraud and needs to be exposed.  I would favor a debate, as no doubt the Marxists would be exposed. Next, as with CRT, this propaganda must be banned in our schools and exposed as such. That will be the biggest fight as adults are more willing to listen to reason, but children often are not. It is important to separate climate change from environmental issues.  Everyone favors clean air and water and that should never be confused with climate change as green new dealers are apt to do.

      If exposing climate change propaganda is of interest to you, there are a number of articles that i have published in my blog going back to 2012 discussing the Nazi origins and its lies over the years. Please check them out.  


Sunday, May 15, 2022

Heil Comrade Biden's Truth Ministry

       At a hearing last week before the Senate Committee on DHS and Governmental Affairs, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, let on that the Biden administration has initiated a "truth bureau"  entitled the Ministry of Truth to counteract disinformation. To head this bureau, he has appointed Nina "Scary Poppins" Jankovicz a notorious source of disinformation.  That our government has the need to for a truth squad is reminiscent of Joseph Goebbels in Nazi Germany or the USSR's Pravda under Joseph Stalin in which the "truth bureau" was the main source for both brutal regimes of disinformation and propaganda.

      Why does Biden find this necessary? There are a number of reasons, some very obvious, and some even more important but less obvious. The fact that this became known shortly after it was announced the Elon Musk would purchase Twitter certainly seems like it may have served as an impetus as Twitter had been a major source of silencing Biden's opposition, including his rival  President Donald Trump who has been permanently banned by the current group at Twitter.  Musk has vowed to open twitter to all points of view, that made the left and Twitter employees become unhinged.  Imagine that supporting the First Amendment is a matter of controversy.  I suppose it is when the "truth Squad" at Twitter considers anything they don't like calling it mean and hate speech or disinformation. Twitter has been embarrassed on numerous occasion to find that what they deemed disinformation turned out to be true and the real disinformation is the side they took. Obviously they have served as a propaganda machine for Joe Biden and the radical wing of the Democrat party. They have questioned the world's richest man owning a company like the new Twitter that will serve as an open forum.  Even the editorial board of the Washington Post has questioned this forgetting the world's second richest man is its owner. This is just another example of far left hypocrisy.

      But it gets worse, Mayorkas has appointed Nina "Scary Poppins" Jankowicz, who has made a career based on disinformation. Her two biggest lies were the fake Trump-Russia collusion based on the Clinton paid for Steele dossier that wasted three years and millions of dollars and calling the Hunter Biden laptop hard drive information Russian disinformation. It was truly amazing when Mayorkas claimed ro be unaware of her dubious background. In fact,  she will term anything the regime disagrees with as disinformation from Russia or another foreign country. You see, Mayorkas has said it will be from disinformation from foreign sources that the Ministry of Truth will examine. Recall, this is exactly what rogue FBI agents used to disparage Carter Page and others associated with President Trump in obtaining FISA warrants. Susan Rice, who had access to this material, looked at over 200 in the finale weeks of the Obama regime for no logical reason, except spying on Trump and his potential advisors and appointees looking for dirt. It wouldn't surprise me if she has both access and control of what Jankowicz ultimately reports as she is the liaison between Obama and the Biden, holding a position for which she has no experience. Anything bad for Biden will be deemed disinformation.

      We know that after the midterms, unless there is serious voter fraud, the Republican will retake the house and more than likely the Senate. With nothing to loose, as he is essentially a lame duck, Biden and Obama's most destructive policy will come to the forefront and that is Apocalyptic anthropogenic climate change. The left has been pushing this destructive lie for years in a slow, but very thought out and effective plan.  The one thing the left refuses to do is to debate the issue in a meaningful way using another standard lie filled response, its proven science, though it is not. Unable to get any serious legislation passed, he will try to resort to executive orders to further destroy the American economy, Obama's "fundamental change" from 2008. spending us into debt, depression, and recession. The Truth Ministry will be used to deflect criticism of this Nazi hoax, as more and more science based information has been published that disproves the severity of climate change, if it even exists and that Man has anything to do with it. Like the real science behind Covid-19, the truth about climate change will be repressed.

      Americans should be appalled that Obama and Biden have come up with this blatant attempt to over ride the First Amendment,  obscure the truth, and instead push a false narrative especially since the false narrative is to destroy the American economy and our way of life.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Leaked SCOTUS Document

      Last week, the unthinkable occurred. A document containing a preliminary opinion written by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, was leaked to Politico. The case case, Dobbs vs Jackson,  argued last February. Leaking of any Supreme Court decision either preliminary or final has never occurred and is a violation of ethics and all clerks and court personal are warned about this.  The law suit concerns a new Mississippi law that limits abortions to the first 15 weeks of pregnancy.  It does not prohibit abortion.  The opinion states that the Supreme Court decision of the 1970s, Roe vs Wade was fundamentally wrong and that abortion law should be left to the states. There is no guarantee that this document will mirror the final decision, but one would have thought that WW3 had been declared.  Democrats and especially the far left became totally unhinged.
      Chief Justice John Roberts has launched an investigation to find who leaked this document. It is thought that it was probably a clerk, but it could be anyone with access to the document even including an actual justice. Little information in regard to the investigation has been forthcoming and the MSM seems to have little interest, though some consider the leaker a hero. My opinion and is that it was a clerk of one of the three liberal justices, Sotomayer, Kagan, or Breyer.  Though I think that Breyer has much  more integrity than the other two,  one of his clerks, knowing he/she will soon be out of a job, may have thought there was little to loose and a new lucrative job on CNN or MSDNC. 
      The rage on the left has demonstrated their  hypocrisy. Of course abortion has not been banned anywhere and more than likely most states, if not all, will allows some abortions even if it is just for rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother. Many will probably list a cut off at a fetal age, some obviously more than others.  Most Americans believe abortion after the first trimester should be forbidden, I wonder where these hypocrites were, who claim that the government is telling them what they can do with their bodies, when the Biden regime demanded mask and vaccination mandates. Sadly, people have died from Covid-19 vaccinations and others have had to be hospitalized, as neither mandate has worked and in some instances has had deleterious undesirable side effects.  The real purpose of the mandates was to show the power the Biden administration has in controlling Americans. In addition, sixty million black babies have been aborted since Roe v Wade went into effect. Where is Black Lies Matter and other racial activists?  I guess the lives of black babies really don't matter to the left.
      Paid professional demonstrators have been enlisted to aid in demonstrations at the Supreme Court building and nationwide, disrupting services at Catholic churches.  The Washington, DC police have found it necessary to encase the Supreme Court building with high fencing and supply extra security.  In addition, a malicious zealot posted the home addresses of six of the Supreme Court justices and police are now required to supply extra security as demonstrations at their residences are raucous and fortunately are yet to turn violent.  The demonstrations at SCOTUS justices' homes are illegal and the DOJ should be taking names and arresting people. If this opinion favored the people that are now protesting,  no doubt the FBI would be arresting people if the Right to Lifers were protesting at justices' homes, no matter how peaceful. Last weekend two Molotov cocktails were heaved into a Right to Life office in Wisconsin. Thankfully, no one was  injured, but there was considerable fire damage. No arrests yet. As we have seen, AG Merrick Garland is not one who always follows the laws when it may effect leftist radicals, but has demonstrated time and time again that he is little more than a political hack rapidly sicking the FBI onpsrents peacefully protesting at school board meetings.  Thank goodness  his Obama sponsored nomination was held up, as he is obviously not  Supreme Court justice material.
      Politically, the motivation for this dastardly act could have been to mobilize Democrat voters for the November midterm elections. Biden has been a disaster for America and the left are far behind in the polls. They are likely to loose one or both houses of Congress. The Democrats have benefited with fundraising, bringing in more than $3 million and polls show more Democrats will vote, but the same poll reports that more Republicans than Democrats will vote due to this issue.
      There are numerous ways to enjoy sex and avoid pregnancy beside abortion, all of which are simpler and safer than abortion, a surgical procedure. Men and women who do not want pregnancy should consider other options. Mistakes may have unwanted consequences.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

The Historic 2008 Presidential Election and What It Means Now

       The United States Presidential Election of 2008 was truly historic.  It was the first time a communist was elected president. Yes, Barack Obama had a D after his name, but it should have been a C as it solidified the Democrat Party's abrupt shift to the far left.  Shielded by the MSM and by Dreams From My Father, an  autobiography, ghosted by Bill Ayers, filled with lies and disinformation, Obama's communist ties and real upbringing were hidden from the general public.  It took me a significant amount of time to research his life before he became a US senator.  What truly amazed me was that neither John McCain, Mitt Romney, or their surrogates ever took advantage of his communist background during their campaigns.  If the truth had come out, he would never have been elected.

      Obama was mentored, during his teenage years in Hawaii, by admitted communist Frank Marshall Davis, who had moved there in semi retirement and to represent the long shoremen's union in Honolulu. In "Dreams", he claimed that Davis was a drinking pal of his grandfather and he merely tagged along. In reality, Davis is the very reason why he showed up in Chicago, a city where he had no ties, after graduating from Columbia. Due to Davis's recommendation, he was immediately welcomed with open arms by the far left leadership, including Ayers.  Obama began work as a community organizer, using Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals as a primer.  He contributed little to the protest at Altgeld Gardens, a horrendous place built in the mid 1940s housing a 99% African American population.  He left that to others, though in his book he claimed responsibility for summer jobs and asbestos removal. His first visit to Chicago didn't last long. With the help of Bill Ayers and his father, CEO of Commonwealth Edison utility, he went on to Harvard Law School to continue his education. after graduation, he returned to Chicago, joining Davis, Minor, Barnhill, and Gallard, a law firm that mostly practiced civil rights litigation. One of his early cases was using  President Carter's Community Redevelopment Act to force banks and S&Ls to give mortgages to those who would probably never repay them.  This, in part, was the reason for the financial crisis in 2008. Obama lied and claimed he had nothing to do with the law suit against City Group, yet he listed on the court documents.  Obama's career sky rocketed from here, being appointed to various far left organizations that someone with very limited experience would have ever been asked to join in eluding the Woods Foundation, that served as a laundrymat for far left dark money.

      Obama ventured into politics as the campaign chairman for Alice Palmer.  Palmer was a communist and Illinois state senator, who saw an opportunity to advance her career when the seat of the US House of Representatives came open, when Mel Reynolds was convicted of statutory rape of an underage campaign worker.  Palmer lost the crowded primary to Jessie Jackson Jr. and decided to seek her old state senate seat again.  Obama turned against her by entering the race. Prior to the primary he had Palmer and another candidate disqualified and won the seat unopposed.  He ran on both the Democrat Party and New Party (Communist Party) tickets.(The US Supreme Court later banned the practice of running on more than one party's ticket) Despite virtually little to claim as an accomplishment while a member of the Illinois State Senate, Obama entered the race for an open seat on the US Senate. Running well behind in both the Democrat primary and final elecgtion, he resorted to dirty tricks.  His campaign managed to unseal sealed divorce proceedings of both his Democrat and Republican opponents and again won the Senate seat essentially unopposed.  With virtually no real accomplishments and with a number associations with communists and far leftists, he entered the 2008 presidential race and managed to get the Democrat nomination over Hillary Clinton and other more accomplished Democrats. 

      Ironically, Obama had his records from Columbia sealed not only to hide his grades, though I am certain they were all very good, but to hide how he, a mediocre student at Occidental College in California, was able to gain admission to Columbia as well as courses and their professors he took.Two of his professors were Richard Cloward in Sociology and Edward Said  professor of Mideastern Studies. Said later was forced to retire after his book, Orientalism,  an anti Israel and pro Palestinian work, was later found to be based on false personal information and replaced by an Obama friend from Chicago, Rashid Khalidi. Cloward though is the basis for Obama destructive policies.  Richard Cloward along with his wife Francis Ford Piven proposed a theory in 1966 that a guaranteed annual income would end poverty and create a financial crisis that would essentially destroy the dollar and capitalism and replace it with socialism.  Obama during his presidency used this theory, but on steroids, doubling the national debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion using wasteful and unnecessary spending.  The Affordable Care Act. also known as Obamacare, contributed significantly to this, as it was neither affordable or about medical care, but it was certain an act, as Obama lied to tell Americans they could keep their doctor, their plan, and hospital.  The  cost of the web site was more than the cost of Trump's wall. Another thing Obama did was take over responsibility for college student loans.  This immediately gave colleges and universities the go ahead to raise tuition and fees significantly as they now knew that the government would cover the loans that went into default,  Currently there are $1.6 trillion in loans outstanding.  Forgiving part or all of these loans as the far left would like him to do in the face of record inflation would further destroy the economy and place us into a recession.

      Trump shocked the world when he won the presidential election in 2016 and immediately set about reversing much of the Obama's destructive policies, mostly by executive order.  His biggest mistake and that of the Republicans was not having a plan in place to replace Obamacare, although they were able to rid it of some of its money wasting portions. Two of the best policies Trump reversed were the Marxist Par4is Accord and the agreement with Iran, that may have been the worst deal ever. Obama could not let Trump win in 2020, as he would have probably had no legacy left and America would have been far far away from transitioning to a socialist/communist system. Obama weaponized most of the executive branches of government, especially Justice (including CIA, FBI, and NSA). State was also significantly weaponized.

      The options for the Democrats in 2020 looked very slim.  Though there were almost two dozen candidates at one time or another, none seemed very popular and Bernie Sanders, who wasn't really a Democrat leading the pack. Hillary Clinton seemed to be the source for the fake Russia dossier, that was used to try to disparage Trump, but It was Obama who had used Susan Rice to spy on Trump and his associates up until the day Trump took the oath of office. The weaponized departments  of the executive branch were used to undermine Trump and his effort to right America's ship.  Obama needed to find someone to replace Sanders at the top of the ballot and he went to his VP Joe Biden. Biden had been selected, not so much for his political acumen, but for the protection he afforded Obama from getting impeached as no one would want the forever incompetent Biden.  Despite being Obama's VP, Biden was never known for his approach to civil rights and in fact could be something of a bigot.  Obama asked South Carolina congressman, James Clyburn a pillar of the Black Congressional Caucus to support Biden as part of his plan and thus Biden won the South Carolina primary and never looked back. Biden was well awatre of the deal and agreed to let Obama run the show.  For the same reason Obama chose Biden, he had Biden choose Kamala Harris, an unlikeable light weight as his running mate, but a woman of color to help solidify the black and female vote.  Obama would step in when need and use Susan Rice as the intermediary.  Susan Rice, sneaky, slimy Susan, had no problem doing dirty work and Biden appointed her to a position for which she had no background, but a position that did not require approval. With Covid-19 as an excuse, the Democrats limited Biden's public exposure and demanded unsolicited mail in ballots.  Despite Covid-19, the presidential election of 2020 had the most votes cast.  At 2 AM, it looked like Trump was going to win again, with a lead of more than 200,000 votes in a number of key swing states.  Then suddenly at 2;01 AM  the vote count reversed itself and eventually Biden was declared the winner. (Check out Dinesh D'Souza's new movie 2000 Mules that shows one of the ways the election was stolen.)

      On January 20, shortly after his inauguration, Biden signed a stack of executive orders replacing the successes of the Trump administration with the failures of his and Obama's regime.  He has considered to do so, even ignoring successful court challenges, especially to his open border policy.  Obama wants an open border as this is another money wasting policy, giving illegal aliens free medical care, education, and money for housing and food stamps will continue to stress the American economy and add to inflation and recession. That is the real purpose of the open border, not the path to citizenship.  A path to citizenship would be a bonus, but much harder to achieve.  Likewise subsidizing nonrenewable energy sources is another way of wasting money, especially while at the same time penalizing our oil and natural gas industry that during Trump's administration. had reasonable energy costs and were so abundant that America could make money from exports. 

      The latest step toward communism has just occurred.  Obama recently made a speech about eliminating disinformation.  When Elon Musk purchased Twitter and has said he wants to make it open to all speech, the left went crazy. We don't want a billionaire controlling a platform with free speech.  No they prefer another billionaire restricting free speech and using misinformation with ownership of the Washington Post. Now Obama has had Biden establish a Disinformation Governance Board from Stalin's or Goebbels playbook.  They have appointed a political hack, Nina Jankowitz, who had been responsible for some of the most serious disinformation. The fox has been appointed to run the henhouse. Obama is getting desperate as it looks like the Democrats will loose big time during the midterms. Withholding the truth or replacing it was propaganda from potential voters might help in a few instances. I wonder if she will try to shut down Twitter or Fox News. Does this mean that the climate change hoax will remain active or that the weak strains of Covid will require more lockdowns, masks, and other draconian measures that really don't work and bring back unsolicited mail in ballots. 

(I will write a special article on the leaked Supreme Court document soon.  I'm working to get more details on the leak that seems to have lost importance in the news.  This issue is filled with Democrat hypocrisy.)


Friday, April 22, 2022

Earth Day Story (reprinted from my original story from April 22, 2012)

      In honor of Earth Day, I am going to tell you my favorite Earth Day story.  It did not originate with me, but I have checked the dates and it is certainly true.  Earth Day began on April 22, 1970 in Philadelphia.  Though probably not the founder, Ira Einhorn, something of a 1960s hippie, counterculturist, and left wing radical, nonetheless claimed to be. Ira soon became a favorite of the limousine liberals in Philadelphia and called himself the "Unicorn"as Einhorn is German for one horn.  He managed to eke out a living through his connection to Earth Day as a consultant.  He was popular enough that Holly Maddox, a local model, moved in with him in 1972.  In 1977, having tired of Einhorn, Holly decided that her career was going nowhere in Philadelphia and decided to take up an offer and move to New York City, where there were many more opportunites.  Ira did not take kindly to this, but Ms Maddox left anyway. Having achieved some success in Gotham, Ms. Maddox returned to Philadelphia at Einhorn's request to pick up the remainder of her stuff.  While in Philadelphia, she disappeared.  The police investigated and Ira told them that she went to the drug store for some cigarettes and never returned.  He thought she had decided to go back to New York.  The investigation went nowhere until eighteen months later,  when Ira's neighbors reported a terrible odor emanating from his apartment.  That's when the police discovered her body in a steamer trunk in Ira's closet and arrested him.  He was then dubbed the "Unicorn Killer" in the local media.  Einhorn claimed the FBI stashed the body in his apartment.  Barbara Bronfman, a limousine liberal friend, posted the 10% of his forty thousand dollar bail that had been reduced from two million dollars and attorney and future Pennsylvania senator Arlen Spector represented him.  Before the trial, but after the arraignment,  Einhorn skipped bail and disappeared.  He was tried in absentia and convicted of a brutal murder in1992. Seventeen years after he disappeared he was found living in France and married to a Swedish woman.  He fought extradition for five years, but was eventually returned to Philadelphia, retried and convicted and sentenced to life in prison without parole.  Ironically the day of his arrest, March 28, 1979, coincides with the date of the worst nuclear disaster in American history less than one hundred miles away at Three Mile Island.

      How many people died at Three Mile Island? The answer is none.  How ironic, the man who claimed to have founded Earth Day killed more people than the worst nuclear disaster in American history.  By the way, I corrected Wikipedia on the date and gave them the reference to Three Mile Island confirmed by references in the Philadelphia Inquirer

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Peak Lithium

     In 1956, M. King Hubbert published a paper on peak oil.  His theory is that at some point in time, as the amount of reserves of oil decrease, the cost of raising oil would become too costly for it to be economically feasible for use. At the time, it was predicted that this would occur by 2006.  The theory was quite flawed as known reserves increased drastically as well as techniques to raise oil including horizontal drilling and fracking. In addition, the costs of these procedures came down significantly and so the theory has been abandoned with predictions of oil lasting from 200 to 2000 years.  

      Because of the failure of the Peak Oil Theory, another misguided theory of apocalyptic anthropogenic climate change has replaced it.  (Ironically, when apocalyptic anthropogenic climate change was first discussed in a work of fiction in1956, it also predicted doom by 2006.) One of the main proposals to save the planet is to switch from internal combustion engines (ICE) to electric vehicles (EV).  Evs are battery driven and the main element in these batteries is lithium. The advantages of lithium is that batteries can be recharged, produce an acceptable amount of heat, and produce energy for a reasonable amount of use before recharging is necessary.  Many countries including the United States would like to do away with ICE automobiles by 2035-2040, blaming them for the crisis of climate change. One of biggest promoters of the climate change theory is a country that is benefiting economically from this propaganda, while ignoring it themselves. That country is obviously China, the biggest polluter.  Both solar panels and batteries for EVs, cellphones, laptop computers, and other products that require powerful battery power are manufactured in China.

      As usual, the left hasn't considered the unintended consequences of lithium powered "green energy," in particular, the subject of this article. Currently, it is estimated that there are between 30-90 million tons of lithium reserves in the world.  This element is found in two states, either as an ore or in liquid form in salt marshes.  About 1/3 of the world's lithium is located in Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina in salt marshes.  There is some controversy to collecting it from salt marshes as the lithium containing salt water  is forced to the surface by replacing it with fresh  clean water from the local aquifers. Most of the salt marsh lithium is mined in Chile and very little in Bolivia and Argentina political, economic, and access reasons. The largest producer of lithium is Australia as ore from mines deep within the earth's surface. This ore is also rich in aluminum and requires a complex separation process.  Currently extraction techniques have received pushback from environmentalists, as building mines requires removing significant amounts of overlay, destroying grazing lands and the habitat of some species of endangered plants and animals.  Even though new techniques are being developed to cause less environmental damage, it is unlikely that the our government will make permitting easy, as 10% of lithium reserves are located in the United States, mostly in Nevada.  Currently because of the difficulty in permitting and the cost of mining, little lithium is mined in America. Of note, is that China has partnered with Australia in mining lithium for its battery production. 

      About 300,000 tones of lithium is mined yearly to meet current needs, but with goals all over the world to promote EVs, this could easily go to 20xs or more of that amount. Like oil, lithium is not a renewable and although battery powered vehicles run much cleaner than ICE's,  recovering the lithium and producing the batteries are not particularly clean processes. It is predicted that lithium reserves could be used up by 2035-2040. Fortunately lithium batteries are recyclable.  Unfortunately, the recycling process recovers only about 50% of the lithium, though a new technique, developed in Finland, may recover as much as 80%.  The recovery process requires very high temperatures, like those from carbon fired plants, so carbon based products are necessary.  In addition, there is the problem of cobalt in the cathode that is toxic and also not particularly abundant.  Most of it is found and mined in the Democratic Republic of the Congo by child slave labor controlled by, you guessed it, China.   Cobalt is very toxic and of great danger during the recovery process.  This is why we are told not to dispose of electronics with cobalt with other waste. Cobalt is used in the cathode to reduce the amount of heat produced as well as the effiency of the ion flow.  Fortunately, a satisfactory replacement has been invented at the University of Texas in Austin, using manganese and aluminum. (Is't that where Elon Musk is moving his plant.)

      To summarize, we are substituting one non renewable for another of which there are far less reserves. Though from an environmental standpoint, EVs run much cleaner than ICEs, the process to mine lithium and produce and recycle the batteries are  not clean and carry significant environmental risks as well as adding to climate change, if indeed significant anthropogenic climate change is real. In the next 30 years we could reach "peak lithium" and where do we go from there?  Obviously politicians need to give this some thought as to how real are the benefits of EVs  environmentally, economically, and strategically, especially as China controls much of the lithium production. 

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Russia-Ukraine: My Take.

      Ukraine throughout its history has been part of many empires and rarely experienced freedom.  In fact, during WW1 Ukrainians fought for both the Austro-Hungarian Empire that controlled western Ukraine, and the Imperial Russian Army that controlled the East.  After WW1, Ukraine went through a period of anarchy until an independent Ukraine SSR was established for a very short time, but in 1921 its independent army was defeated by the Red Army under Trotsky and it was fully incorporated into the Russian controlled USSR.  With the failure of communist five year plans under Lenin and then Stalin and aided by th worldwide depression, famine broke out in Eastern Europe. Stalin confiscated the Ukrainian harvest in 1932, withheld Ukraine's own food from Ukrainians and as a result 3.5 million Ukrainians died of starvation. Sixty years later, after the breakup of the USSR, the world finally  officially recognized this as genocide. 

      In 2014, Putin's sensing the obvious weakness of the Obama-Biden regime seized the Crimean Peninsula.  This violated the agreement from the early 1990s that called for Ukraine to give up its nuclear weapons for its freedom and independence from Russian control.  The Obama regime sent the Ukrainians a few blankets rather than arms and little else, so there wasn't much the Ukrainians could do.  In addition, Putin continued to fight a relatively small conflict in Eastern Ukraine, claiming ill treatment of ethnic Russians. In 1938, Hitler used a similar excuse to swallow up the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia. A weak British government led by Neville Chamberlain supported this despite Czech opposition. We all know what happened next.

      Sincec 1994, much of Eastern Europe has experienced  a significant amount of freedom, that has allowed them to grow and prosper.  Many have sought admittance to the EU and NATO, the later of which has grown from sixteen original members to currently thirty. Swedencand Finland, both who have not become NATO members are now considering joining.  Ukraine, though wanting EU and NATO membership, has not been able to achieve these upgrades.  Corruption has been the fake excuse given by the West and certainly corruption still exists, but some is from external sources such George Soros' Open Borders NGO and ironically and indirectly by the Biden family.

      On January 20, 2021, Biden sealed Ukraine's fate.  Only the Covid`19 pandemic has delayed what has followed.  America, that had been energy independentt under President Trump and a net exporter of oil and LNG, became a nation dependent on oil from other countries, including Russia (500K barrels/day). Stupidity abounds in the Biden regime, even if one actually believes that global warming and climate change exist.  Oil or natural gas doesn't created any carbon residuals while sitting in a pipeline, railroad tank car, tank truck, or maritime tanker.  It only produces carbon residuals after it is burned.  Therefore, their origin, be it Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Canada, or Texas doesn't really matter. Only stupidity by Biden and hatred of America by the left have harnessed American energy.  Despite a number of sanctions, all of which I am certain that Putin knew would result, his main hope is that Biden will continue to resist reopening America's energy. In addition just last month Biden has shut down the completion of the East Med Pipeline sending natural gas to Greece, Italy, and the Balkans from Israel, Egypt, and Cyprus, continuing those areas dependence on Russia.  Again he has listen to the global warming hoaxers, making those countries more dependent on Russian oil and natural gas.

      So what is Putin's  real goal? Certainly the mistreatment of ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine is a coverup. Many people in Ukraine and Russia have mixed roots. Russia is certainly not short of food, since the downfall of the Soviet Union, Putin and his fellow oligarchs are doing well economically.  I don't think Putin could actually think that NATO is interested in attacking Russia, even if NATO countries now border on Russia. I doubt if an attack on Poland, or the Baltic countries would be desirable as it would trigger an Article 5 situation, calling for all for one and one for all of NATO. It certainly isn't wealth, as he is one of the wealthiest men in the world. So it has to be power. For megalomaniacs, there is never enough power and he has seen how weak America, under Joe Biden, is,  so he wants to step into the void.  This time its not wheat that he wants to seize, but natural gas. Ukraine has the fourth largest reserves of natural gas in the world.  Combined with Russia, Putin could gain even more control of the price of natural gas for much of Europe and use it as a weapon to extort America and the West for other concessions.

      The question now is, has Putin biten off more that he can chew?  I'm certain that he did not expect the tenacity and resolve of the Ukrainian people.  He expected to be in Kyiv in 2 days with minimal losses of men and material and elimination of the current government.  This has not happened and now i think he is looking for a way out, hoping that a truce can be worked out by a broker that would favor him in negotiations. ( I wish Biden would try to protect our borders as aggressively as Ukrainian President Zelenskyy).  Meanwhile, even if Putin ultimately achieves some sort of a victory claim, the Russian people and more importantly the Russian oligarchs, may see through this and he may be forced to resign, though Putin has been ruthless enough to murder his opposition. The denial of access to SWIFT, the international banking system, to certain Russian banks has already caused a run on ATMs throughout Russia and the Russia Ruble has been in freefall.

     A negotiator that might be acceptable to both Russia and Ukraine could be Donald Trump.  I doubt if Biden would agree, as a Trump success would be politically undesirable to Biden.  So what's Biden's end game. Naturally he wants Putin to abandon his invasion and pull back.  With midterm elections now 8 months away, he needs something to go right.  Despite Nancy Pelosi extolling his brilliance, Biden continues to be seen as weak and incompetent. Vice President Harris, who went to Germany for NATO talks, continues to fail.  A Biden failure in Ukraine may give China the go ahead to invade Taiwan. 

      Meanwhile Zelenskyy, probably with the urging of Biden, has agreed to talk with Putin in Belarus, a country on Ukraine's northern border that served as a staging area for the invasion and run by Putin's stooge, Alexander Lukashenko. Belarus experienced massive peaceful demonstrations last summer,  its citizens objecting to what they perceived as another rigged presidential election. Putin will have to gain something in order to save face.  He would never go back to the preinvasion status.  Would Ukraine's promise not to join NATO or the EU be enough or would ceding the contested lands in  Eastern Ukraine be acceptable.  I doubt if Putin would agree to a plebiscite, as it certainly might not go his way. Zelenskyy has shown to be a brave and inspirational leader, who has not only solidified his country, but also NATO and most of the free world who support him. We hope and pray that this war ends immediately and Ukraine retains its freedom and independence.

Doctor Democracy is considering starting a vlog or podcast as issues are happening today at such a rapid pace that it is hard to keep up.  I need to determine whether I have the technical skills and what equipment is necessary.  The plan is to continue using the podcasts for political discussion, but occasionally include other topics including hard rock and heavy metal music and concerts, medical subjects, and even style and fashion as I have a guest expert on the later.  If successful I may have a sponsor to enhance the podcasts. Please comment on whether you think this is worthwhile.



Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Root Cause of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict.

      On January 20, 2020, Joe Biden signed a dozen executive orders reversing President Trumnp's successful policies, not understanding the unforeseen consequences of his idiocy.  One of these was to give Putin free range in Ukraine.  Putin could have acted almost immediately, but was forced to wait a year due to Covid-19, as it would not have worked out well to have an army trying to fight Ukraine and a deadly contagious disease at the same time. Now, with Covid-19 in its endemic stage, he acted.  He knew and correctly expected little real opposition from the Biden regime as there was virtually none from Obama-Biden when he gobbled up the Crimean Peninsula.  Both Biden and Obama were weak and allowed every country to take advantage of this weakness.  It was Trump that prevented Russian expansion, and forced China to accept more reasonable trade practices.  Trump also saw the failure of the poorly worked out nuclear deal with Iran and withdrew putting pressure on Iran elsewhere. 

      Biden and his far left "green" supporters don't understand or don't care, that if one believes that gas and oil cause climate change, while transported in a truck, tank car, ship,  pipeline, or still in the ground they don't produce global warming.  It is only when they are burned is carbon residuals produced. Therefore, whether the natural gas and oil originate in Russia, Iran, Canada, or Texas, its really doesn't matter, except to help or hurt America.  Under President Trump, America's economy was booming as we became energy independent and  an exporter of energy.  Though originally expensive, the cost of fracking has come way down as our reserves subsequently went way up. The old theory of "peak oil " was found to be wrong. Oil and gas not only contribute to fuel for vehicles and heating, but are also responsible for chemicals, fertilizers, medicines, and plastics.  The cost of all of these has risen dramatically and Biden's stupidity is the "root cause" of Putin's bellicose attitude and America's inflation.

      Putin's excuse for attacking Ukraine is that there are native Russians living there who are mistreated.  Rings similar to Hitler's claims in the Czech Sudetenland that caused a weak Neville Chamberlain to concede. In reality, Ukraine has the fourth largest natural gas reserves, mostly untapped.  Seizing these would allow Putin to control Europe's energy supply and contain NATO. It would also give him an edge, if he wanted to gobble up the Baltic States, even though they are now part of NATO.

      Biden has also recently nixed the completion of the Eastmed Pipeline that sends natural gas from Israel, Egypt and Cypress to Greece and the Balkans.  His excuses for doing so is weak, first citing non existent environmental concerns and now claiming that Turkey is against it.  In fact, Turkey was invited to participate and still could, but has objected to Israel's blockade of Turkish weapons shipments to terrorist Hamas in Gaza.

       Biden and the American left would rather hurt America and Europe than do what is right and makes sense. Opening up American gas and oil production would reduce inflation as the cost of nearly all goods and services has costs built by the price of natural gas and/or oil. Additionally, Biden' actions  have upped the price of natural gas and oil and the increased profits have allowed Russia to launch its current costly endeavor against Ukraine. In other words, Biden has helped pay for this.

       Biden needs to reverse his war on oil and natural gas as it has no real purpose in both the long or short run. We can supply liquid natural gas to Europe at a much cheaper cost as it costs us far less to raise it. This would prevent Russian blackmail and extortion of NATO. American and Europe energy independence from Russian hydrocarbons would reduce Russia's hard currency and ability to make war.. Russian oligarchs, who keep Putin in power would not be happy. It would then be Putin that would fall victim to his own perfidy.

      If Biden or his successor has any real chance of successfully running for president again, he must turn America's energy back on. He currently has only about 35% of support by Americans and it will continue to drop as inflation spirals out of control and our allies complain bitterly.