The FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton continues to move into a very important stage. The are 147 FBI agents involved in this investigation and interviews and questioning of her immediate staff is up next. The man who set up her server has been given immunity by the FBI as they expect him to be a very important witness. The idiots supportingi her run to be the Democrat nominee for president, say "what difference does it make." Hillary continues to ignore the seriousness of her acts. It will be interesting to see what the media reports, when the FBI recommends an indictment. Lying to the FBI is considered a crime. It remains to be seen, if a pathologic liar like Hillary Clinton can resist lying to the FBI. Often the FBI knows the answer to some of their questions so they will know if she is lying. Judge Starr during the White Water-Filegate-Vince Foster death investigation let her off even though she lied repeatedly during her deposition. She answered "I don't recall" over a hundred times. I don't think that will work this time. Maybe "what difference does it make" will. Yeah, right. If this were a just world, Billy and Chelsea would also be indicted for money laundering, tax evasion, and conspiracy. Who knows they might all look good dressed in orange.
An active volcano, Pavlov, in western Alaska erupted a few days ago sending a tower of ash and gases 35,000 feet up into the air, causing some airline flights to be rerouted. In 2010, Eyjafallajokul erupted for four days over Iceland and affected thousands of flights. It was said that all of the carbon that shot up into the atmosphere from its eruption equaled the entire carbon savings that had occurred the past five years. As it turns out, volcanos despite the carbon they release actually cool the planet. The most common gas that volcanos emit is water vapor, making up better than 90% of the gases. Another gas is sulfur dioxide (SO2). When they combine, sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is formed in very fine droplets at very high altitude and they apparently reflect some of the suns rays just as clouds do and have a cooling effect and this according to some scientists may explain why the Earth's temperature has cooled slightly the past two decades. What it does mean is that our understanding of climate and earth temperature is not a settled issue and there is still much to learn. We can all breath a sigh of relief that our costal areas are not going to experience massive flooding. Nonetheless, Obama is intent on signing the agreement that a bunch of left wing anti capitalist politicians developed in Paris last year to destroy the American economy in the name of climate change. Obama's hate for America is beyond belief.
It has been reported that the USDA plans to fine public schools, if they receive federal money for school lunches, taking away about 10% of the money. Schools will have to serve the lunches that Michelle Obama has picked out. The ones that a University of Nevada study say wind up in the garbage. This is another way the Obamas want to control everyone's life. Who knew that Michelle Obama was a nutritionist and child psychologist? Marie Antoinette said "let them eat cake." Michelle is saying let them eat shit. The real goal is to keep children stupid. Protein and fat are necessary for brain development in children, so children not getting proper nutrition will grow up stupid and continue to vote for Democrats. Imagine a hungry child watching the clock in the afternoon instead of his lessons, anxious to get home and get a snack. Children with working parents will have to wait even longer. It has been said that an army travels on its stomach. If the Obamas haven't done enough to weaken our military, now they are eliminating fried and other favorite foods for our soldiers' mess as they want to hurt morale and prevent new enlistments and reps. Just when you think it couldn't get any worse with the Obamas, it does. I've got an idea, let have the White House chef only serve the Obamas the shitty food that they want everyone else to eat. No more steak, lobster, barbecue, or wine, Michelle. Fire the pastry chef. Guess you can eat vegetables from your garden. Oh, there aren't any as you were too busy going on lavish vacations to tend to it and everything died, too, too bad.
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