Sunday, April 23, 2017

High Crimes and Hypocrisy

      Now that Justice Neil Gorsuch has been sworn in as an associate justice of the US Supreme Court, the Democrat hypocrisy affecting his Senate confirmation is a thing of the past and only worth talking about from the sense that when Harry Reid was Majority Leader of the Senate, he turned the rules on its head and so it is only appropriate that the Democrats got some of their own medicine. In my lifetime only a two nominees were voted down, Clement Haynesworth and G. Harold Carswell, both Nixon nominees.  At least a half dozen were rejected prior to a vote, most notable Robert Bork, a Reagen nominee. Democrats were upset that the Republican controlled Senate did not give Obama nominee Merrick Garland a hearing to replace Antonin Scalia who may have died under uncertain circumstances.  Prior to the 1992 presidential election, Joe Biden, chairman of the senate judicial committee,  in an impassioned speech,  said that if a justice resigned during the summer of an election year, no one should be nominated until after the elections.  Again Democrat hypocrisy rears its ugly head. Control of the Senate flipped during the past eight years and now the Republicans adopted what was termed the "Biden Rule." The 2016 presidential election was also about the Supreme Court as Donald Trump had released a list of potential choices during the campaign.
      I hope I am not being too repetitious when I want to reiterate what is going on with Susan Rice.  Since joining government, despite being positions that were to be unpolitical, Rice has always been very political.  She first served in various capacities with the NSC during the Clinton administration where she began her career of provarication and obscuration.  During the genocide being carried out in Rwanda, she advised to condemn it, but not to call it genocide as Clinton was planning not to do anything of substance about it and that it may affect up coming elections.  A few years later, she was rewarded by the Clinton regime, being appointed as Assistant Secretary of African Affairs in 1995.  In this position she, Madeline Albright, and Assistant Attorney General Jamie Gorelick, prevented our dealing with Sudan in 1997, when they wanted to turn over their intelligence on Osama Ben Ladin, as he had lived in Suden until 1995 until he was expelled.  They did not want the CIA and FBI talking to one another.  Though Rice was involved, it was Gorelick who had been stupidly appointed to the 911 Commission, who lied about not allowing FBI and CIA to talk,  protecting the Clinton Regime.
      She launched a brief limited successful career after Bush was elected. In 2008, she abandoned Clinton and became a Senior Policy Advisor to the Obama campaign, a position she has held with the John Kerry campaign. After Obama was elected, she was named Ambassador to the UN.  Willing to do and say anything, she was marched out on six Sunday news shows after the attack and slaughter of four Americans at Benghazi. She knowingly lied that the consulate attack was part of a spontaneous demonstration over an obscure anti Muslim video and that Al Qaeda was on the run.  This was done to support Obama's run for a second presidential term in 2012.  As a reward, she wanted to become Secretary of State to replace HRC, but having become such a controversial person,  he appointed her as a National Security Advisor, a position that did not require Senate confirmation.
      In her new position, Susan Rice continued to support the Obama regime politically spreading lies and shielding Obama from any criticism. After imposing a "red line" in Syria and failing to act when Assad gassed his own people, and then failing to act, Rice, Kerry, and Obama stressed that all of the stores of gas had been removed through diplomacy.  As we have learned, this was obviously not true. In addition, she and her NSA advisor Ben Rhodes also emphasized the success of the Iran deal even though we all know to the contrary.  During the selling of the nuclear agreement, she was sent to Israel and attacked Netanyahu with aggressive rhetoric and continue Obama's ill founded and hateful policy to Israel.
      Now we have learned that Rice's position was a National Security Advisor was purely political, making certain that Obama's potential political enemies were surveilled and intel information reported back to Obama and leaked when it could be damaging.  And if Rice did not personally leaked the material, her assistant Bed Rhodes, surly did.  Russian influence on the election was used as a cover for the surveillance  and as an excuse for HRC's loss.  Normally the names of American citizens incidentally picked up in foreign surveillance are redacted and only unmasked if absolutely necessary for security purposes.  Unmasking is very infrequent, but as it turns out, Rice requested unmasking of a number of Trump's campaign and post campaign associates. Though she may be able to get away with the unmasking, as she is already saying it was to understand the documents she was reading,  leaking of those names is serious felony and the name of Trump's first choice to run the NSA,  General Flynn.
      Democrats rarely show any foresight into their policies and actions. Calling for the Russia investigation with our elections is going to bite them in the ass.  There is no evidence that President Trump or any of his team colluded with the Russians over the election and yet now the Rice, Rhoades,  Jarrett, and Obama surveillance crimes will be investigated and someone may go to prison.   It will be fun to see who is going to sacrifice prison time to save Obama's ass.

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