Despite having gotten it all wrong about the 2016 presidential election, the mainstream media continues its woeful attack on Trump and America. First it lied to us about disarray in selecting a cabinet and then about the lack of diversity, as if diversity should be the primary reason for selecting someone rather than ability. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D Ma) wanted to investigate the "disarray." What is this harpy talking about? I guess she is trying to replace Barbara Boxer as the most clueless senator. We have already seen that making a "nice clean" (to use VP Biden's words) black man POTUS, almost destroyed our country. Political correctness is totally and absolutely incorrect for getting the job done.
Trump has gone about the business of forming a cabinet, as a businessman goes about hiring executives to run a company, selecting the most qualified people he can work with, regardless of their gender or race. As far as I'm concerned he has done a great job. Meanwhile the media tries to dig up or make up anything they can on these selections. Obama appointed Van Jones, a communist revolutionary who advocated the violent overthrow of the US Government with nary a word from the media until Glen Beck exposed this monster. (Forced to fire him, Obama saw to it that he was hired by the Center for America Progress whose initials are an anagram for CPA, Communist Party of America. hmmm. CNN put a suit on him (lipstick on a pig) and now uses him as a left wing pundit.)
What we have really learned is how corrupt and untrustworthy the mainstream media is. They no longer report the news, they try to make the news. The public rejected this, but they still, as does HRC and her ilk, consider us deplorable because we care about the future of our country.
Now we have Jill Stein, Green Party Candidate, demanding a recount in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, like she has a chance in winning Then why? On the surface it seems like this is a money ploy in order to raise funds to pay off campaign debts. Below the surfaces several other things are going on. First It is obvious that HRC engineered this, offering to pay off part of Stein's campaign debts herself, but when the outside funds didn't come rolling in, she was forced to take a more open role. First this would help to delegitimize the election result as the Bush v Gore did in 2000. Secondly it might open up the recount to fraud. As you recall in the 2008 senate election in Minnesota Al Franken (D) was loosing to Norm Coleman (R) in a very close race when a Democrat election office discovered "uncounted" votes in the backseat of his car. These votes, all for Franken, changed the election in favor of the Democrat. It didn't matter, even to the Democrat heavy Minnesota Supreme court that there were now more votes than voters in 17 precincts covered by these votes, votes discovered in the back seat of a car. What if we demanded first that all the votes be counted in California? Absentee and especially military votes weren't counted as they wouldn't have changed the California result, but they would have changed the overall nationwide vote. A million illegal aliens could also have voted, as California motor-voter law allows them to register for elections. Lets recount Chicago and eliminate all the voting by dead people. No Raum Emanuel, it is not possible for people who died one hundred years ago to file absentee ballots. Virginias results should also be looked at for fraud, as scumbag Governor Terry McAuliff would do anything to get HRC elected even allowing over 200K convicted felons to vote. The courts rejected his executive order, but I wouldn't put anything past him. Like HRC his main accomplishment is not having been convicted of the many crimes he committed.
There is absolutely no excuse for what the mainstream media has done to try to throw the election to HRC. In 2008 I decided to research Obama myself and was horrified what I had found. How could a man with a list of accomplishments barer than Old Mother Hubbard's cupboard run for the most powerful office in the world? From his background and list of acquaintances and associates, it was obvious that he would be a disaster for our country. Still after he was elected, I hoped that I was wrong. Instead, shepherded by mainstream media, this far left ideologue tried to destroy America for eight years as "hope and change" became debt and despair.
After eight horrible years under Obama, America needs a man like Trump who wants to put America first. I want a promising future for my child, grandchildren, and generations yet to be born.
By the way, Fidel Castro died over the weekend. Its about time that the old bastard kicked the bucket. I wish I was in town as i would have been celebrating with my Cuban friends on Calle Ocho. The world response including that of Obama was sickening and is why i have so little trust in world leaders. He was a murderer and exploiter of his own people for more than fifty years and became what he claimed to be against. The world had a bowel movement and a giant turd Fidel Castro came out. He has finally been flushed down the toilet of time