By now everyone knows that the Russia investigation has taken a remarkable turn and now the Democrats could be the target as there is no doubt that they have colluded with the Russians. The DNC and Clinton campaign paid out $12 million to the law firm of Perkins Coie. Mark Elias, an attorney working for the firm and general counsel for Hillary Clinton's campaign, hired Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on then candidate Trump. That cost about $5.4 million and then Fusion GPS hired
a British secret agent Christopher Steele, who came up with a dossier of totally unsubstantiated and outrageous claims concerning Candidate and later President-elect Trump. The dossier claimed that Russian officials said that Donald Trump did some horrible things when he was in Moscow in the past on business. As it turned out President Trump's passport verified that he wasn't in Russia when the events were supposed to have occurred. Despite the fact that the dossier had no validity, once candidate Trump became president-elect, the dossier still found its way to the FBI and then the Obama DOJ, who used it as an excuse to surveil President-elect Trump and his team of advisors. This coincides with the period of intense unmasking of Americans by Susan Rice and UN Ambassador Samantha Power. Rice at first didn't remember making several hundred FISA requests for unmasking and Power still denies it all together. We all know that Susan Rice is a notorious liar and political hack for Obama and should never have been appointed to NSA, except that she was really pointed as Obama's political representative. Why Power would have the need to unmask Americans escapes me, except that she is also a political hack and unqualified to be anything except a political hack. She is also married to Cats Sunsteen, Obama's regulation commissar.
Now the story gets very interesting. Mark Elias must be a remarkable attorney as he represents the DNC, the Clinton campaign and many other Democrat groups, yet sees no conflict of interest. It just came out in a book by Donna Brazile, the new Chairwoman of the DNC when DWS resigned, in that at the start of the primary season the DNC was out of money and made a secret deal with HRC. They agreed to support her in return for cash from the Clinton campaign. The deal was engineered by Mark Elias. I wonder what Bernie thinks of that. President Trump was correct when he said that the DNC was playing favorites. No one including HRC, and DWS remember hiring Fusion GPS to dig up dirt. Initially Fusion GPS was hired by the Washington Examiner for dirt on candidate Trump's business dealings, but when it became apparent that Candidate Trump was going to win the nomination, they ended the relationship and then Fusion GPS went to HRC's campaign and the DNC who were interested in dirt. What is even more interesting is no one recalls writing out a check for the Fusion GPS research. HRC and the DNC tried to launder the money from FEC scrutiny saying the check paid to Perkins Coie was for legal services when in fact the law firm was merely a pass through. I have a great memory and recall a similar problem with memory loss involving HRC during the Clinton regime. It seems that close to a thousand FBI files of prominent Republicans were requested by the Clintons early in the first Clinton term. The person requesting the files was Craig Livingstone, a former strip club bouncer who had worked on the Clinton campaign. He was placed in the White House to run the Office of Personnel Security, a job for which he had no experience and very little to do. Although three witnesses recalled that HRC recommended hiring him, she denied the claim. Though it was claimed that the files were requested by mistake. It was also claimed that no one looked at them and that could have been easily verified. The files were kept under lock and key by a marine and those that are signed out have to be logged out and logged in when they are returned. The pages in the log book for that period mysteriously disappeared (just like some 30,000 emails and the log book for petty cash at the White House Travel office). At least three members of the White House staff recalled that HRC had requested that Livingstone be hired when deposed by Special Counsel Kenneth Starr, HRC could not remember that and anything about more than 100 other questions. (Scooter libby was found guilty for lying to the FBI when he said he did not remember one time), I found it interesting that a number of prominent Republican Congressmen involved in the Clinton impeachment resigned or chose not to run again as dirt from the FBI files began to surface. It also reminds me of an audit of the Clinton State Department could not account for $6 billion and to this date no one knows what happened to it.
It seems that the Russia collusion is with HRC and the DNC paying for dirt from Russia hat has no validity and then laundering the money. A Congressional investigation is starting and some heads should roll. The politicalization of the FBI by Obama, Lynch, and Comey and subsequent unmasking and surveillance of President elect Trump and unmasking of his team is serious and undermines the political process and the Constitution
. None of this would have come out if HRC had won and the deep state would not have needed to be activated.
My next blog will be on the Uranium One scandal that i have written about in my blogs for over a year. New information has come to light that sheds even more light on how corrupt the Clintons, Obama, and the DOJ under Obama have been. Prison time for all involved is a must and Mueller should step down from his investigation as he was involved as well.
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