Friday, March 22, 2019

Stop the Nonsense

      I thought that I could stop writing about anthropogenic global warming and climate change, but  a sense of urgency due to the coming of a prolonged cold spell is driving the left to make ridiculous claims and demand destructive solutions to a nonexistent problem.  False information is being driven by far left politicians seeking  money and power, but also by unethical scientists seeking more research money and willing to cook the books so to speak. A policy of confusion is being used to force fake science on the public, and to a certain extent, it is succeeding.  Some are teaching this lie to our children in the name of science and documentaries I see on TV often mention it in passing.
      When discussing climate change, the left conveniently leaves out the word anthropogenic implying that all climate change is due to Man and that deniers of anthropogenic climate change are deniers of climate change in general.  In reality, climate change is a naturally occurring phenomenon that has been going on for millions of years and, unless you skipped your fourth grade science class, due to the Earth's relationship with the Sun and solar activity.  Things haven't changed.  As early as the 19th century, during the beginning of the industrial revolution, some scientists predicted that industrialization may have a very slight effect on the climate, but it wasn't until 1956 that a Nazi named Gunther Schwab predicted apocalyptic anthropogenic global warming was going to destroy the Earth within 50 years in his fictional novel Dance With the Devil.  The book was written as an attack on capitalism and America, as he blamed both for the defeat and suicide of his beloved Hitler.   By the early 1960s the book had gained enough popularity that anti Americans had decided that it could be used as fact rather than fiction, ignoring the chapter on Nazi like eugenics. This included the UN and a double dealing Canadian at the UN named Maurice Strong.  Strong who ironically had made his billions in Canadian oil, gas, and coal, organized the first Rio Conference and continued to push anthropogenic global warming via the UN as its driving force.  Eventually, he found the perfect person to spread these lies to Americans, namely Al Gore.  The two have partnered on several projects included the now failed Chicago Carbon Exchange.  Strong's veracity came under attack when it was discovered he accepted a $997K  bribe from Saddam Hussein during the oil for food program imposed by the first Bush Presidency and continued under Clinton.  Strong had been on the short list to become Secretary General of the UN, but instead he was banished to the Peace University in Costa Rica to stay out of the limelight.  Now he lives in the most polluted city in the world, Beijing, as an environmental advisor to the Chnese government,  claims to be a communist, and partners up in deals with George Soros and Al Gore to destroy the American economy. 
      I don't think Gore wants to destroy America, but I think he is a willing dupe in the conspiracy, especially since it has made him very rich and rescued him from obscurity.  In his case, it is pure greed.  His 97% consensus  of all scientists was found to be based on a questionnaire sent out by grad students to selected scientists, and only those returned were counted.  Much of the data determined by models and some climate scientists  like that at East Anglia University was found to be faked and more and more important climate scientists are coming out against anthropogenic global warming.  That is why its proponents and leftists keep moving the goal posts back.  Their apocalyptic predictions just don't seem to happen.  More responsible scientists predict only very moderate ocean rises in the next 50 years. Now we are told we have 12 years left to save the planet according to New York socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocosio-Cortez  She has introduced a Green New Deal in which all we have to do is kill all the cows, stop driving cars and trucks using fossil fuels, give up air and sea travel, and even stop having children as some radicals in England have recommended.  After all, who wants to bring children into the world to pollute the world,  contribute to the problem, and who are going to die in 12 years anyway.  Communist Mayor of New York City, De Blasio has recommended that we start by instituting meatless Mondays to get used to doing without in order to save the planet.  The $900 million his wife can't seem to find might be a reason he wants us to do without. We have just experienced a horrific event in New Zealand by a radical from a group with admiration for Communist China and belief that immigrants contribute to global warming, so it was necessary to murder 49 of them.  
      If what I have said so far has not convinced you that anthropogenic global warming is a hoax please read an article published on on October 28, 2016 by Marc Morano, summarizing the argument against anthropogenic global warming and multiple books and articles by scientists who not only debunk the myth of anthropogenic global warming, but predict the coming of a mini ice age.  

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