The only part of the timeline that is not known is when this virus was either concocted or discovered and precisely when the first case appeared. One thing is obvious, it was known much earlier than suggested. This is obvious based on two factors present in the time line.
December 31, doctors in Taiwan sent a letter to the WHO saying that they had heard from colleagues in Wuhan, China that a new virus was causing severe respiratory distress and that it had spread to healthcare workers caring for these patients. In addition, three Chinese doctors tried to warn the World. They promptly disappeared and are believed dead. WHO acknowledged the letter, but refused to act on it, probably at the request of China. Hong Kong also sent a letter a few days later, but it was also ignored.
January 15, the Chinese still claimed that there was no human to human transmission. Misinformation about bats and Wuhan markets seemed to surface. But something else happened on January 15, the Chinese government told embassies in America and Canada to secure all of the PPEs they could locate.
January 20, the Chinese could no longer deny human to human transmission.
January 21, the Chinese tried to apply for a use patent on Remdesivir, an experimental drug developed by the Israeli pharmaceutical company Gilead for Ebola.
January 23 China shut down flights and other travel from Wuhan and two other cities to other cities in the rest of China, closing borders and forcing people to isolate in their apartments.
February 2, President Trump's China flight restrictions began. Over this period as many as 430,000 Chinese entered the United States from both China and via Europe. Italy in particular, had regular flights from Wuhan to Milan. It just so happened that Milan had its fashion week in mid to late February, featuring huge tent shows with audiences from all over Europe and America, ideal to spread the virus.
Below are the Chinese data as reported by Worldometer. The data is obviously false. Notice that the cases don't seem to first begin until late January and that new cases essentially end in about 6 weeks. Nearly all patients have recovered in about 10 weeks. The curves produced by the data are too perfect to be true and gave the rest of the world a false sense of what they were dealing with. Apparently, the first models, produced by epidemiologists in the UK, that were used all over the world were based on this nonsense.
No other country has come even close to producing data that even closely resembles this fake material. So questions arise. Why? Was it just an attempt to hide the fact that the virus originated in China? Was it to fool the world into thinking it would be all over in 6 weeks so that shutdowns would only last a short time? Unfortunately, the later seems to be the reason. The early model out of the UK was based on the Chinese data, the only data available, and seemed to predict the worse unless everything was shut down. This is destroying economies worldwide. The only country to ignore the edict was Sweden, who used modified social distancing and stayed open. Its results seem to indicate that this was the best decision. As I have said in previous articles, it is my belief that New York and New York City were targeted as NYC is the financial hub for America and the World. Establishing World dominance is China's goal and using the virus in this way certainly can accomplish this goal and is the reason China is using so much misinformation so the World will ignore this for what it really is. If the virus was only known in late January, why were Taiwan and Hong Kong sending letters to the WHO at the end of December? The virus had to been around for a while to first attack an individual and then medical workers some of whom died. Why was travel locked down in China, but allowed to travel all over the World? Why did the Chinese try to secure as much PPE before late January? Why did they want to secure a treatment patent on Remdesivir? The later is most troubling, as this indicates much experience with treating patients with the drug. Finally, was the attack on America based on an attack on President Trump, who has gotten a much more favorable trade deal with China and whose America First agenda has prevented China from attaining its goal. In an election year, this could affect his chances vs Democrat candidates who are easier to work with. Biden has in fact accepted a huge billion-dollar deal for his son in the past.
Hopefully, China's treachery will not go unnoticed and backfire. The United States and other countries will move their production of pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, and PPEs back home or to more reliable and safer sources, shortening and making the supply chain more reliable. It is imperative that President Trump gets reelected, as Democrats have demonstrated that they are so power-hungry that they are willing to ruin and hold the American economy hostage.
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