billionaire communist Canadian Maurice Strong must be wringing his hands with glee from his perch in Beijing, where he laughingly serves as environmental advisor to the Communist Chinese government in the most polluted city in the world. Strong found the global warming hoax originator after he was brought into the UN in the 1960s and realized its potential in weakening the economy of the United States and Western Europe. The failure of the Rio Conferences, that he organized, to produce any significant results caused him to change his strategy. He made illegal campaign contributions from both parties throughout the 80's until he found a willing dupe, Al Gore, to lend celebrity to his plan. With the promise of unlimited riches and prestige, Gore was an easy convert and as we have seen, both have come true for him. He won a Nobel Prize and has made $300 million from the hoax.
As I have written before, the global warming hoax was begun in 1956 by an Austrian Nazi who hated America and capitalism as he knew that it was responsible for the defeat and suicide of his beloved Hitler. There was and is no real scientific basis for it. Yet, leftist, media, the general public , and even the Pope have failed to do their homework to research this gigantic hoax and trillions of dollars have been wasted on it. Why, because the message, that it seems to convey, sounds great, save the planet. Now I'm not against clean air and water, but the planet has the ability to take care of itself, especially when it comes to air pollution. There have been several examples of this in my lifetime. The biggest natural "carbon" disaster was Mt. St. Helens massive eruptions. Satellite images showed a cloud of pollution encircling the planet and yet there was no significant change in climate of warming. Similarly the huge cloud of pollution that was the result of Sadam Hussien lighting the Kuwaiti oil fields on fire, didn't result in any change either.
Then why all the interest in global warming now called climate change? Because its not really about the climate at all, but about destroying the American economy. The UN has even proposed the United States contributing an amount equal to our military budget to this absurd cause. Subsidizing renewable energy companies hasn't worked. Heating or cooling from electricity supplied by coal, gas, or oil is relatively cheap. Electric automobiles are costly and the problem of battery life and time of battery charging have yet to be solved. Poor people could not afford any of the electric cars available, Even the Volt was too expensive, especially for a poorly made car. Hybrids are probably the best compromise, though still expensive. The only way that fossil fuel restrictions and limitations work for the poor is subsidies. And who pays for the subsidies? The middle class as usual would pay just as it does for Obamacare subsidies. In Germany $100 billion has been spent on solar power and yet their energy grid on gets 0.3% from solar. Spain has found that it lost three jobs for every two it creates with solar. Though there is solar in the future, it is not there yet.
Now that the polar bear lie has been debunked (since 1975 5000 polar bears world wide have grown to 20,000 with the major cause of premature death is the Inuits being allowed to hunt them). The new claim is that global warming hurts the poor. This lie has hoodwinked even the Pope. In reality, if the planet was a little warmer there would be more crops for food and fewer deaths, as more people worldwide die from cold rather than heat. What really should put an end to all of this ridiculousness, is that astronomers think that a mini ice age is on the way in about 15 to 20 years. As is really the case, the sun is responsible for heating the Earth. Two of three things that involve Earth's temperature include the distance the Earth is from the Sun as it orbits. The other is the Earth's axis in relation to the Sun. The final and maybe the most important involves solar activity. It seems that there is an outer and inner level of activity. When they are in phase temperatures are warmer and when they are out of phase temperatures are cooler. It is not surprising that the Pope has been led into this, because he seems to want to improve the plight of the poor, a good thing. but not understanding the consequences. The Vatican has had a history of being a little behind scientifically, remember it preached that the Sun revolved around the Earth.