It is obvious that Obama seems more interested in degrading and destroying our own military than he is in fighting ISIS and responding to threats from Russia, Iran, and China. It is not only ironic but traitorous that the POTUS, the commander-in-chief, is at war with his own military. In a little more than seven years, he has already had four secretaries of defense. The first three are all critical of his interference with the DOD. His first secretary was Robert Gates, a holdover from the Bush administration. This fooled everyone into thinking that he was going to seek a positive role for the military. Instead, Gates merely served as a figurehead with little power and the White House (Valerie Jarrett) interfered with and dominated nearly all department business. Gates lasted until 2011, when he quit in disgust. His successor was Leon Pancetta, a Democrat and former CIA director under Obama and Chief of Staff under Bill Clinton. He lasted until 2013, when he resigned with basically the same complaints as those of his predecessor. His successor was former Republican senator Chuck Hagel, a decorated Viet Nam War veteran, who had survived a rather contentious approval process in the Senate. He lasted about 20 months, resigning over differences in the administrations policy (or lack of it) toward ISIS. The current secretary, Ash Carter, served as deputy SOD under Hagel. His main job seems to be to push the administration's plan for the military and serve as a buffer between Obama and "Genera"l Jarrett from Congress.
On October 13, 2013, I published a blog about Obama purging the military of its best generals and admirals, three months before it was a picked up by the media. I also learned from one of my sources that not only were the most high ranking officers being forced to resign or retire, but so were the most capable junior officers, colonels, lt. colonels, and majors and their naval equivalent, depleting the military of a future generation of generals and admirals. Historically, Stalin did the same thing prior to WW2, but for a different reason, paranoia. Russia was totally unprepared for Operation Barbarossa, Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union. If it weren't for an early onset of a very severe Russian winter, Hitler may have achieved his objective and WW2 may have had a somewhat different outcome.
Besides depleting the military leadership, Obama has depleted the size and capability of our military to, believe it or not, pre WW2 size. No wonder he doesn't want to use ground forces, he doesn't have many. In addition, he has gutted or seriously reduced many advanced weapons systems. The Air Force is using old F18s rather than upgrading to the F22. Even Obama's favorite weapon, the drone, has been cut back. Spare parts are difficult to find and often are cannibalized from existing units. We barely have enough combat ready ground units to deploy to a major war theater, much less multiple locations. The Russians, Iranians, and Chinese are certainly aware of this and is one of the reasons why they are all provoking us. They know that Obama is totally unworthy as a CIC and his response has been pathetic.
Most importantly Obama has tried to destroy the morale of our armed forces. Changing the gays in the military from "don't ask don't tell" to now allowing gays to openly admit their sexual preference makes the bonding that a military unit needs to be effective much more difficult. The same goes with allowing woman to become GI combatants. I'm not saying that gay men or even woman aren't brave and capable, but political correctness is not necessary when our army and marine units are putting their lives on the line in combat. Releasing Gitmo prisoners also has no place especially when they are exchanged for a traitor like Bo Bergdahl.
Another morale breaker was thought up by Michelle Obama, a person with even more disdain for our military than her husband. Though he attends only a few military functions, often sending Biden, who has a son in the military, instead, Michelle almost never accompanies her husband. They seem much more comfortable welcoming a championship sports team to the White House, than attending an event at a military cemetery. There is an old saying that "an army travels on its stomach" and our army was one of the best fed, but now Michelle wants to eliminated fried foods and other "unhealthy" foods and feed our soldiers the same slop that our public school children refuse to eat. Can you imagine a soldier returning to base after a time in the field, existing on C or K rations and unfortunately finding a tiny piece of meat and a plate full of vegetables. I wish Michelle would just take a permanent vacation and thankfully in 9 months she will.
Lastly, and you just can't make this stuff up, Obama has told the Secretary of the Navy, Ray Mabus, to name the new guided missile destroyer the USS Carl Levin. Up until now, destroyers have been named after admirals and courageous sailors. This class of destroyer is named after Arleigh Burke, a destroyer captain in WW2 in the Pacific who used aggressive tactics against unfavorable odds to obtain naval victories. He was promoted to admiral and fought in the Korean War as well. Carl Levin was an ultra liberal senator from Michigan who never served a day in the military and never met a military appropriation that he wanted to reduce. Naval officers and enlisted men take pride in their ship and its name. What kind of pride can one have in a ship named after an anti military politician? Maybe our next president will change the name to something more appropriate. If Obama had his way another naval vessel might be named for his new found friend Raul Castro or even the Che Guevara, who apparently he admires. I have a great idea. Let's name the next garbage scow the USS Michelle Obama.
Friday, April 22, 2016
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Obama Has a Big Smile on His Face
Obama has a big smile on his face, because Peabody Energy (NYSE stock symbol BTU) filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy today. Peabody is the leading miner of coal in the United States and the world. My, how the mighty have fallen. Just five years ago Peabody was flying high. Its stock price was over a thousand dollars a share and they had just completed the acquisition of Macarthur Energy, the largest Australian coal company in order to more easily supply clients in China, Japan, and South Korea. Peabody's executives over estimated the need for metallurgical coal for steel production as they did not expect the slow down in China and Brazil. The five billion dollars in debt for financing the purchase of the Australian coal company helped fuel the downfall (no pun intended). In addition, Obama's war on coal through expensive and difficult EPA regulations have also contributed.
Coal is a commodity and therefore its economics is ruled by supply and demand. Currently there is a nine month surplus where normally the surplus is three because of the worldwide slowdown. The cost of Obama's severe unconstitutional regulations on the coal industry has significantly added to overhead and subtracted from the bottom line. Coal in different mines may cost more to mine and Appalachian coal mines are deep so there is more expense. The price of coal is also based on its quality and in general the cost per metric ton on average has dropped from $80 to around $40. The quality of Australian coal is better the most American coal, but even without regulations, at the current price, it is hard to make a profit.
Forty percent of American coal companies have filed for bankruptcy. Beside the investors, the miners will certainly suffer. Bankruptcy may effect the contracts Peabody has with the UMWA. Coal mining is a difficult job and Obama's regulations may make it more difficult. Any bankruptcy has a trickle down effect and in the case of coal, railroads will be effected as well because the vast majority of coal is transported by rail to power plants or to seaports for export. Finally, any taxes that Peabody could have paid will now not happen and the effect on any of the other tax paying entities and individuals will also be diminished.
Although many American power plants have begun switching over to cleaner burning natural gas, that is also in abundance, coal fired plants will continue to supply about forty percent of America's electricity. In addition, there are five hundred coal fired plants under construction all over the world. Hopefully, a new administration will revoke the costly and burdensome regulations.
Obama's use of a hoax (that anthropogenic global warming actually exists) has caused an industry that supplies a vital energy resource to declare bankruptcy. His plan to destroy the American economy continues to move forward. Fortunately he only has eight months left.
Coal is a commodity and therefore its economics is ruled by supply and demand. Currently there is a nine month surplus where normally the surplus is three because of the worldwide slowdown. The cost of Obama's severe unconstitutional regulations on the coal industry has significantly added to overhead and subtracted from the bottom line. Coal in different mines may cost more to mine and Appalachian coal mines are deep so there is more expense. The price of coal is also based on its quality and in general the cost per metric ton on average has dropped from $80 to around $40. The quality of Australian coal is better the most American coal, but even without regulations, at the current price, it is hard to make a profit.
Forty percent of American coal companies have filed for bankruptcy. Beside the investors, the miners will certainly suffer. Bankruptcy may effect the contracts Peabody has with the UMWA. Coal mining is a difficult job and Obama's regulations may make it more difficult. Any bankruptcy has a trickle down effect and in the case of coal, railroads will be effected as well because the vast majority of coal is transported by rail to power plants or to seaports for export. Finally, any taxes that Peabody could have paid will now not happen and the effect on any of the other tax paying entities and individuals will also be diminished.
Although many American power plants have begun switching over to cleaner burning natural gas, that is also in abundance, coal fired plants will continue to supply about forty percent of America's electricity. In addition, there are five hundred coal fired plants under construction all over the world. Hopefully, a new administration will revoke the costly and burdensome regulations.
Obama's use of a hoax (that anthropogenic global warming actually exists) has caused an industry that supplies a vital energy resource to declare bankruptcy. His plan to destroy the American economy continues to move forward. Fortunately he only has eight months left.
Friday, April 1, 2016
More Updates: Terror, Hillary, Diet
As of today, four more people, who were injured in the Brussels airport bombing, have died bringing the total dead to 35. At least three of the dead are US citizens and two others long term residents. Two of the three have been identified and were a young couple working in Brussels. It appears that the bombing occurred near a gate of a flight headed to America. This makes it likely that the terrorists targeted Americans. The State Department has been very slow in releasing names of Americans among the injured. We do know that a young Mormon missionary is hospitalized with severe burns and other injuries. Meanwhile Obama is back from his escapade in communist Cuba and Argentina and apparently has contacted the family of the couple that died, but he has spent more time warning about Islamophobia than terror, emphasizing all of the contributions Muslims have made in America. I think their main contribution is that they have significantly infiltrated the Obama administration, holding important positions. Muslim contributions include requiring us to arrive earlier at the airport to be checked by TSA and giving in to special requirements due to Sharia. I don't think there are any positive contributions. He seems to consider Islamophobia a bigger problem than radical Islamic terror, can't even say the later. Meanwhile, he and Hillary Clinton want more unvetted Syrian refugees to come to America. In Pakistan, more than 60 people, mostly women and children, were murdered and 200 injured when Taliban Muslim extremists set off a bomb in a public park in Lahore during an Easter celebration. The Taliban has not only admitted the attack but said they specifically targeted Christians celebrating Easter. The "religion of peace" has not been very peaceful.

The FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton continues to move into a very important stage. The are 147 FBI agents involved in this investigation and interviews and questioning of her immediate staff is up next. The man who set up her server has been given immunity by the FBI as they expect him to be a very important witness. The idiots supportingi her run to be the Democrat nominee for president, say "what difference does it make." Hillary continues to ignore the seriousness of her acts. It will be interesting to see what the media reports, when the FBI recommends an indictment. Lying to the FBI is considered a crime. It remains to be seen, if a pathologic liar like Hillary Clinton can resist lying to the FBI. Often the FBI knows the answer to some of their questions so they will know if she is lying. Judge Starr during the White Water-Filegate-Vince Foster death investigation let her off even though she lied repeatedly during her deposition. She answered "I don't recall" over a hundred times. I don't think that will work this time. Maybe "what difference does it make" will. Yeah, right. If this were a just world, Billy and Chelsea would also be indicted for money laundering, tax evasion, and conspiracy. Who knows they might all look good dressed in orange.
An active volcano, Pavlov, in western Alaska erupted a few days ago sending a tower of ash and gases 35,000 feet up into the air, causing some airline flights to be rerouted. In 2010, Eyjafallajokul erupted for four days over Iceland and affected thousands of flights. It was said that all of the carbon that shot up into the atmosphere from its eruption equaled the entire carbon savings that had occurred the past five years. As it turns out, volcanos despite the carbon they release actually cool the planet. The most common gas that volcanos emit is water vapor, making up better than 90% of the gases. Another gas is sulfur dioxide (SO2). When they combine, sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is formed in very fine droplets at very high altitude and they apparently reflect some of the suns rays just as clouds do and have a cooling effect and this according to some scientists may explain why the Earth's temperature has cooled slightly the past two decades. What it does mean is that our understanding of climate and earth temperature is not a settled issue and there is still much to learn. We can all breath a sigh of relief that our costal areas are not going to experience massive flooding. Nonetheless, Obama is intent on signing the agreement that a bunch of left wing anti capitalist politicians developed in Paris last year to destroy the American economy in the name of climate change. Obama's hate for America is beyond belief.
It has been reported that the USDA plans to fine public schools, if they receive federal money for school lunches, taking away about 10% of the money. Schools will have to serve the lunches that Michelle Obama has picked out. The ones that a University of Nevada study say wind up in the garbage. This is another way the Obamas want to control everyone's life. Who knew that Michelle Obama was a nutritionist and child psychologist? Marie Antoinette said "let them eat cake." Michelle is saying let them eat shit. The real goal is to keep children stupid. Protein and fat are necessary for brain development in children, so children not getting proper nutrition will grow up stupid and continue to vote for Democrats. Imagine a hungry child watching the clock in the afternoon instead of his lessons, anxious to get home and get a snack. Children with working parents will have to wait even longer. It has been said that an army travels on its stomach. If the Obamas haven't done enough to weaken our military, now they are eliminating fried and other favorite foods for our soldiers' mess as they want to hurt morale and prevent new enlistments and reps. Just when you think it couldn't get any worse with the Obamas, it does. I've got an idea, let have the White House chef only serve the Obamas the shitty food that they want everyone else to eat. No more steak, lobster, barbecue, or wine, Michelle. Fire the pastry chef. Guess you can eat vegetables from your garden. Oh, there aren't any as you were too busy going on lavish vacations to tend to it and everything died, too, too bad.

The FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton continues to move into a very important stage. The are 147 FBI agents involved in this investigation and interviews and questioning of her immediate staff is up next. The man who set up her server has been given immunity by the FBI as they expect him to be a very important witness. The idiots supportingi her run to be the Democrat nominee for president, say "what difference does it make." Hillary continues to ignore the seriousness of her acts. It will be interesting to see what the media reports, when the FBI recommends an indictment. Lying to the FBI is considered a crime. It remains to be seen, if a pathologic liar like Hillary Clinton can resist lying to the FBI. Often the FBI knows the answer to some of their questions so they will know if she is lying. Judge Starr during the White Water-Filegate-Vince Foster death investigation let her off even though she lied repeatedly during her deposition. She answered "I don't recall" over a hundred times. I don't think that will work this time. Maybe "what difference does it make" will. Yeah, right. If this were a just world, Billy and Chelsea would also be indicted for money laundering, tax evasion, and conspiracy. Who knows they might all look good dressed in orange.
An active volcano, Pavlov, in western Alaska erupted a few days ago sending a tower of ash and gases 35,000 feet up into the air, causing some airline flights to be rerouted. In 2010, Eyjafallajokul erupted for four days over Iceland and affected thousands of flights. It was said that all of the carbon that shot up into the atmosphere from its eruption equaled the entire carbon savings that had occurred the past five years. As it turns out, volcanos despite the carbon they release actually cool the planet. The most common gas that volcanos emit is water vapor, making up better than 90% of the gases. Another gas is sulfur dioxide (SO2). When they combine, sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is formed in very fine droplets at very high altitude and they apparently reflect some of the suns rays just as clouds do and have a cooling effect and this according to some scientists may explain why the Earth's temperature has cooled slightly the past two decades. What it does mean is that our understanding of climate and earth temperature is not a settled issue and there is still much to learn. We can all breath a sigh of relief that our costal areas are not going to experience massive flooding. Nonetheless, Obama is intent on signing the agreement that a bunch of left wing anti capitalist politicians developed in Paris last year to destroy the American economy in the name of climate change. Obama's hate for America is beyond belief.
It has been reported that the USDA plans to fine public schools, if they receive federal money for school lunches, taking away about 10% of the money. Schools will have to serve the lunches that Michelle Obama has picked out. The ones that a University of Nevada study say wind up in the garbage. This is another way the Obamas want to control everyone's life. Who knew that Michelle Obama was a nutritionist and child psychologist? Marie Antoinette said "let them eat cake." Michelle is saying let them eat shit. The real goal is to keep children stupid. Protein and fat are necessary for brain development in children, so children not getting proper nutrition will grow up stupid and continue to vote for Democrats. Imagine a hungry child watching the clock in the afternoon instead of his lessons, anxious to get home and get a snack. Children with working parents will have to wait even longer. It has been said that an army travels on its stomach. If the Obamas haven't done enough to weaken our military, now they are eliminating fried and other favorite foods for our soldiers' mess as they want to hurt morale and prevent new enlistments and reps. Just when you think it couldn't get any worse with the Obamas, it does. I've got an idea, let have the White House chef only serve the Obamas the shitty food that they want everyone else to eat. No more steak, lobster, barbecue, or wine, Michelle. Fire the pastry chef. Guess you can eat vegetables from your garden. Oh, there aren't any as you were too busy going on lavish vacations to tend to it and everything died, too, too bad.
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