Wednesday, October 28, 2020

"Where's Hunter" and Other Important Stuff

      The recent information about Hunter Biden's hard drive has exposed the Biden family as a criminal organization and being possible traitors.  Joe has apparently been making his family rich for a long time. In 2008, when he ran for President (his campaign was so short that you may not remember), he paid his wife of no particular political campaign knowledge, a 2 million dollar consulting fee. He has probably been doing shady things for a long time, as he now lives in the Dupont estate, one of the largest, if not the largest in his home state of Delaware on a politician's salary.  I know, it is common for politicians to "employ" family member during their campaign and give them a sizeable salary for doing very little.  Maxine Waters paid her daughter $250K to stuff envelopes and got a slap on the wrist by the House Ethics Committee.

      Because of his knowledge(?) of foreign relations, Obama appointed Biden the lead for the administration on issues involving most foreign governments, including Ukraine, Russia, Iraq, Kazakstan, and China among others.  Is it just a coincidence that Hunter made large sums of money, for doing little if anything for most of these governments, and Joe's brother got a lucrative construction contract from Iraq for hundreds of millions with no knowledge of building and construction? 

      Joe may have seen Hillary, while Secretary of State, cashing in on "gifts" to the Clinton Criminal Foundation and wanted his share. After leaving office his income jumped from around $400K per year to an average of $5 million per year for 2017-19.  Of course, it is not uncommon for politicians to secure lucrative book deals especially after they leave the office. (I used to think that Jimmy Carter was the worst President ever, but he partially redeemed himself by his long term work with Habitat For Humanity.  Obama's Habitat For Humanity was the purchase of a $15 million family compound on Martha's Vineyard.  Not bad for a former community organizer.)

     Joe needed to do something for his black sheep son Hunter.  Hunter had been booted from the Navy for crack addiction and then married his dead brother's wife. She apparently wasn't able to satisfy his needs as he managed to impregnate a DC stripper at her strip club.  He fought like hell to deny he was the father, but DNA doesn't lie.  He then fought to keep his income tax records secret from the court to not only avoid hefty child support payments but also to either avoid showing the millions he received for doing nothing except being the son of the Vice President or money laundering and/or tax evasion.

      Other Presidents have had a family member to whom they were ashamed. Recall Jimmy Carter had brother Billy who seemed like the village idiot until he signed a contract to represent Billy Beer and a deal to lobby for Libya, a country of which the United States was not on the best of terms.  Hillary's brothers were frequently involved in shady deals the worst of which was with scumbag and former governor of Virginia Terry McAuliffe, who charged Chinese nationals a $250K fee to get them an expedited permanent visa as investors in his fake electric auto company that was supposed to employ 25,000 workers (the largest US factory only employes about 7000).

      Hunter became a regular on Joe's frequent trips to various countries all over the world and sometimes came home with a deal a week or two later, like the $1.5 billion deal with the Bank of Red China.  As usual, Hunter had no knowledge of investing or money management, but he had pals that did.  Those pals have already been convicted of crimes with these deals and one is in prison and the other about to be sentenced. Hunter is the last one standing and I wonder why. And then dumb unreliable Hunter slipped up.

      He left his laptop with a computer repair shop in Delaware, but decided to replace it, and let the shop owner keep it.  The owner discovered that it was a treasure trove of Hunter's dealing and eventually in 2019 turned it over to the FBI.  Before turning it over he also made several copies for himself. For whatever reason, the FBI did not make mention that it has had this information for over a year until the shop owner provided that information recently. Though the FBI is not obligated to discuss or even acknowledge ongoing investigations, one would have thought it could have intervened with valuable information during the impeachment hearings. It was obvious from the emails that Joe did converse with his son about these deals and not only okayed them, the "Big Guy" got a share for himself, held by Hunter.  The "Big Guy" has denied ever even discussing Hunters business dealings and that is obviously a lie (or maybe due to his Alzheimer's Disease, forgot).  A partner, Tony Bobulinski, in some of these dealings has now spoken up and verified the info on the laptop and Joe Biden's knowledge of these deals. Even worse the MSM has taken little notice of this massive scandal that certainly is enough to disqualify Biden for the presidency.  If he did win, would the Republicans try to impeach him over this and the Buresma scandal in which Hunter got about $3 million to serve on its board without any knowledge of Ukraine, oil, and gas?  Joe extorted the President of Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was investigating Buresma or else he would see to it Ukraine did not get $1 billion that had been promised.  The prosecutor was fired immediately.

      This would pose an interesting decision for the Republicans and could even be a trap.  What if the Democrats allowed a special prosecutor to be appointed to investigate Joe's illegal business dealings and he came up with enough information that Joe would warrant impeachment and the House and Senate did their parts to remove him from office?  Who becomes the President?  Kamala Harris, who was rated the most liberal senator.  The far left would applaud this back door method of establishing their destructive agenda.  We might find the Republican's actually protecting Joe in order to avoid someone even worse.  The Democrats would then try to impose the 25th Amendment to remove Joe. Of course, this is all mute if President Trump is re-elected.  Then Joe can be investigated and even locked up.

      In other news, Antifa and BLM attacked a pro-Trump march in NYC over the weekend. Many in the march we Jews and Orthodox Jews in particular.  I have always considered Antifa to be similar to Nazi Brownshirts and now they have proven that it again, beating Jews who were peacefully protesting.  Things got so bad that the passive NYC police (antisemitic Mayor DeBlasio had made the police arrest Jews trying worship and even locked a park where Jewish children played) ignored DeBlasio and did their duty and arrested the worst of the BLM and Antifa thugs who were responsible for the most vicious assaults. The far left is obviously opposed to religion as they have attack Christians as well.  Somehow Muslims are untouched, maybe because Muslims are more likely to fight back, but also the BLM leadership has met with the PLO and backs their agenda to wipe Israel off the map.

      I would like to congratulate Amy Coney Barret on her promotion to Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.  Prior to the 70's P-presidential nominations to the Supreme Court, rarely were challenged, because both political parties accepted the presidential right to nominate justices of his choice.  Then dirty Democrats began top politicize the appointments to protect the murder of babies by the Roe v Wade decision,  First Teddy Kennedy borked Justice Bork and then they tried to "lynch" Clarence Thomas with a sexual harassment charge, though it was obviously fake as Anita Hill followed him around as he advanced via the judiciary.  Bill Clinton's two appointments, despite being far-left liberals, sailed through quickly, because Republicans accepted the presidential right to nominations to the judiciary.  The appointment by Bush of John Roberts to the bench had Democrat resistance. When Democrats were critical of Roberts he invoked the Ginsberg rule of not commenting on cases he had yet to rule on. The next four Republican nominees were all approved down party lines by a narrow margin. Brett Kavanaugh had to resist false claims of rape and sexual abuse without any evidence.  The Democrats have now mentioned things to change the courts like packing, judicial terms, statehood for DC and Puerto Rico, the abolition of the electoral college and the filibuster, and citizenship for illegals.  All to put Democrats in power forever.   

     One last word on the China virus (I hope). Though the number of reported cases is up, that is at least in part due to more testing.  The real thing to look at is the number of deaths and compare it to the number of cases. Although deaths and cases the same day don't really follow, in general over a period of time, it does. As our understanding of the virus and therapy to treat it increased, the number of new deaths has diminished.  The ratio of deaths to new cases is now less than 2% and in some states is approaching 1% and should continue to drop as more and more testing is being done. At least 99% of people with the disease survive and unfortunately, that is not what the MSM wants to emphasize.  The mortality rates are dropping everywhere, though the ratio of deaths to total cases is more than 3% and as high as 7-8% in some poorly managed blue states.

      Meanwhile, President Trump has been lauded by the Nobel Peace Prize Committee three times.  He has brokered peace deals between Israel and UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan and a peace deal between Serbia and Kosovo. Obama got a Nobel prize for doing nothing and he did nothing positive for his eight years in the presidency.  

      I voted for Trump and hope you did or will too. 


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